Urgent appeal:
25 June 2007
228 Burmese Asylum Seekers and Refugees Arrested by RELA
SUARAM is informed that 228 asylum seekers and refugees from Burma were arrestedin an operation by the Malaysian Immigration and RELA (People's Voluntary Corps)raid today (25 June 2007).
About 2.00am, the joint force raided the Chin RefugeeCentre and Chin communities at Jalan Imbi and Jalan San Peng, Kuala Lumpur.Most of the detainees are recognised as refugees by the United Nations HighCommission of Refugees (UNHCR). Among them, 30 people are underaged, 5 pregnantwomen and 10 people who will be sent to United State of America tomorrow forresettlement.
Chin refugee leader, Philemon was also among those arrested.For the time being, the 10 refugees who will be resettled to USA together withPhilemon, have been released after pressure for Human Rights groups.
Remaining117 people had been sent to Lenggeng detention camp while another 100 had beensent to Semenyih detention camp.SUARAM condemns the arrest and calls for the immediate release of all thearrested asylum seekers, especially those UNHCR refugee card holders and women.
As an elected member of the UN Human Rights Council, the Malaysian governmentshould respect the right of refugees in accordance to international human rightslaw.
We urge you to protest the arbitrary arrest by writing to:
Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Security
Prime Minister's Office
MalaysiaPerdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62502 PUTRAJAYA,Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel : + 60 3 8888 6000
Fax : + 60 3 8888 3444
Datuk Radzi Sheikh Ahmad,
Minister of Home Affairs,
Level 12, Block D1, Parcel D,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
Tel: +60 3 8886 8000
Fax: +60 3 8889 1613
Tuan HJ. Wahid Bin MD Don,
Director-General of Immigration Department
Dato' Ishak Mohamed,
Enforcement Director of Immigration Department
Director General Office
Immigration Department of Malaysia,
Level 1-7 (Podium) Block 2G-4,
Precint 2,
Federal Government Administration Centre,
62550 Putrajaya,
Tel: +60 3 8880 1000
Fax: +60 3 8880 1200
Encik Zaidon Bin Haji Asmuni,
RELA Director General,
RELA Malaysia Headquarters,
Level 6, Block D2, Parcel D,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62546 Putrajaya.
Tel: +60 3 88863354/ 88863097/ 88886298/ 88886308
Fax: +60 3 88886314/ 88886317/ 88886316/ 88886309
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