Tuesday, May 27, 2014

MPs and ADUNs should be FULL TIME peoples' representative ...

What is the use if one's Member of Parliament, State Legislative Assembly person (ADUN) and even Senators(though not directly elected by the people) are distracted with their own business?

1- Attending and participating actively and effectively in Parliament and State Legislative Assembly sittings - well, this is a MUST and not an option. They were elected to represent people in these forums specifically, and as such presence here is mandatory (If no time or busy doing something else like one's own personal business, they should never have even stood as peoples' representatives) 

What does effective participation mean? Attendance is obvious, but it also means coming PREPARED - with questions that require answers, with points that need to be raised, debated, etc...  

One comes with full awareness of what is the agenda...of what question will be asked and answered by the relevant Minister (so need to prepare 'follow-up' questions that could be raised by MPs...), There may be Bills that will be read and debated, so the MP needs to have read the Bill, and is ready with the points that he/she wants to make to support the Bill (or a particular clause) or to oppose it, there may be motions that will be tabled - so the MP needs to be ready with the arguments for and against,...

All this is a lot of work, and requires a full-time MP, ADUN and/or Senator - a lot of study, consultation and preparation is needed for this - is the 'wakil rakyat' prepared?

2 - Preparing and submitting Parliamentary Questions - Soalan Lisan[Oral Questions] dan Soalan Bertulis [Questions for written replies] - For each parliamentary session, an MP is allowed to ask 10 questions for oral answers (which will also allow the MP to ask a follow-up question, and 2 other MPs to ask further follow-up questions), and 5 questions for written answers

22 (4)  Seseorang  ahli  tidak  boleh  bertanya  lebih daripada  10  pertanyaan  bagi  Jawapan  Lisan  dan tidak  lebih  daripada  5  pertanyaan  bagi  Jawapan Bertulis  dalam  mana-mana  satu  mesyuarat  Majlis. -PERATURAN-PERATURAN  MAJLIS MESYUARAT  DEWAN  RAKYAT
So, the question is whether your MP/ADUN/Senator has used this opportunity to ask questions - 10 + 5 questions. Or has he/she been too busy with 'own business' to have not even put in these questions to the government? How many questions? What were the answers received to those questions requiring written answers?(Answers to Questions requiring oral answers could be found in the Hansard[minutes of the Parliamentary session] - but the written answers are send to the MP or wakil rakyat asking the questions, and if they do not SHARE the answers, we, the people will never know...

3 - Motions (USUL) - any MP can also table Motions to be debated - and how many Motions have been tabled by your MP/Senator/...?

4 - Bills (Rang Undang-Undang) - An MP can also table a Bill (a proposed new Law, or a proposed Bill to amend an existing law) - has our MPs tabled such Bills...we really do not have to wait for the government to table Bills and proposed new laws...

5 - Media Statements - Yes, an MP/ADUN/Senator can also issue a media statement and have a press conference right there in Parliament, where reporters are always hanging around ... this is a way to get a point of view across to the public... it is very simple to do this? Have your MP/ADUN/Senator done this, or is even planning to do this?

6 - Lobbying support of other MPs, etc ... - well, this is also something that 'people's representatives' can do - not just giving speeches but also lobbying support for issues and concerns ... does your MP or 'wakil rakyat' do this? Caucuses or 'committees' could be formed on various issues. Remember, MPs are 'ordinary' human beings and they need to be lobbied, educated, etc...on issues.. 

NOW, even when it comes to Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies, there is really a lot of work for MPs and other peoples' reps - and all this needs time and effort, and this is why when elected, one must be FULL-TIME peoples' rep... and not be distracted with private and/or own other businesses...

7 - Peoples' Rep - that means just that, and so there is a need for MPs/ADUNs/Senators to spend time with their constituents - They need to (a) Brief the people they represent of what are the main issues/concerns and ...(b) They need to discuss and consult with their constituents to get their views and opinions ...and 'directives'...as to what the 'peoples' rep' should do...- and these consultations need to be regular - maybe at least one a month or once every 2 months... this is meeting with the people (not a meeting with your political party, not a meeting with cronies, etc..) These sessions could be held in different venues for bigger constituents .... but alas, I do not see this happening.... THIS IS NOT THOSE VISIT HERE, GIVE SPEECH HERE, GIVE AWARD HERE, ... we want consultations - not a 'LISTEN...LISTEN session where they "YB" speak and the people just are expected to listen...

8 - Meeting with people - this is different - this is mingling with the people, walk-abouts chatting with people, dropping by at funerals, weddings, etc... just being with the people. Also means sitting at your office and meeting with constituents who want to meet up... Lim Kit Siang used to frequent different restaurants alone and have a 'teh tarek' giving time for people to meet and talk to him (a good strategy). One must be with the people - after all one is the 'peoples' rep'. 
9 - Political party duties  - well, most MP/ADUN/Senators also will have their own branches, divisions, etc in their political parties, many of which they may the leaders and such time also will need to be spend here - meetings, sub-committee meetings, programs, ceramahs, etc...

Now, surely we need FULL-TIME MPs/ADUNs/Senators - no more part-time...they must be fully dedicated to the people they represent...

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