Malaysia claims that the median monthly household income for Malaysians in 2014 increased by 11.7 percent annually to RM4,585 from RM3,626 in 2012. What is this MEDIAN VALUE? It is the "middle' of a sorted list of numbers - but my worry is what is this sorted list of value below the median value - are we still looking at a lot of households earning less than RM1,000 or RM900(Malaysia's Minimum Wage). Maybe it is 30-40% of all households, maybe the rest of the 10% is actually earning less than RM2,000 - if so, there is nothing to be happy or proud about. We want to know how many households earn less than RM500, how many less than RM1,000, how many less than RM1,500, how many less than RM2,000.... but alas, we do not have this data.
Median Value
The Median is the "middle" of a sorted list of numbers.
How to Find the Median Value
To find the Median, place the numbers in value order and find the middle.
Example: find the Median of 12, 3 and 5
Put them in order:
3, 5, 12The middle is 5, so the median is 5.
3, 13, 7, 5, 21, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29
When we put those numbers in order we have:
3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 23, 23, 23, 29, 39, 40, 56
There are fifteen numbers. Our middle is the eighth number:
3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 23, 23, 23, 29, 39, 40, 56The median value of this set of numbers is 23.
(It doesn't matter that some numbers are the same in the list.)
HOUSEHOLD - well the definition now has changed - it is no more with regard to the family unit (plus extended family members)
Description 2A household is defined as a person or group of related or unrelated persons who usually live together and make common provisions for food and other essentials of living and sleep in the selected living quarters for at least 16 nights during the reference month. An exception is made in the case of fisherman, long distance taxi and express bus drivers and loggers who are considered as household members regardless of wether they slept in the living quarters or not.
Source : Prices
Source Detail : Report On Household Expenditure Survey Malaysia - Department of Statistics Website
So a group of 3 married couples, or even 8 individuals living together is also considered a household. Now, 6 minimum wage earners living together will earn RM5,400 monthly, and 8 of them in a same house(migrant workers are accommodated in such numbers) will earn RM7,200 monthly.
Now adult children and even relatives live in their parent's homes because they cannot afford to move out and get their own places. So, let's say father, mother, 2 adult working minimum wage of RM900 will make the monthly household income RM3,600, and with overtime and allowances, that will put them above the median value.
SAMPLE - does this survey involves all households in Malaysia - or just a selection. If selection, then this could be show increases and decreases, could it not?
INCOME - well, really the value of the Malaysian Ringgit has dropped - what you can buy today with RM1 is far less than what you could have bought with the same ringgit in 2012. What is the real income increase?
MEDIAN INCOME - If one looks at this, we find that there save for 3 Federal Territories (KL, Labuan, Putrajaya) and 4 States(Johor, Melaka, Selangor and Penang), the median income for the rest of the states are lower than the national median.
BR1M - well, look at the allocation, does it tally with these figures about median income? 4.1 million households earned less than RM3,000, and another about 400,000 households was said to have an income of RM3-4 thousand. So how many households are there in Malaysia. Say, for each household there are 4 persons, that will mean about 18 million Malaysians are in 'households' that earn less than RM3,000 - and since our population is about 30 million > the national median would not have exceeded RM3,000? We need full data to correctly analyze this...
As such, to say that the median monthly household income for Malaysians in 2014 increased to RM4,585 is odd....
Jun 22, 2015
By Bernama
Median monthly income rises to RM4,585 in 2014
The median monthly household income for Malaysians in 2014 increased by 11.7 percent annually to RM4,585 from RM3,626 in 2012.
The Department of Statistics Malaysia said this in its report on the Household Income and Basic Amenities Survey 2014, held to collect data on the characteristics of Malaysian households.
“The survey was conducted using personal interview approach in a 12-month period in 2014, covering both the urban and rural strata.
“In general, there are four sources of income that can be received (accrued) by households - income from paid employment; self-employed; income from property and investments; and, current transfer received,” it said in a statement.
For the mean monthly household income for Malaysians, it increased 10.3 percent per annum to RM6,141 in 2014 from RM5,000 in 2012, it said.
The Statistics Department said Federal Territory (FT) of Kuala Lumpur recorded the highest median monthly household income of RM7,620, followed by Putrajaya (RM7,512), Selangor (RM6,214), FT Labuan (RM5,684), Johor (RM5,197), Malacca (RM5,029) and Penang (RM4,702).
It said other states recorded the median income below the national level at RM4,585.
