Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Halal cert: PKR MP questions if there are double standards in probe on Teresa, ### Can a non-Muslim MP act on an 'Islamic' issue? MPs act only on people's issue of your own religion?

Akmal slammed Kok as an “old Nyonya” who should not have interfered in Islamic affairs and said he would ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to her forehead

An MP is the representative of ALL people in his/her Constituency. It is absurd to even suggest that a non-Muslim MP should stay away on matters of Islam that affect his/her Constituents or Malaysians, Muslims or otherwise. Do Muslim MPs (from UMNO maybe) also do not concern themselves with religious/cultural matters affecting people of other faiths - other than Muslims? 

No, a MP, Muslim or NOT, must be bothered about ALL matters - even about Islamic law, Syariah Courts, etc - if not just do not be a Member of Parliament or ADUN, just be a particular religious community representative...I worry when some people 'this is a Muslim Matter...you better not get involved'. 

A issue that arises is also the 'name calling' and disrespect shown by Akmal(the UMNO Youth Leader) to a Malaysian, in this case a women and a MP - Will Anwar Ibrahim say or do anything about it? That Akmal is part of your 'Unity' government .. If Anwar stays silent about the disrespect shown ...another reason why Anwar Ibrahim should be ousted as Prime Minister? 

Is Anwar just too scared of UMNO?  

When it comes to issues about Islam - even Muslim ADUNs and MPs are too 'scared' to look into it and deal with it. One issue is the use of external loudspeakers in Mosques/Surau for all occassions, ceramah - despite the law stating it can only be used for the 5 Azans(Call to Prayer). Muslim  MP/ADUNs are afraid to deal with such issue for fear of being branded 'un-Muslim'??? Again, Anwar should make it clear that Mosques/Suraus should respect everyone's rights, Muslims and others, and restrict usage of EXTERNAL Speakers to just the call to prayers(Azan)...

### see earlier post. Now when I try to copy or go to the link, I am directed to some 3rd party site. Fahmi, is the government doing something to my BLOG now - can you help please? see post entitled, 'Anwar Ibrahim's weakness is 'delay' in acting/responding fast, and also CLARIFYING government's position...it can lead to confusion...now 'mandatory halal certification, government taking 20% land on lease renewal,.. '


Halal cert: PKR MP questions if there are double standards in probe on Teresa
Published:  Sep 10, 2024 11:00 AM
Updated: 11:30 AM
Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim has questioned whether there are elements of double standards involved in the police probe against Seputeh MP Teresa Kok over the halal certification issue.

The PKR lawmaker pointed out that Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar was first to court “controversy” by announcing the matter without cabinet approval, and Kok merely responded to it.

“The first question we should ask is whether Na’im’s remark about the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) mulling a proposal to make halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork or alcohol was discussed in the cabinet.

“Secondly, can the minister announce in public, a law-related public policy that is yet to be greenlit by the cabinet?

“This brings us to the third question - to be fair and honest, who sparked this controversy? Was it Kok or the Islamic affairs minister?” Hassan asked in a statement today.

Police are questioning Kok today at the Bukit Aman police headquarters over her remarks that making halal certification mandatory for restaurants could burden businesses.

The DAP vice-chairperson is being probed for infringing on matters related to 3R (race, religion and royalty).

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok

Hassan elaborated that Kok was merely responding to Na’im’s remark on the matter, which is still being discussed at Jakim’s level.

“If Kok’s statement is being probed under 3R for offending the sensitivities of the Muslims, can Na’im’s announcement about a proposal which is not yet approved by the cabinet, be deemed to offend the sensitivities of the non-Muslims?

“Does a 3R violation only occur when Muslims feel restless, fearful and angry, and is it the other way round if the non-Muslims are involved?

“Is there a two-tier legal system in our beloved Malaysia?” Hassan asked.

Hasty announcement

Hassan clarified that he was all for the halal policy to be implemented in a relevant way in multiracial Malaysia.

However, he said Na’im’s sudden and hasty announcement of the proposed measure was “wrong and unprofessional.”

Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar

“Na’im should have ordered a thorough study of the proposal to impose a mandatory halal certification policy for non-Muslim restaurants.

