Thursday, July 23, 2009

About 3,000 deaths in custody in Malaysia in the last 20 years...Deaths in police custody have been on the rise

Death in Police Custody in Malaysia has been increasing...and this is based on the information that we have obtained from the government...[It is really difficult to get information from the government - and the only way is to get an MP to ask questions...]

Relying merely on data provided by the government, it has been disclosed that there have been 150 deaths from 1990 until 2004 (10.7 per year), 108 deaths between 2000 and 2006 (18 per year), and, 85 deaths between 2003 and 2007 (21.25 per year).

In Malaysia "...from 1990 till September last year [2004], a total of 1,583 deaths among prisoners were recorded in 28 prisons nationwide, with the highest number in 2003 when 279 inmates died. During the same period, 150 detainees died in police lock-ups or custody…" - Malaysiakini, 7/2/2005

‘…Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today revealed that 108 deaths occurred during police custody between 2000 and 2006…’ – Malaysiakini, 23/4/2007

‘…There were 85 deaths recorded in police lock-ups during the 2003-2007…-Bernama, 8/7/2008.

Make Malaysia Torture-Free - Ratify Convention on Torture, Set Up the IPCMC (MADPET- 26/6/2009)
How many deaths in custody in Malaysia since independence?

How many deaths in police custody in Malaysia since independence?

How many deaths in custody of other enforcement agencies in Malaysia since independence?

Yearly data is required to determine whether deaths in custody is on the rise, as is the case of death in police custody...
"1,535 Deaths in Custody in Malaysia between 2003 and last year" (Bernama News, 8/7/08) - this was what was revealed at the Dewan Rakyat(Parliment) on Tuesday(8/7/2008). - 1,535 Deaths in Custody in Malaysia between 2003 and last year
We know that from 1990 until September 2004, there were 1,583 + 150 deaths in custody...

Maybe about 3,000 deaths in custody in Malaysia since 1990...

1 comment:

  1. One death is one death too many. Looks like its a killing field in Malaysian Prison & Lock up.
    Politicians,NGOs,Civil Rights Groups,Law Society,Senior Citizens and the Rakyat must all play a part in demanding an END to the beatings,torture and murder of Suspects in prisons & lock up.
    see 'Alleged Rapist in Malaysia Ruthlessly beaten by cops in jail'
    The person was an alleged suspect,but look how many officers take turn to kick,punch,slap and assualt one man.
    One can imagine the pain,suffering,terror Khugan and Teoh Beng Huat and the many who died at the hands of Malay Police and others.
