Wednesday, February 26, 2025

1MDB drops US$248 million lawsuit against Riza Aziz(Najib Stepson) and Ors - Did Anwar Ibrahim, as Finance Minister, order or approve 1MDB's action? Resign as Finance Minister NOW

1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has today withdrawn its US$248 million lawsuit against Riza Aziz, the Hollywood producer and stepson of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, along with his two companies. During proceedings before High Court Judge Datuk Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah Raja Mohzan, lawyer Rabindra S. Nathan confirmed that he had received instructions to withdraw the action against Riza, Red Granite Pictures Incorporated, and Red Granite Capital Limited. However, Rabindra did not provide a reason for the withdrawal in open court.

1MDB drops US$248 mil (about RM1.2 Billion) suit - WHY? !MDB is a government company - hence it belongs to the Malaysian people, and as such our PM and Finance Minister is responsible - Did the Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim OK this decision by 1MDB?

IMDB is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated) - and thus 1MDB cannot do anything without the approval/consent of the Minister of Finance Anwar Ibrahim... so please explain?

Remember in May 2020, Riza Aziz criminal case was discontinued by the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor Idrus bin Harun

“These representations have been considered most carefully by those concerned and a decision has been arrived [at]. An agreement has been arrived at between the prosecution and the accused under the terms of which the Federal Government will receive a substantial sum running into several millions of ringgit.

“The sums have direct reference to the subject matter of the charges framed in this case. The accused has throughout this process receive adequate and competent legal representation. As a consequence of the agreement arrived at, the charges against the accused will not be proceeded with for the present pending the completion of the agreement.

“If there is satisfactory completion of the agreement then appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that the accused obtains a full acquittal.

“But if there is no satisfactory completion of the agreement reached the prosecution reserves its right to reinstate the charges and to prosecute the accused to the full limit of the law,” Sri Ram added.- Edge, 14/5/202

Riza Aziz was charged with five counts of money laundering amounting to US$248 million (RM1.25 billion), allegedly misappropriated from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds. The agreement was that he will be DISCHARGED and he will return the said monies, and if he did not he will be charged again... it was a DNAA. If Riza was not DNAAed, he will not return the money?

This happens after Tommy Thomas resigned as AG/Public Prosecutor on 28/2/2020. The DNAA of Riza Aziz happened when the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor was Tan Sri Idrus bin Harun (Mac 2020 - September 2023) - only AG/PP have power to discontinue a criminal trial - not any DPP, not even lead prosecutor and former Federal Court judge Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram.

So, the worry then amongst some was that the CRIME be forgiven so long as the fruits of the crime are returned - is a very BAD Precedent. So, if criminals return the money stolen - they get not only a DISCHARGE but also sometimes an ACQUITTAL - meaning that will never ever again be charged for the same or similar crimes based on the same facts.

So, did RIZA AZIZ on his own return the MONEY to Malaysia or 1MDB - I presume he did not, and that is why 1MDB may have decided to sue him...

It does NOT COUNT, if law enforcement in another country(or Malaysia) manages to seize or recover the funds, and return it to Malaysia...

Since 1MDB assets recovery efforts were initiated in June 2018, Malaysia has received US$620 million from the US, made up of:

  • US$57 million from the proceeds of settlement with Red Granite Pictures (credited in March 2019);
  • US$137 million from the sale proceeds of Jho Low’s interest in the Park Lane Hotel (credited in April 2019);
  • US$126 million from the judicial sale of the luxury yacht, Equanimity, by the Malaysian Admiralty Court (credited into the trust account in December 2019); and
  • US$300 million (credited in April 2020) to Malaysia. - Edge, 15/4/2020

Now, 1MDB sued Riza and several companies to recover its monies - so WHY mysteriously have 1MDB dropped the suit now.

