Sunday, April 04, 2010

Should we cut education subsidies in Malaysia?

What are the items that the Malaysian Government is currently subsidizing? And, should these subsidies be removed? Why is the government subsidizing these items? To ensure that the prices of these items are low so that the people in Malaysia can afford to purchase them. It must be noted that subsidies are usually for the bare essentials.

Education - how much is each student subsidized? At primary schools? At Secondary schools? At Universities locally? At Universities overseas?
- Subsidies ensure that all students only need to pay a nominal school fee/exam fee & school books are also provided free. [You want more books - buy it. You want some private school, where you pay fees of RM2,000 per semester - go ahead.] 
- Should education subsidies be removed? NO
- Maybe, we should cut down subsidies/monies spend for those going overseas for education - given the fact that Malaysia today has more than sufficient local universities. Maybe, the courses should be restricted to those not available locally - and maybe for post-graduate degrees only. It is far cheaper to hire top grade professors to teach at local universities than sending hundreds thousands of students overseas...


  1. Pendapat saya adalah tidak wajar mengurangkan subsidi pendidikan di Malaysia. Ini kerana masih ramai lagi rakyat miskin yang tidak mampu membiayai pendidikan anak-anak untuk meneruskan pembelajaran. Kalau subsidi dikurangkan, janganlah kurangkan pada murid-murid sekolah rendah dan menengah. Walaupun kita mempunyai IPTA yang baik untuk melanjutkan pelajaran untuk meneruskan pengajian, sebenarnya kita masih perlu ilmu dari luar negara dalam mendidik cerdik pandai di negara kita dan saya setuju dengan konsep memanggil ramai professor untuk berkongsi ilmu di negara kita berbanding dengan menghantar ramai undergrad ke luar negara. Keluar negara tu hanya patut diberi kepada sesiapa yang melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat pascasiswazah.

  2. In fact, I don't think top level professors will come to local universities for teaching or researching; the research level of local universities is not that attractive.

  3. Hi Charles,

    I noticed that the government gave out quite a lot of scholarships sending students to study abroad. If there are sufficient universities in Malaysia, why didn't the government just let these students study in local universities rather than spending extras for what we have here.

    I understand if some subjects are not offered in local universities, but most students studied what was easily available locally still gets send overseas. I find this a very wasteful of the Tax payers money.

    *Just thought to bring this up even though there it is not directly related to your article.

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  6. Subsidi pendidikan tidak patut dipotong. Ia sepatutnya disubsidi sepenuhnya untuk menawarkan pendidikan percuma pada tahap sekolah rendah dan menengah kerajaan.

    Yang lain seperti biasiswa hanya diberikan kepada mereka yang layak dari segi merit dan pendapatan keluarga untuk melanjutkan pelajaran.

  7. Probably, your original viewpoints are correct enough! It will much more cheaper to hire top grade professors to teach at local universities than sending hundreds or even thousands of academic students overseas. As far as I know, 78% of them utilize online research writing services for any academic needs!
