Thursday, April 12, 2018

People denied opportunity to evaluate candidates? Different consideration for Federal and Opposition States?

The last minute disclosure of the names of candidates contesting to be Member of Parliament(MP) and/or ADUN by the Opposition parties/coalitions, and also UMNO-BN is UNJUST to the people - One just will not have the time to do a proper evaluation of the candidate - his past history of involvement in justice and democracy issues, history of speaking up for what is right, etc ...

It is most sad that the people in the area is not at all in process of choosing a candidate - In fact, it may be a GOOD Practice for political parties, intending to contest in a particular constituency, do disclose the name of the potential candidate(or candidates) that they plan to put forward in an upcoming election. The party could invite comments and even questions ...It may also highlight some 'flaw' in certain candidates, which the party may not have known early - hence the opportunity to put forward a better candidate.

How candidates are chosen is important? Early information enables people time to also 'get to know' these candidates...

Early disclosure of names also gives more time for Opponents to dig up 'dirt' what? Better to confront or deal with the 'dirt' fast(if the allegations is not FAKE), rather than having to deal with it once a party rep has already been elected an MP or ADUN..

Now, most people vote not knowing really the candidate who is standing, but rather because of the 'Party' under whom he/she is standing... There is just not enough time to get to know the candidate ...and even if they are successful getting elected MP or ADUN, many of the 'wakil rakyat' has got no time for the people...

INFORMATION - How many MPs and ADUNs keep their constituents informed? Do they share the answers to Parliament questions they asked? Do they highlight main concerns being debated in Parliament or the DUN? Do they share using a Blog or Website, or a FB page or Twitter? Or printed newsletters/pamphlets? Or through e-mail? If they do not even share with the people such matters - VOTE THEM OUT IF THERE IS A BETTER ALTERNATIVE..

CONSULTATION AND DISCUSSION - Does your MP or ADUN have public meetings - ceramahs - question and answer session - history of getting peoples' opinion, etc ...OR is ,he just doing things as he thinks best (just like many BN MP/ADUNs?) - well, then

Attendance at PARLIAMENT/DUN - Only the wakil rakyat can attend, debate, talk in Parliament/DUN, his main job for which they get well-paid (salary plus allowance) - What is your 'wakil rakyat' attendance - Did he ponteng? Did he go to Parliament but just hang out in the canteen - not really listening and participating in the debate, and even the vote? Did he have a good reason when he was not there in Parliament? - Well, evaluate this and if he/she is not doing his job as 'wakil rakyat' - time to kick him/her out ...

VOTE OUT UMNO-BN MPs  - Well, these MPs could have kicked out Najib at any time - and chosen another BN PM that would have helped Malaysia but they did not.. Maybe out of FEAR or maybe they maybe 'accomplices' in some wrongdoings? 

Anyway, in my Opinion, time for Malaysia to have a taste of a NEW different government for Malaysia...We have all had just ONE taste since MERDEKA...We have just been eating kangkung all this while - time to maybe taste some other ...maybe bendi,...maybe kobis...maybe labu...maybe sawi... 

And this time, we will have many ALTERNATIVES...

- Pakatan Harapan(DAP+Amanah+Pribumi(Mahathir) + PKR) 
- PAS and its Coalition
- Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM) -contest 100 seats in GE14
- Parti Sosialist Malaysia(PSM)
- Warisan

DIFFERENT CONSIDERATION FOR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ... different from Selangor, Penang and Kelantan State government

* Most likely majority of the MPs from the different Opposition group/parties(not BN) will finally come together to form an Opposition coalition government if the Opposition(including Independent) win more than 50% of the Parliamentary seats...I do not think that PAS will ever join BN in such a situation where an other than BN government becomes a possibility after results announced...

TOUGH CHOICES FOR ALL OF US - We cannot simply vote by just looking at parties but we also need to look at CANDIDATES...[

**** Pakatan Rakyat was different as it had both PAS and DAP in it - not so with Pakatan Harapan, Pakatan Rakyat was different as it only had 1 former UMNO-BN leaders led party, this time PH has 2 out of the 4 in the coalition. For 2 GE, the arguement was to have a 1 to 1 fight - i.e. between PR vs BN...but still PH today remains an 'exclusive club' when they could have tried harder to bring together all Opposition parties...Some parties elected to not stand in last 2 GEs - but no more...

What about Selangor? Penang? Kelantan? - well they have been government by the Opposition Coalition for 2 terms now ... so, do we want to change these State governments? 

Today, effectively Penang and Selangor are Pakatan Harapan governed States (or is it really one PKR governed State and 1 DAP governed State) - 

Are we happy with these State governments...or is it time to change? Should we vote in more Opposition - well, in Penang and Selangor, other than UMNO-BN, we have options, it seems in the form of PRM, PSM and even PAS....? 



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