Thursday, November 20, 2008

Allegations of gender discrimination in Malaysian Universities...

Allegations of gender discrimination are coming from Datuk Rafiah Salim, the former Vice Chancellor of University Malaya - and this must be investigated, and the necessary steps must be taken to remove this discrimination.

She[Datuk Rafiah Salim] said female V-Cs were victims of gender discrimination, going by the shorter tenures offered to them compared with their male colleagues.

She was given a two-year tenure with a half-year extension to her contract.

Similarly, her female colleagues -- Universiti Kebang-saan Malaysia vice-chancellor Datuk Professor Dr Sharifah Hapsah and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris vice-chancellor Datuk Professor Dr Aminah Ayob -- were given two-year contracts.

"Other V-Cs who were male were given three-year contracts. Now tell me if that is not gender discrimination."- New Straits Times, 18/11/2008, It's discrimination, says Rafiah
The Pakatan Rakyat (or is it DAP's) proposal for a RM10-00 salary cut as censure is a joke. There must be a much more serious sanction - and given the fact that this is 'gender discrimination' - I believe, that if it is proven, then the only punishment is resignation, not some insignificant salary cut..

Unless Khaled can give a satisfactory response and assurance of immediate stop to such discrimination against women academic staff in the public universities, DAP MPs will be moving a RM10 cut motion for the salary of the Higher Education Minister during the 2009 Budget Committee stage debate as a censure. - Lim Kit Siang's Blog


  1. Please don't forget that she had chosen to accept the 2-year contract when it was offered to her, she did not make it an issue then.

    Is there any ground to investigate now?

    I think what should be investigated is her performance at the UM during her tenure as the VC.

  2. resignation???

    no malaysia culture lah.
