Monday, September 30, 2024

PALESTINE - Malaysia arrest pro-Palestine protesters... Anti-incinerator protest to proceed on 1 Oct? What is Malaysia's PM's position on Palestine? Repeal Peaceful Assembly Act...that prevents immediate response to injustice


Palestine Issue - Anwar Ibrahim's or his government's change in position on the Palestine issue should not affect Malaysians' right to maintain a strong-principled position as was always held.

RESTORE our right to PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY - Abolish Peaceful Assembly Act that really makes it impossible to hold an immediate peaceful assembly in response to a gross injustice, creates more HURDLES to the exercise of the right, and allows POLICE to control/deny the right. 

Malaysian PM and Government position on Palestine weakened...
1 - BLACK ROCK - it was clearly identified as a supporter of the Israel-Zionist regime. Last week, a group of United Nations experts in a joint statement named BlackRock alongside dozens of companies, arms manufacturers and financial institutions, warning them against supplying arms to Israel as they would be complicit in war crimes and genocide. Anwar's continuation with the MAHB deal, after BlackRock came in at the end of 2023, noting that the recent onslaught by Israeli-Zionist regime since October 2023 and still continuing to today, where over 42,000 Palestinians(including over 10,000 children) have been killed is  UNPALATABLE.

Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called on Muslim countries to continue the economic and political boycott of the Israeli state and its backers, saying a global campaign had so far achieved "significant accomplishments in undermining the entity's economy, isolating it, and delegitimising it".

In a statement issued early today, Hamas said it fully supports the boycott efforts as part of a "comprehensive resistance against the Zionist enemy".

"Hamas also confirms that this is its firm and strategic position, and it has not changed, particularly in light of this brutal aggression against our people and the daily massacres committed against our people in the Gaza Strip.

"We call upon the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nations and the free people of the world to support all efforts leading to boycotting and isolating the entity and its backers," the statement reads.- Malaysia Now, 26/6/2024

Malaysians stance of Israel-Palestine maybe different from Anwar and government? Blackrock, BOYCOTT, dealings with arm suppliers that kill Palestinians?

2. The EXHIBITIONS where named 'arm-suppliers to the Zionist regime' participated. The non-expulsion of these arm suppliers immediately inadvertently weakened Malaysia's previous strong position on Palestine. Wonder whether the Israeli supporters were also present in the recent Selangor Aviation Exhibition(12-14 September 2024)???

Malaysia will not interfere in business relations between arms manufacturers and other countries, its defence minister said Tuesday, after protesters demanded that the government expel companies that supply weapons to Israel from an international exhibition. - Business Standard, 7/5/2024 

Anwar's wishy-washy weaker position on the Palestine issue - 2 Rally's organized by the government and Anwar fail to see mass participation. If some other had organized, I believe that the support would have been enormous, as many many sadly will choose not to participate in actions controlled by government or Anwar...

ILLEGAL? Pro-Palestine rally on Aug 4 in response of assasination on 31st July - cannot fulfil 5-day notice rule in Peaceful Assembly Act? REPEAL the Act - restore our right to immediate peaceful assembly?

After all the support for Palestine(a multi-religious people - Muslims, Christians and Jews) resonates with multi-religious Malaysia, and thus cry for justice for Palestine gets Malaysians support across different religions, ethnic groups and cultures. Is Anwar weakening the Malaysians support by 

3. BOYCOTT is a legitimate action by the people. It not only highlights the injustices, but also provides the ordinary people with action that they can take to express their support. It pressures BRANDS to adopt a position of speaking up against injustice. I wonder whether PM Anwar and his government will even oppose boycotts of Israeli Brands, where Malaysian companies are the franchise holders in Malaysia? Even nation states are doing it - for example the 'Turkish Parliament removes Coca-Cola and Nestle products from its menus to boycott Israel.'


Minister Nga - Opening Starbucks Outlet at the Ministry Despite Boycott Calls? "instigators" out to ruin domestic economy? Palestinian Cause forgotten by Malaysia?

PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ACT need to be repealed. People organizing or participating in peaceful assembly only be advised to inform police, so that police can come and protect the right of peaceful assembly. That is all. If anyone uses violence, damage properties or do anything else against the law - they only shall be prosecuted, not the so-called organizers or others. 

Now, another right to peaceful assembly is being threatened - 

An anti-incinerator group today vowed to continue their rally against Selangor state government's plan to build a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant in Rawang, even if they face arrests....they were ready to face the consequences for pushing through with the rally planned for 10am in front of the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) office, including the possibility of getting arrested...However, the group said they were later informed by Gombak police not to proceed with the protest due to safety concerns, location suitability, traffic congestion, and public order.  - Malaysiakini, 30/9/2024

Cops detain seven pro-Palestine protesters gathered near US embassy

Police have detained a group of around seven pro-Palestine protesters who had gathered near the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

One of the group members, who did not wish to be named, told Malaysiakini that the group had gathered for about an hour near the embassy’s rear entrance.

