Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Is 'feelings' about GISBH's alleged 'religious deviation' prejudicing the Government and Police in the possibly 'overboard' pre-conviction 'punishments'/actions?

Anwar Ibrahim's 'CRACKDOWN' on GISBH by reason, including that they are deviant Muslims is of greatest concern...

Wonder, when Malaysia brings in foreign or migrant workers - is there a policy to only bring in Muslim workers who follow Islam, as Malaysia accepts? NOPE? So, why the preoccupation with GISBH only?

Unlike the 1994 crackdown on Al-Arqam, this time it is very different - the target is a Company and its subsidiary companies? 

Now. this puts FEAR into other Muslim business - will they too be subject to 'attacks' on their businesses simply because the state(or rather the Islamic Religious authorities of the respective State) says they are themselves personally practicing a 'deviant' Islam? 

Some say that the religious authorities should just target INDIVIDUAL PERSONS on charges of being Islamic Deviants, not their businesses and/or their other income generating activities. The 2 must be kept separate - as we do not want anybody's businesses or income generating activities to be 'DESTROYED' - more so when they have yet to be charged in court, tried and convicted in court.

The investigation by the Royal Malaysian Police found that members of GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd allegedly still practised the Tarekat Aurad Muhammadiyah that was adopted by Al-Arqam members, which was confirmed to have deviated from the true teachings of Islam in 1994....According to Razarudin[Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain], the police investigation into GISB is now geared towards the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), as well as the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA).He said this is to prevent any attempt to revive the company. - Edge. 23/9/2024

It was disturbing that the police and the Anwar Ibrahim's government may be acting against the rule of law and principles of the administration of justice. One is INNOCENT until tried and proven guilty - this has not happened yet, so why is the government acting to  'prevent any attempt to revive the company ' at this stage? The intention of destroying GISBH now, even before finding them guilty of alleged offenses is most dangerous.  

We are still wondering whether the ALLEGATIONS are true or not - will they be able to prove the crimes alleged in court? We are all waiting for the charges in court, the trial and whether the courts will convict or find them NOT GUILTY.

SENTENCE is not arbitrary - it is as per the law, and for being an 'Islamic Deviant', it is about 3 years in prison if you look at Syariah enactments.

Being an 'Islamic Deviant' is not a CRIME as far as the Penal Code or other laws - just Syariah Enactments of the States.

So, even Syariah enactments do not provide the sentence with regard to destruction of businesses, etc..

Now, the police are using the AMLA Act - but we are all wondering how much monies was involved. If RM100 million is suspected to be 'unlawful' money - then freezing RM100 million may be justified...more than that may be UNJUST.

So, how much of GISBH money is suspected to be 'dirty' money - remember, there is a need for REASONABLE suspicion to use the AMLA Freezing Accounts Orders.

Wonder why no one in GISBH has been charged for AMLA offenses yet, which will give us an indication of the monies involved??

ONE Problem that exist in the AMLA Act - is the right of victims to seek COMPENSATION and DAMAGES for wrongful use of freezing accounts, etc. A later proved innocent person not have a REMEDY for his bank accounts freezes, his business or income generating activities affected.

9/11 GISBH - What is happening? Are the actions in accordance with law? PAS raises concern about unfair targeting of business premises?

Another problem with the AMLA Act, is that these ORDERS(Freezing Orders, etc) are orders of the enforcement agencies - not COURT. It should be the Court that makes these orders, as the independent Court would evaluate judicially what Orders ought to be granted or denied. Is there 'reasonable grounds to suspect' of the enforcement agencies really  'REASONABLE" or is it NOT reasonable. Odd if the Enforcement Agencies evaluate themselves whether they have reasonable grounds  to suspect, and then make the ORDER???

Repeal AMLA Draconian Provisions - ONLY Court should make ORDERS related to criminal administration of justice - not police, enforcement agency, Minister or prosecution.

Cops freeze 206 bank accounts worth RM1.35m belonging to GISBH, says IGP 

Cops freeze 206 bank accounts worth RM1.35m belonging to GISBH, says IGP 
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the freeze involved 205 bank accounts worth RM1.35 million and one account holding US$1,344.26 (RM5,688.80). — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 — The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has frozen a total of 206 accounts linked to GISB Holdings (GISBH), valued at more than RM1.35 million to date.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the freeze involved 205 bank accounts worth RM1.35 million and one account holding US$1,344.26 (RM5,688.80), according to a report published in Berita Harian today.

He added that the freezing of accounts and assets related to GISBH was carried out under Section 44(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLATFPUAA) (Act 613).

“In addition, PDRM also froze various assets, including 31 cars and multi-purpose buses, and 19 land lots.

“We also seized 19 cars, a lorry, RM16,850 in cash, two Amazfit watches valued at approximately RM600, as well as various animals estimated to be worth RM230,000,” he told BH today.

He stated that the seizures were conducted under Section 45(2) of AMLATFPUAA 2001 (Act 613). - Malay Mail, 3/10/2024






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