Sunday, June 22, 2008




- Install CCTV with recording capabilities

to ensure rights be respected and abuses end -

MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) is shocked at the allegation that persons arrested by the police were beaten up and sexually abused, including being forced to perform oral sex on one another at the Kajang police station. (Malaysiakini, 20/6/2008 “Detainees claim forced oral sex in lock-up”). One of the victims was a juvenile.

What was even more shocking was that the same officer allegedly, after a complaint was made to the Magistrate, did again torture the detainee-victims because “…they informed the magistrate about it…” It was reported that the victims’ lawyer did say that the alleged perpetrator/s“…then made them lick his boots, sprayed Ridsect (insect repellent) on their face and they were beaten up with pipes…"

MADPET also wonders whether the Magistrate, after receiving the complaint, did cause immediate investigation to be commenced about the alleged torture, for any failure on the part of the Magistrate to act speedily should also be investigated.

In many of the police stations in Malaysia, especially in the lock-up areas and interrogation rooms, apparently there are close-circuit television (CCTV) installed but unfortunately it does not have any recording capacity. If there was recording capacity, then investigation would have proceeded speedily, and the perpetrator/s would have been easily identified.

There has just been too many deaths in custody, and allegations about police torture in Malaysia, and that makes it imperative that all police stations, including lock-ups and interrogation rooms, be immediately equipped with CCTV, with recording capabilities. This would definitely ensure that rights of those arrested and detained are respected and protected. It would also definitely deter incidents of torture and even killing.

In Hong Kong, lawyers of accused persons have access to these recordings. It can then be determined whether rights provided for in law have been accorded to a particular person, and also to confirm that has been no torture, threat, promise or other non-permissible actions.

MADPET is also disappointed that Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)’s response to this complaint, as reported, was to just send letters to get details of the arrests and the remand.

SUHAKAM should have immediately gone down to the venue of the alleged torture, and started gathering evidence. Being a police station, many potential witnesses may not be accessible later, and there is definitely the real possibility of witness tampering by the perpetrators, more so when they are police officers.

MADPET reiterates the call that the government immediately set up The Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), as was intended and proposed by 2 Royal Commissions. We do not need any other kind of “IPCMC”.

MADPET calls for an urgent investigation into this allegation of torture, and that the perpetrator/s be thereafter charged and tried in open court. Any other internal form of discipline is not acceptable.

Charles Hector

N. Surendran

for Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET)

21st June 2008

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