Monday, August 05, 2024

ILLEGAL? Pro-Palestine rally on Aug 4 in response of assasination on 31st July - cannot fulfil 5-day notice rule in Peaceful Assembly Act? REPEAL the Act - restore our right to immediate peaceful assembly?

Hamas Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated on 31/7/2024

Section 9  Notification of assembly (1) An organizer shall, five days before the date of an assembly, notify the Officer in charge of the police District in which the assembly is to be held.[PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ACT 2012]

With the 5-day notice requirement in Malaysia's Peaceful Assembly Act, the fastest that a peaceful assembly can be organised in Malaysia in response would be 6th July 2024 if notice was given on day of assassination?

So, how was the pro-Palestine rally at Axiata Arena in compliance with Malaysian law held on 4/8/2024? Maybe, our Information Minister Fahmi can explain... 

Who was the ORGANIZER of the Assembly? PM Anwar Ibrahim? Minister Fahmi? Pakatan Harapan? Government of Malaysia? When was the required notice given to the police?

Did they GET the written consent of the Axiata Arena?

Did the police go around and seeing whether anybody OBJECTED to that peaceful assembly? 

Is there any provision in the law that gives the power to the MINISTER to exempt anyone from following the law - I do not think so? 

That is WHY we have been calling for the REPEAL of the draconian PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ACT 2012  - so that we in Malaysia will be able to exercise our right of PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY easily and speedily. Notification of the police should be OPTIONAL - but encouraged so that police can be present to prevent others from interfering with our right to peaceful assembly...

ALL the other draconian provisions in the act that currently DETER the exercise of the right to peaceful assembly must go. 

Anwar Ibrahim, now you KNOW how important it is for Malaysians to be able to speedily protest through peaceful assemblies in response to some happening...

Peaceful Assemblies, many a time was initialized or proposed by individuals and it gets support and people turn up and PROTEST. No one wants to go and APPLY --- The Act now requires the 'organisers' to identify himself/herself - and that is a Deterrence -  During the weekly Saturday REFORMASI protest that marched from SOGO to Masjid Negara/Dataran Merdeka - there was no clear organiser - and no one even claimed to be the organiser. A message circulates that some of us are protesting this or that, and like minded people simply join...

Now, the PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ACT 2012 deters such peaceful assemblies - and now ONLY organizations and political parties, with the needed resources and capacity can do a Peaceful Assembly - not simply individuals as before. Now, the ACT imposes a LARGE Responsibility on any organiser...and it is WRONG. You cannot impose such obligations on ANYONE for a Peaceful Assembly - for many will join, and if they commit any criminal offences, then that participant only - not the 'organizer' should be held responsible. 

Remember, during one of the REFORMASI protest, some participants threw stones - how can BLAME fall on the organizer. These persons, may have been anti-REFORMASI, and did all those bad things to maybe DISCREDIT the REFORMASI movement, and the perceived organisers and groups that supported the action. 

6  Responsibilities of organizers

(1) An organizer shall ensure that an assembly is in compliance with this Act and any other written law.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the organizer shall-

(a) ensure that the organization and conduct of an assembly is not in contravention of this Act or any order issued under this Act or any other written law;

(b) ensure that he or any other person at the assembly does not do any act or make any statement which has a tendency to promote feelings of ill-will or hostility amongst the public at large or do anything which will disturb public tranquility;

(c) ensure that he or any other person at the assembly does not commit any offence under any written law;

(d) ensure that the organization and conduct of an assembly is in accordance with the notification of assembly given under subsection 9(1) and any restrictions and conditions which may be imposed under section 15;

(e) appoint such number of persons as he thinks necessary to be in charge of the orderly conduct of the assembly;

(f) co-operate with the public authorities;

(g) ensure that the assembly will not endanger health or cause damage to property or the environment;

(h) ensure that the assembly will not cause any significant inconvenience to the public at large;

(i) ensure the clean-up of the place of assembly or bear the clean-up cost of the place of assembly; and

(j) in the case of simultaneous assemblies or counter assemblies, ensure that the organization of the assemblies are not intended to specifically prevent the other assembly from taking place or interfere with the organization of such assembly.

Following the AXIATA 'illegal assembly", will action be taken against Minister Fahmi - I recall him calling people to join the he the ORGANISER?

Fahmi, who is also the communications minister, said the public and all partiesare invited to attend the gathering, adding that the event will provide a platform for everyone to express their support for Palestine. We hope this will send a clear signal to the international community that the Malaysian people’s stand on the plight of the Palestinians remains unchanged. We will continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people,he said. - FMT,1/8/2024

I recall how the police reacted to previous Peaceful Assemblies..

Rusdi[ Kuala Lumpur police chief Rusdi Mohd Isa ] said the organiser did not obtain a permit to hold the event as required under the Peaceful Assembly Act (Act 736) as no permission was granted by the landowner, Putrajaya Corporation.

Now, even Anwar Ibrahim and the GOVERNMENT is NOT ABOVE THE LAW - They must comply with the provisions of the Draconian Peaceful Assembly Act - so,will the organisers and those who gave speeches be called in? Will they be charged in Court.

I support the PURPOSE of the rally and the CAUSE - and what is HIGHLIGHTED is the need for the REPEAL of the draconian Peaceful Assembly Act.

If not for that LAW, I believe that there would have been many peaceful assemblies and protest against the INJUSTICES caused by the Isreali Zionist Government (and its cronnies) to the Palestinian people since early October 2023 --- Weekend protest of people marching from SOGO to Dataran Merdeka, protest in front of the US Embassy after Friday prayers before people go back to work...

