Thursday, October 31, 2013

Malaysia moving towards an end of foreign worker recruitment agencies(third parties), wanting employer to directly apply for and employ migrants

On 30/10/2013, question was raised in Malaysian Parliament concerning migrant workers. Some points that were made are as follows. [Extracts for the copy of the Hansard in the Malay language obtained from Malaysian Parliamentary website is also included below] 

Total number of migrant workers in Malaysia is 2.116 million, and this includes undocumented migrant workers that were legalized following the 6P program.

They are currently employed in the following sectors
Employment Sector

Domestic Workers

The 5 main country of origin for documented migrant workers are as follows:-

On undocumented migrants, it was revealed that a total of 1.3 million undocumented workers were registered during the 6P program, of which 503,000 were legalized – became documented workers. [Those not legalized would have been detained and thereafter deported]

A new recruitment policy – no more recruitment agencies but direct dealings with the employer
What is evident is that the Minister is that the government is taking a strong position against Recruitment Agencies encouraging now employers who need workers to directly apply for migrant workers. “ we do not want to entertain again the role played by foreign worker recruitment agencies, rather would allow employers to directly apply, no more through third parties, This is because third parties generally get larger pofits. We do not want to allow what is akin to ‘slave business’ in our country.”

"...kita tidak mahu melayani semula peranan yang dimainkan oleh agensi pengambilan pekerja asing, sebaliknya pihak majikandiizinkan terus memohon, tidak melalui orang ketiga. Ini kerana orang ketiga ini lazimnya  mengaut keuntungan lebih banyak. Kita tidak mahu seolah-olah ada perniagaan hamba abdi berlaku di negara kita...."

Several steps have been taken including that we do not anymore permit foreign worker employment agencies to end their ‘dominance and behaving like kings’

“…beberapa tindakan telah dilakukan termasuk kita tidak lagi mengizinkan agensi-agensi pengambilan pekerja asing bermaharajalela..."

Crime and Migrants
On crime, the Minister said that most crimes are committed by locals, migrant workers may be only accountable for 10 – 15% of crimes.

All jobs have dignity.
Call for a change of perception by Malaysians who should take any kind of work/jobs – white collar or blue collar jobs.

Identification Cards for Migrant Workers
They will be given biometric identification cards, which will also be colour coded to indicate the sector that they are allowed to work in - discouraging movement of migrant workers from one sector to another.

2. Tuang Fong Kui Lun [Bukit Bintang]minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan kedudukan pekerja asing yang berada di negara ini,  pecahan bilangan pekerja dengan izin dan tanpa izin pelbagai negara ehingga 30.9.2013 sertabilangan pemutihan dan apakah langkah untuk mengurangkan penggantungan negara kepada pekerja asing. 

Menteri Dalam Negeri [Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi]:Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada sahabat saya Yang Berhormat Bukit Bintang yang bertanyakan soalan yang agak penting bagi kegunaan untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Saya ingin maklumkan kepada Dewan yang mulia ini dan kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat bahawa Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara atau PLKS yang masih sah dan aktif sehingga tarikh yang ditanya oleh Yang Berhormat adalah seramai 2.116 juta orang. Jumlah ini termasuk PATI yang telah diputihkan dan dikeluarkan PLKS di bawah program 6P yang lalu.

Mengikut pecahan saya ingin sebutkan secara ringkas bahawa:
Sektor pekerjaan
Jumlah (orang)

Pembantu rumah

Dari segi negeri yang tertinggi. Terdapat lima buahnegeri yang tertinggi yang membekalkan pekerja antaranya ialah:
Jumlah (orang)

Untuk statistik pendatang Tanpa Izin. Kementerian tidak mempunyai rekod yang rasmi tetapi kita boleh menjangkakan jumlah keseluruhannya kerana mengikut Program 6P yang dilakukan sebelum ini terdapat 1.3 juta PATI yang telah didaftarkan dan daripada jumlah berkenaan seramai 503,000 telah pun diputihkan

Apabila tempoh 6P itu tamat, kementerian Dalam Negeri dengan penyelarasan bersama kementerian-kementerian lain termasuk Kementerian Sumber Manusia dan Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet mengenai PATI yang telah mengadakan beberapa keputusan yang telah melancarkan operasi baru iaitu Ops Bersepadu yang telah dimulakan pada 1 September yang lalu. Jelas daripada apa yang telah dilakukan, beberapa tindakan telah dilakukan termasuk kita tidak lagi mengizinkan agensi-agensi pengambilan pekerja asing bermaharajalela. 

