Saturday, April 21, 2018

PAS and Gagasan Sejahtera another option for Malaysian voters?

GE14 - Well, besides Pakatan Harapan(DAP+PKR+Amanah+Pribumi), Malaysians have other options when it comes to the Opposition - Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM), Gagasan Sejahtera(PAS, Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) and Pan-Malaysian Islamic Front (Berjasa)] and PSM(Parti Socialis Malaysia).

Let us look at the Gagasan Sejahtera Manifesto in brief..below

Yes, it is an Opposition coalition - and PAS is a very old Opposition party, with many supporters...After the last PAS elections, many of the losing team to form a new party called Amanah(which is now part of Pakatan Harapan). Some like Husam Musa was expelled from PAS and later also chose to join PAS.

PAS, in the last elections have also been placing non-Muslim candidates in Elections - an indication that it is not just a party for Muslims, but appreciates the multi-religious nature of Malaysians..

The biggest worry for many is that PAS and its coalition members may make Malaysia an Islamic State - introduce Hudud, etc...but then, they have ruled in Kelantan for many many years and there is really no major issue of non-Muslim discriminatory policies emerging, have there ...In fact, in the governance of the State, similar issues like corruption is also emerging of late - and also Orang Asli issues.

Would PAS or Gagasan Sejahtera join UMNO-BN? They say 'No' - so, if they stay with the Opposition, what may happen is the formation of some Opposition coalition government. Remember, there is also always the risk of DAP and even PKR (and Pribumi) candidates jumping over to BN - it happened before in Perak, when ADUNs from DAP and PKR left the Opposition - resulting in the State becoming an UMNO-BN governed State...

In this elections, many are hoping for a non UMNO-BN government for Malaysia...but since there will be many Opposition candidates in many Constituencies, it is important then to maybe evaluate the CANDIDATE and decide...

RUU 355 - well, that was simply a Bill to simply allow State governments to increase penalties. already existing penalties, like fines, imprisonment and whipping - Now, a Federal Law places limits. Hadi Awang was not wanting to introduce the death penalty or cutting off limbs...

PAS talks a lot about being 'Islamic' but alas, at the end of the day, looking at Kelantan itself, one wonders what really is the "Islamic' style of administration is there in Kelantan different from the other State governments in Malaysia - No Local Council Elections, No democratically elected kampung/taman/kampung baru leaders, No elected Senators - all still appointed by the government/DUN,...what about state owned companies and GLCs - well, just like the rest of the States, there is no publicly available audit reports of GLCs, no policy about salaries/allowances for staff and Directors,...So, what is the real Islamic model that PAS is talking about?

OR is PAS simply using 'Islam' as a means to survive and succeed as a Political party for Muslims...Is that not similar to UMNO, MCA and MIC that uses ethnicity to survive? 

Any political party needs not just an ideology - but clearly a stated policy and plan of action about what they would do to improve governance and administration ..What is the Employment policy and plans, Education, Healthcare, Distribution of Wealth and Poverty, Taxation, etc...

One major problem in Malaysia - is that many political parties expend too much time in HIGHLIGHTING the wrongs of the parties that are incumbent governments, and other political parties in Opposition

What really is the plans of the Opposition for the basic issue of :-

TAXATION - Will there be an increase of taxation of the rich? Will there be an increase in corporate taxation? 

WORKERS - Will there be a commitment to REGULAR Rmployment (and an opposition of precarious forms of employment like short-term contracts and the contractor for labour systems)? Today, most Malaysian workers are debt-ridden because they have taken loans to buy homes, cars, etc...and all these require workers to pay their monthly payments to banks(failing which, the banks will take and auction of your property?)- thus Employment Security is essential - Regular Employment provides this...and also annual increments to ensure worker security and family stability. State governments where business operates, can set conditions about employment for the benefit and wellbeing of workers....When workers lost jobs, had their rights violated, etc - did the Kelantan PAS  government(let alone any of the Opposition governments) come out and do something...we know UMNO-BN is not so concerned?

HEALTHCARE - Well, should it not be FREE - as it is a basic right? What does PAS and/or Gagasan say about this?

YES - Malaysian Opposition parties have so many inadequacies - but at the end of the day, for the Rakyat to win back its power from all political parties/coalition, it is time for a change of government - another government other than UMNO-BN for Malaysia. When the politicians know that people have the power to kick them out of power OR put them back into power, governments in the future will be more concerned for the ordinary people(the voters) in Malaysia and will governed better...

Come what may, I believe that after GE14, PAS and Gagasan Sejahtera, if there is insufficient vote for UMNO-BN (i.e. less than 50% of the seats in Parliament) to govern, will more likely JOIN other Opposition parties to form an alternative government - not the UMNO-BN. That is my view...

Gagasan announces its manifesto
  • Sunday, 18 Mar 2018
    by loong meng yeeroyce tan
  • PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (left) and Tuan Ibrahim at the launch of the Gagasan Sejahtera manifesto in Cyberjaya on Sunday night.
    PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (left) and Tuan Ibrahim at the launch of the Gagasan Sejahtera manifesto in Cyberjaya on Sunday night.
    CYBERJAYA: Gagasan Sejahtera presented 20 major points in its manifesto for the general election that include popular promises such as abolishing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), reducing crime and getting rid of student loans.

    The coalition's vice chairman Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said it would replace GST with tax on corporate savings and capital gains tax in Bursa Malaysia.

    Gagasan is a coalition comprising PAS, Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) and the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Front (Berjasa).

    Tuan Ibrahim, who is also PAS deputy president and the chairman of the manifesto's drafting committee, said they would also offer assistance for first time car buyers for models below 1300cc through excise duty exemptions and interest-free loans.

    "We will also empower Islam as the official religion and make Bahasa Melayu as the medium for all subjects in the country's education system.

    "We will also change the structure of the toll rates by going through the toll concession agreements that exceeds 15 years," he said.

    He added that the manifesto is based on nine main thrusts which are:

    * The formation of a government with integrity, trustworthiness and free from corruption.

    * To increase disposable income and provide new opportunities for the rakyat.

    * Empowering Malaysians to ease the impact of inflation and the rising cost of living.

    * Reducing the gap of income and wealth distribution between urban and rural areas.

    * Improving the quality of education to create better human capital.

    * The harmonisation of the legal system and governance.

    * Strengthening the concept of federalism by restoring certain rights of a state government.

    * Empowering the people's voice, which is in line with the demands of Syura and democratic principles.

    * Enhancing the effectiveness of current social support system for vulnerable groups.

    Tuan Ibrahim added that the manifesto was drafted by a body comprising economy experts, tax experts, syariah experts and those who were experienced in cultural and social affairs.- Star Online, 18/3/2018

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