BUT NOW, because of the draconian PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY ACT - we do not see this, and worse is that REFORMASI Anwar Ibrahim, even after he finally became Prime Minister of the PH-led Coalition government failed to REPEAL the Peaceful Assembly Act? REPEAL the ACT now - people want to come out in peaceful assemblies fast to protest what is going on in Palestine.

If the LAW is not repealed - is it indicative that ANWAR do not want Malaysians to protest including on the Palestine Issue?

From the pictures, it seems that the TURN-OUT on the Palestine issue was ODDLY very low - maybe, the person who was seen as the organiser did not have the needed CREDIBILITY to draw the Malaysian crowd. If some others organize, maybe more will turn up...

Anwar's position on BlackRock and MAHB may be also a factor - no one would have wanted to be seen in a rally that did not see as WRONG for Malaysian Government to be entering into a deal with BlackRock(a named company by UN Experts as being in support of Israel and Israel arms suppliers?) 

Malaysia, including Anwar, must be CLEAR of our position on Palestine - and that means also taking a firm stance on companies that supply arms, or finance Israel or such companies... STOP the Agreement that will see a significant percentage of MAHB going to BlackRock?


Large crowd gathers for pro-Palestine rally at Axiata Arena

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By Fazleena AzizCharles Ramendran
  • Nation
  • Sunday, 04 Aug 2024

KUALA LUMPUR: Thousands of Malaysians have gathered for the pro-Palestine rally at the Axiata Arena indoor stadium in Bukit Jalil on Sunday (Aug 4).

‌Participants started gathering at the venue as early as 6pm, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is expected to deliver a speech to declare support for the Palestinian struggle.

Food trucks and stalls selling food and souvenirs in support of the Palestinian cause added a carnival-like atmosphere outside the stadium.

ALSO READ: Photo gallery: Pro-Palestine rally at Axiata Arena

There is a strong police presence in the vicinity to ensure public safety.

The gathering aims to send the message that Malaysia condemns the assassination of Hamas Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and opposes the relentless cruelty of the Zionist regime.

Govt to hold rally for Palestine on Sunday


Government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil says the gathering is open to the public and ‘all parties’ for them to express their support for Palestine.

anwar ibrahim palestin
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and other government leaders are expected to attend the rally, said government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil.

The Cabinet has agreed to hold a cross-party rally in solidarity with Palestine this Sunday, says government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil.

At a press conference, he said the gathering will be held at the Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, at 8pm this Sunday.

Fahmi, who is also the communications minister, said the public and all partiesare invited to attend the gathering, adding that the event will provide a platform for everyone to express their support for Palestine.

We hope this will send a clear signal to the international community that the Malaysian people’s stand on the plight of the Palestinians remains unchanged. We will continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people,he said.

He added that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and other government leaders are expected to be in attendance.

Yesterday, Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an airstrike in Tehran, Iran, where he was attending the inauguration of the country’s new president.

Malaysian politicians from across the divide reacted with outrage to Haniyeh’s killing, with PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang condemning thecowardly Israeland Anwar paying tribute to the late Hamas leader, whom he described asa dear friend and valiant advocate for his people.

Meanwhile, Fahmi said the government is seeking clarification from Meta over the removal of posts from Anwar’s official Facebook and Instagram accounts, including his tribute to Haniyeh.

At this time, there are several possibilities: it may have been taken down automatically by Meta or as a result of public complaints.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister’s Office said Meta had removed a post on the prime minister’s Facebook page of Anwar meeting Haniyeh in Qatar two months ago.

Earlier today, checks by FMT found that the English versions of Anwar’s postings on Facebook and Instagram condemning the assassination of Haniyeh had also been taken down by Meta.

Anwar responded by slamming Meta for disrespecting and insulting the Palestinian people’s struggle by removing his tribute for the late Hamas leader. - FMT, 1/8/2024


12 individuals called up over anti-PM rally

KL police chief says they were involved ‘Perhimpunan Aman Demi Negara’ rally on Saturday.

Updated 1 month ago · Published on 30 Jun 2024 6:07PM

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12 individuals called up over anti-PM rally
People hold up placards during a demonstration infront of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's official residence in Putrajaya. – The Vibes pic by Najjua Zulkefli, June 30, 2024.
POLICE have identified 12 individuals, including the organiser of the ‘Perhimpunan Aman Demi Negara’ rally that took place at the public car park in front of the Seri Perdana Complex, Presint 19 in Putrajaya yesterday
Kuala Lumpur police chief Rusdi Mohd Isa said they would all be called up to have their statements recorded soon.

“Police have opened an investigation paper under Section 9(5) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012,” he said in a statement today.

Rusdi said the organiser did not obtain a permit to hold the event as required under the Peaceful Assembly Act (Act 736) as no permission was granted by the landowner, Putrajaya Corporation.

Rusdi had previously warned the organiser that they would be breaking the law if it proceeded with the gathering as it had failed to obtain the consent of the land owner, Perbadanan Putrajaya, as required under the Peaceful Assembly Act (Act 736).

The rally yesterday was attended by about 200 people.

They chanted “Undur Anwar Undur” with some mocking the prime minister for failing to reduce the price of fuel after taking over Putrajaya last year.

Police from the Putrajaya district police station as well as from the Kuala Lumpur contingent were present to control the crowd.

Lawyer Rafique Rashid Ali, Bersatu members Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz and Badrul Hisham Shaharin, also known as Chegubard, were present during the two hour rally.

There were eight speakers but none of them were notable. Majority of them were anti-government content creators on TikTok.

There were also no political flags spotted during the rally as many rally goers were carrying their own DIY (do it yourself) placards.

The organiser - Demi Negara - also said a bigger rally with a larger crowd in the future should the government fail to meet their demands. – The Vibes, June 30, 2024


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