Kita meminta mana-mana majikan yang tertipu supaya mengemukakan permohonan terus kepada Jabatan Imigresen dan mengemukakan bukti penipuan yang dilakukan termasuklah kononnya mereka telah membayar levi dan membayar lain-lain caj perkhidmatan kepada agensi pengambilan pekerja asing berkenaan untuk kita ambil tindakan. Dengan langkah itu kita harap kebergantungan kita terhadap pekerja asing dapat dikurangkan. 

Saya harap Tuan Yang di-Pertua, di dalam Dewan yangmulia ini untuk rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya, bukan sahaja Ahli Yang Berhormat diDewan yang mulia ini tetapi saya yakin ramai di kalangan rakyat Malaysia di luar sana yangmenonton siaran langsung ini. Saya ingin memberitahu ubahlah sikap. Sikap kebergantungan kepada pekerja asing. Yang kedua, kita minta tenaga kerja di Malaysia ubah sikap supaya mengambil peluang pekerja yang sedia ada. 

Bayangkanlah kita tidak mahu menjadi sebuah negara  yang penduduknya cuma 900,000 ribu tetapi mempunyai pekerja asing seramai 3.5 juta orang.

Ertinya kebergantungan kepada pekerja asing ini telah menyebabkan ekonomi ini adalah ekonomi yang  bubble.Dalam keadaan itu, beberapa langkah yang lain yangkita ambil antaranya kita mengadakan job clearing system bersama-sama dengan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia, Kementerian sumber Manusia. Dengan semua kementerian-kementerian berkaitan yang memberikan pengesahan untuk pengambilan pekerja-pekerja asing terutamanya dalam sektor perkhidmatan dan sektor perkilangan agar tenaga kerja tempatan dapat diberikan keutamaan. 

Manakala agensi kawal selia mengikut sektor masing-masing juga dirundingkan agar syarat  tertentu pengambilan pekerja asing ini dapat dipatuhi sepenuhnya. Kita juga menetapkan had umur pekerja asing hendaklah sekitar hanya daripada 18 hingga 45 tahun sahaja umur mereka. Kita juga tentunya bekerjasama dengan pihak MITI dan lain-lain juga melakukan kerja-kerja secara automasi bagi mengelakkan tenaga kerja asing dielakkan. Di samping itu saya harap semua pihak mengambil langkah positif untuk tidak menganggap blue-collar job, dengan izin sebagai pekerjaan yang tidak memberikan pulangan yang baik. Sebaliknya semua peluang pekerjaan sama ada berkolar putih atau berkolar biru harus dianggap sebagai kerja yang  halalan toyyibansupaya kita dapat memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat negara kita ini. 

Tuan Fong Kui Lun [Bukit Bintang]:Terima kasih Tuan Yang di-Pertua, soalan tambahan. Lambakan pekerja asing sudah menjadi satuancam dan beban bagi negara dari segi keselamatan, jenayah, sosial, kebersihan, ekonomi dan sebagainya tetapi kerajaan gagal bertindak mengatasinya. Rakyat bimbang ia menjadi barah yang sukar dibendung bila dasar kerajaan tidak konsisten untuk menyekat kemasukan baru pekerja asing seperti dari Bangladesh mahupun Kemboja. Satu pihak kata sekat dan satu pihak kata  dibenarkan masuk. Soalan saya, apakah agenda sebenarnya kerajaan terhadap pekerja asing atau mengubah dasar dan syarat menjadi lebih tegas? Sejauh mana amalan rasuah dikesan berlaku dalam isu pekerja asing ini? Minta penjelasan, terima kasih. 

Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi:Yang Berhormat, saya ingin menyebutkan bahawa kadar jenayah yang dilakukan oleh pekerja asing hanya sekitar antara 10% hingga 15% sahaja, ertinya jangan salahkan 100% kepada pekerja asing. Pelaku-pelaku jenayah adalah rakyat tempatan. Yang Berhormat harus bekerjasama dengan saya untuk pembanterasan itu. Begitu juga agenda yang lebih tegas, saya fikir bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini bukan agenda pihak kerajaan sahaja. Bila ada permintaan tentu ada penawaran. 

Di dalam keadaan ini saya fikir apa yang harus kitalakukan, kita mesti mempunyai satu pelan jangka panjang yang perlu dibahaskan di dalam Dewan yang mulia ini dengan semua agensi-agensi dan pihak swasta supaya mereka juga mengakui hakikat bahawa keutamaan hendaklah diberikan kepada rakyat tempatan. Soal rasuah yang berlaku di dalam soal pengambilan pekerja asing ini, kalau Yang Berhormatmempunyai maklumat beritahu saya. Saya tidak akan pernah berkompromi dengan rasuah-rasuah,sama ada dilakukan oleh pegawai-pegawai di Kementerian Dalam Negeri atau oleh Jabatan Imigresen, jika ada atau mana-mana agensi serta individu yang mengaku mewakili KDN. Sila beri maklumat. Bukan sahaja kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat Bukit Bintang sahaja, kepada semua Ahli Yang Berhormat di Dewan yang mulia ini, saya tidak akan kompromi. Tindakan akan saya lakukan dengan kadar segera, terima kasih. 

Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad [Mersing]:  Tuan Yang di-Pertua, lama sudah tunggu hendak tanya soalan tambahan pada bos lama. Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya hendak tarik perhatian Ahli-ahli Dewan, ada satu manifesto yang diwujudkanoleh Pakatan Rakyat jika mereka memerintah. Nasib baik mereka tidak memerintah iaitu manifesto Pakatan Rakyat berbunyi mewujudkan 1 juta peluang pekerjaan baru oleh rakyat Malaysia dengan cara mengurangkan 1 juta pekerja asing dalam sektor yang telah dinyatakan oleh Yang Berhormat Menteri sebentar tadi. 

Jadi, dalam kata mudah buang semua pekerja asing 1  juta bawa pekerja baru rakyat Malaysia ganti di sektor perladangan, pembinaan dansektor perkhidmatan. Adakah cadangan Pakatan Rakyat yang amat cerdik ini boleh dilaksanakan kerana Mersing lama juga duduk dalam Jawatankuasa Pekerja Asing yang dipengerusikan YangAmat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Jadi, saya hendak tanya Yang Berhormat Menteri, boleh atau tidak?  [Dewan riuh]Oleh sebab itu tidak bagi peluang. 

Kedua, antara halalan toyyibanini, yang halal dengan yang jadi tanpa izin ini amat mudah. Mereka tukar sektor sahaja ia sudah jadi haram. Saya hendak tanya sedikit kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri mengenai teknikal sedikit fasal levi kerana pungutan levi kepada pekerja asing agak banyak. 

Bila mereka sudah menjadi tidak tanpa izin, adakah mereka ini berhak mengeluarkan levi dan apakah proses untuk mengeluarkan levi ini mengambil kira setelah mereka betul-betul keluar daripada negara kerana ini adalah melibatkan pengaliran dana negara? Terima kasih. 

Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi:Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya mengalu-alukan ucapan kalau bukan soalan daripada Yang Berhormat Mersing, mantan Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan ketika saya menjadi Menteri Pertahanan.  Jadi  insya-Allahakan naik semula sebagai Menteri. [Dewan riuh] 

Mengenai manifesto Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengurangkan pekerja asing, saya ingin menyebutkan bahawa manifesto itu baik. Akan tetapi seolah-olah seperti mengecat langit dan tidak berpijak di bumi yang nyata kerana tidak dapat dilaksanakan.  [Tepuk]Hanya kira-kira 15% sahaja manifesto yang telah dilontarkan dalam Pilihan Raya2008 telah dapat dilaksanakan sehingga Pilihan Raya 2013. Ertinya dengan izin, manifesto rubbish. [Tepuk]Jadi dalam perkara ini saya fikir janganlah buat janji baru dan saya fikir... 

Tuan M. Kulasegaran [Ipoh Barat]:Manifesto konkrit itu. 

Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi: Apa yang penting Yang Berhormat Ipoh Barat, kita hendaklah melakukan manifesto berdasarkan kepada realiti. Kita harap apa yang dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan akan memuaskan hati semua pihak dan saya rasional dalam perkara ini sama ada bagi memenuhi kehendak pihak kerajaan ataupun pihak pembangkang. Apa yang penting ialah rakyat keseluruhannya supaya mendapat faedah.

Soalan yang kedua mengenai penukaran sektor. Ramai  di kalangan pekerja asing ini menukar sektor. Saya ambil contoh, daripada sektor  perladangan tukar kepada sektor perkhidmatan kerana sektor perkhidmatan menjanjikan gaji yang lebih. Apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri dengan kerjasama Jabatan Imigresen dan juga Kementerian Sumber Manusia ialah memberikan kad biometrik. Kad pengenalan yang bercirikan biometrik dan juga ada  bar codeyang menandakan perbezaan warna kad berkenaan. Ambil contoh umpamanya dalam sektor perladangan, hijau umpamanya. Sektor perkhidmatan, biru muda umpamanya. Sektor perhotelan, merah umpamanya tetapi sektor lain warna biru. Dalam keadaan itu, levi yang dikenakan adalah berdasarkan kepada sektor-sektor berkenaan. Namun, jika mereka bertukar sektor contoh MoU yang telah ditandatangani dengan kerajaan Bangladesh jika pekerja mereka bertukar sektor, dendanya ialah sebanyak USD10,000. 

Ini adalah bagi menentukan bahawa hanya sektor-sektor tertentu sahaja yang dipenuhi. Kita mahu supaya siling-siling tertentu dapat dipatuhi oleh majikan-majikan dan saya harap negara-negara sumber dapat mematuhi garis-garis panduan yang telah ditentukan. 

Itulah sebabnya kita tidak mahu melayani semula peranan yang dimainkan oleh agensi pengambilan pekerja asing, sebaliknya pihak majikan diizinkan terus memohon, tidak melalui orang ketiga. Ini kerana orang ketiga ini lazimnya  mengaut keuntungan lebih banyak. Kita tidak mahu seolah-olah ada perniagaan hamba abdi berlaku di negara kita.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Former Immigration DG guilty and sentenced to six years prison and RM300,000 fine

It is very disturbing when the highest officer of Malaysia's Immigration is found guilty of corruption. It raises much concern at the extend of corruption in the immigration departments and other government departments.

It reminds us also how a former Malaysian Inspector General of Police was also similarly found guilty for assaulting a detainee...

I do hope that on appeal, the decision will not be reversed...

Malaysians' confidence that this government is serious about fighting corruption needs much work to be restored.

Published: Wednesday October 30, 2013 MYT 12:53:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday October 30, 2013 MYT 1:42:11 PM

Former Immigration Department D-G found guilty by judge that previously acquitted him

Former Immigration Department director-general Datuk Wahid Md Don.
Former Immigration Department director-general Datuk Wahid Md Don.

PUTRAJAYA: Former Immigration Department director-general Datuk Wahid Md Don has been convicted on Wednesday by the same Session Court judge that had earlier acquitted him.

