There is great concern about the position of Malaysia vis-a-vis USA. Have we surrendered our principles and became just another US crony state?
During the Mahathir era, Malaysia was respected amongst the international community as being a nation that stood against the US and 'the more powerful' nations of the world. But seeing the picture of Najib with the US President - it looks like Malaysia has compromised itself. 'Good Loyal Boy Najib' seems to be the message I get from the picture of Biden and Najib in the recent Star report. (see the Star Report below)
On the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it is important to note that one of the primary objective was for the destruction of all nuclear weapons - but the US have been developing new ones, and have also been guilty of placing nuclear weapons/capabilities in other non-nuclear countries in Europe, etc. It discriminates against Iran and North Korea - and its lack of action against Israel is so telling. Sadly, UMNO-led BN governed Malaysia may also now be having the same position with the US.
So happy was our Prime Minister to be invited to the this 47-nation 'Nuclear Security Summit' aimed at getting support for the US position and against US's 'enemies' like Iran and North Korea. Iran and North Korea, , by the way, were not even invited, and this is really odd. Was the attendance of Malaysia, a confirmation that Malaysia is now one of US's crony states?
What did Najib do at the Summit? Did he raise issues of US's breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement? Did it say anything against Israel - and possible sanctions against Israel? Did Najib raise the issue of the obvious discrimination against Iran and North Korea, as compared with the attitude and behaviour with regard to Israel, and the other countries. Or, was Najib just so happy to have been invited by that great US? And, ...he just sat there nodding in agreement with all that Obama said - a faithful loyal unquestioning Malaysian Prime Minister.
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT or NNPT) is a treaty to limit the spread (proliferation) of nuclear weapons. The treaty came into force on 5 March 1970 and currently there are 189 states party to the treaty, five of which are recognized as nuclear weapon states: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China (also the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council).
Four non-parties to the treaty are known or believed to possess nuclear weapons. India, Pakistan and North Korea have openly tested and declared that they possess nuclear weapons, while Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its own nuclear weapons program. North Korea acceded to the treaty, violated it, and withdrew from it in 2003...
The NPT consists of a preamble and eleven articles. Although the concept of "pillars" appears nowhere in the NPT, the treaty is nevertheless sometimes interpreted as a three pillar system, with an implicit balance among them:
- non-proliferation,
- disarmament, and
- the right to peacefully use nuclear technology.- Wikipedia
Despite the ending of the cold-war, US and the other nuclear weapon states have not fulfilled their obligations to disarm - to destroy all nuclear weapons.
It has also placed nuclear weapons in other countries - which is certainly against the spirit of the NPT, and also a violation. But, the US and its 'cronies' always have justifications - and the rest of the world just do not have the power and the ability to do much against the US, and these other countries.
Under NATO nuclear weapons sharing, the United States has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store.[31] This involves pilots and other staff of the "non-nuclear" NATO states practicing, handling, and delivering the U.S. nuclear bombs, and adapting non-U.S. warplanes to deliver U.S. nuclear bombs. ....The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) has criticized the arrangement for allegedly violating Article I and II of the NPT, arguing that "these Articles do not permit the NWS to delegate the control of their nuclear weapons directly or indirectly to others."[34] NATO has argued that the weapons' sharing is compliant with the NPT because "the U.S. nuclear weapons based in Europe are in the sole possession and under constant and complete custody and control of the United States."[35] - Wikipedia
What about Israel? They are not only researching for peaceful use - but have developed, and have nuclear weapons. But, then there has been no 'sanctions', investigations or public outcries by the US, etc...compared with Iran, who has not only allowed inspections but have also declared that they are not intending to develop nuclear weapons - but merely is developing the technology for peaceful purposes. [Of course, US and its cronies do want anybody, especially those that are not its 'friends', to have even this technology. They want countries to buy the enriched uranium from the US, not learn the technology needed to make cars - just buy the cars from us directly - is all this really just 'business' and monopoly of technology and control?]. The sad thing is that Malaysia may already be an-unquestioning crony of the US.
But no country comes close to the United States in defying international agreements against the spread and use of nuclear weapons—agreements administered by the IAEA. The IAEA enforces the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), supposedly an agreement of the world’s governments to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. The NPT does not ban nuclear weapons, or their use. In large part, the point of the NPT is to maintain the monopoly of nuclear weapons in the hands of a handful of world powers—mainly the United States and Russia. Nuclear powers supposedly agree not to spread nuclear weapons to other countries, and non-nuclear states promise not to acquire or develop them. The incentive for this is supposed to be that countries with nuclear technology share that technology with non-nuclear countries for peaceful purposes. (The NPT is available at
Even while the NPT is a stacked deck to maintain the current U.S. monopoly on global nuclear terror (with Russia as its only competition), the U.S. is by far the greatest violator of rules in the NPT against the spreading of nuclear weapons technology.