“They first asked us to move down the street so we were not directly in front of the embassy gates because they said we were in front of someone’s house.

“We complied and stood in front of an empty lot. They took photos and filmed us,” said the individual.

They added that when they tried to disperse, the police asked for their identification cards and they were subsequently detained and taken to the Pudu district police headquarters.

When contacted, Wangsa Maju district police chief Mohammad Lazim Ismail confirmed that police have rounded up several individuals for illegal gathering, but declined to comment further, saying he would issue a press statement soon. - Malaysiakini, 30/9/2024


'Appalling': Lawyers slam arrest of pro-Palestine protesters

Lawyers for Liberty says express shock that police detain people for speaking out against genocide.

The US embassy in Kuala Lumpur is a frequent venue of protests organised by Malaysian pro-Palestine groups.

Rights group Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has condemned the arrest of a group of people who gathered outside the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur today to protest against US complicity in the ongoing deadly Israeli bombardment of Lebanon and Gaza.

"Throughout the world, right-thinking people are protesting against the genocide in Palestine.

"It is appalling that in Malaysia protesters are being unlawfully detained for standing up against mass murder," said LFL director Zaid Malek.

He also rejected the police's excuse that the group was taking part in an "illegal gathering", adding that the phrase does not appear in the Peaceful Assembly Act.

"The concept of an'illegal assembly' in our law was removed after amendments to the Police Act. Are the police and government not aware of this?" he asked.

Police today arrested seven protesters who gathered for about an hour near the US Embassy to protest Washington's support towards Israel in the wake of hundreds of civilian casualties in Lebanon.

It is not the first time that Malaysian police have arrested pro-Palestinian demonstrators, an action seen as going against Malaysia's decades-long policy to support the Palestinian cause.

In June, police arrested three activists who had protested during a gathering to mark American Independence Day.

Earlier in February, PSM activist Harmit Singh was arrested for trying to hand over a memorandum to the US embassy.

Zaid said a public assembly could not be declared "illegal" as it was right guaranteed under Article 10(1)(b) of the constitution.

"This means that the arrests made by the police on those seven individuals has no legal basis and is unconstitutional. We call upon the police to release them unconditionally effective immediately," he said.

He added that the Peaceful Assembly Act also does not give police any power to arrest protesters using the excuse of "illegal gathering". - MalaysiaNow, 30/9/2024


Anti-incinerator protest to proceed, with or without police greenlight

An anti-incinerator group today vowed to continue their rally against Selangor state government's plan to build a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant in Rawang, even if they face arrests.

According to the Rawang Tolak Insinerator Network (RTI) pressure group, they are going to meet the police tomorrow in another attempt to get the authority's nod for their planned protest in Selayang this Tuesday, but will still continue with the rally regardless of the discussion's outcome.

"I cannot say that I am not afraid, but we have to continue," RTI spokesperson Abdul Hanan Abd Mokti told a press conference in Bandar Tasik Puteri this morning.

He said this when asked if they were ready to face the consequences for pushing through with the rally planned for 10am in front of the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) office, including the possibility of getting arrested.

This comes after the group today reiterated their stand to hold the demonstration, which they hope to gather at least 150 to 200 participants to object to an MPS decision which effectively makes way for a plan to build an incinerator in Batu Arang

The local council had recently approved a rezoning application to change the status of a land plot earmarked for the incinerator from residential to industrial.

‘We comply with PAA’

However, the group stressed that they have been following all due process in protesting the plan and will continue to abide by all laws, including the Peaceful Assembly Act.

The group said the police shouldn't have any reason to take action against them as they have followed all the requirements under PAA, including submitting a notice to the police in advance.

They claimed police do not have the right to prevent their protest as they have complied with the law.

Hanan also assured that their rally would be peaceful and not break any law.

"We will continue with the event. We will abide by all local laws, including not engaging in any violence or provocative actions, and (respect) traffic laws.

"Even if we are provoked by other parties, we will not respond," he added.

Local council notified

According to Hanan, the Bar Council's Human Rights Committee has also agreed to send a team to monitor the assembly and ensure that the rights of its participants are upheld and the event proceeds according to the law.

The group has also notified the MPS president of their plan to submit a protest memorandum to the agency during the rally, he added.

Last week, RTI announced its plan to hold a rally on Oct 1 in a bid to send a strong message to MPS.

However, the group said they were later informed by Gombak police not to proceed with the protest due to safety concerns, location suitability, traffic congestion, and public order.

In response to this, RTI on Friday condemned the police and urged them to respect the constitutional right to peaceful assembly.

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