First, they said no street demos - use Stadiums....
The Government is willing to provide a stadium for Bersih 2.0 to hold their rally, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak....The Prime Minister said the government would not object if the organiser from the beginning said they would assemble in a stadium from morning to night and later leave peacefully....“Deal nicely and we are willing to prepare a stadium for them to assemble.“But when they refused and instead insisted on having a street demonstration, it must be because of other intentions,” he said....- Star, 4/7/2011, Najib: Government has no objection if July 9 rally in stadium
Then, BERSIH 2.0 went and met with the Yang Di Pertuan Agung, and after that meeting, they called off the street march to the palace, and said that they will gather in the stadium...
Earlier Tuesday, Bersih 2.0 chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan emerged after an audience with the King and said the planned street march had been called off.
Instead, the rally would be held in a stadium, she added.- Star, 5/7/2011, PM: Govt to meet Bersih over stadium for rally
Then, Najib positively reacted, and even said that the stadium would be be decided by BERSIH 2.0...and the only condition was that they come, they assemble, they leave peacefully
The Government is prepared to meet with Bersih 2.0 to discuss the movement's plan to organise the July 9 rally in a stadium.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said which stadium would depend on the request from the organisers..."We will respond to that accordingly.
"What is important is for them to come to the stadium peacefully and orderly, and leave in the same manner," he told newsmen after chairing Agensi Inovasi Malaysia's first governance council meeting here Tuesday..- Star, 5/7/2011, PM: Govt to meet Bersih over stadium for rally
BERSIH 2.0 chooses Stadium Merdeka -
Bersih 2.0 has decided to hold its rally at Stadium Merdeka on Saturday, from 2pm to 4pm. - Star, 6/7/2011, Bersih wants to hold rally in Merdeka Stadium on Saturday
And, then Stadium Merdeka said "NO" - these are all government stadiums.
The management of Stadium Merdeka has rejected Bersih 2.0's application to use its facilities for the proposed rally on July 9. - Star, 6/7/2011, Stadium Merdeka turns down Bersih application
Then the Minister Rais Yatim said no to the other stadiums in KL....
As Bersih 2.0 is an illegal entity, any application by the rally organiser to use the Merdeka, National and Bukit Jalil stadiums will not be considered, said Information, Communications, Culture and Arts Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim. - Star, 7/7/2011, Rais: Rally can’t be held in three KL stadiums
Then there were other 'new conditions and hurdles' suddenly creeping in.
Then, they said you need to get a police permit...
Police are willing to expedite the permit application by Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) organisers to hold the Saturday gathering in a stadium.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar said it would normally take a week to process such applications but police were willing to expedite the process as this was a “special” case. “The government agreed to allow Bersih to hold its gathering in a stadium, but it must apply for a permit. We will process the application as soon as possible.” - New Straits Times, 7/7/2011, ‘Apply for permit first’
Then, they said that Bersih 2.0 is 'illegal' - BERSIH 2.0 is a coming together of about 60 civil society groups, with other persons who share this common cause - to demand for a more free and fair elections in Malaysia. Go visit BERSIH website for more information
Another coalition is Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI), then there was the Save Vui Kong campaign group, and the Justice for Beng Hock campaign, etc - it is absurd that whenever there is a coming together of groups and people for a common cause, there is a need for it to seek registration as a society - and in Malaysia, by the time the registration gets approved, it may take years...
Now, there are police all 'over' - and temporary bus permits are also not being given - all, I believe, with the intention of preventing people from coming to KL on that day....
Temporary bus permits for travel to Kuala Lumpur will not be issued Friday and Saturday to avoid adding to an anticipated traffic congestion, said the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD). Its chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said Thursday that this applied to school and factory bus operators who often applied for the permits during peak seasons to transport people to the city. - Star, 7/7/2011, No temporary bus permits for Friday and Saturday
Who is creating the problem? I believe it is Najib and the government - it is now such a simple matter with a very easy solution. Allow them to use the Merdeka Stadium - and by 10/7/2011, it will be over. The people coming to KL would also be a boost for the local economy of Kuala Lumpur, transport, accomodation, food, etc...
Well, we shall see what will happen in the next few days - but I appeal to the government to respect human rights and freedoms - including the freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of speech, expression and opinion, and the freedom for Malaysians to be able to forward their concerns to the Yang Di Pertuan Agung...
* selected newspaper reports in full below
PUTRAJAYA: The Government is prepared to meet with Bersih 2.0 to discuss the movement's plan to organise the July 9 rally in a stadium.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said which stadium would depend on the request from the organisers.
"We will respond to that accordingly.
"What is important is for them to come to the stadium peacefully and orderly, and leave in the same manner," he told newsmen after chairing Agensi Inovasi Malaysia's first governance council meeting here Tuesday.
Earlier Tuesday, Bersih 2.0 chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan emerged after an audience with the King and said the planned street march had been called off.
Instead, the rally would be held in a stadium, she added.- Star, 5/7/2011, PM: Govt to meet Bersih over stadium for rally
PUTRAJAYA: The Government is willing to provide a stadium for Bersih 2.0 to hold their rally, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
The Prime Minister said the government would not object if the organiser from the beginning said they would assemble in a stadium from morning to night and later leave peacefully.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak delivering his speach during the Prime Minister's office monthly gathering at the Dataran Perdana Putera in Putrajaya. Starpic by Mohd Sahar Misni
“Go on, assemble in the stadium and yell and shout till you are drained,
“Do it, its okay. No problem but don't do the street demonstration because it could bring a risk that is very harmful to our country,” he said at the Prime Minister's Department monthly assembly Monday .
Najib said if they were so adamant in submitting a memorandum and the like or even to show dissent in a democracy, they could deal with the authorities.
“Deal nicely and we are willing to prepare a stadium for them to assemble.
“But when they refused and instead insisted on having a street demonstration, it must be because of other intentions,” he said.
He reiterated that street demonstration was not the answer to any issue which could be settled in other waysNajib said there were parties who were not happy with the election system and claimed that the electoral rolls did not guarantee a free and fair election.“If that so, how come we lost in five states in 2008 and now the Election Commission is studying the possibility on introducing the biometric system to counter accusation on phantom voters.
“But it is strange that when they won, all quiet and no tales on phantom voters and when they felt that the election is near, this tales will resurface.
“So, the rally is not so much on rectifying the system but the motif is gain power undemocratically through street demonstration,” he said.
Najib said when a street demonstration takes place, there was no guarantee that it would be a peaceful one.
“Many would join in...those who love rioting and like to create disorder will join in and it will result in a situation which we want to avoid,” he said.
He added that the public should take heed of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin's thoughts on the Bersin 2.0's proposed rally. - Star, 4/7/2011, Najib: Government has no objection if July 9 rally in stadium
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