Many of the U.S./NATO nukes in Europe, for example, are set to be deployed in, and under the control of, non-nuclear NATO countries. As a 2005 study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) points out, this is a “violation of Non-Proliferation Treaty’s (NPT) main objective.” (“U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe: A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels, and War Planning,” by Hans M. Kristensen, Natural Resources Defense Council, February 2005)
One of the fundamental goals of the NPT is supposed to be “the cessation of the nuclear arms race and to undertake effective measures in the direction of nuclear disarmament.” The U.S. has developed “bunker buster” nuclear bombs—again in violation of the NPT and other treaties that prohibit the development of new nuclear weapons. By upgrading its nukes, modernizing them, and integrating a nuclear war component into its warfighting strategy, the U.S. eclipses anything any so-called “rogue nation” could even dream of in undermining the stated intent of the NPT.
For years, the U.S. has targeted non-nuclear nations (including Iran) with nukes. A recent article in Scientific American, based on documents obtained by scientists using the Freedom of Information Act, revealed that “The [U.S.] nuclear warheads resting on ballistic missiles in silos, circling the globe in submarines or carried—sometimes mistakenly—by aircraft” are targeted at “so-called ‘regional proliferators,’ smaller states seeking to acquire such weapons of mass destruction.” The latest list of targeted countries made available to the authors of the article, for 2002, included North Korea, Libya, Iran, and Syria (“‘Axis of Evil’ Targeted by U.S. Nuclear Weapons” by David Biello, November 5, 2007). Targeting nations without nuclear weapons for nuclear attack is in violation of NPT agreements.
And then there’s Israel—the only country in the Middle East armed with nuclear weapons. Israel has never signed the NPT, and its nuclear weapons program is unsupervised and uninspected by the IAEA. Israel has an estimated 400 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, and is developing the capacity to launch them from submarines (“U.S. Air Force: Israel has 400 nukes, building naval force,” World Tribune, July 4, 2002). Israel’s current missile capacity can fire nuclear warheads into Iran and every other nation in the Middle East.
In January 2005, Dick Cheney made a not-very-veiled threat that Israel could attack Iran: “One of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it without being asked.... Given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards.” (MSNBC interview, January 2005)
The U.S., right now, holds nuclear weapons over the heads of the people of the world. A U.S. attack on Iran, under the pretext of stopping nuclear weapons proliferation, could very likely involve the use of nuclear weapons. In an article in The New Yorker that outlines highly developed plans for a U.S. attack on Iran, Seymour Hersh writes, “One of the military’s initial option plans, as presented to the White House by the Pentagon this winter, calls for the use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, against underground nuclear sites.” (“The Iran Plans: Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb?” by Seymour M. Hersh, April 17, 2006).
Imagine the Pandora’s box that would be opened by the first actual use of a nuclear bomb in the Middle East by the U.S. That would set a precedent for all kinds of new development and potential for use of nuclear weapons. And it would escalate the whole McWorld vs. Jihad clash with terrible consequences. - Who is the Greatest Proliferator of Nuclear Weapons?
State of the World’s Nuclear Powers

Out of those nine nations, only India, Pakistan, and North Korea currently lack operational intercontinental delivery mechanisms. India’s Agni-II, Pakistan’s Shaheen-II, and North Korea’s Taepodong-1 nuclear capable missiles all maintain an estimated delivery range of 2,500 kilometers. While this limits the countries which could potentially be targeted in the event of a nuclear confrontation to their direct neighbors, all three are in the process of developing ICBMs.
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama has congratulated Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for initiating legislation against those involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
A statement issued by the White House after Monday’s bilateral meeting noted that Najib shared the US concern about the destabilising effects of such proliferation.
“The President congratulated Najib for the recent action on the Strategic Trade Act, which will strengthen the ability of Malaysian authorities to take action against individuals and entities engaged in proliferation,” said the statement.
The Strategic Trade Act, passed on April 5, gives the authorities power to act against those involved in the design, development and production of weapons of mass destruction and protect Malaysian exporters from being used as a channel to supply illegal strategic goods.Warm ties: Najib and Biden sharing a light moment as the vice-president welcomes him at the Naval Observatory, the vice-president’s residence, in Washington on Monday. — AFP
Both leaders, the statement said, also agreed to work together to further strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and to achieve a successful NPT Review Conference next month.
The bilateral meeting, held on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, touched on non-proliferation, trade and investment, human rights, Afghanistan and Iran.
The White House stated that Malaysia’s economic vibrancy, democracy, and willingness to cooperate on key security and multilateral issues formed the basis for a strong bilateral partnership with the United States.
Malaysia is currently the 18th largest trading partner of the US, with approximately US$34bil in two-way goods trade in 2009.
On Afghanistan, Najib informed Obama that at the request of the Afghan government, Malaysia recently deployed a team to assess possible ways to contribute to the reconstruction of the country.
Both leaders agreed on the importance of Iran abiding by its obligations under the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.
Najib also informed Obama that Malaysia had made significant efforts to curb human trafficking.
The Prime Minister later joined Obama and other world leaders at the summit, after days of intense lobbying by Washington to gain support to pressure Iran over its nuclear weapons programme.
Bringing together leaders from 46 countries in the US capital, Obama is seeking to rein in loose nuclear materials within four years to keep them beyond the reach of terrorist groups.
Obama will chair all three plenary sessions to discuss national and international actions to secure nuclear material and curb illicit trafficking, among other things.- Star, 14/4/2010, Obama hails Malaysia’s move to curb WMDs
1 comment:
Come on, everyone including the opposition are trying to kow tow to US to gain support. Najib is just trying to show Anwar that he too can get support from US.
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