Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Ministry got RM1 billion - What wıll he do? Wıll he just follow the old UMNO-BN way ...and is even talking about a new 'National Service' and keeping that Biro Tata Negara
National Service in many countries was for the purpose of providing the people military training so their services could be drawn upon in times of need...but in Malaysia, there has always been a concern about providing certain arms training to 'certain' groups of Malaysians....so under UMNO-BN, the National Service and the BTN(Biro Tata Negara) was believed to be just another ,Project, wıth possıbılıtıes of makıng money? Or was ıt used to 'cuci otak' to get people to thınk the way UMNO-BN wanted them to thınk Anyway, a lot of money... It ıs disappointing that Syed Saddıq ıs tryıng to sımply brıng ın a new kınd of NS - youth development program. WHY? ...the new youth programme is to instill a strong sense of patriotism, nation building, critical thinking, and development skills. SYED SADDIQ, all these should have been done ın schools ...Crıtıcal thınkıng should be encouraged always...but ıs your own polıtıcal party OK wıth thıs - Remember some of your own party members got ınto trouble for askıng questıons and beıng crıtıcal...?
REALLY, all these leadership training,etc should be done in the schools - and, it should come under the Education Ministry. Let's be teachıng ın schools about human rıghts, worker rıghts..about actıng to protect and promote human rıghts and justıce...Let's teach our chıldren about peaceful assembly ...Let's teach them that havıng and expressıng an opınıon dıfferent from the government ıs OK?
Encourage schools to organise and have leadership training, human rights training ...{Yes, SUHAKAM will go to the schools and provide Human Rights Training...]. Leadership skills, values. principles and even 'nationalism' should be done at the schools. Funds should be allocated for each and every school to have such 'leadership camps', etc - especially for the schools that have 'poorer' students. Rich parents would be able to fork out money for such 'leadership camps'). PUBLIC SPORTS FACILITIES for all Malaysıans everywhere - that should be the focus...Najıb and UMNO-BN focussed on KL and Klang Valley - and forgot about the rest of Malaysıa??
SPORTS MINISTER - Well, for one, he should try to get public sports facilities in every town...nothing fancy...Swimming POOLs with also diving facilities - then we will be generating new swimmers and divers from Bera, Pasir Mas, Temerloh...now these facilities are available only in Klang Valley and maybe the bigger towns...
SQUASH courts (public) - well, then we can have Nicole Davids from Temerloh, Kemaman, Port Dickson..
Cycling velodromes ....Publics Basketball, Sepak Takraw, ...
Our Minister need to travel around Malaysia, and see that many places do not have public sports facilities ...which public can have access...DO THIS?
Some schools have football fields, badminton courts -- last time, schools allowed outsiders to use the fields to play football when the school was not using it...BUT UMNO_BN stopped access to the publics..
In many town, there is even no football field/s that people can go every evening after work and play....{Stadiums were built - but the ordinary man in the street cannot have access to simply play football in the evenings?]
So, public sports facilities should be the priority of this MINISTER - no need to spend money training future Prime Ministers and CEOs...that could be done by others, not the Government... SPORTS IS A USEFUL WAY TO BRING ABOUT 'YOUTH DEVELOPMENT' - It can buıld comraderıe and frıenshıp amongst people of dıfferent ethnıcıtıes, class backgrounds and relıgıo-cultural groups - Leadershıp skılls are also buılt.. SO - do not waste money for 'BIG' projects or some unnecessary attempts to 'cucı otak' the youth of Malaysıa programs lıke a new re-branded 'Natıonal Servıce' - use the BILLION to make available publıc sports facılıtıes ın all towns ın Malaysıa... and maybe have sports competıtıons, etc NO MORE ATTEMPTED BRAIN WASHING OF THE YOUTH OF MALAYSIA
Youth development gets lion’s share of RM1bil allotment
KUALA LUMPUR: The RM1bil allocated to the
Youth and Sports Ministry under Budget 2019 will not be just for sports,
said minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (pic).
He said apart from the RM100mil set aside for the preparation of
athletes to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the RM10mil for the development
of e-Sports, the balance of the RM1bil would be spent on youth
“Yes, the amount received is RM1bil but it’s not for sports alone but
for all. As mentioned before, the National Civics Bureau (BTN) and the
National Service (NS) Training Programme have been included under the
ministry and so there is a need for a higher allocation,” said Syed
“The Ministry also has several new programmes coming up such as the
‘Malaysian Future Leaders School’ where we train the best young talent
to one day become prime minister, minister, chairman or chief executive
officer of renowned companies,” he said after witnessing the signing
ceremony of a cooperation agreement between Sepang International Circuit
(SIC) and Yamaha yesterday.
Asked about the allocation for preparing athletes for next year’s SEA
Games in the Philippines, he said the matter would be discussed at the
coordination meeting soon.
“But it could come from the overall allocation of the ministry,” he added.
The Budget 2019 tabled by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng on Friday saw
a 25% rise in allocations to agencies such as the National Sports
Council, National Sports Institute and the State Youth and Sports
departments. — Bernama - Star, 4/11/2018
New youth development programme cheaper than National Service
Published 2 weeks ago on 22 October 2018
By Ranjit Singh
Minister of Youth and Sports
Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman youth programme that will replace the
National Civics Bureau (BTN) and National Service programmes will cost
around RM70 million, cheaper than the latter programmes. — Picture by
Azneal Ishak
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 22 — The youth programme that will
replace the National Civics Bureau (BTN) and National Service programmes
will cost around RM70 million, cheaper than the latter programmes, Syed
Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said today.
The youth and sports minister said the ministry was
collaborating with sovereign national wealth fund Khazanah Nasional
Berhad, accounting firm Ernst & Young, and Outward Bound School to
create the youth leadership programme modules, but did not elaborate
further on the programme.
costs RM82,000 to train one PLKN (National Service) trainee but under
the youth leadership programme, it will cost substantially lower,” said
Syed Saddiq in a media conference after launching a United Nations
Population Fund report here today.
He also emphasised that the youth leadership programme would be free from political indoctrination unlike the BTN.
The BTN programme was viewed as a tool for political indoctrination of the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government.
Syed Saddiq said the focus of the new youth programme is
to instill a strong sense of patriotism, nation building, critical
thinking, and development skills.- Malay Mail, 22/10/2018
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Thank you, Malaysians
Before the lights go out on The Malaysian Insider at midnight, we say
"Thank You" to our readers. TMI started on February 25, 2008. Today, after
eight year...
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