Well, the Pakatan Harapan not just failed to win but also recorded a poorer showing in Cameron Highlands. If we consider the poor showing and apathy in Port Dickson before this, it can be taken as an indication of what Malaysians, who voted for an alternative government during PRU14 in May 2018, are starting to feel about this new government....
In Port Dickson, many of the people chose not to come out to vote or was not bothered to support Anwar...And PAS candidate got MORE VOTES (not percentage of votes...) compared to what the PAS candidate got in PRU14 despite a lower voter turnout. In GE14, 83% turned out to vote ...this time only about 58%.
Danyal got more than 36,225, and Anwar got LESS - about 31,016. If we consider the voters who chose not to turn up, being those who did not come out and vote any of the available candidates - 75,770 - 44,136 = 31,634, which is an higher figure than even what Anwar got which was 31,016. See more - Anwar wins BUT Fails to demonstrate overwhelming support? Less votes than former MP?
CAMERON HIGHLANDS - Well, this was an 'Orang Asli' candidate - and this certainly would have significantly affected the Orang Asli communities - they managed to get their FIRST Orang Asli Member of Parliament. Many, even those that support Pakatan Harapan generally would choose to vote an Orang Asli to become an MP, as they has never been an Orang Asli candidate before...but then there is also the general loss of support because of the procrastination...and even some back-tracking on promises.
Different from PD, Cameron Highland was in a state governed by the Barisan Nasional, and Pakatan Harapan ruled the Federal Government? So, both the governments can help - but, which will do more...or rather CAN DO more? Maybe, if the Federal Government had commenced the legal suit against the Kelantan State government concerning orang asli rights earlier, it may have had a bigger impact on Orang Asli voters - but the filing of the suit during the campaign period of the Cameron Highlands by-elections may have just supported the notion that it may have been simply a 'political gimmick' to get Orang Asli votes, even if that is not the case and the timing was simply coincidental?
- One major factor, is the DELAY and procrastination in even repealing the BAD laws like the Sedition Act, SOSMA, POCA and Detention Without Trial laws, ....now, there is talk by PH about merely amending not repealing. What about the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly - that act has also not yet been repealed...and this was something most important for many? There was a moratorium on the usage of some of these bad laws ...but then, PH backtracked and still people are being arrested and investigated under Sedition Act and other bad laws.
- Malaysians are happy about the actions being taken against the 'corrupt' and the expose about how much rakyat's money had been lost - wrongly taken or used... But then...
- Malaysians are happy about the actions being taken against the 'corrupt' and the expose about how much rakyat's money had been lost - wrongly taken or used... But then...
- Minimum wage - many believed, that it was to be increased to a more reasonable RM1,500 - but alas, there was simply an RM100 increase...and now the PH government is saying that in maybe 4-5 years, it is going to increase to RM1,500-00 - but then cost of living will continue to increase, and in 4-5 years, a minimum wage of RM1,500 will be not enough..
- Abolition of the Contractor for Labour - nothing even said about this. Restoration of regular employment, and abolition of short-term contract employment, or at the very least significant restriction of the usage - Not happened yet. Worker and trade union laws amendment - well, just like previous BN, the government is using 'consultations' as a justification for delay. There were yearsand years of so many 'consultations' and even decisions made never translated in amendment of labour laws. [The recent response by the HR Minister when allegations about worker abuse in a Malaysian company was also disturbing. In days, the government came out and denied the allegations even suggesting it could be work of competitors...when really what should have been done was the commencement of a serious investigation followed by actions if needed. Seeing the Minister having a joint media conference, with the representatives of the company who was the alleged perpetrator was also not good - no worker representative ...no union representative. Will Malaysian workers and trade unions believe that they can rely on the new PH government to improve conditions, and take actions against employers that violate rights independently?]
Then, the words and the actions of some in PH seem to suggest that the old 'BN culture and ways of doing things' may simply remain. The worry is that PH seems to be transforming into a BN 2.0 - what with some PH members asking that contracts and tenders be awarded to party leaders, that some Ministers are appointing their party leaders as CEOs/Chairmans of government agencies/boards,...and worse reforms on GLCs are still not forthcoming.
- Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Salahuddin Ayub had justified his appointment of Amanah leaders to GLCs under the ministry
..when the Malaysian United Indigenous Party (Bersatu), a component party of the ruling coalition, appeared to be giving preferential treatment to its own members for appointments to GLC boards, with cabinet minister Rina Harun approving such appointments from within Bersatu’s ranks....A Bersatu member was also recently made head of a federal higher education loan body, while the daughter of a government minister from a separate party was appointed to the board of a government-owned microfinancing agency.When the party’s youth leader Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman rejected calls for the continuation of such preferential treatment at the annual general meeting, some factions demanded his resignation. - Today Online, 27/1/2019
Semalam Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar, Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun mengumumkan pelantikan dua ahli majlis pimpinan tertinggi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Sukiman Sarmani sebagai Pengerusi Universiti Teknikal Mara (Unitek-Mara) serta Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi sebagai Pengerusi Mara Corporation Sdn Bhd. - Astro Awani, 6/1/2019
Former Johor DAP chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau today accused the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government of cronyism, in light of the recent appointment of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia’s (AIM) new chairman, who is the wife of the prime minister’s political secretary.“Couldn’t the government find any qualified talents and professionals without strings attached to the powers-that-be out of the 32 million Malaysian population?” he asked in a statement on his Facebook post. AIM’s chairman Datuk Junaidah Kiting, who is married to Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s political secretary Abu Bakar Yahya, and AIM board member Nurul Iman Dzulkefly, daughter of Health Minister Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad, came under scrutiny recently for their appointments to the government’s microfinancing agency for the poor. - Malay Mail, 23/1/2019
Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) has expressed hope that the party would be given opportunity to play a role in Government-Linked Companies (GLC) in the Pakatan Harapan government, particularly in Sabah. Its president Mohamad Sabu, said there was a growing response towards the party at the national and state level, especially after the 14th General Election.“Therefore, Amanah hopes the party leadership can play a role in the government especially in Sabah. The party hopes to be given a suitable place (within the relevant government agency),” he said. - New Straits Times, 2/12/2018
Klang MP Charles Santiago has been appointed chairman of the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) - The Star, 1/11/2018
Look what happened in PTPTN? How it seems to be using money as it pleases - even if it may good things - Zakat, donations for flood victims, etc ...The issue was raised but alas PH has not made any response. See earlier post:-PTPTN Scandals Need To Be Investigated? zakat payments, relief for flood victims,...?
LOOKS LIKE MANY IN PAKATAN HARAPAN FEELS THAT THEY SHOULD REAP THE WEALTH AND REWARDS after winning the Elections. They forget that they are supposed be Peoples' Rep(Wakil Rakyat) and their duty is to the people of Malaysia > Not for personal enrichment and positions in GLCs, government agencies, etc...
Remember, one of the problem is the VERY HIGH wages and allowance, even higher that the salary of Members of Parliament, even the Prime Minister...Anwar raised another issue during the Port Dickson by-elections too highly paid civil servants, who get so much more than even the PM.
Without even, fixing maximum salaries, these appointments are most prejudicial to all Malaysians - as these appointees will have a contract with these too 'high salaries/allowances' ...and even if later, this government wants to reduce them -- there will be protests, and the appointed will insist of 'very' large compensations...remember what happened during the Selangor's PKNS fiasco, where political appointees were being paid so high?
MPs and Pakatan Harapan are there to serve ...
How exactly will they be monitoring the GLCs and other government agencies/companies when their own leaders/members(political appointees) are in charge or involved?
They should be monitoring to ensure no hanky panky happens...One suggestion was that there be Parliamentary Committees set up to continuously monitor these GLCs, agencies... MP Charles Santiago should have been appointed as maybe even Chairman of the oversight Parliamentary Committee - not the Chairman of SPAN?
YES - THIS IS WHY PEOPLE MAY BE BEGINNING TO FEEL THAT THEY WERE 'CHEATED' - they chose what they taught was going to be a NEW ALTERNATIVE GOVERNMENT - but what is happening seems to simply the continuation of the BN culture and ways...and also a 'lack of accountability' and transparency...
That was possibly the reason that people did not even bother to turn up for the PD by-elections, and maybe also why lesser and lesser people are voting PH candidates...