Sessions Court judge Rosbiahanin Arifin found Wahid guilty of corruption involving visa applications for 4,337 Bangladeshis, and sentenced him to six years prison and a RM300,000 fine.

She found that the defence had failed to raise reasonable doubt, as it's argument was mere a after thought.

Judge Rosbiahanin also impeached Wahid's evidence, meaning she agreed with the prosecution's stand that the contradictions between Wahid's statement to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and his testimony in court made him a suspect witness.

The decision came as an about turn, as Judge Rosbiahanin had acquitted Wahid of his charges at the end of the prosecution stage on Oct 15 2010.

The MACC had appealed against the decision, but on May 31 last year, the Kuala Lumpur High Court upheld Judge Rosbiahanin's judgement that the prosecution had failed to establish a prima facie case.

However, the case was remitted to the same Sessions Judge when the Court of Appeal allowed the MACC's appeal.

The panel lead by Justice Abu Samah Nordin unanimously found that Judge Rosbiahanin had erred in her finding that the presumption of Wahid's corruption could be rebutted without hearing his defense.

Wahid, 59, was first charged on Aug 19, 2008, with agreeing to accept a RM60,000 bribe from businessman Datuk Low Chang Hian as part payment to expedite the approval of visa applications for 4,337 Bangladeshis, to enable them to enter Malaysia.

He is accused of committing the offence at Jalan Lembah Ledang, off Jalan Duta here, at 10.15pm on July 10, 2008, while still a director-general.

Counsel Datuk V. Sithambaram on Wednesday applied for a stay of execution against the jail time and fine, pending an appeal against the Session Court's decision.

However, Judge Rosbiahanin denied both points of the stay application, despite MACC legal and prosecution division director Datuk Abdul Razak Musa only objecting to the stay of jail time.

Sithambaram had filed for an appeal to the High Court against the trial judge's decision.

He told reporters that he would be applying to the High Court for a stay of execution and to bail his client, but in the interim, Wahid would be sent to Kajang prison.

Wahid, who served 35 years in Government service, had since retired. - Star, 30/10/2013, Former Immigration Department D-G found guilty by judge that previously acquitted him

Why cut tax rates of very rich - this really must be increased.

It is absurd for the government to reduce amount of taxes paid by the rich...the very rich, i.e. those whose chargeable personal income is more than RM50,000 per annum.[Note the table deals with "chargeable personal income", i.e. actual income less all them tax exemptions]

Note that the reduction for those whose chargeable personal income of up to RM50,000 was reduced only 1%, but for those very rich it was reduced so much more. Why? Let us look at the amount of reduction, i.e. % of reduction

RM50,000 - 70,000   - 3%
RM70,000 - 100,000 - 3%
RM100,000 - 250,000 - 2%
RM250,000 - 400,000 - 1.5%
RM400,000 and more - 1%

This is indicative of the fact that this BN government is yet again helping the very rich... 


Rightly, at this time when Malaysia is suffering 'financially' so much so subsidies from sugar and cooking oil, amongst others are being removed, taxation of the richer Malaysian should be increased....

What I would propose is that:-

1. For those with chargeable personal income RM20,001 - RM35,000, tax rate should be 3%
2. For those with chargeable personal income RM35,001 - RM50,000, tax rate should be 10%

3, Now for those with chargeable personal income more than RM50,000, it should be higher

RM50,000 - 70,000   - 15%
RM70,000 - 100,000 - 20%
RM100,000 - 250,000 - 25%
RM250,000 - 400,000 - 30%
RM400,000 - 600,000 - 35%
RM600,000 - RM1,000,000 - 40%
Above RM1 million - 50% 

There really is no justification for the reduction of the tax rates of the really rich on account of the introduction of GST or for any other reason.

Money from income tax is used by the government to expend on matters for the entire population... making even introducing no GST for telecommunication, and maybe even radio/TV which are really essentials today in Malaysia. It could also be used to subsidize cooking oil and sugar.

