UMNO-BN government sadly did not TRUST Malaysians - they considered that Malaysians were still not mature enough to democratically elect their leaders at the Local Government level(Local Councils) and also at the community level (kampung, kampung baru, Taman, kampung orang asli,...) - so the leaders and the representatives(wakil) were chosen and APPOINTED by the Government (Federal or State)...not democratically elected by the people...
MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT - Democratically Elected by the People
ADUN (State Legislative Assemblyperson) - Democratically Elected by the People
Local Government (Local Council, City Hall, etc) - NO DEMOCRACY - government appoint, not elected by people
Kampung, Taman, Kampung Baru, Kampung Orang Asli - NO DEMOCRACY - government appoint, not elected by people
SENATORS - Not democratically appointed by every citizen
What is the Opposition political parties going to do about this? Will they bring back Local Council Elections? Will they trut the people to democratically elect kampung and taman local leaders? Or wll they simply continue with APPOINTING their selected candidates - usually party members or cronies?
Looking at SELANGOR, an opposition ruled state, ...sadly still no elections at the kampung or taman levels...(The only State that had elections at the kampung level was PERAK ...until the State went back to UMNO-BN by reason of some ADUNs leaving the Opposition and joining UMNO-BN)
So, will it be the same after the next General Elections, if UMNO-BN is ousted from power? Still no local council elections ...still no kampung/taman/etc elections??
Malaysians certainly do want a new Opposition government that operates in the same way as the BN government - Malaysians, after almost 60 years, are ready to be more participative at all levels of government ... Local Council...and especially in our kampungs and tamans..
Government at Federal and State levels should recognize people chosen leaders at kampung and taman levels ...and work with these democratically elected leaders in dealing with local concerns and also development issues...
One observation from some people after the Opposition took over State governments was that all that changed was the people in power...and maybe the 'cronnies'...
We want real CHANGE - not simply a change of LEADERS but essentially the same system of government and administration as the current UMNO-BN uses..
We want real CHANGE - not simply a change of LEADERS but essentially the same system of government and administration as the current UMNO-BN uses..
SENATORS - the people are ready to elect their own Senators directly - now, after 60 years, Senators from States and Federal are still not directly chosen by the people through elections...
The Malaysian people still do not elect our Senators, they are still selected by the State and the Federal government - but the provision in Article 45(4)(b) says that this can change in favour of direct elections by the people.. Maybe, we the people will finally get that right to choose our own Senators..
(4) Parliament may by law -(a) increase to three the number of members to be elected for each State;
(b) provide that the members to be elected for each State shall be so elected by the direct vote of the electors of that State;
An APPOINTED leader tends to not be so bothered with the ordinary people but rather expends time/effort being close and maintaining good relations with the persons with the power to appoint...and that is the Government leaders of the day...
DEMOCRACY - different from FEUDALISM - it allows for the existence of different opinions - including also the criticism of existing leaders. Do our Opposition political parties practice democracy - or are they undemocratic and intolerant of 'criticisms' even within their own party?
Party Pribumi BERSATU - recently we heard that some members(and even leaders) have been removed because they were openly critical or questioned the existing leaders - well, that is DEMOCRACY. Were these party members removed after 'due process' - were they given a right to be heard?
Different people in any organization are likely to have different opinions on different matters ...and they should be free to express and propagate their positions without risk of being EXPELLED from the party. It is not democratic if a party takes the position that every member must follow what the LEADER says and do...and any challenges or criticism would lead to disciplinary action and expulsion...
A party or an organisation's member will only be disciplined or removed if he goes against the BASIC OR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE PARTY/ORGANISATIONS - and this does not include having different viewpoints, or even highlighting wrongdoings of existing leaders or even governments ruled by the said party... What did Husam Musa do that ended in his being expelled from PAS?
