Sunday, March 23, 2025

Abolish PENSION for MP/Minister - EPF only. Abolish double income for Ministers - 1 pay, the highest pay only? Parliament has full control of funds spend on MPs - including funds for MP's work, staff, office, etc...

Malaysia is said to have a debt of RM1.5 Trillion or more, as PM Anwar's government has been increasing DEBT - not reducing it... ONE way to REDUCE Government spending is the abolition of PENSION for MP/Senators and Cabinet Members (Place them under the EPF/KWSP scheme), and abolish DOUBLE salary/allowance (Why does the PM/Minister get salary for the Ministerial position and a 2nd allowance/'salary' of an MP/Senator? - one should be sufficient, the highest?)

Now, a Member of Parliament is a 'wakil rakyat' or peoples' representative - and when and if the people REJECT them as peoples' representative - it is FOOLISH to give them pension until they die, and their spouses thereafter a reduced pension until death - It is the Malaysian people's MONEY - so why still pay them after they failed the people, and was REJECTED by the people or their party?

EPF is fine - because the Government will pay 11-13% only as EMPLOYER when they are serving as MP/ADUN/Senator or member of Cabinet, and this is FAIR, and acceptable as this is the 'old age savings' scheme for private sector workers, self-employed, etc...

A public officer, works from age about 25 until age of 60 (about 35 years), so a PENSION may be justified, but an MP/ADUN/Senator or Minister works sometimes for just about 4-5 years, or 9 years...and is paid VERY HIGH Allowance/Salary (and other additional allowance), whereby monthly an MP can receive RM40,000 or more, and a Minister so much more > A PENSION until death not justified for such persons, who are rejected by people in elections, or by Party who no longer have faith in placing them as MP candidates. 

Another difference between ordinary public officers is that they are full-time, whereas an MP/ADUN is not, as most continue earning from their own profession and businesses..  

In fact, so many of these MPs do not even attend Parliament - we have heard of days when there are less that 26 (out of 222 MPs) that are present in the Dewan Rakyat. Many may come to Parliament, but spend most of the time outside the Dewan - maybe in cafeteria's but daily attendance allowance of RM400 is claimed...(Parliamentary attendance allowance should be based on the number of hours the MP is in the Dewan Rakyat. A MP who comes and signs in his attendance and then is not in the Dewan should not be entitled to that RM400 daily parliamentary attendance allowance - if he was in the Dewan for 1 hour, and Parliament sat for 10 hours that day, then JUSTLY his Parliamentary attendance allowance shall be 1/10 X RM400= RM40only)

The Minimum Wage is RM1,700, but a MP gets RM16,000 + other allowances, which the PMO just said that it could be between RM30,000 - RM40,000. 

In a statement, it said MPs are earning between RM30,000 and RM40,000 a month, giving a breakdown of how much they earn:
Then, some MPs are also 'politically appointed' to become Chairman or Directors, and they get additional monthly income of RM50,000 to RM100,000?? [An MP, even when not a member of the Cabinet, has so much work at the Constituency - plus other Parliamentary work in Parliamentary Committees doing the 'check and balance' of the Executive, including GLCs, etc..They should not be 'politically appointed' to other positions, be it in GLCs or government agencies where they are PAID - which tends to compromise the duties of backbencher MPs, who like Opposition MPs, should be monitoring government/Executive actions - thus such appointment of backbencher MPs is 'CORRUPTION' to prevent them from properly doing the Parliamentary duties of check and balance????

Now, 222 MPs, and this is the 15th Parliament - so how much PENSIONS are now being paid out by the Federal Government as PENSIONS to former MPs/Senators/Ministers? How many BILLIONS or millions every year? How much are the various State governments paying as Pensions?

 the pension entitlements of assemblymen, Members of Parliament (MPs) and ministers as the entitlements for some could exceed RM100,000 per month.

ANY NEW LAW abolishing Pensions for MPs/Senators and Ministers will NOT affect the pension rights of those already entitled - they will continue receiving PENSIONS as is. BUT, it will impact all present and/or future MPs/Senators/Ministers - so, enact this law fast.

Section 3  Remuneration of Members of Parliament [MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (REMUNERATION) ACT 1980]

(1) The remuneration of Members of Parliament shall consist of-

(a) in the case of a member of the Senate, a monthly allowance of eleven thousand ringgit;

(b) in the case of a member of the House of Representatives, a monthly allowance of sixteen thousand ringgit.

