Sunday, December 26, 2010

China Dolls ? Is it right for Bernama, call young women tourists from China...

Should Bernama refer to women from China as 'China dolls"? Is it not derogatory? Is it not disrespectful to women generally?

A better term would have been just Chinese nationals, or even women from China, or even Chinese tourists....
I am also wondering how come 19 officers from MACC on raids of this entertainment outlet. Have they no corruption cases to investigate? I wonder whether the MACC will be investigating those that have been arrested and detained?

When arrested, they had valid social visit pass, and possibly a return air-ticket home. What happens if they miss their flight by reason of being detained? What happens if their visa expires whilst in detention? Will the Malaysian government buy them a new ticket, extend their visa, ... Note that now they have been arrested and detained for purpose of investigation only - they have not been charged yet. Remember also that they are all innocent until proven guilty. Media must be fully aware of this, and respect these womens' rights when they do publish a report. In my opinion, calling them 'China Dolls' was really not something nice... [We surely would not have expected this from Bernama and the NST....]

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 25 (Bernama) -- The Immigration Department arrested 47 mainland Chinese women in a raid on an entertainment outlet in Jalan Jones here early Saturday.

Its director, Abdul Qadir Siddiq Ahmad said the manager of the outlet and a Myanmar national male were also arrested in the "Ops Sayang" raid.

"The women, who worked as guest relations officers (GROs), were entertaining their clients, who were ushering in the Christmas, when the immigration and MACC officers closed in," he told a news conference here Saturday.

Seven immigration officers and 19 Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers took part in the raid from 12.45am to 4am.

Abdul Qadir said the GROs in their 20s were detained for abusing their social visit passes and immoral activities while the 28-year-old manager would be investigated under Section 55B of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for harbouring illegal foreign workers.

Penang MACC director Datuk Latifah Md Yatim said the entertainment outlet was raided early this year and several times the previous year.

She said the raid was the results of public information and intelligence since several weeks ago and the MACC was investigating whether corrupt practices were involved in the operation of the outlet.


New Straits Times did the same.... referring to these women as 'china dolls' 

47 China dolls arrested in raid

GEORGE TOWN: The Immigration Department arrested 47 mainland Chinese women in a raid on an entertainment outlet in Jalan Jones here early today. Its director, Abdul Qadir Siddiq Ahmad said the manager of the outlet and a
Myanmar national male were also arrested in the "Ops Sayang" raid.

"The women, who worked as guest relations officers (GROs), were entertaining
their clients, who were ushering in the Christmas, when the immigration and MACC
officers closed in," he told a news conference here today.

Seven immigration officers and 19 Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
(MACC) officers took part in the raid from 12.45am to 4am.

Abdul Qadir said the GROs in their 20s were detained for abusing their
social visit passes and immoral activities while the 28-year-old manager would
be investigated under Section 55B of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for harbouring
illegal foreign workers.

Penang MACC director Datuk Latifah Md Yatim said the entertainment outlet
was raided early this year and several times the previous year.

She said the raid was the results of public information and intelligence
since several weeks ago and the MACC was investigating whether corrupt practices
were involved in the operation of the outlet. - Bernama

1 comment:

  1. ...and what do they call the Malays girls they find in such outlets? And where will all the name-calling lead to? I'll bet the MACC were pretty proud of the arrests. What corruption were they trying to wipe out by raiding the outlets? I thought that should be the work of the police and immigration?