If a party's position that it is against Detention Without Trial laws like POCA and POTA, and a member comes out and says he supports POCA and POTA - this maybe a breach of a basic or fundamental principle of the party. But even then, if he/she had stated that it was a personal view NOT the official party view, then it is OK. Minister Nazri Aziz has come out and expressed his personal view against death penalty - but he stated that it was not Cabinet position...and that is OK. DAP members have come out and spoke out against party leaders but they still remain active DAP members - even MPs and ADUNs. The ability to accept different views and even open criticism of existing leaders is an important aspect of DEMOCRACY...
A party or an organisation's member will only be disciplined or removed if he goes against the BASIC OR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE PARTY/ORGANISATIONS - and this does not include having different viewpoints, or even highlighting wrongdoings of existing leaders or even governments ruled by the said party... What did Husam Musa do that ended in his being expelled from PAS?
If a party's position that it is against Detention Without Trial laws like POCA and POTA, and a member comes out and says he supports POCA and POTA - this maybe a breach of a basic or fundamental principle of the party. But even then, if he/she had stated that it was a personal view NOT the official party view, then it is OK. Minister Nazri Aziz has come out and expressed his personal view against death penalty - but he stated that it was not Cabinet position...and that is OK. DAP members have come out and spoke out against party leaders but they still remain active DAP members - even MPs and ADUNs. The ability to accept different views and even open criticism of existing leaders is an important aspect of DEMOCRACY...
We laughed at the absurd position of some UMNO-BN leader -- 'LISTEN, LISTEN ...we know what is best...' - People want to participate in the decision making process - and that includes listening to opposing views - including criticizing the leader's views or statements..
Some organisations and political parties may no longer practice true democracy - the lack of criticisms or questions about the 1MDB related matters, or the monies found in the PM's accounts wonders whether UMNO is still democratic - What has happened? Is PBBM, PKR, PAS, DAP, PRM, PSM...still democratic...or has it become 'feudalistic' or a 'dictatorship'? Would candidates from such parties be good choices for Malaysians, if we still want Malaysia to be truly democratic (which means so much more that the right to choose once every 4/5 years or during elections...)
Some organisations and political parties may no longer practice true democracy - the lack of criticisms or questions about the 1MDB related matters, or the monies found in the PM's accounts wonders whether UMNO is still democratic - What has happened? Is PBBM, PKR, PAS, DAP, PRM, PSM...still democratic...or has it become 'feudalistic' or a 'dictatorship'? Would candidates from such parties be good choices for Malaysians, if we still want Malaysia to be truly democratic (which means so much more that the right to choose once every 4/5 years or during elections...)
Is the Opposition ready for true DEMOCRACY - Malaysians are ready ...will the Opposition political parties give Malaysians more democracy - let the people choose - No more APPOINTING of our reps and leaders ???
RISK OF DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS AT LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEVEL, KAMPUNGS, TAMAN - THAT THE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS AFRAID OF... people may chose someone from the Opposition party - but then, that is the people's choice...and their decision must be respected...
FEAR OF LOCAL COUNCIL DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS - Some say it is 'MONEY' - Now. Local Council collects monies from the people - property tax('cukai pintu'), business license, signboard fees, parking, etc... If no democratic elections, the State can still use and control this 'money' - after all, they appoint the Local Councillors??? Money collected by the Local Council is to be used for the people of that Local or District Council....Is it true?
Well, STATE income - is there a need to introduce State 'Income Tax' - now, all the income tax and corporate tax goes to the Federal Government - so, State gets nothing?? Maybe, we need new laws, that give state a right to some of this 'tax money' - maybe a formula based on the total number of State population...maybe 20-25% of all taxes collected must flow to States according to the population? That will increase State monies...
Likewise, there could be a law requiring 25-50% of Local Council income to flow to State governments...
Of course, the other worry is that Local Council elections will be won by Opposition party members....that was one of the reason why UMNO-BN may have abolished local government elections? REMEMBER - Democracy means people decide and choose...
