A PAS Prime Minister - Why Not? Or are we being 'racist' by saying No immediately?
Well, a Prime Minister is at the end of the day an individual MP, who enjoys the confidence of the majority of the MPs. Saying that a 'PAS PM' is dangerous highlights one's own prejudice and racism.
We have only thus far had Prime Ministers from UMNO, or those who were former UMNO >> Some Prime Ministers have been OK - but some Prime Ministers have been bad like criminal convict Najib Razak, who broke the Malaysian law and 'stole from Malaysians'
Many States have also PAS Menteri Besars - some have been good, a few not so good. When Pakatan Rakyat(then PAS, DAP and PKR) won in Perak, did they not support a PAS ADUN to become the Menteri Besar of Perak.
Now, DAP is in Pakatan Harapan together with Amanah - who are former PAS members. Is DAP also against Husam Musa or Mat Sabu becoming PM?
To say that Malaysia will 'break up' if we had a PAS MP is really prejudicial, discriminatory and 'racist'.
After GEs, MPs should choose the BEST MP to be Prime Minister > or is it time we change this, and give the people the power to choose the Prime Minister by vote?
It is a sad reality that in Malaysia, race-based political parties are still powerful - noting that race based parties, unlike other Malaysian parties, will be primarily seen as interested in a certain race group not all Malaysians. Likewise, religious based parties end up being seen as bias in favour of Malaysians of a certain religion.
PAS tried to break this perception by forming a PAS Supporters Group, open to non-Muslim Malaysians, and did also place these non-Muslims as their party candidates in elections in the past.
UMNO, MCA and MIC tried to break this single ethnic group perception through the formation of Barisan National, a multi-religious multi-racial coalition.
DAP, though being a party open to ALL Malaysians, failed to attract Malay membership in numbers, is sadly today perceived as a party for non-Muslim non-Malay Malaysians...even though they do have Malay/Muslim ADUNs and MPs
To break this wrong public perception of being a party for non-Muslims and non-Bumiputra, DAP has elected a similar strategy as BN to allign itself with other Malay/Muslim Parties even PAS, when they were part of Pakatan Rakyat, and today Amanah and PKR as Pakatan Harapan.
I believe that Lim Guan Eng personally do not discriminate based on race or religion, and this recent comment was a political strategy to maybe get the votes of non-Muslim Malaysians and Muslim Malaysians, who are against certain Muslim opponents like PAS >>> BUT such strategy is WRONG as it may really lead to cultivation of prejudices, biasness, ...against Malaysian Muslims generally
Malaysia would cease to exist with a prime minister from PAS, DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng claimed today.The Bagan MP claimed the Islamist party’s leaders were pushing a racist and extremist narrative that jeopardised Malaysia’s multireligious and multicultural stance by putting Muslims first, based on the latest Facebook post by PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang.
I really hope that Malaysian political parties will STOP using RACE or RELIGION to garner support > rather they should be focusing on Human Rights and Justice Issues, Good governance practices, increasing democracy and practice of real democracy, ...
Why can't a PAS member be Prime Minister?
Guan Eng need to appreciate that a similar argument has been used against DAP, just like the argument they used against PAS.
This is Malaysia, and Malaysian Muslim or Non-Muslim can be Prime Minister, likewise Chinese Malaysian, Indian Malaysian, Kenyah Malaysian, Kadazan Malaysian can be a Prime Minister >>>Our Federal Constitution does not so, they cannot be - there is no provision in our Federal Constitution that says that a Prime Minister must be from a particular ethnic group or religious group. We can also have a WOMEN Prime Minister..We can have a Young Person as Prime Minister - we do not need only OLD people as Prime Ministers.
He argued that no one from PAS is qualified to hold the post of prime minister and cited a laundry list of what he deemed to be the party’s increasingly hardline stance.
So, attack these different points of disagreement - there is no reason to attach even the Party, noting that any political party's position or public stance MAY not be the individual stance/position of each and every PAS MPs.
Amongst the MPs now, there are PAS MPs for the abolition of death Penalty > even though PAS has not taken yet a clear position/stance on death penalty...