On May 7, 2021, 1MDB and its three subsidiaries sued Riza and his two companies, alleging they had received around US$248 million in funds they misused for their personal gain, including financing a Hollywood film, The Wolf Of Wall Street...

BLAME must lie on the Finance Minister, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet since this a government owned company... not simply a government-linked company that owns part of the shares, etc..

Anwar Ibrahim may be a 'most forgiving' Prime Minister, and so he can be so for actions done by others that affected him ONLY personally - like he forgives the IGP for giving him a 'black eye' - but the crimes of Najib, his wife Rosmah, his step son Riza, his now DPM Zahid are crimes against the people of Malaysia... so, Anwar Ibrahim, even though a 'good friend' should act for Malaysia - and Malaysians have not forgiven yet...

In the recent anti-corruption rally - there was a poster 'Father of Liberation of the Corrupted'  - BAPA PEMBEBASAN PERASUAH

The issue is not whether these 'criminals' have returned what they have stolen, The issue is PUNISHMENT for those who committed a crime - Are they GUILTY or NOT? That is a matter for the Court to Decide after a FAIR TRIAL - In Riza's criminal case, they discontinued (or paused) his criminal trial, a power that only the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor has, and he was given a DISCHARGE (or DNAA) - and this means Riza can still be RE-CHARGED.

# That could have been a strategic move to get the accused to return the Billions of Ringgit he took/stole - BUT did Riza and his companies return the monies to Malaysia themselves? It does not count that some law enforcement seized/acquired this money and returned it - that is NOT Riza himself returning the money??? The fact that the money 'stolen' is merely a MITIGATING factor that the Court will consider when imposing the sentence...he will likely get a lighter sentence because he, on his own, returned the fruits of his crime.

BUT, then, it looks it did not happen or maybe it did happen - for 1MDB commenced the suit against Riza and others to recover the monies...

If the said monies had been returned to Malaysia, then 1MDB would have simply claimed or initiated a suit against Malaysia to recover the lost did not do so.

Irrespective of whether 1MDB recovered the monies or not, they still had a LEGITIMATE cause of action against Riza and others - ultimately the Court decides, if 1MDB wins, how much will Riza and others have to pay. It is not simply about money ... so,why did 1MDB drop the SUIT - or maybe, Why did Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim order/instruct 1MDB to drop the suit. Was there a settlement between parties - where the Defendants agree to apologize, pay some monies and do something and 1MDB drops the suit? I do not, Anwar Ibrahim explain..

Re-CHARGE RIZA Aziz now - will AG/PP Dusuki do it? 

Malaysians' DISCONTENT with PM Anwar Ibrahim is growing day by day - any many believe that Najib's 1MDB trial will also suddenly be discontinued, and he will be DISCHARGED(DNAA) or worse still ACQUITTED - meaning no future AG/PP can EVER charge him again for the same charge or other charges based on similar facts..

Art 7(2) Federal Constitution - A person who has been acquitted or convicted of an offence shall not be tried again for the same offence except where the conviction or acquittal has been quashed and a retrial ordered by a court superior to that by which he was acquitted or convicted.
Section 302(1) Criminal Procedure Code -  A person who has been tried by a Court of competent jurisdiction for an offence and convicted or acquitted of that offence shall, while the conviction or acquittal remains in force, not be liable to be tried again for the same offence nor on the same facts for any other offence for which a different charge from the one made against him might have been made under section 166 or for which he might have been convicted under section 167.

The above is the GENERAL rule - but there may be exceptions. 

ANWAR IBRAHIM must resign as FINANCE MINISTER immediately - it was a very important position that the PM and Finance Minister must NOT be the same person. The Prime Minister is an important 'check and balance' to prevent the wrongdoings of any Minister in his/her Cabinet including the Finance Minister. Cabinet is an important check and balance to prevent abuse by any member of the Cabinet.