Why does Malaysia have General Elections for both Parliament and State at the same time? The worry is the PEOPLE, some suggest. The people may be wanting 'check and balance' - so, if Parliamentary election is held at a different time from State elections, if the UMNO-BN wins the Parliament seat...then people may vote the Opposition in for the State seat... or vice versa. People are SMART - they may prefer 'Check and Balance' - not wanting to give all power to one party...
Come this elections, State governments of Penang, Kelantan and Selangor will have the choice of not having General Elections for States at the same time UMNO-BN decides on Parliamentary elections (and possibly elections in UMNO-BN governed states).
In Penang, when Guan Eng was charged for corruption, DAP wanted to immediately call for State elections - but sadly one or two of the other Pakatan Rakyat party opposed that idea...a very bad move, in my opinion, it would have been best in the face of corruption allegations against the Chief Minister(or Menteri Besar) to go back to the people through a State Election - and get the mandate of the people again --- alas, one wonders whether many of the Opposition parties are also of a same thinking with the UMNO-BN? Selangor, in fact, proclaimed that they will not call for elections until the end of their mandate period received after the last General Elections..
Wonder whether Selangor, Penang and/or Kelantan will call for State Elections at a different time ...or will they just wait for Najib to dissolve Parliament and call for parliamentary elections - hence trying again to force the State and Federal elections at the same time. It would be good if they are on different dates...Sarawak is the only State now that haves its State Elections at a different time compared to the Federal Elections - likewise, Selangor, Penang and/or Kelantan can also do the same...It may be good for Democracy?
When Penang did not dissolve the State Legislative Assembly and call for State Elections, it affected its MORAL mandate to now even demand Najib(or future PMs or Menteri Besar) to resign or dissolve Parliament/State Legislative Assembly when there are serious allegations of corruption and/or other abuses by existing PM/Menteri Besar or governments.
If Guan Eng dissolved the State Legislative Assemble, called for a State Elections, and managed to win again his seat and/or the State - that will be a clear mandate of the people of Penang that they still wanted him as Chief Minister, and that they wanted the Opposition pact of DAP-PKR-PAS to continue to many other countries, there would have been an immediate resignation of the affected leader, or an immediate renewal of mandate of the CM and his government vide an election.
SELANGOR - Who can be Menteri Besar - well, currently it is not democratic as there is an ethnic and religious criteria. Embarrassing, because even the Federal Constitution has no such 'racist' criteria - a person who has the confidence/support of the majority of the MPs becomes the Prime Minister. In Selangor, the Opposition (PKR-DAP-PAS) had the required two third majority, and they could have amended the State 'Constitution' - and the question is why did they not do so? Now, Selangor and States with such similar provisions will NEVER get the best Menteri Besar, the one that the majority of the ADUNs support... TRUST the the ADUNs the people chooses...Why limit choices?
We see the problems in many of the government-owned and/or linked companies when Chairman of the Board of Directors, Directors and even CEOs are chosen based on ethnic/religious considerations, or political consideration > not so much on the basis of the best available Malaysian for the job...MAS, Proton, FELDA Global Ventures(FGV), Prasarana, etc ...and many of these have failed... In business and also government, the priority should be choosing the BEST Malaysian for the job...
DEMOCRACY - What is the current Opposition going to give us? Same as what the UMNO-BN is giving us now, or will they be giving us GREATER DEMOCRACY....
Do we want the SAME UMNO-BN policy and administration methods - but simply one that a more CLEAN more EFFICIENT more TRUSTWORTHY...I would want something so much better...and so much more democratic...What about you?
WELL, many of us are of the position that we want a CHANGE - we want to experience a new government other that the UMNO-BN government that we had for about 60 years since MERDEKA.... we are concerned about the various failings of the current government, including the massive DEBT, and the inadequacy of our Federal Reserve to settle it...We are concerned with allegations of kleptocracy...and other abuses that have most likely seen the loss of billions of ringgit...