(2) Where a Member of Parliament is designated as Leader of the Opposition, he shall be entitled, in addition to the monthly allowance specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1), to a monthly allowance of three thousand eight hundred and forty-six ringgit and fifty-nine sen. 


Section  6  Remuneration of Members of the Administration

(1) The remuneration of the Members of the Administration shall consist of-

(a) in the case of the Prime Minister, a monthly salary of twenty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-six ringgit and sixty-five sen;

(b) in the case of the Deputy Prime Minister, a monthly salary of eighteen thousand one hundred and sixty-eight ringgit and fifteen sen;

(c) in the case of a Minister, a monthly salary of fourteen thousand nine hundred and seven ringgit and twenty sen;

(d) in the case of a Deputy Minister, a monthly salary of ten thousand eight hundred and forty-seven ringgit and sixty-five sen;

(e) in the case of a Parliamentary Secretary, a monthly salary of seven thousand one hundred and eighty seven ringgit and forty sen.

(2)(a) Where a Member of the Administration is a member of the Senate, he shall be entitled, in addition to the salary specified in subsection (1), to the monthly allowance payable to him as a member of the Senate as specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 3.

(b) Where a Member of the Administration is a member of the House of Representatives, he shall be entitled, in addition to the salary specified in subsection (1), to the monthly allowance payable to him as a member of the House of Representatives as specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 3.

This means, our Prime Minister receives monthly salary of RM22,826.65 as PM, and RM16,000 as a MP, and maybe allowances/benefits for BOTH positions??

Both MP and members of Cabinet also receive a lot of other MP and Minister?? So, is Section 11 being applied, and if so Ministers and Deputy Ministers shall only be taking the higher allowance of an MP, and no extra salary as Ministers? Is it happening? PM Anwar Ibrahim must CONFIRM - tell us clearly the salary/allowance taken by his Cabinet members - or is Section 11 ignored, maybe because of Section 6 that allows Ministers to take Minister's salary plus all MP's allowance. In short, Section 11 exist but NOT followed?

Section  11  Provision against duplicate salaries

Unless otherwise provided, a Member to whom any salary is payable under this Act shall be entitled to receive only such salary and allowances but if he is the holder of two or more offices in respect of which a salary and allowances are so payable and there is a difference in the salaries and allowances payable in respect of those offices, the office in respect of which such salary and allowances are payable shall be in respect of which the highest salary is payable.

But then there are MPs/Ministers who are also ADUNs/Members of State EXCO - who will still be taking DOUBLE PAY? This current ACT does not cover that situation.

Then, there are MPs who have also been 'politically appointed' to become Chairman/Directors of government agencies and GLCs, who may pay about RM50,000 or above. So, they end up getting this additional payments, over and above their MP/Minister salary/allowance?

One thing that must be done, is to increase the salary of all Ministers and Deputy Ministers ABOVE the allowance of an MP, and then PAY them ONLY one pay/salary - the salary and allowance of Ministers. A Minister no longer will receive the 'salary' of an MP and/or Senator. So, entitlement to ONE SALARY only.

Guess What? Some former MP or ADUN may be receiving many pensions - pensions for being ADUN, pension for being MP, Pension for being Member of Administration at Federal level, Pensions for being former members of State Cabinets - wow so many different sources of PENSION?? Should the entitlement of Pension be restricted to just ONE, the highest?

 the pension entitlements of assemblymen, Members of Parliament (MPs) and ministers as the entitlements for some could exceed RM100,000 per month.

Then, although so highly paid, they still receive GRATUITY even though they be convicted of abuse of power whilst in office offences - GRATUITY must be abolished... Najib(ex-PM) is said to have received a Gratuity payment of RM1 million (Jakarta Post, 29/8/2019)

While Malaysian MP pay/allowance need to be reduced - there must be NEW provisions to pay for the staff, offices,etc directly by Parliament. These are definitely needed for a MP to function as the peoples' representative. Currently, MP uses his pay/allowance to pay for his office, staff, etc - and this must CHANGE. Parliament should pay MP's staff, office rental and maintenance, - how much may be determined by the number of constituents, size of the constituents, and the cost of living in said Constituencies - A bigger Constituencies may need more officers and staff..