Maybe, we need a specific LAW governing the workings of the Cabinet - actions of any Minister should require Cabinet Approval be it by unanimous vote, two third majority or simple majority. Cabinet shall be liable for any action/omission of any member of Cabinet. After the 1MDB scandal - rightly all Cabinet Members should have been liable for all that happened - including criminal liability...What do you think?

Anthony Loke, the biggest party in PH - Are you OK with this IMDB dropping the case?

Mat Sabu, are you OK?

Rightly, all the PH leaders would have been consulted and made a decision that it is OK for PM/Finance Minister to APPROVE 1MDB's action of dropping the suit? 

Did Cabinet approve?

Or wonder whether Finance Minister Anwar will come out and say something like 1MDB made the decision and acted WITHOUT my knowledge??? UNACCEPTABLE because as Prime Minister and Finance Minister - you are RESPONSIBLE - It is odd to say you were not informed and 1MDB decided on its own without prior consultation or orders...or that you were 'misled' or 'conned' by your public officers and subordinates...

Anyway, Malaysians were very ANGRY with the UMNO-BN government - and they chose to OUST them from government, GE14 - the won about 70 seats...but people were still angry, and in GE15, BN only managed to win 30 seats... They were angry with PH after GE14 possibly for delayed reforms and/or U-turns, and PH was punished with lesser seats in GE15. When PH joined hands with BN, the risk of the anger of the people lashing out in GE16 is very real - we may see the destruction of the PH and BN... We shall see...we shall see?

Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, please explain why you ordered/instructed or approved 1MDB to drop the suit against Riza Aziz(Najib's step son) and others? 

There must be a Parliamentary Select Committee that MONITORS government owned and/or linked companies like 1MDB, and other government controlled companies. What these companies do or don't do affect Malaysian and Malaysian peoples' monies. Inquire into 1MDB's decision to drop this suit...



1MDB drops US$248mil lawsuit against Riza Aziz and his companies

KUALA LUMPUR: 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has today withdrawn its US$248 million lawsuit against Riza Aziz, the Hollywood producer and stepson of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, along with his two companies.

During proceedings before High Court Judge Datuk Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah Raja Mohzan, lawyer Rabindra S. Nathan confirmed that he had received instructions to withdraw the action against Riza, Red Granite Pictures Incorporated, and Red Granite Capital Limited.

However, Rabindra did not provide a reason for the withdrawal in open court.

Riza's lawyer, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, did not object to the move.

The judge then directed both parties to file written submissions on costs by Thursday, and set Friday (Feb 28) to address the issue of costs.

On May 7, 2021, 1MDB and its three subsidiaries sued Riza and his two companies, alleging they misappropriated around US$248 million in funds for personal use, including financing a film and purchasing various properties.

The lawsuit was filed by 1MDB and its subsidiaries – 1MDB Energy Holdings Limited, 1MDB Energy Limited, and 1MDB Energy (Langat) Limited – seeking a declaration that Riza was responsible for the misappropriated funds and demanding repayment.

In a statement of defence filed on Oct 25, 2021, Riza and his two companies claimed to have secured the loan from the Saudi royal family or the International Petroleum Investment Company to finance several films in the United States.

They argued that it was difficult for an unknown film producer to obtain bank loans and that this necessity led them to seek funds from individuals or companies.

During the trial, which began in October last year, 1MDB called four witnesses, including former 1MDB chief executive officer Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi, former 1MDB General Counsel Jasmine Loo Ai Swan, and financial fraud investigator Richard Templeman.

The defendant called one witness, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Special Operations Division director Datuk Mohamad Zamri Zainul Abidin.

Zamri testified that Riza was charged in July 2019 with five counts of money laundering involving US$248 million and that Riza's lawyers had sought a global settlement with the Attorney-General's Chambers (A-GC) for the recovery of the funds. - NST, 24/2/2025

Following this, Riza was discharged not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) by Sessions Court Judge Azman Ahmad after a global settlement agreement in May 2020.

