Saturday, September 13, 2008

Release Teresa Kok - MP with the biggest majority in GE2008

Did you know that Ms Teresa Kok is the Member of Parliament who garnered the biggest majority in General Elections 2008? - Her Majority was 36,492

Carol Chew Chee Lin (BN - MCA)10738
>> * Teresa Kok Suh Sim (OPP - DAP) 47230 Maj: 36492

Komala Devi M Perumal (BN - MIC) 35899
>> Manikavasagam Sundaram (OPP - PKR) 48196 Maj: 12297

With regard to the number of votes obtained by a Member of Parliament, she came a close second to Manikavasagam Sundaram (PKR) the MP of Kapar who obtained 48,196 votes, whilst Teresa Kok obtained 47230 votes.

* Of course Kapar had 112,224 registered voters, and had a turnout of 78.1% voter turnout on Election Day - i.e. 87644

* Seputeh on the other hand had 76891, and on election day only 58,207 (75.7%)voters turned out to vote.

When Teresa Kok speaks in Parliament, she was chosen by 47230 votes, and her voice must be heard.

If one were to study the rise of Teresa Kok, it must be noted that her majority kept increasing election after election - signifying that she was indeed a good MP who was loved by her costituents, irregardless of ethnicity, religion or cultural. I believe that Teresa is a promoter of 'security, peace and public order' and hence her arrest and detention is certainly unjustified. But alas, the laws do not allow us to challenge the "reasons" for her detention.

I now would like to call for the immediate and unconditional release of Teresa Kok, who is also the de facto Timbalan Menteri Besar of Selangor.

I call also for the immediate and unconditional release of Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, Raja Petra Kamarudin, P. Uthayakumar, M Manoharan & all others that are currently being detained/restricted under those draconian laws that allow for Detention Without Trial, which includes the ISA.

I also call for the immediate repeal of the ISA and all laws that allow for Detention Without Trial.


  1. Well balanced commentary - took the words out of the mouth of many.

    Hats off Charles and let it be said, Theresa Kok, just like the late Kak Endon are almost saints when compared to the fine specimen we see in UMNO.

    As a public servant, Theresa ranks high but the road is still a long one. And as for Kak Endon - her only blemish was to marry an Idiot.

    Regards and no apologies on my end

  2. 120% agree with you... ^_^

  3. the malays chinese indians and others who voted for teresa will hold the govt responsible should
    anything happen to her.

  4. Teresa is quite outspoken and very much in the limelight which accounts for her popularity. Her huge wining majority during GE12 is also another contributing factor. Hence she became a target of Toyol's mischief and jealousy.

    Toyol has been a trouble maker since GE12 and constantly snapping at Pakatan's heel over inconsequential matters. He has gone too far this time with his false accusation of Teresa on the 'azan' issue.

    Why is the person making the false and serious accusation not arrested while the victim is? Did the Police bother to investigate thoroughly before hauling her in? There are witnesses coming forward to say that Teresa has nothing to do with the issue.

    The Police should release Teresa immediately and the mischief maker arrested. Isn't this the right thing to do?