This is where the Parliamentary SERVICES Act is lacking - Parliament's Money Must Be Separate from Executive's Money - Parliament shall be in CONTROL and  responsible for all payments to MPs, including additional allocation for support staff, office rental/maintenance, .... So, no more FEDERAL FUNDS by the PM or Government to any MPs - All monies and entitlements must flow from the Parliament's Funds - A consolidated fund, beyond the control of the PM,... 

witness told the High Court here that Najib Tun Razak received a special payment of RM1 million (US$237,377) after retiring as prime minister as provided under the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Act 1980. Accountant Natasha Rahimah Haryati Mohamad said in her statement said the special payment was made in May 2018. The 47-year-old with the Finance Department of the Prime Minister's Department said the gift was a one-off payment upon the prime minister's retirement. She said Najib also received a gross monthly income of RM58,605.15 from April 2009 until May 2018 through his Affin Bank account.

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witness told the High Court here that Najib Tun Razak received a special payment of RM1 million (US$237,377) after retiring as prime minister as provided under the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Act 1980. Accountant Natasha Rahimah Haryati Mohamad said in her statement said the special payment was made in May 2018. The 47-year-old with the Finance Department of the Prime Minister's Department said the gift was a one-off payment upon the prime minister's retirement. She said Najib also received a gross monthly income of RM58,605.15 from April 2009 until May 2018 through his Affin Bank account.

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witness told the High Court here that Najib Tun Razak received a special payment of RM1 million (US$237,377) after retiring as prime minister as provided under the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Act 1980. Accountant Natasha Rahimah Haryati Mohamad said in her statement said the special payment was made in May 2018. The 47-year-old with the Finance Department of the Prime Minister's Department said the gift was a one-off payment upon the prime minister's retirement. She said Najib also received a gross monthly income of RM58,605.15 from April 2009 until May 2018 through his Affin Bank account.

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Who says MPs don’t get paid enough, says Prime Minister’s Office

PETALING JAYA: MPs have no reason to claim that their salaries are too low or that they are being forced into debt just to make ends meet, says the Prime Minister’s Office.

In a statement, it said MPs are earning between RM30,000 and RM40,000 a month, giving a breakdown of how much they earn:

> MPs get a fixed monthly allowance of RM25,700.

> They are entitled to RM400 a day for attending parliamentary sittings, RM300 a day for attending Public Accounts Committee (PAC) or Special Select Committee meetings when Parliament is not in session, and RM250 a day for PAC meetings during parliamentary sittings.

> They are eligible for RM300 a day for attending official briefings, RM100 a day as daily subsistence allowance when attending Parliament or on official duties beyond 32km from their residence, as well as travel and accommodation claims.

> For official duties abroad, MPs can claim a meal allowance of RM340 per night and a daily subsistence allowance of RM170, along with accommodation and transport claims.

> They are also entitled to claims for foreign currency exchange losses and tips equivalent to 25% of the meal allowance.

The statement noted that with all these payments combined, an MP’s income could reach between RM30,000 and RM40,000 a month, a figure previously mentioned by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar had responded to Perikatan Nasional chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who said the conditions imposed by the government for equal allocation were too strict and unfair.

Muhyiddin said that was why the Opposition coalition had rejected a draft MOU. - Star, 12/3/2025

Allowances for MPs can go up to RM40,000 per month, PMO explains
11 Mar 2025, 09:42 pm
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File photo by Shahrill Basri/The Edge

KUALA LUMPUR (March 11): A Member of Parliament is entitled to a fixed allowance of RM25,700 monthly, as well as other allowances and claims depending on their eligibility, according to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

In a statement on Tuesday, the PMO clarified the matter following allegations by certain parties, including opposition MPs, that their monthly income is so low to the extent of having to go into debt to live their lives.

According to the statement, the allowances and claims that the MPs are entitled to for official duties in the country are as follows:

  • Parliamentary session allowance: RM400 per day
  • (Public Accounts Committee (PAC)/Select Committee) meeting allowance: RM300 per day (outside parliamentary sessions)
  • PAC member meeting allowance: RM250 per day (during parliamentary sessions)
  • Official briefing allowance: RM300 per day
  • Daily living allowance: RM100 per day (paid based on attendance in Parliament or official trip exceeding 32km from their residence)
  • Travel claims: For self-driving, public or land transport
  • Accommodation claims: Hotel, lodging and laundry service

For official duties overseas, the allowances and claims that the MPs are entitled to are:

  • Meal allowance: RM340 per night
  • Daily living allowance: RM170 per day
  • Accommodation claim: Hotel and laundry service
  • Transportation expenses claim: Land and air transport
  • Currency exchange losses claim
  • 25 tip allowance based on meal allowance

“When combined, the total income of an MP can reach RM30,000 to RM40,000 per month like previously stated by the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim),” the statement read.