In a statement read out in open court, the late deputy public prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram had said under the terms agreed by both parties, he said the federal government would receive a substantial sum amounting to millions of ringgit, which have direct reference to the subject matter of the charges.

Sri Ram had said as a consequence of the agreement, the charges against the accused would not proceed pending the completion of the terms of the agreement.

Hearing of IMDB suit against Riza Aziz to begin on Oct 16 next year

KUALA LUMPUR: The hearing of a lawsuit filed by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and three of its subsidiaries against Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, the stepson of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, for alleged misappropriation of funds amounting to US$250 million for film production and purchase of the real estate, will begin on Oct 16 next year at the High Court here.

The three 1MDB's subsidiaries are 1MDB Energy Holdings Limited, 1MDB Energy Limited and 1MDB Energy (Langat) Limited.

Lawyer Desmond Low Zhi Jie, representing Riza, also known as Riza Aziz, and his two companies, Red Granite Pictures Incorporated and Red Granite Capital Limited, said the trial had been set for Oct 16 to 18, 21 to 25, Oct 28 to Nov 1 and Nov 4, 2024.

"The hearing will be before Judicial Commissioner Datuk Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah Raja Mohzan," said the lawyer when contacted today.

According to Low, tomorrow is set for case management.

On May 7, 2021, 1MDB and its three subsidiaries sued Riza and his two companies for allegedly receiving around US$248 million in funds that they misused for their personal gain, including financing a film and purchasing various properties.

The plaintiffs are seeking a declaration that Riza is responsible for the misappropriated funds and demand repayment.

Riza and his two companies, in a statement of defence filed on Oct 25, 2021, claimed to have obtained the loan from the Saudi royal family or the International Petroleum Investment Company to produce several films in the United States.

He claimed that it was difficult for an unknown film producer to obtain bank loans and that had compelled him to seek funds from individuals or companies. – BERNAMA, NST, 12/4/2023


Prosecution asks for discharge not amounting to acquittal on Riza Aziz in 1MDB money laundering case
By Hafiz Yatim /
14 May 2020, 12:40 pm
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Prosecution asks for discharge not amounting to acquittal on Riza Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR (May 14): The Sessions Court today granted a request by the prosecution to give a discharge not amounting to an acquittal to Datuk Seri Najib Razak's step-son, Riza Aziz, who was charged with five counts of money laundering amounting to US$248 million (RM1.25 billion), allegedly misappropriated from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds.

This follows lead prosecutor and former Federal Court judge Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram applying for the discharge not amounting to an acquittal — subject to Riza returning part of the loot which amounts to “several millions of ringgit”.

However, should the accused fail to return the sum — the amount which is not immediately known but is understood to refer to a substantial figure — the prosecution may reinstate the full charges and prosecute him to the full extent of the law, said the prosecutor.

The discharge was given by Sessions judge Azman Ahmad.

Riza was represented by lawyers Datuk Hariharan Singh Tara Singh and Tania Scivetti.

Sri Ram read a prepared statement in the prosecution's request for the discharge not amounting to an acquittal on Riza, who was formerly a Hollywood producer and co-founder of Red Granite Pictures, the American film production and distribution company that made The Wolf of Wall Street.

The former federal court judge said that since 43-year-old Riza had been charged last July with money laundering, the accused had made several requests for representation by his solicitors with the relevant authorities.

“These representations have been considered most carefully by those concerned and a decision has been arrived [at]. An agreement has been arrived at between the prosecution and the accused under the terms of which the Federal Government will receive a substantial sum running into several millions of ringgit.

“The sums have direct reference to the subject matter of the charges framed in this case. The accused has throughout this process receive adequate and competent legal representation. As a consequence of the agreement arrived at, the charges against the accused will not be proceeded with for the present pending the completion of the agreement.

“If there is satisfactory completion of the agreement then appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that the accused obtains a full acquittal.