Handphones is a necessity as the government failed to ensure adequate public phones...Even many of the ones that are around are not maintained. 
TV - today thanks to Malaysian governments failings, we really have no choice by to rely on ASTRO Satelite TV. Surely Malaysians should not be required to pay GST for this.

The source of the table above is a Malaysiakini article, which is also included for your reading pleasure

Malaysia should also consider increasing personal taxes, and guarantee that Malaysians would always have free universal healthcare, free education (inclusive of tertiary education in Malaysia), unemployment benefits, old age welfare and benefits(maybe even guaranteed monthly payments for old folks who do not get pensions and have no other source of income/support - noting that the days when parents could depend on their children are fast disappearing. Even government initiated housing schemes do not take into account a room for elderly parents/relatives..)

New income tax structure savings won't offset GST
  • Aidila Razak
  • 7:47AM Oct 29, 2013
Savings that households stand to make with the introduction of the new income tax structure proposed in Budget 2014 are not likely to offset the amount paid when the Goods and Services Tax kicks in beginning April 2015.

However, according to Chartered Tax Institute Malaysia president SM Thaneermalai, this is to be expected as the government would not have introduced the GST, unless it meant more revenue.

"We must accept that by introducing the GST, the government will be making more in tax revenue," Thaneermalai said when contacted.

Malaysiakini estimates that for some income brackets, the amount of GST to be paid annually can be almost three times the amount of savings made under the new income tax structure, depending on the income level.

Using consumption data published in the Bank Negara Malaysia 2012 annual report, it can be extrapolated that those in the middle income - the RM4,000 to RM5,000 a month income bracket - may pay around RM200 to RM260 in GST per month.

This means they will pay between RM2,400 and RM3,120 in GST annually, but only save RM1,050 under the new income tax structure.
However, this does not take into account savings that may be made from the scrapping of the sales and services tax. The government argues that some goods will be cheaper as a result.

This also does not take into account food items such as meat, fish and vegetables, which mostly have zero GST. However, Bank Negara estimates that a great bulk of spending by those in this income bracket is not on food.

In addition, those in the RM4,000-RM5,000 bracket pay more GST, as a proportion of their income, compared with those earning higher than RM5,000 a month.

Likewise, they will pay less GST as a proportion of their income, compared with a person earning RM4,000 and below.

The same finding was found by Penang Institute fellows Lim Kim Hwa and Ooi Pei Qi in their study published earlier this month.

Although their research used a GST rate of seven percent - one percent higher than that proposed by the government last Friday - a similar pattern can be found with GST at six percent.

Who to pay the most GST?

Using the Department of Statistics household expenditure survey, the Penang state think-tank also found that these households with the following profile will pay a higher GST as a proportion of their income:
  • Single person
  • Young (aged less than 24 years old)
  • Bumiputera
  • Clerical workers, skilled agricultural and fishery workers
By the same measure, households that meet the following profile will be the largest contributors to the government's GST revenue:
  • Chinese-led households
  • Head of household aged between 35 and 44 years
  • Professionals, managers, senior officers and legislators
NONEMeanwhile, Thaneermalai pointed out that in the initial stages, the middle and lower income groups would be beneficiaries of about RM5 billion in welfare aid and tax breaks to cushion the GST blow.

"The estimate revenue from GST at six percent is RM8 billion, but we cannot forget the reduction in income tax, tax breaks for those earning RM8,000 and below, the expansion of the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia and the RM300 additional one-off assistance to those already receiving BR1M.

"For 2014-15, the government will be paying roughly RM5 billion, bringing the (initial) net effect of the GST to about RM3 to RM4 billion," he said.

Thaneermalai said what people needed to accept was that government would not put everybody through the pain of the GST if it did not mean more money in the coffers by implementing it.

"So, on the revenue side, things are looking better for the government but it will have to watch the spending side," he said.