As such, it said the prime minister also advised all MPs to manage their finances wisely and to always prioritise the interests of the people, particularly low-income groups who are in much greater need of assistance.

On Monday, Anwar rapped the opposition MPs for exploiting the issue to gain public attention, with some even claiming that they were financially burdened and in debt, despite earning up to RM40,000 per month.

He also stressed that allocations for all parliamentary constituencies, including those held by the opposition, were still channelled to the people regardless of political affiliation. - Edge, 11/3/2025

Syed Saddiq: Some politicians may be getting RM100,000 in monthly pension
By Ahmad Naqib Idris /
29 Sep 2021, 04:12 pm
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Pensions of politicians are very attractive, said Syed Saddiq, which may incentivise politicians to maintain their lucrative positions despite having served for decades. (Photo by Zahid Izzani Mohd Said/The Edge)

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 29): Former youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has called on the government to set up a committee to review the pension entitlements of assemblymen, Members of Parliament (MPs) and ministers as the entitlements for some could exceed RM100,000 per month.

Speaking in the Dewan Rakyat, he recounted his experience as a minister, receiving RM55,000 in salary each month.

“Ministers get a luxurious house in Putrajaya, cars, drivers and even expenses for their daily meals can be claimed back from the government. They get plate numbers which can be sold for hundreds of thousands of ringgit and two APs (approved permits) to bring in luxury vehicles,” he said.

He added that ministers also get a gratuity of up to RM1 million to RM2 million, which is based on their years of service as MPs.

The independent MP for Muar pointed out that throughout the changes in government in Malaysia, some ministers remained in the Cabinet.

“There are ministers that have remained in Cabinet positions over three governments — are their gratuities only paid out once or is it a RM1 million payment every time the Cabinet is dissolved?” he asked.

Moreover, pensions of politicians are very attractive, said Syed Saddiq, which may incentivise politicians to maintain their lucrative positions despite having served for decades.

He explained that there are separate pensions for assemblymen, MPs, senators, speakers, deputy ministers, ministers and the prime minister, which means that an MP who previously served as an assemblyman as well as held a ministerial position would be entitled to the separate pension entitlements.

“If you were to combine the different entitlements, the amount could exceed RM100,000 per month, especially if the person has served in several different capacities.

“I propose that the government set up a committee to discuss this matter. This discussion must take place, especially as the rakyat have to be frugal amid the challenging environment, while those of us in Parliament and government are receiving lucrative salaries,” he said. - Edge, 29/9/2021


Najib received RM1 milion special payment after retiring as PM Najib is facing four charges of having used his position to obtain gratification, totalling RM2.3bil from 1MDB funds and 21 counts of money laundering involving the same money. News Desk (The Star/Asia News Network) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Thu, August 29, 2019 Malaysia's former prime minister Najib Razak arrives at the Kuala Lumpur High Court for his trial over 1MDB corruption allegations in Kuala Lumpur on April 15, 2019. (AFP/-) A witness told the High Court here that Najib Tun Razak received a special payment of RM1 million (US$237,377) after retiring as prime minister as provided under the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Act 1980. Accountant Natasha Rahimah Haryati Mohamad said in her statement said the special payment was made in May 2018. The 47-year-old with the Finance Department of the Prime Minister's Department said the gift was a one-off payment upon the prime minister's retirement. She said Najib also received a gross monthly income of RM58,605.15 from April 2009 until May 2018 through his Affin Bank account. When questioned by Najib's lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, the witness said the RM58,605 was his salary as the prime minister. Earlier, the witness confirmed that she was asked by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to submit Najib's monthly salary slips and earning statements from 2006 until May 2018. "As the Claims and Remuneration Unit chief, I am responsible for the payment of salaries to civil servants and administrative staff in the Prime Minister's Department (JPM). "I also have access to Najib's annual income statements and salary slips from January 2006 to May 2018," she said. Earlier, Cabinet, Constitution and Intergovernmental Affairs Division deputy secretary-general Datuk Dr Farizah Ahmad confirmed the positions held by Najib from 2006 to 2018 included being the finance minister, defence minister, youth and sports minister, education minister and deputy prime minister. Najib is facing four charges of having used his position to obtain gratification, totalling RM2.3bil from 1MDB funds and 21 counts of money laundering involving the same money. He faces imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of up to five times the sum or value of the gratification or RM10,000, whichever is higher, if found guilty. The Pekan MP is alleged to have committed the offences at AmIslamic Bank Bhd, No 55, Jalan Raja Chulan, Bukit Ceylon here, between 2011 and 2014.

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