CHANGE is a must but we must also not avoid looking at the Opposition parties, that are vying to be the alternative government - we need to look at their 'failings' be it in government, or how they operate as a party... We need to DEMAND the changes we hope a different government will bring ...we need details of some of these planned changes... We need to look at what they are promising? Not just the recovery of monies lost, a re-investigation of 1MDB and related matters or the abolition of GST and maybe tol.... What are the REAL CHANGES in the method of administration will we see? Democracy? ...If we do not 'push' - then, at the end of the day, all we may see is the same style and policy of the UMNO-BN - maybe much cleaner, more efficient and more trustworthy... That is NOT ENOUGH...we looked at Democracy in this post, and we will look at other areas maybe later...
In terms of the States being governed by the Opposition, we now KNOW that they can govern...but where are the 'real changes'? What will be the real changes?
Sabah and Sarawak - the Opposition is promising greater autonomy - but then what about the States in Semenanjung Malaysia - will they get back some more of the power that the Federal government has taken from them...Would they get some share of the 'taxes' collected by the Federal Government? Will they get back the authority to manage the towns, villages, etc in their own State - Now that power is with the Federal Government too...including the funds and development plans...Even garbage collection was taken away from local government and is now under the Federal Government ...
Have the Opposition parties working on these proposed plans with one another and getting agreements - or are they simply spending time fighting for 'seats'?
The PEOPLE needs to push for greater democracy, etc...if not, after they come into power, there will simply be delays and excuses...and delays...
RISK OF DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS AT LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEVEL, KAMPUNGS, TAMAN - THAT THE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS AFRAID OF... people may chose someone from the Opposition party - but then, that is the people's choice...and their decision must be respected...
FEAR OF LOCAL COUNCIL DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS - Some say it is 'MONEY' - Now. Local Council collects monies from the people - property tax('cukai pintu'), business license, signboard fees, parking, etc... If no democratic elections, the State can still use and control this 'money' - after all, they appoint the Local Councillors??? Money collected by the Local Council is to be used for the people of that Local or District Council....Is it true?
Well, STATE income - is there a need to introduce State 'Income Tax' - now, all the income tax and corporate tax goes to the Federal Government - so, State gets nothing?? Maybe, we need new laws, that give state a right to some of this 'tax money' - maybe a formula based on the total number of State population...maybe 20-25% of all taxes collected must flow to States according to the population? That will increase State monies...
Likewise, there could be a law requiring 25-50% of Local Council income to flow to State governments...
Of course, the other worry is that Local Council elections will be won by Opposition party members....that was one of the reason why UMNO-BN may have abolished local government elections? REMEMBER - Democracy means people decide and choose...
Why does Malaysia have General Elections for both Parliament and State at the same time? The worry is the PEOPLE, some suggest. The people may be wanting 'check and balance' - so, if Parliamentary election is held at a different time from State elections, if the UMNO-BN wins the Parliament seat...then people may vote the Opposition in for the State seat... or vice versa. People are SMART - they may prefer 'Check and Balance' - not wanting to give all power to one party...
Come this elections, State governments of Penang, Kelantan and Selangor will have the choice of not having General Elections for States at the same time UMNO-BN decides on Parliamentary elections (and possibly elections in UMNO-BN governed states).
In Penang, when Guan Eng was charged for corruption, DAP wanted to immediately call for State elections - but sadly one or two of the other Pakatan Rakyat party opposed that idea...a very bad move, in my opinion, it would have been best in the face of corruption allegations against the Chief Minister(or Menteri Besar) to go back to the people through a State Election - and get the mandate of the people again --- alas, one wonders whether many of the Opposition parties are also of a same thinking with the UMNO-BN? Selangor, in fact, proclaimed that they will not call for elections until the end of their mandate period received after the last General Elections..
Wonder whether Selangor, Penang and/or Kelantan will call for State Elections at a different time ...or will they just wait for Najib to dissolve Parliament and call for parliamentary elections - hence trying again to force the State and Federal elections at the same time. It would be good if they are on different dates...Sarawak is the only State now that haves its State Elections at a different time compared to the Federal Elections - likewise, Selangor, Penang and/or Kelantan can also do the same...It may be good for Democracy?