Monday, October 28, 2013


19/9/2013 - Lena Hendry was charged in court
Next court date: 7/11/2013  [Make sure that you come to court to express solidarity and support for Lena Hendry]

Joint Statement – 2/10/2013(as of 15/10/2013)


We, the  116  undersigned  civil society groups, trade unions and organizations are shocked that the Malaysian government, after the recent General Election has resorted to charging human rights defender Lena Hendry on 19 September 2013 for being involved in the screening of a documentary "No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka" at a human rights event in Kuala Lumpur on  9 July 2013.
Lena Hendry was charged for an offence under the Film Censorship Act 2002, in connection with the screening of a video  which  was not  vetted and approved by the Film Censorship Board of Malaysia. If convicted, she faces the sentence of a ‘…fine of not less than five thousand ringgit and not more than thirty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both…’ She is charged under Section 6 of the Act that makes it an offence to, amongst others, to produce, manufacture, have in one’s possession, circulate, distribute and display such film or film-publicity material which has not been approved by the Board. This may include video material ranging from family videos, videos of political and human rights material including recordings of forums and speeches, videos about citizen rights including the right to free and fair elections or worker rights, and even videos about rights violations in other countries including Palestine.
A ‘…videotape, diskette, laser disc, compact disc, hard disc and other record of a sequence of visual images, being a record capable of being used as a means of showing that sequence as a moving picture, whether or not accompanied by sound…”, is also included in the definition of ‘film’ as provided for in Section 3 of the Film Censorship Act. It is absurd that in Malaysia, the law requires one to get approval of the Malaysia’s Film Censorship Board for all such material.

The Act is also discriminatory as it does not apply, amongst others, to “...any film sponsored by the Federal Government or the Government of any State...”. The government does not need to obtain approval from the Censorship Board, but everyone else is expected to do so. 

At present, the practice of getting approval from the Film Censorship Board usually applies to films screened in cinemas and cineplexes to a paying audience. Even when it comes to television, it is believed that there may be no pre-requirement for getting approval from the Censorship Board for all that is shown except for feature movies.

The charging of Lena Hendry in September 2013 by the Malaysia government is seen as an effort to limit access to information and alternative views particularly those highlighting human rights violations and alternative perspectives. This violates individual and civil society and public rights to information, freedom of expression and opinion. 

If the screening and usage of such material incites a criminal act, or violates another person’s rights, there are existing laws to address this. There is no requirement for any prior government approval or ‘censorship’.

In Reporters Without Borders’ 2013 World Press Freedom Index, Malaysia has fallen to its lowest-ever position because of the decreasing access to information. Malaysia embarrassingly dropped 23 places, and now ranks 145 out of 179.

Article 1 of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms states clearly that “Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote and to strive for the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at  national and international levels.”
Lena Hendry, has the right to ‘…freely  publish, impart or disseminate to others views, information and knowledge on all human rights and fundamental freedoms…’, and that should include the right to use films, documentaries and other video materials. 
To advocate a policy or a law that says that film or video material must be pre-approved by the government before it can be used is in itself a violation of principles of human rights and the UN Human Rights Defender Declaration. 
Therefore, we
a)    Call on the Malaysian Government to immediately and unconditionally drop the criminal charges against Lena Hendry;

b)    Call for the repeal of provisions in the Film Censorship Act 2002 that obligates persons to seek approval of the government vis-à-vis the Film Censorship Board before a film, videotape, diskette, laser disc, compact disc, hard disc and other record of a sequence of visual images can be used;

