Friday, September 23, 2016

PKR MP Shamsul Iskandar should explain why apparently only 5 questions at last Parliamentary session?

In the last Parliamentary session, sadly PKR MP  Shamsul Iskandar bin Mohd Akin, also a PKR Vice President, seems to have only asked 5 questions for an oral response when he could have asked 10 questions. Why did this happen? Maybe, an explanation should be made. Was our perusal of parliamentary response wrong? Was some questions rejected? 

If you did not have any questions, MPs could ask their constituencies, civil society groups and others. For example, we still do not know the number of persons detained under Detention Without Trial laws like Prevention of Crime Act (POCA)? How many have been detained for less than 2 years, 2 years or more? How many of these were suspected criminals who could have been charged in court but was not because there was insufficient evidence to ensure convictions?

In every session of Parliament, a Member of Parliament can ask 10 questions for oral answers, and 5 questions for written answers. We looked at the last parliamentary session that started on 16/5/2016 and ended on 26/5/2016. The questions for oral answers would be listed in the daily agenda for the day - the 'Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat', so we will be able to determine whether a MP has put in the said 10 questions, and what were the questions raised. Now, if there is no time for oral answers to be given, then written answers will be furnished.

In Malaysia, it is very different to get answers from the government, and one sure way to get a response is through Parliamentary questions - it may not be a full answer, but at least it will be an answer.

See earlier relevant posts:-

Why no record of written questions and answers in Malaysian parliament website?

26 Pakatan MPs who were absent when POTA was passed in Parliament should resign?

Members of Parliament(MP) who fail to utilize the right to ask these 15 questions 'betrays' the people and/or fails to fulfill their duties as MPs. Unfortunately, we do not have the list of questions for written answers that were submitted listed in the Parliamentary website.

Most of the time, most of these questions for oral answers will not receive an oral response - so, all that the MPs get will be a written response. Now, sadly many of these MPs, even after they get the government response, they do not share it with the people - No transparency and accountability. The probable reason may be laziness - but really this is no excuse when we are all fighting for greater accountability and transparency of governments in Malaysia. 

The relevant politicians should really have a website/blog where they good easily place all the questions asked, and responses received - which could be easily accessed by constituents and the general public easily. Facebook is also OK but the problem is that access to earlier posts not so easy, compared to websites/blogs.

Alternatively, the relevant political parties could highlight all the questions and answers received in their websites. 

22 (4)  Seseorang  ahli  tidak  boleh  bertanya  lebih daripada  10  pertanyaan  bagi  Jawapan  Lisan  dan tidak  lebih  daripada  5  pertanyaan  bagi  Jawapan Bertulis  dalam  mana-mana  satu  mesyuarat  Majlis. -PERATURAN-PERATURAN  MAJLIS MESYUARAT  DEWAN  RAKYAT

As a sample, we will look at PKR MP Shamsul Iskandar bin Mohd Akin [Bukit Katil], and found that he seems to have only asked 5 questions. I perused the Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat for 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 and 26th May 2016 as available in the Malaysian Paliamentary Website. There is a possibility that I missed some of his questions, and I hope someone will mention that in my comment. Please go to verify this.


Tuan Shamsul Iskandar bin Mohd Akin [ Bukit Katil ] minta MENTERI DALAM NEGERI menyatakan berapakah permit dan lesen senjata api yang telah dikeluarkan kepada Syarikat Nilai Arms and Ammunition Sdn. Bhd. sejak Januari 2013 hingga April 2016, serta apakah kategori serta jenis senjata api tersebut.

76. PR-1342-L74874
Tuan  Shamsul  Iskandar  bin  Mohd  Akin  [  Bukit  Katil  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan statistik terkini insiden kemiskinan mengikut kumpulan etnik,  strata  dan  negeri  setakat  April  2016  serta  kesan  inflasi  daripada perlaksanaan  GST  terhadap  insiden  kemiskinan,  yang  boleh  menyebabkan kegagalan komitmen Kerajaan di dalam memenuhi kehendak Agenda Global 2030.  

127. PR-1342-L74886
Tuan  Shamsul  Iskandar  bin  Mohd  Akin  [  Bukit  Katil  ] minta MENTERI TENAGA, TEKNOLOGI HIJAU DAN  AIR menyatakan tindakan Kementerian terhadap  Tenaga  Nasional  Berhad  berdasarkan  pelbagai  aduan  rakyat  di Facebook TNB Careline yang memaparkan kemarahan rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung beban kenaikan bil elektrik lewat kebelakangan ini.  

Tuan  Shamsul  Iskandar  bin  Mohd  Akin  [  Bukit  Katil  ] minta MENTERI KOMUNIKASI    DAN    MULTIMEDIA menyatakan   langkah-langkah   yang diambil  oleh  Kementerian  untuk  memperbaiki  kedudukan  Malaysia  dalam Indeks   Kebebasan   Media   2015   yang   merudum   serta   cadangan   dan langkah-langkah Kementerian untuk menjamin kebebasan media.  

Tuan  Shamsul  Iskandar  bin  Mohd  Akin  [  Bukit  Katil  ] minta MENTERI SUMBER  ASLI  DAN  ALAM  SEKITAR menyatakan  langkah-langkah  yang sedang  dan  telah  diambil  oleh  Kementerian,  susulan  daripada  Perjanjian Paris    (COP    21)    dan    apakah    strategi    khusus    Kementerian    untuk mengurangkan kesan pelepasan gas rumah hijau menjelang 2030.  

I also considered the questions of another PKR MP being Abdullah Sani bin Abdul Hamid [ Kuala Langat ]and found that he had raised 9 questions during the same period..

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta MENTERI SUMBER  MANUSIA menyatakan  langkah-langkah  mengawal  selia syarikat-syarikat  mengadakan  “Lay-off” terhadap    pekerja-pekerja    ketika    syarikat  mengalami ketidaktentuan terhadap keuntungan syarikat.

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta MENTERI SUMBER  MANUSIA menyatakan  kajian  berkenaan  dengan  faedah-faedah pemberhentian kerja sementara di dalam Akta Kerja 1955.  

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan  jumlah  300  hari  diperuntukkan  kepada  penjawat  awam cuti bersalin akan dikaji semula.

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan  jumlah  semakan  gaji  diperlukan  termasuk  penjawat awam seperti Pengarah dan pegawai dan bila (back dated) dikuatkuasakan.  
Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan  kuantiti  kumpulan  penjawat  awam  yang  berkhidmat diikat  sebagai  pekerja  kontrak  dan  mohon  dikaji  semula  kontrak  mereka  dan peruntukan  jangka  15  tahun  dimasukkan  dalam  kontrak  dan  diserap  kepada pekerja tetap seterusnya.

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [ Kuala  Langat  ] minta MENTERI SUMBER  MANUSIA menyatakan  kajian  semula  terhadap  pekerja-pekerja wanita yang diberi cuti bersalin dalam Akta Kerja 1955.  

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan    kaedah    kenaikan    gaji    penjawat    awam    yang  diumumkan baru-baru ini.    

76. PR-1342-L74684
Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan   jumlah   kenaikan   (adjustment)   terhadap   penjawat  awam di atas gaji pokok.   

Tuan  Abdullah  Sani  bin  Abdul  Hamid  [  Kuala  Langat  ] minta MENTERI SUMBER  MANUSIA menyatakan  kajian  semula  penambahbaikan  berkenan dengan syarat-syarat kelayakan kesatuan.    

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