Ku Nan personally has a right to express his opinion. BUT, when he is reported speaking as the Federal Territory Minister, he is speaking for PM Najib and the current UMNO-BN government. Well, as government, he also has a right to his opinion ...also about what he(and/or the government) believe should be happening in Christian churches...
As a Christian, I must state that the obligation of a Christian is not just worrying about ending up in heaven or hell when one passes on - but also an active duty to act to ensure that things happening today is also consistent with God's will. Christians are called to act and speak out against all wrongdoings, even against the powerful or government's of the day - and a failure to do so is a SIN. Yes, we confess for SINS - wrong actions, including omissions(the failure to do something about wrongs in this world).
We follow the example of Jesus, who clearly acted and spoke out against the wrongs in his society..and this also consistent with the actions of the prophets, judges and others in the Bible.
"FAKE NEWS" - well, unfortunately in Malaysia, the lack of transparency and accountability is a major problem.
Even when the questions about the billions of ringgit in our Prime Minister's personal bank account was raised, our PM did not speedily acknowledge the fact and explain why and what happened...hence, many speculations spread...(some possibly even 'fake') - all of which could have easily been avoided by speedy response on the part of the PM and the government about that monies.
Likewise, the lack of transparency and openness in the practices of the government can lead to confusion...and even 'speculations'.
Even when there 'benefits' and entitlements for the people, or a particular group of people, why is the government not making it PUBLIC through announcements in the newspapers, radio and television inviting people who qualify to put in applications to get those benefits. If they did, when and where did this advertisements appear? There must be publicity to all - not simply to just some or some political party.
Now, it looks like because of that former Najib's Cabinet member, Waytha Moorthy, the Minister has told us about this ....the government now responded and tells us that "...giving the 300
people here RM42,000 and they will take part in a Rent-To-Own (scheme by
the Federal territories of Federal Territory Affordable Housing Policy
or RumaWIP) without having to pay any deposit," . Well, this 'opportunity' was for M40 and B40 Indian Malaysians, but then the question is did they not know about this earlier, did they know how to apply, how many applications were there, and how were this '300' selected to receive this benefit? Who got it - well it should be the B40 families first, and if there is excess monies, then maybe the lowest income M40...Maybe, the Minister should tell who are the 300 who got it ...was it 'friends' of UMNO-BN...or really the deserving B40 families?
If only 300 received the benefit of RM42,000, then the total amount will be RM12,600,000 - odd what happened to the rest since the report says a RM50 million allocation? What happened to the balance about RM37 million? So, was it totally 'fake news' if there if RM37 million is still unaccounted for. The Minister's partial answer does not help...Yes, media may not get it all, and as such it is important for Minister to just issue a written media statement...which contains complete facts.
1MDB and related companies - well, it looks that in Malaysia, the 1MDB and the government position is that there has been no losses...no kleptocracy, no money laundering, no abuses resulting in losses to the Malaysian people --- Well, that position is contradicted by the fact of so many legal actions happening in so many countries including the US, Singapore, ... Who is giving us 'FAKE NEWS' - Najib and the UMNO-BN OR the US and all these other countries? Najib really must come out with a full statement of what happened in 1MDB and related companies...the whole truth and nothing but the truth please?
When according to the government, there is something that they consider 'Fake News', then the government must speedily respond and clarify matters, and there is no need of trying to go after anyone for sharing such news.
Many 'fake news' emerge because of lack of transparency of the government itself - coupled at times with 'silence' and a refusal to clarify by the government.
As Christians, we are also responsible for the governance of community and even nations. More so, in Malaysia, when we are also responsible for voting in our MPs who then choose the Prime Minister, who picks his Cabinet, and become the government. Hence, the people are ultimately also responsible for the sins of PM Najib and the government - and, as such, a failure to be concerned about the way Malaysia is governed...is an impossibility for a Christian. Our faith demands of us to act to make things more just and fair, as per the will of God, and then includes getting rid of bad peoples' representatives, Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers and Menteri Besar - and, in Malaysia, that will be by way of voting come the next General Elections.