What happened to the various 'wrongdoings' that happened in the Port Dickson by-election? Amount spend by candidate or others on the authority of the candidate/agent? Did Anwar's spending exceed the limit of RM200,000? Maybe, the submitted expenditure accounts of candidates/their agent {plus people authorized] should be disclosed publicly? Remember, just before the PD Election, we had a NEW EC Chairman - Is the EC slow to highlight - or push the police/MACC to take action just because it is Anwar Ibrahim...maybe also Mat Sabu(Defence Minister) and MB Negeri Sembilan... Is it again, no action against party leaders and friends...just like the BN days? Are election offences mere 'guidelines' and will not be enforced - Election Commission seem to say that all they can do is advice as they have no investigation and prosecution powers - so lame, is it not?
Pakatan Harapan should easily win any by-elections in States it govern....but the people's protest will be shown by the lower voter turn-out, and even lower votes for the winning PH candidate. WHY? The worry that they and their areas may suffer 'discrimination' when it comes to development, etc ...may be the factor why people may still vote PH, or the fact that BN is no longer an alternative and/or option...PAS or maybe other parties may still be an option...
PH can continue as it is ...transforming to become the new BN 2.0...Maybe the next Prime Minister really should not be any ex-BN leader - maybe then, he/she may not be 'corrupted' by the BN ways/policies that he/she was immersed in, and possibly also supported, for so many years when in BN?
PH cannot hope keep us distracted by by-elections - and should now speedily bring about REAL REFORMS...for the good of all Malaysians. They should not be bothered about 'winning' the next General Elections and so end up doing things for that wrong purpose...
Robin Augustin
- January 24, 2019 2:45 PM

PETALING JAYA: A group of NGOs and think tanks have criticised Pakatan Harapan (PH) for failing to abide by its manifesto promise not to appoint politicians to government-linked companies (GLCs).
At a press conference, the NGOs and think tanks, which have formed a GLC Reform Cluster, also urged Putrajaya to form an independent task force to reform GLCs, amid concerns that this process is not happening quickly enough.
The group noted that Dr Mahathir Mohamad himself said before GE14 that GLCs had become monsters which were not serving their original purpose.
Zeroing in on the issue of political appointments, Cynthia Gabriel from the Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) said more political appointments to GLCs were being made without any transparency in the appointment process.

“We only see that Umno people are being removed and replaced with another set of their (PH) people.”
She said just yesterday, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Salahuddin Ayub had justified his appointment of Amanah leaders to GLCs under the ministry, which was worrying.
Cynthia also pointed to reports in which Salahuddin said a lack of time had affected the decision to appoint Mengkudu assemblyman Phahrolrazi Mohd Zawawi as chairman of Pertubuhan Peladang Kebangsaan (Nafas).
Salahuddin also said that he appointed those who were truly qualified and not just those from Amanah.
Cynthia asked how people could trust political appointees to do their jobs properly when the necessary safeguards such as a “very independent” Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, internal auditing processes and whistleblower protection policy were not yet in place.
“Many say the appointees are capable so it is okay, but what is capable?”

Economics professor Terrence Gomez, a senior fellow at the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), said the political appointments to GLCs was a “serious backtracking” by PH on its own manifesto.
National Human Rights Society (Hakam) president Ambiga Sreenevasan, meanwhile, said the “flip” on political appointments was “unbelievable”.
That it was being done so openly and justified was “unacceptable”, she added.
“Did you put out an advertisement? Try to find other people or open applications to the public?”
She said in this area, there should be “no excuses”.
She also said the proposed task force could be set up easily and immediately.

The group said the proposed task force would serve to identify and map out all federal and state GLCs.
Gomez said this was important as PH, in its manifesto, recognised that the exact number of federal and state GLCs was unknown.
The task force could also scrutinise audited reports of GLCs and identify and disclose potentially suspicious transactions, and make it compulsory for all GLCs to be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia.
The cluster comprises IDEAS, Hakam, G25, Global Bersih, Aliran, Gabungan Pembebasan Akademik, Pusat Komas, C4 and the Society for the Promotion of Human Rights, Malaysia.