When Penang did not dissolve the State Legislative Assembly and call for State Elections, it affected its MORAL mandate to now even demand Najib(or future PMs or Menteri Besar) to resign or dissolve Parliament/State Legislative Assembly when there are serious allegations of corruption and/or other abuses by existing PM/Menteri Besar or governments.
If Guan Eng dissolved the State Legislative Assemble, called for a State Elections, and managed to win again his seat and/or the State - that will be a clear mandate of the people of Penang that they still wanted him as Chief Minister, and that they wanted the Opposition pact of DAP-PKR-PAS to continue to many other countries, there would have been an immediate resignation of the affected leader, or an immediate renewal of mandate of the CM and his government vide an election.
SELANGOR - Who can be Menteri Besar - well, currently it is not democratic as there is an ethnic and religious criteria. Embarrassing, because even the Federal Constitution has no such 'racist' criteria - a person who has the confidence/support of the majority of the MPs becomes the Prime Minister. In Selangor, the Opposition (PKR-DAP-PAS) had the required two third majority, and they could have amended the State 'Constitution' - and the question is why did they not do so? Now, Selangor and States with such similar provisions will NEVER get the best Menteri Besar, the one that the majority of the ADUNs support... TRUST the the ADUNs the people chooses...Why limit choices?
We see the problems in many of the government-owned and/or linked companies when Chairman of the Board of Directors, Directors and even CEOs are chosen based on ethnic/religious considerations, or political consideration > not so much on the basis of the best available Malaysian for the job...MAS, Proton, FELDA Global Ventures(FGV), Prasarana, etc ...and many of these have failed... In business and also government, the priority should be choosing the BEST Malaysian for the job...
DEMOCRACY - What is the current Opposition going to give us? Same as what the UMNO-BN is giving us now, or will they be giving us GREATER DEMOCRACY....
Do we want the SAME UMNO-BN policy and administration methods - but simply one that a more CLEAN more EFFICIENT more TRUSTWORTHY...I would want something so much better...and so much more democratic...What about you?
WELL, many of us are of the position that we want a CHANGE - we want to experience a new government other that the UMNO-BN government that we had for about 60 years since MERDEKA.... we are concerned about the various failings of the current government, including the massive DEBT, and the inadequacy of our Federal Reserve to settle it...We are concerned with allegations of kleptocracy...and other abuses that have most likely seen the loss of billions of ringgit...
CHANGE is a must but we must also not avoid looking at the Opposition parties, that are vying to be the alternative government - we need to look at their 'failings' be it in government, or how they operate as a party... We need to DEMAND the changes we hope a different government will bring ...we need details of some of these planned changes... We need to look at what they are promising? Not just the recovery of monies lost, a re-investigation of 1MDB and related matters or the abolition of GST and maybe tol.... What are the REAL CHANGES in the method of administration will we see? Democracy? ...If we do not 'push' - then, at the end of the day, all we may see is the same style and policy of the UMNO-BN - maybe much cleaner, more efficient and more trustworthy... That is NOT ENOUGH...we looked at Democracy in this post, and we will look at other areas maybe later...
In terms of the States being governed by the Opposition, we now KNOW that they can govern...but where are the 'real changes'? What will be the real changes?
Sabah and Sarawak - the Opposition is promising greater autonomy - but then what about the States in Semenanjung Malaysia - will they get back some more of the power that the Federal government has taken from them...Would they get some share of the 'taxes' collected by the Federal Government? Will they get back the authority to manage the towns, villages, etc in their own State - Now that power is with the Federal Government too...including the funds and development plans...Even garbage collection was taken away from local government and is now under the Federal Government ...
Have the Opposition parties working on these proposed plans with one another and getting agreements - or are they simply spending time fighting for 'seats'?
The PEOPLE needs to push for greater democracy, etc...if not, after they come into power, there will simply be delays and excuses...and delays...
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