Saturday, July 19, 2008

UMNO Branch unanimously do not want Abdullah as UMNO President...

Well...well, what do you know UMNO branches (and later Divisions) may not be just following 'orders' from the PM, DPM or their High Council when it comes to choosing the future leaders of UMNO..
Bernama - Saturday, July 19

PEKAN, July 18 (Bernama) -- The Kampung Ubai Umno branch in the Pekan division last night passed a motion proposing Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for the post of president in the party election in December. meeting which ended late last night and attended by 42 of the 123 branch members.

The Kampung Ubai branch was the first branch to meet in Pahang and also the first to nominate Najib, who is the Pekan Umno division head and Member of Parliament, to contest the post of Umno president...." - Yahoo Malaysia News, 19/7/2008 - KAMPUNG UBAI BRANCH NOMINATES NAJIB FOR UMNO PRESIDENTCY

If this is indicative of other up-coming UMNO branch and division meetings, then after almost 20 years without elections for the top 2 positions in UMNO, we will be having elections in 2008....and the members themselves shall be choosing their President and their Deputy President. There will be no handing over of the reign by "King" Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to his chosen successor...

Democracy not "feudalistic" practices - that is what members of UMNO seem to want for UMNO 2008 and onwards -- but we shall see, if this be the case in the coming weeks and months...

Disappointing was it when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Najib Razak and the Supreme Council did not do the needful to remove that draconian requirement of such a large number of Division Nominations before one can contest for the top post/s in UMNO (something that came into being during the reign of Mahathir after 1987..)...

I had expected the PM to have spear-headed a move to remove these obstacles to a greater democracy within UMNO, where the right of choosing leaders will really revert back to the hands of members...

But then over the years Malaysians have come to know this man Abdullah for what he is - a person of of talk but little (or no) action.

And even, when he does act... it actually brings about greater sufferings to the masses, as what happened in the recent increasing of fuel prices...

Interesting also that this happens in a branch within the division that Najib Razak belongs - Could this be indicative that Najib has no real intention of waiting 2 years but maybe wants to try for the Presidency now in 2008...

Some may say that what happened to Anwar, Raja Petra, etc just before the advent of UMNO branch elections ... was a flexing of muscles by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reminding people (UMNO members especially) of who is the BOSS-man, and who should be again nominated to be the BOSS-man. Was it so? If yes, then it obviously seem to have not worked with the KAMPUNG UBAI UMNO BRANCH. They clearly do not want Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to be the leader of UMNO anymore - and it was unanimous...

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.... looks to me like there will be continue of Altantuya Inside in due time, don't know what to expect this round... Fasten your belt Saudara Anwar and Malaysian!