Of PAS MPs, we know how different a person was the late Nik Aziz compared to the person of Hadi..
Even if PAS gets the majority in Parliament, the majority of MPs may have no confidence in making Hadi the Prime Minister - but they may have confidence that another PAS MP ought to be the Prime Minister
Likewise, if DAP gets the majority, the MPs may not have the confidence in Guan Eng as Prime Minister but maybe some other DAP MP.
Things changed after Ismail Sabri became Prime Minister - Malaysia has broken lose from the convention that only the Party President can be Prime Minister >>>that is no more the case
So, at the end of the day, I would say that a suitable PAS MP can always be the Prime Minister...and maybe even the best Prime Minister ever of Malaysia
Prejudice and bias against any person simply based on ethnicity, religion, political party he belongs to...MUST END.
I call on Guan Eng to change his stance and be no longer biased against PAS members as a whole - If unhappy with a position PAS leadership expressed (possibly achieved by unanimous vote but by simple majority) - and make your arguments as to why DAP or you oppose it.
From the Malaysian perspective, looking at the various State governments under the leadership of people from different parties - the main problems at the end of the day is similar - i.e. abuse of power, corruption, money laundering, CBT, failure to deal with the sufferings of the poor/marginalized, etc..
Blinded by race-based or religious-based politics, we, Malaysians, have not been focusing with the REAL problems of the people - and how the various government/s continue to fail to fully deal with it...
Accusing party of extremism, Guan Eng claims a PAS prime minister could break up Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 — Malaysia would cease to exist with a prime minister from PAS, DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng claimed today.
The Bagan MP claimed the Islamist party’s leaders were pushing a racist and extremist narrative that jeopardised Malaysia’s multireligious and multicultural stance by putting Muslims first, based on the latest Facebook post by PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang.
“National unity should be the priority amongst all Malaysians regardless of race and religion, and not just putting Muslims first.
“Worse, PAS has openly stated its ambition of having its own prime minister,” Lim said in a statement.
“A PAS prime minister would break up Malaysia and pose a nightmare scenario for non-Muslims and non-Bumis, since he would not be a prime minister for all Malaysians but only for Muslims,” he added.
He argued that no one from PAS is qualified to hold the post of prime minister and cited a laundry list of what he deemed to be the party’s increasingly hardline stance.
He said that Hadi has issued many negative remarks about non-Muslims and non-Malays by asserting that they should not hold senior Cabinet posts, and unfairly blaming them for threatening Malay political power though the top government positions are held by Malays or Muslims.
Lim accused Hadi of repeatedly spreading “lies” about Pakatan Harapan, using English in Malaysia and even cultural practices like Oktoberfest and Bon Odori.
The DAP politician claimed that PAS is pushing its extremist narrative as a cover for its alleged failures to tackle the current economic problems and corruption challenges.
“This is the reason why Kelantan has become the poorest state in peninsular Malaysia after more than 30 years of PAS’ rule.
“Deprived of economic opportunities, Kelantanese are forced to migrate to other states and Singapore to seek job opportunities, whilst Kelantan suffers from poor crisis management in floods, bad governance and cannot even provide clean piped water to its citizens,” Lim claimed.
He also demanded the other ruling parties and coalitions to explain their silence in the face of Hadi’s remarks, and named MCA, MIC, Gabungan Parti Sarawak and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah.
“Why has MCA, MIC, GPS and GRS kept an unholy silence and continue to support a racist and extremist PAS in government?
“To date neither MCA, MIC, GPS nor GRS have publicly stated that they oppose PAS in government and their ambition to put one of their own as prime minister?” he asked.
In a speech on August 20, Hadi had said corruption stemmed from those who reaped profit through illegal means. He said the majority of those involved in ruining the country’s politics and economy were non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera.
He said it had reached a point that “these people” ended up controlling the country’s economy and using their money to taint politics, the administration and judiciary.
Bukit Aman had since summoned Hadi for claiming that
non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera were at the root of corruption in the
country after 28 reports were submitted against the Marang MP - Malay Mail, 27/9/2022
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