Sunday, May 26, 2024

Senators independently choose the President of the Senate - not the Prime Minister...not the party leaderships...not the Cabinet?

It is the Senators themselves who pick the President and the Deputy President of Senate - not Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim or the political party leaders.

If Senators cannot decide on their OWN as to who will be the President and Deputy President of Senate, then they should simply RESIGN. 

Senators are supposed to be INDEPENDENT after they are appointed as Senators - they are no more just doing what their Party orders them, or the Prime Minister or State leaders tells them. 

Remember, Parliament, that includes the SENATE, are supposed to be the check and balance - to monitor the Prime Minister and the Cabinet(EXECUTIVE) - so, if Anwar still decides on who is President and/or Deputy President..

President and Deputy President of Senate
56. (1) the Senate shall from time to time choose one of its members to be yang di-pertua Dewan negara (president of the Senate) and one to be Deputy president of the Senate, and shall, subject to Clause (3), transact no business while the office of president is vacant other than the election of a president.

There is already a problem with the APPOINTMENT of Senators - by the State, and at the Federal level by the King acting on the advice of the Prime Minister. The PM chooses the Federal Senators.

It is time for the abolition of appointment, and for the direct election of Senators by the people. It is provided for in Article 45(4) of the Federal Constitution

(4) parliament may by law—
(a) increase to three the number of members to be elected for each State;
(b) provide that the members to be elected for each State shall be so elected by the direct vote of the electors of that State;
(c) decrease the number of appointed members or abolish appointed members.
BN regime may have started this practice/policy - but now we have a government led by Pakatan Harapan that promised 'REFORMS".

So, why is the Anwar's Cabinet still involved in deciding who is the Senate President - the Senators themselves should choose,

End dictatorship of the EXECUTIVE - and let's be a TRUE Democracy.

The candidate for the next Dewan Negara president will be discussed tomorrow with the Sarawak top leadership, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Last week, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the government would make an announcement on the appointment for Dewan Negara president in the near future.Fahmi said the cabinet had discussed the matter and had decided on the name for the next Dewan Negara president.

"The cabinet discussed on the matter in the meeting today and we have the name for the Dewan Negara president

And, there should not be an issue of QUOTA when it comes to deciding who will be Senate President...the BEST Senator will be chosen by his/her fellow Senators.

"The quota for the (Dewan Negara) president's position has been given to the government's counterparts in Sabah and Sarawak."
Remember that the President and Deputy President of the Senate has a lot of power - they can even decide on the agenda(changes in the agenda). They decide on which of the Senators who have their hands raised get a chance to speak. So, a pro-government of the day chair of the Senate meeting can prevent good points that may be coming from Senators from Opposition parties.

Where is the REFORM? Has PH just become another BN?

When it comes to Senators, those who contested Parliamentary elections and lost [rejected by the people] should never be appointed as SENATORS as this is a clear indication of the wishes of the people.

Sadly, our current Home Minister is such a case - He stood for elections and lost during GE15, and then was made Senator and Anwar chose him to have the powerful position of Home Minister... 

see some earlier posts:

Restore Right to Democratically Elect Peoples’ Representatives through Free and Fair Elections for True and Effective People’s Participation in all levels of Government including the Local Community Level, Local Government (Council) and the Senate (16 Groups)

Senate - Problems with a majority UMNO-BN appointed Senators, and the REFORMS needed?

PM to discuss Dewan Negara president vacancy with Sarawak top leaders tomorrow

KUALA LUMPUR: The candidate for the next Dewan Negara president will be discussed tomorrow with the Sarawak top leadership, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

In a press conference held during the Postnormal Times Madani Exhibition today, Anwar said the matter will be discussed during his visit to Sarawak tomorrow.

"We will discuss with the party leadership (in Sarawak), this is as two (senate presidents) ended their positions before their due date.

"(Hence,) God Willing I will discuss the matter tomorrow, (as) I will be going to Sarawak)," he said.- NST, 26/5/2024

Sabah, Sarawak ex-lawmakers among top nominees for Dewan Negara president

KUALA LUMPUR: Several individuals, including politicians from Sarawak and Sabah, have been tipped for the position of Dewan Negara president ahead of the upcoming parliamentary sitting.

The position became vacant last month following the appointment of Tun Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar as the eight Sarawak Yang di-Pertua Negeri on Jan 26, replacing Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud.

It is understood that the announcement on the appointment of the new Dewan Negara president was expected to be made on Feb 19.

Sources say among the names rumoured to fill the vacancy are former Bukit Mas member of parliament Datuk Mutang Tagal and former foreign minister Tan Sri Anifah Aman.

"The quota for the (Dewan Negara) president's position has been given to the government's counterparts in Sabah and Sarawak."

However, speculation is rife that Mutang is the top pick for the next president of the Upper House.

Mutang was Bukit Mas MP (now renamed Lawas) from 1982 to 1990, having served the constituency for two terms. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from Universiti Malaya.

Anifah served as Beaufort MP from 1999 to 2004, and as Kimanis MP from 2004 to 2013, and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Economics and Law from Buckingham University.

Mutang and Anifah, however, could not be reached to confirm the matter.

Previously, an online portal reported that a former Sarawak MP who served from 1982 to 1990 has been tipped to be appointed as the next Dewan Negara president.

It was learnt that the individual with a legal background had also received the appointment letter, but is waiting for the official announcement on Feb 19.

Last week, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the government would make an announcement on the appointment for Dewan Negara president in the near future.

Fahmi said the cabinet had discussed the matter and had decided on the name for the next Dewan Negara president.- NST, 12/2/2024

Govt to announce new Dewan Negara president soon

PUTRAJAYA: The government will announce the new Dewan Negara president soon, following the appointment of Tan Sri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar as the eighth Sarawak governor.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the announcement will be made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the Upper House sits next month.

"The cabinet discussed on the matter in the meeting today and we have the name for the Dewan Negara president.

"I also believe that it will be announced in the nearest time," he said at a press conference held after the cabinet meeting today. - NST, 7/2/2024

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