“But if there is no satisfactory completion of the agreement reached the prosecution reserves its right to reinstate the charges and to prosecute the accused to the full limit of the law,” Sri Ram added.

When contacted, Hariharan and Scivetti confirmed that their client was granted a discharge not amounting to acquittal.

“We are extremely thankful to the Attorney General’s Chambers and the MACC. Aziz is pleased to make good on his obligations to those authorities and looks forward to beginning the next chapter of his life," said his lawyers. 

"But we are not at liberty to disclose what the terms of the settlement are. Sorry," they said when asked about the possible terms or quantum of the settlement.

It was previously reported that Riza had sent a representation letter to the Attorney General's Chambers and the court was awaiting the outcome of it prior to the court fixing dates for trial.

Riza is the son of the former premier's wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor from her previous marriage.

According to previous reports, assets belonging to Riza and fugitive financier Low Taek Jho — better known as Jho Low — were seized by the United States Department of Justice in relation to the 1MDB probes.

It was reported that the US had returned US$300 million (RM1.3 billion) of seized 1MDB assets to Malaysia last month. - Edge, 14/5/2020

Muhyiddin thanks US and DOJ for returning US$300 million of seized 1MDB assets
By Hafiz Yatim /
15 Apr 2020, 08:10 am
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KUALA LUMPUR (April 15) : Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today thanked the United States government and its Department of Justice (DOJ) for its return of US$300 million of funds recovered from seizures related to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

The funds are an outcome of the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiatives of the DOJ in relation to 1MDB.

Muhyiddin in a statement today said on Oct 30, 2019, Penang fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low, had reached a settlement with the DOJ pertaining to numerous forfeiture claims filed by the DOJ against assets he had purchased using 1MDB monies.

“The US$300 million represents some of those assets which had been forfeited and later sold. It also includes proceeds from 1MDB-linked assets that were given up or forfeited by individuals linked to Jho Low.”

“The Government of Malaysia is pleased to share that thus far, inclusive of this most recent tranche of US$300 million, a total of US$620 million of 1MDB monies – in the form of sales proceeds or assets – have been returned to Malaysia. The process to sell Jho Low’s remaining forfeited assets under the DOJ consent forfeiture judgment is ongoing,” Muhyiddin said.

Since 1MDB assets recovery efforts were initiated in June 2018, Malaysia has received US$620 million from the US, made up of:

  • US$57 million from the proceeds of settlement with Red Granite Pictures (credited in March 2019);
  • US$137 million from the sale proceeds of Jho Low’s interest in the Park Lane Hotel (credited in April 2019);
  • US$126 million from the judicial sale of the luxury yacht, Equanimity, by the Malaysian Admiralty Court (credited into the trust account in December 2019); and
  • US$300 million (credited in April 2020) to Malaysia.

Expressing gratitude to the US government, in particular to its embassy here, the prime minister said its assistance and cooperation in facilitating the return of the US$300 million is deeply appreciated.

“I would also like to commend Malaysia’s Minister of Finance and the Attorney-General for their role in the negotiation process. 1MDB asset recovery efforts are ongoing, and the Government will continue to work with the US, the DOJ and other governments to recover and repatriate more 1MDB monies in the future,” Muhyiddin said.

In a separate statement, US Ambassador to Malaysia Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir said: “We are again extremely pleased to continue transferring assets back to Malaysia as part of this DOJ investigation. Although the world is facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US government made special efforts to ensure that the transfer was expedited during this challenging time."

“For more than 60 years, the US has been a close partner and friend to Malaysia and our cooperation in this investigation highlights our shared commitment to upholding good governance, combatting official corruption and ensuring justice is served,” she added.

Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is still on trial in facing 25 charges that includes 21 for money laundering a total of RM2.28 billion and four abuse of power in relation to the said 1MDB funds. His trial was supposed to continue to proceed this month but had been shelved temporarily following the virus outbreak. - Edge, 15/4/2020

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