“It should then be brought to the cabinet for deliberation by Muslim and non-Muslim ministers alike," Hassan said, adding that if the cabinet agrees in principle to the proposal, the matter should then be escalated to the Law Minister's Office and the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Na’im should then engage with Islamic and non-Muslim organisations as well as restaurateurs for discussions, he added.

"If all the parties involved agree to the proposal, then the matter should be brought to the cabinet to be turned into a mandatory halal certification law.

"Yes, it's (the process) tedious, slow, and involves a lot of work. But this is what is called good governance."

Once such consultations are done and the law is passed, Kok would not have any objections to the matter, Hassan said.

"Then, we will be saved from division among the people in the halal, non-halal issue, and an instance where an MP is probed for 3R offences can be avoided."

Probe Akmal instead

Pusat Komas also decried alleged double standards in the probe against Kok.

According to the rights group, the investigation is a disproportionate response to her comment compared to Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh’s "inflammatory and racist" remarks against her.

Akmal slammed Kok as an “old Nyonya” who should not have interfered in Islamic affairs and said he would ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to her forehead.

"Kok's statements, while critical of the proposed mandatory halal certification, were rooted in concerns about potential economic burdens on businesses and the preservation of cultural diversity.

“Her views were expressed in a reasoned and respectful manner, and she at no point incited hatred or violence against any religious group.

"In stark contrast, Akmal's response was laden with racist and sexist undertones… such remarks are not only deeply offensive but also create a climate of hostility and intolerance towards minority communities," the group said in a statement today.

Hence, why was an investigation launched against Kok, but Akmal got away scot-free, it further wondered.

"This selective enforcement of the law raises serious concerns about the protection of freedom of expression in Malaysia, particularly for those who dare to question policies or practices that may have religious implications."

Pusat Komas called for the authorities to drop the probe against Kok and focus on addressing Akmal’s alleged "hate speech and incitement to violence".  - Malaysiakini, 10/9/2024


Umno Youth chief swipes at 'old Nyonya' Teresa over halal cert
Published:  Sep 8, 2024 3:44 PM
Updated: 3:32 PM

Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh has slammed DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kok for questioning the proposal to require restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork and alcohol to obtain halal certification.

Describing the Seputeh MP as a "Nyonya tua" (old Nyonya), Akmal said Kok should not have interfered in Islamic affairs related to halal certification.

"First of all, I want to tell this old lady that this halal certificate is not only for alcohol and pork, but this certificate includes the food preparation and how the ingredients are obtained.

"This is a set rule, and I want to let this old lady know that it used to take months to get this halal certificate. Today, we have been able to shorten it to 23 days.

"So, what's your problem with this halal certificate?" Akmal (above) said in a TikTok video.

The Malacca Rural Development, Agriculture and Food Security exco also refuted Kok's claim that the move to make halal certification mandatory is an embarrassment to the country.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok

Conversely, he claimed that Kok is the one embarrassing the country by disrupting harmony.

"It doesn't even involve you, and the real shame of this country is that there are parliamentarians like you, old lady, who endlessly disturb the harmony of the country.

"If you don't know about our religion, don't talk.

"You're better off keeping silent, and I also ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to the forehead of this old lady," he added.

Concerns raised

Recently, the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was reported to be considering a proposal to make halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork and alcohol.

Kok voiced concerns over the proposed move, saying it could increase the burden on businesses, including thousands of Malay restaurant operators.

She added that it was against the spirit of cultural diversity and may make Malaysia an object of ridicule abroad.

“The introduction of compulsory halal certification will increase administrative costs. Halal certification should be voluntary, allowing entrepreneurs to make decisions based on market demand rather than being enforced, which will increase the difficulty of business operations,” she said.

Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal subsequently told Kok to apologise and retract her statement, failing which the youth wings of Perikatan Nasional nationwide would lodge a police report against her.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Kok's statement was not reflective of Pakatan Harapan's position and that the matter should be discussed in the appropriate forum.

However, DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke said Kok was merely voicing out the concerns of the non-Muslim community.

The Umno ulama council stated that the proposal to make halal certification mandatory is unsuitable for restaurants and food companies owned by Muslims.

Its deputy chairperson, Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, emphasised that Muslims are already bound by religious principles concerning halal and haram, cleanliness, and purity. - Malaysiakini, 8/9/2024


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