The government paid an RM1.5 million ex-gratia compensation to the family of firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim who died in 2018.
The question that we must ask is WHY was the payment made. Why RM1.5 million?
Is it a new government policy to pay RM1.5million as 'ex-gratia compensation' for any public officer that dies in the performance of his/her duties? Payment of an ex-gratia compensation of RM30,000 to RM100,000 would have been just - but a payment of RM1.5 million of the rakyat's monies raises questions.
Will the government pay RM1.5 million ex-gratia compensation to person/s killed by public officials or in government premises.
In death in police custody cases, should not the government also pay out ex-gratia compensation?
Take the case of Dhamendran, where the EAIC inquiry found the police had caused the death.
i) The Commission found the death of Dhamendran a/l Narayanasamy (I.C Num 811028-14-5551) on 21 May 2013 resulted from the use of physical force by the police. EAIC’S INVESTIGATION FINDINGS ON THE DEATH OF N. DHARMENDRAN IN POLICE CUSTODY
4 police officers were charged but at the end of the day, they were acquitted, Then, the family had to sue in the civil court, and the court ordered that the family be paid about half a million in compensation.'The High Court here today awarded Marry Mariay Susay, whose husband N Dharmendran died in police custody in 2013, close to half a million ringgit in damages.The housewife had sued the police and the government in 2016 for damages over assault, battery, breach of duty, negligence, false imprisonment and conspiracy...' - RM490,000 to widow of Dharmendran(died in police custody) - 4 officers charged for 'murder' remain FREE and in the police?
There were other cases where the family had to sue to receive damages/compensation.
Adib's case - the coroner found that person/s were criminally liable for the death. However, the police failed to identify the perpetrators and no one was charged in court. This is common, there has been so many murders and other crimes, where the perpetrators are never identified, let alone prosecuted. To be found guilty, the burden of proof is HIGH - beyond reasonable doubt, and that explains why the families in suits can succeed even if the perpetrators were acquitted.
BUT, now with the RM1.5 million pay out to Adib's family - is there a change of government policy under Prime Minister Ismail Sabri?
Was the reason for the high pay-out based on justice, or simply 'politics'. After all, the announcement was made at the UMNO General meeting in March 2022, when the payment was made in November 2021. Why were not told about this in November?
PM Ismail Sabri also just announced a good thing = that
he government will pay RM10,000 to families who have lost their source of income due to the death of their breadwinners as part of its insurance protection plan.
Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the government has identified an initial 268,000 poor families through its eKasih system who will benefit from the plan.
This RM10,000 is a far cry from the RM1.5 million that the late Adib's family received.
So,please explain the RM1.5 million pay-out > that monies could have helped a lot of the people that lossed income and jobs...
M Fakrull Halim
Published: Mar 19, 2022 5:15 PM
Updated: 9:22 PM

Govt to pay RM10,000 to families who have lost breadwinners
FMT Reporters
-March 23, 2022 2:04 PM

PETALING JAYA: The government will pay RM10,000 to families who have lost their source of income due to the death of their breadwinners as part of its insurance protection plan.
Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the government has identified an initial 268,000 poor families through its eKasih system who will benefit from the plan.
He said the government will allocate RM13.4 million a year for payouts under the programme.
In a statement today, Ismail said the government planned to improve the socio-economic status of families by focusing on efforts to improve the income of heads of households from the poor and hardcore poor groups whose breadwinners had died.
He said the Malaysian Social Protection Council had decided to roll out several initiatives to strengthen the social protection agenda to achieve zero hardcore poverty by 2025, in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan.
Previously, Ismail had said that new and innovative social protection solutions were urgently required to strike a balance between the provision of safety nets, promotion of financial resilience, and human capital development.
He said quick responses were required to uplift the community, promote rights and bridge social protection gaps, especially for informal economy workers, housewives or unpaid family workers, such as caregivers. - FMT, 23/3/2022