The department said Kuala Lumpur recorded the highest mean monthly household income (RM10,629), followed by Putrajaya (RM10,401), Selangor (RM8,252), Labuan (RM7,591) and Johor (RM6,207).
“Other states recorded mean income below the national level (RM6,141),” it said.
The Gini coefficient declined by three percentage points from 0.431 in 2012 to 0.401 in 2014, it said.
“This indicates the improvement in the Malaysian household income distribution,” it said.
- Bernama -Malaysiakini, 22/6/2015
Bernama | Updated: June 08, 2015
Ahmad said for this year's recipients, 6.4 million recipients received the aid through their bank accounts, while 820,000 received the aid though vouchers.
The Department of Statistics Malaysia said this in its report on the Household Income and Basic Amenities Survey 2014, held to collect data on the characteristics of Malaysian households.
“The survey was conducted using personal interview approach in a 12-month period in 2014, covering both the urban and rural strata.
“In general, there are four sources of income that can be received (accrued) by households - income from paid employment; self-employed; income from property and investments; and, current transfer received,” it said in a statement.
For the mean monthly household income for Malaysians, it increased 10.3 percent per annum to RM6,141 in 2014 from RM5,000 in 2012, it said.
The Statistics Department said Federal Territory (FT) of Kuala Lumpur recorded the highest median monthly household income of RM7,620, followed by Putrajaya (RM7,512), Selangor (RM6,214), FT Labuan (RM5,684), Johor (RM5,197), Malacca (RM5,029) and Penang (RM4,702).
It said other states recorded the median income below the national level at RM4,585.
The department said Kuala Lumpur recorded the highest mean monthly household income (RM10,629), followed by Putrajaya (RM10,401), Selangor (RM8,252), Labuan (RM7,591) and Johor (RM6,207).
“Other states recorded mean income below the national level (RM6,141),” it said.
The Gini coefficient declined by three percentage points from 0.431 in 2012 to 0.401 in 2014, it said.
“This indicates the improvement in the Malaysian household income distribution,” it said.
- Bernama -Malaysiakini, 22/6/2015
Median monthly household income by state, Malaysia, 2014
RM13 billion allocated for BR1M
Bernama | Updated: June 08, 2015
(First published on: June 08, 2015 14:20 MYT)

KUALA LUMPUR: The government has allocated a
total of RM13 billion from 2012 to 2015 for distribution of the
1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) which had benefited almost 7.4 million
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan said this year alone, more than RM5 billion was allocated for the purpose.
"In 2015, those with household income of RM3,000 and below to receive BR1M totalled 4.1 million people, with total BR1M amounting RM3.9 billion.
"For household income of between RM3,001 and RM4,000, the total number of recipients is 400,010 people and the total BR1M was RM300 million and for unmarried youths with income of RM2,000 and below, there are 2.7 million recipients with aid totalling RM947 million," he added.
Ahmad said for this year's recipients, 6.4 million recipients received the aid through their bank accounts, while 820,000 received the aid though vouchers.
He said this in response to a question from Ahmad Lai Bujang (BN-Sibuti) on the number of BR1M recipients who still did not have saving accounts to receive the aid.
To avoid leakage and ensure only those eligible received BR1M, Ahmad said a verification process would be conducted every year by checking with the data obtained from the various government agencies.
The agencies included the National Registration Department, the Inland Revenue Board, Public Service Department and the Employees Provident Fund, he added.- Astro Awani
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan said this year alone, more than RM5 billion was allocated for the purpose.
"In 2015, those with household income of RM3,000 and below to receive BR1M totalled 4.1 million people, with total BR1M amounting RM3.9 billion.
"For household income of between RM3,001 and RM4,000, the total number of recipients is 400,010 people and the total BR1M was RM300 million and for unmarried youths with income of RM2,000 and below, there are 2.7 million recipients with aid totalling RM947 million," he added.
Ahmad said for this year's recipients, 6.4 million recipients received the aid through their bank accounts, while 820,000 received the aid though vouchers.
He said this in response to a question from Ahmad Lai Bujang (BN-Sibuti) on the number of BR1M recipients who still did not have saving accounts to receive the aid.
To avoid leakage and ensure only those eligible received BR1M, Ahmad said a verification process would be conducted every year by checking with the data obtained from the various government agencies.
The agencies included the National Registration Department, the Inland Revenue Board, Public Service Department and the Employees Provident Fund, he added.- Astro Awani
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