Ku Nan obviously has a lack of understanding of what Christianity is all about ...his suggestion is that Christians should not be concerned about things happening in Malaysia is just ignorance. In fact, most faiths including Islam demands of its adherents an active duty to ensure that there is justice...The Pope also recently yet again spoke out against corruption...
UPDATE - Ku Nan issued another statement according to report below
Here he is quoted saying
"I did not say churches were places where slander is spread. I only gave a reminder for houses of worship to continue their respective religious activities, and not become a centre for the spread of fake news which can spur hatred for the government,"
Well, Christians and people of other faiths, will speak up against SINS of the government - and, as such churches and other houses of worship are not going to sit by 'silently' praising the government of the day, where the government of the day is doing injustice and wrongs contrary to values upheld by people of that faith.
To not evaluate what is happening around in Malaysia, and not speak up against wrongdoings of even the PM and the government, then religious leaders and communities of other faith will not be true to their own faith - to what God demands.
Remember silence may mean consent with all that the government is doing wrong - is that what Ku Nan (or maybe even the UMNO-BN government) wants of all the other religions in Malaysia?
If the government does justice and good - then people will be pleased with the government ...may even love the government.
BUT if the government is doing wrong ..causing suffering and injustices, naturally it 'can spur hatred for the government'.
So, Ku Nan, if you feel people are unhappy or even 'hate' the government, you need to look at yourself and government and see what WRONGS are being done - and stop committing such sins.
Land or money....will not stop good people from highlighting wrongdoings, injustices and violations of human rights...And government should never use money, land or other threats to try to silence people ...
Stop spreading lies about the government in church, Ku Nan warns

CHRISTIANS should not use the church to spread fake news and lies
that put the federal government in a bad light, Federal Territories
Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today.
Tengku Adnan, who is also known as Ku Nan, said that the church
should be a place to “disseminate God’s will” and not for Christian
leaders to share their personal grouses.
"I also want to beg my Christian friends, whatever you want to do in
the church, please don't use the church as a place to talk about things
that are not true,” he said at the Kenduri 1Wilayah Persekutuan Parlimen
Titiwangsa programme in Kuala Lumpur.
"You (can't) read things on the internet or whatever comes to you, then talk about it in church.
"Because when you go around and give your sermons and preach on
Sundays, there are a lot of things, sometimes, that are not true.
"Please use the church as a place to disseminate God's
will, not to disseminate your own will or (talk about) things that you
are not happy with."
He also said he could not understand why the Christian community,
especially in Titiwangsa, were so against the Federal Territories
Ministry, especially since they enjoy many benefits from the federal
"When (Second Finance Minister) Johari (Abdul) Ghani told me about a
church trying to get land in Titiwangsa, I told him that we should give
the land to the church and help them; it's no problem with us.
"This is because the government today is moderate, considerate and
that acknowledges the needs of the people, no matter if they are Malay,
Chinese or Indian. We know that there are followers of different
religions in the nation," he said, referring to the Chapel of Our Lady
of Good Health.
When asked to elaborate at a press conference later, Tengku Adnan
said one example of fake news spread in Sunday sermons was a press
statement by Hindraf chairman P. Waytha Moorthy.
However, Tengku Adnan did not mention which churches had purportedly
spread the statement by Waytha Moorthy, or how his ministry was aware of
the alleged sermons that spread the fake news.
"He said that I lied... I never lie. In fact, we are giving the 300
people here RM42,000 and they will take part in a Rent-To-Own (scheme by
the Federal territories of Federal Territory Affordable Housing Policy
or RumaWIP) without having to pay any deposit," he said.
In the statement released on Tuesday, Waytha had accused Tengku Adnan
of "hoodwinking the Indian community" and said he had lied about RM50
million allocated via Yayasan Wilayah Persekutuan for loans for the
Indian community to buy RumaWIP.
"There are thousands of M40 and B40 Indians in Kuala Lumpur who have
not heard of such a scheme,"
Waytha had said, adding that Tengku Adnan
had also hoodwinked Indians through a false RumaWIP Indian quota.
Tengku Adnan, however, said that there was a quota for Indians in all
RumaWIPs. He then questioned Waytha on the £1 million (RM5.48 million)
that the latter had promised to give each member of the Indian
"We have a quota for Indian owners in all the RumaWIP projects, so at
least 10% is for Indians to buy. If they can't get a loan, they can
come to Yayasan Wilayah Persekutuan. It is not fair for him to say that
we are hoodwinking Indians.
"This is an example of the kind of fake news (being spread in churches).
"So, I want to ask him, what happened to the £1 million that he had promised?" Tengku Adnan said.
Waytha had previously sued the British government for abandoning the
Indian community to Malay-majority rule in granting Malaysia
independence on August 31, 1957.

Council of Churches shocked by Ku Nan's remarks
The Council of Churches of Malaysia has expressed shock at remarks made by Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor urging churches not to speak untruths in their sermons.
"This is an unfounded statement and calls into question the spiritual integrity and witness of the church in imparting the faith in line with the Gospel as revealed in the holy scriptures.
"It is an affront to the church for the minister to insinuate that our religious duty in preaching during worship services are 'lies' because it is critical of societal issues," Council of Churches general secretary Reverend
Hermen Shastri said in a statement this evening.
Earlier today at a 1Federal Territories luncheon in Kuala Lumpur, Tengku Adnan had urged churches not to speak untruths.

At a press conference later, he reportedly said churches had
allegedly spread fake news based on Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia (PHM)
chief P Waytha Moorthy's claim that the minister had lied about an RM50
million allocation for Indian housing loans.
Hermen said it was sad that Tengku Adnan would make such remarks.
"I do not think the minister knows that churches spend more time
praying for the nation and leaders, that they act and rule justly which
is what God wills from human beings on Earth.
"It is sad that the minister has decided to make such a derogatory
statement about Christians when the government is observing the World
Interfaith Harmony Week,” the reverend said.
He added that
Tengku Adnan should be “applauding the fact” that Malaysian religious
communities had helped make the nation what it is today by teaching
their people about justice, peace and harmony. - Malaysiakini, 3/2/2018

Ku Nan says church remarks misconstrued
Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor claims his remarks about church sermons earlier today were misconstrued.
"I did not say churches were places where slander is spread. I only gave a reminder for houses of worship to continue their respective religious activities, and not become a centre for the spread of fake news which can spur hatred for the government," he said in a statement.
Earlier today at a 1Federal Territories luncheon in Kuala Lumpur, Tengku Adnan had urged churches not to speak untruths.
At a press conference later, he reportedly said churches had allegedly spread fake news based on Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia (PHM) chief P Waytha Moorthy's claim that the minister had lied about an RM50 million allocation for Indian housing loans.
Tengku Adnan clarified that his message was not aimed solely at churches and that he was not opposed to churches.
"I myself have defended a plot of land so that it can be used to build a church in Kampung Pandan Indah.
"I only referred to churches as an example, because my message is to all houses of worship including mosques, suraus, and temples," he said.
The Putrajaya MP's remarks had earned him brickbats including from the Council of Churches.
The council's general secretary Reverend Herman Shastri said Tengku Adnan's comments were both shocking and sad.
Read more at https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/411022#dhALYkAizxV1uBfh.99
"I did not say churches were places where slander is spread. I only gave a reminder for houses of worship to continue their respective religious activities, and not become a centre for the spread of fake news which can spur hatred for the government," he said in a statement.
Earlier today at a 1Federal Territories luncheon in Kuala Lumpur, Tengku Adnan had urged churches not to speak untruths.
At a press conference later, he reportedly said churches had allegedly spread fake news based on Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia (PHM) chief P Waytha Moorthy's claim that the minister had lied about an RM50 million allocation for Indian housing loans.
Tengku Adnan clarified that his message was not aimed solely at churches and that he was not opposed to churches.
"I myself have defended a plot of land so that it can be used to build a church in Kampung Pandan Indah.
"I only referred to churches as an example, because my message is to all houses of worship including mosques, suraus, and temples," he said.
The Putrajaya MP's remarks had earned him brickbats including from the Council of Churches.
The council's general secretary Reverend Herman Shastri said Tengku Adnan's comments were both shocking and sad.
Read more at https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/411022#dhALYkAizxV1uBfh.99
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