c)  Call on the Malaysian government to recognize, promote and respect human rights, including those contained in the UN Human Rights Defenders Declaration
Charles Hector
Pranom Somwong
For and on behalf the 116 organisations listed below
All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Malaysia
Angkatan Rakyat Muda (ARM), Malaysia
Aksi  For Gender, Social And Ecological Justice, Indonesia
ASEAN Youth Assembly
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, law and Development (APWLD)
Academy of Tamil Studies, Malaysia
Boat People SOS
Burma Partnership
Cambodian Human Rights Association ( ADHOC )
Campaign for a Life of Dignity for All (KAMP), Philippines
Civil Right Committee of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Malaysia
Center for Orang  Asli Concerns (COAC), Malaysia
Centre of Education. Research and Development (CEDAR) Malaysia
Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia
Child Development Initiative Malaysia
Committee for a Workers' International (CWI), Malaysia
Community Action Network, Malaysia
Community Resource Centre
Council of Temples Malaysia
Dapur Jalanan Kuala Lumpur
Dignity International
Empower Foundation, Thailand
Federation of Indian Non-Governmental Organisations
Foundation for Women, Thailand
Friends of Burma, Chiang Mai
Gabungan Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Masyarakat India Selangor
Gender and Development Advocates (GANDA) Filipinas
Group of Concerned Citizens Malaysia
Human Rights Ambassador for, UK
Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) Indonesia
Indian Malaysian Active Generation (IMAGE) Malaysia
Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) , Malaysia
JERIT, Malaysia
Kelab Bangsar Utama, Malaysia
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja Pekerja Perusahaan Alat Alat Pengangkutan Dan Sekutu(NUTEAIW)
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia (KSIEWSSM)
Kuala Lumpur Indian Entrepreneurs and Professionals
Law and Society Trust, Colombo Sri Lanka
LLG Cultural Development Centre, Malaysia
MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
Malaysian Association of Indian University Graduates
Malaysian Dravidian Association
Malaysians for Beng Hock
Malaysian Hindu Youth Council
Malaysian Indian Business Association
Malaysian Indian Development & Unity Association
Malaysian Indian Entrepreneurs and Professionals
Malaysian Indian Historical Association
Malaysia Indian Progressive Educational Society
Malaysian Indian Youth Development Foundation
Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility
Malaysia Youth & Students Democratic Movement
Malaysia Tamil Artiste Association
MAP Foundation, Thailand
MARUAH, Singapore
Migrant CARE
MTUC(Malaysian Trade Union Congress) Pahang
National Union of Bank Employees, Malaysia (NUBE)
Nationwide Human Development And Research Centre Malaysia
Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia ( NAMM)
Network for Democracy and Development
Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)
Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
Pax Romana ICMICA
Peace Institute of Cambodia
Peace Women Across the Globe Indonesia
Peoples' Empowerment Foundation (PEF), Thailand
Peoples Service Organisation (PSO) , Malaysia
Perkumpulan Tafena Tabua, Kupang - Indonesia
Persahabatan Semparuthi Johore, Malaysia 
Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM KL & Selangor
Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER)
Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita, Selangor (PSWS), Malaysia
Projek Dialog, Malaysia
SABM Melbourne, Australia
Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee, Malaysia
SALT(School of Acting Justly Loving Tenderly and Treading Humbly), Malaysia
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association
Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
Selangor Indian Entrepreneurs and Professionals
Semparuthi Iyakkam Malaysia
Sisters In Islam, Malaysia
SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia)
Tenaganita, Malaysia
The Asian Muslim Action Network (Aman) Indonesia
The Association of Women Lawyers, Malaysia
The Filipino Women's Organization in Quebec, Canada
VIVAT International-Indonesia
WH4C (Workers Hub For Change)
Women's Centre for Change (WCC) Penang
Women's Network for the Advancement and Peace, Thailand
Women's Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) Nepal
World Tamil Federation – Malaysian Chapter
Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI), Malaysia
Yaung Chi Oo Workers Association, Thailand
Yayasan LINTAS NUSA Batam - Indonesia
Youth for Peace Cambodia
Advocacy and Policy Institute (API), Cambodia
Labour Behind the Lablel, United Kingdom
Forum for Democracy in Burma
Bersihkan Malaysia Perth, Australia
Women's Aid Organisation, Malaysia
WAC, Phillipines
Housing Rights Task Force, Cambodia.
NLD LA Malaysia
Tourism Employees Association of Maldives" (TEAM)
CEREAL (Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral)
Cividep India
Think Centre, Singapore
Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Polyplastics Asia Pacific, Malaysia
PROHAM -Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia