Thursday, June 06, 2024

PKR, a government party contesting in Sg Bakap By-Elections - Is it right for government to set up 'task force against Fake News' for this election? Is it not a kind of 'campaigning'? Government should stay out elections? FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS please

Sungai Bakap By-Elections - Well the Minister(from PH-PKR) has announced this, but what exactly will the government be doing - Blocking social media users? Censoring content? What is 'irresponsible statements' or even 'fake news' - that is where the problem is? Is this a case of using government resources to help a government party candidate? Should this not be part of the candidates election expenditure?

For a FREE and FAIR elections, the government must stay neutral - and leave campaigning to the candidates themselves - including addressing issues that come up in social media, etc. Candidates should only be responsible for responding to 'irresponsible statements' or fake news, should they not? Ministers should also not be out there campaigning for candidates - but they can be there as party members > steps should be taken to ask media to not report that this was the Prime Minister or any Minister. And certainly no government resources - no police escorts, bodyguards, government cars or planes, ... we want a FREE and FAIR elections.

No government 'allocations' or 'new projects' to be publicly announced beginning from the date a seat becomes vacant until the end of the by-elections. We want a free and fair elections.

'...The communications ministry will set up a special task force to curb the spread of fake news on social media ahead of the Sungai Bakap by-election next month.

Its minister, Fahmi Fadzil, said the purpose of monitoring social media platforms was to address “irresponsible statements” made during election campaigns.

“Typically, during state seat by-elections or general elections, there are teams assigned to scrutinise these platforms,” Fahmi said as reported by Utusan Malaysia.

“This is carried out at the ministry level and by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), as well as other agencies and departments such as the information department....'

I believe the government already has a special task force to monitor 'irresponsible statements' and/or 'fake news" - so there is NO NEED for a special focus or a NEW group to monitor any elections, is there now?

FAKE NEWS should be responded by speedy official government communication in response based on FACTS - not simply on the basis of a difference in opinion.

Recall the Johor Casino news - whilst in Malaysia, a person who relied on this news published by media agencies today stands trial for Sedition,etc. What has the government done with regard the media that reported - Has the government got a 'withdrawal of the news report, the printing of a clarification, or an apology from the said media outlets yet?

'...over a post on Facebook where he quoted Bloomberg and Singapore media on reports claiming that a casino would be established in Forest City, Johor.’ The Business Times on 25/4/2024 had a report entitled ‘Malaysia mulls over plans for casino in Forest City as part of Johor-S’pore Special Economic Zone: sources’, and Bloomberg on the same day had a report entitled, ‘Malaysia in Talks With Tycoons on Casino to Revive $100 Billion Forest City’..'

Release suspect Chegubard From Remand Detention, And Just Call Him In When Required For Further Investigation Just Like Najib and Zahid Hamidi ...(MADPET)

Remember that it is NOT the Minister or the Government that decides whether a statement or comment is against the law or not - it is the Courts. So, charge them for law breaking in court.

As it is now - when social media or other media is blocked by the government, there is no transparency - you do not even know that your post has been removed by the government and for what reason? Who do you blame - the government, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), or....

Given that there are laws now in Malaysia that allows the government to compel service providers to do the blocking and censoring - thus allowing the government to hide their 'censorship' indirectly We recall the government dealings with FB, Tik Tok, etc

263  General duty of licensees
(1) A licensee shall use his best endeavour to network that he owns or prevent the facilities provides or the network service , applications service or content applications service that he provides from being used in, or in relation to, the commission of any offence under any law of Malaysia.

(2) A licensee shall, upon written request by the Commission or any other authority, assist the Commission or other authority as far as reasonably necessary in preventing the commission or attempted commission of an offence under any written law of Malaysia or otherwise in enforcing the laws of Malaysia, including, but not limited to, the protection of the public revenue and preservation of national security.

TM blocks access to Malaysian Insider? Based on Multimedia Commission's request based on an alleged offence? Unjust and draconian?

Malaysia Must Stop Pressuring Facebook and Telegram to Monitor or Control User’s Private Communication

GREAT - Telegram did not want to participate in “any form of political censorship”? An explanation why will not cooperate with Minister?

Bar Resolution on Respect of Privacy, End of “Spying” and Intervention of Internet without Due Notice, ... Will Anwar's PH-led government do the needful?

Respect People’s Right to Privacy, Freedom of Expression - Repeal Section 233 and other rights violating provisions in the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998(CMA)...- MADPET

Gobind, Communication Minister, MCMC Commissioners and anti- freedom of expression/press laws must go NOW?

What is right is that if the government directly(or indirectly) block, censor, 'disable', hack any persons - they must inform the 'victim' that it is a government reliant on which law - and briefly how any said post/website broke the law. This will give the opportunity to do the will also be educational to people generally (so, this information of why post/site was blocked will be known by the public at large - a website where we can access this information.

What is the 'irresponsible statements' or fake news - or is it just post/statements critical of the government and supporting the Opposition.

Warrant/Order from Court before government can block,censor, etc anything - this is a better as Courts are definitely a better and more independent judge of what exactly should be blocked - especially communication over social media, blogs and news sites.

Nobody would make an issue if the targeted websites are gambling sites, pornography, etc... but when the target are statements/opinions of individuals - we suspect the government's intentions and whether it is an attack on democracy itself - by prevention of freedom of expression.

So, NO to special government TASK FORCE for just elections which can be favourable to government party candidate/s but not favourable to Opposition and independent candidates.

SECONDLY - no censorship, blocking of access, hacking, etc WITHOUT first getting a Court Order. This Court Orders can be obtained speedily and Judges will determine justly whether this and that post ought to blocked, etc, and most importantly the known owner/creator of the post must be notified - so that they have an opportunity to the right to be heard, and the right to challenge the Order obtained by government.

We abhor DETENTION without trial - and likewise we are AGAINST interference with of right of communication, be it as maker/sharer of a news or view or recipient of such messages, without a right to be heard or trial?

Minister Fahmi - tell us HOW MANY communications/sites , other than pornography and illegal gambling sites, have been blocked/censored/etc by the Government, OR by the licensees/service providers so as not to breach Malaysian laws?

How many of these cases where the alleged perpetrators have been charged? How many of the cases have been investigated?

See earlier post:- 

Drop in Press Freedom cannot be ignored - 3R should not be an excuse for erosion of Press Freedom and also Freedom of Expression in Malaysia?

FREE AND FAIR Elections requires a LONGER campaign period to be fair to all candidates. A short campaign period favours the government of the day candidates as their ability to communicate 'indirectly' to the electors through the government naturally arises long before the campaign period - whilst other candidates can only start campaigning after Nomination Day - but still suffers the lack of media coverage, etc. We should at least have a 30 day campaign period to be fair..  

Govt to form task force against fake news for Sungai Bakap polls

FMT Reporters-

Communications minister Fahmi Fadzil says the initiative is to address ‘irresponsible statements’ made during election campaigns.

Communications minister Fahmi Fadzil said monitoring of social media is usually carried out at the ministry level and by MCMC, as well as other agencies and departments.

PETALING JAYA: The communications ministry will set up a special task force to curb the spread of fake news on social media ahead of the Sungai Bakap by-election next month.

Its minister, Fahmi Fadzil, said the purpose of monitoring social media platforms was to address “irresponsible statements” made during election campaigns.

“Typically, during state seat by-elections or general elections, there are teams assigned to scrutinise these platforms,” Fahmi said as reported by Utusan Malaysia.

“This is carried out at the ministry level and by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), as well as other agencies and departments such as the information department.

“God willing, we will establish a committee for the upcoming by-election,” he said after an event in Nibong Tebal, today.

The Sungai Bakap state seat by-election will be held on July 6, with early voting on July 2.

Nomination of candidates will be held on June 22.

The by-election follows the death of Sungai Bakap assemblyman, Nor Zamri Latiff of PAS, who passed away on May 24 after spending over three weeks in intensive care due to stomach inflammation.

Yesterday, it was reported that there had been a sharp increase in the amount of restricted content in Malaysia, according to data from Meta’s transparency centre.

The number of restricted items found online rose from 536 in 2022 to 8,580 in 2023 – a 16-fold increase in just one year.

In its change log update for the period of July to December 2023, Meta found 4,700 restricted items comprising illegal gambling content, scams, posts on regulated goods, offensive 3R (race, religion and royalty) comments and cyberbullying.

The company said content was categorised as restricted in response to reports by MCMC. - FMT, 6/6/2024


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