Although the government do not resort to much physical aggressive means of suppression, the state of freedom and human rights in Malaysia is in fact far worse than maybe even Burma , ..
YES - no freedom to even voice an opinion or freedom of expression 107 (59%)
YES - no freedom of even association - almost impossible to register
new political parties and rights organisations 90 (49%)
YES - no way to even organise a public forum and share views with
public 100 (55%)
YES - almost impossible to be able to be able to start a newspaper
and/or magazine that is critical 93 (51%)
YES - the government only talks PEACE & "UNITY" - but not
Justice 110 (60%)
YES - government controlled media suppresses alternative views
& even REAL news 135 (74%)
NO - Not at all true 9 (4%)
I ABSTAIN 3 (1%)
Votes so far: 181
Poll closed
(Those who voted had the option to make multiple choices - but some, possibly not being aware of this right only made a single choice. )
Orang Islam boleh hadir pengebumian bukan Muslim, kata bekas menteri agama
Zulkifli Al-Bakri berkata, orang Islam juga dibenarkan memandikan,
mengafankan dan mengebumikan mayat bukan Islam jika perlu.
52 minutes ago
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