Was it Najib's and Badawi's government or the BN government that put the country in such poor financial situation so much so the government cannot even pay out RM500 monthly assistance to all those who have lost jobs/income?
Is KLEPTOCRACY of the past to be blamed - or is abuses of the present still a problem... After all, this government continue to give lots of income to 'political appointees' and 'friends' - Director can get RM50K per month... and guess what those that did not get Cabinet positions was promised 'money' from other appointments... is this still happening?
TIME to remove HIGH monthly pensions - Place a CAP - maximum RM5,000 per month. How much monies is our government that cannot afford wasting? Government should have at the very least be providing RM500 minimum assistance EVERY MONTH for all those who COULD NOT WORK AND EARN because of MCO restrictions...
B40 households to receive RM500 from the government in August and RM300 in December; - note we are talking about HOUSEHOLDS and not individuals, and we are talking about RM800 for so many months for so many persons in a household..
REMEMBER IT WAS THE GOVERNMENT THAT CAUSED PEOPLE TO LOSE INCOME - in June itself with the STRICT lockdown, most shops, small retailers, etc did not earn any income - and is this allocation enough?
Govt allocates RM300,000 to MPs for food basket assistance to help affected groups in their respective constituencies
And WHY is the government giving MPs RM300,000 for 'food baskets' - no need the government can easily assist the poor and needy directly ... sad to say that when it flows through MPs or 'third parties', the risk of money LEAKS and abuse is HIGH. Will there be discrimination based on party affliations???
MPs earn large INCOMES - and it certainly is NOT THEIR DUTY OR RESPONSIBILITY to be handing out 'food baskets' utilizing government funds. If they collect donations from members and supporters and use that, no problem...
And let us look at the 'questionable' big allocations
Govt to allocate RM100 million to assist those in the creative arts sector - Who exactly are these 'creative arts' sector??? Question mark?
RM18m allocation for local banks to provide 30 mobile banks nationwide - why exactly is government giving out money to banks???? Banks should start and maintain 'mobile banks' if they want to... and after all, is there even a need for these mobile banks... questionable waste?
CERTAIN PEOPLE'S INCOME WERE NOT AFFECTED BY COVID-19 - Government Employees and government pensioners...they received the same amount monthly, covid or not??
Private sector workers need assistance - especially the DAILY WAGED workers(sadly still this practice exist. Time to abolish DAILY Waged workers - all workers should be monthly waged, and should be entitled to Paid holidays, paid rest days - Daily waged paid for the days the work???? ARCHAIC - abolish it for those who really are full-time employees..
When people stay at home - ELECTRICITY and water usage increases...and remember telecommunication and INTERNET - give assistance or get higher reductions....
are the key takeaways of the National People’s Well-Being and Economic
Recovery Package (PEMULIH) announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin
B40 households to receive RM500 from the government in August and RM300 in December; B40 singles to receive RM200 in August
M40 households to receive RM250 in August; M40 singles to receive RM100 in August
Govt to give RM500 assistance to those who have lost their jobs, based on EPF, SOCSO data
Govt allocates RM300,000 to MPs for food basket assistance to help affected groups in their respective constituencies
Govt allocates RM10 million for food basket programme for indigenous peoples
Extension of electricity bill discounts for affected economic
sectors for another three months — 10% discounts for October to
December electricity bills
An electricity bill discount of between 5-40% for domestic users —
in accordance with electricity usage up to a maximum of 900kwh per month
— worth RM346 million, to be given for three months
RM18m allocation for local banks to provide 30 mobile banks nationwide
Micro SMEs to receive additional assistance of RM500 in September and RM500 in November
Govt to remove RM4,000 limit for salary subsidy programme, to provide salary subsidy of RM600 per worker for four months
Additional RM100 million under SME Digitalisation Grant for SMEs and
micro SMEs to get matching grants of up to RM5,000 for purchase or
subscription of digital systems
One-off RM3,000 assistance to be given to sports facilities' operators
Govt to allocate RM100 million to assist those in the creative arts sector
Financial assistance of RM500 per month over three months for the disabled
RM3,000 special assistance to be given to 4,400 nursery operators
Govt procurement procedures to be eased, variation of price to be
allowed for projects affected by higher building materials cost
Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Bhd (SJPP) government guarantee scheme limit to be increased by RM20 billion
Govt to allow withdrawal of RM1,000 per month for five months under EPF's i-Citra
Targeted moratorium for three months for PTPTN borrowers
Affected insurance and takaful policyholders can apply for deferment of payment by opt-in until December 2021
Six-month postponement for repayment of JPA federal student loans;
similar postponement for federal scholarship recipients' compensation
Six-month moratorium for all individual borrowers and micro
entrepreneurs — no documentation needed as all applications will be
automatically approved
Govt to allocate RM400 million to increase national vaccine supply to cover 130% of the population, from previous targeted 120%
Govt to allocate RM200 million for 29 new vaccination centres and to
upgrade existing ones, as well as to introduce drive-through
vaccination centres, mobile vaccination centres and to fund outreach
home-to-home vaccination programmes
There will be RM150 million allocation for public-private partnership immunisation programme (PIKAS)
Allowance for volunteer frontliners to be increased to RM100 from
RM50 per day, for those on duty for more than 12 hours per day starting
June 2021
Govt has agreed to postpone monthly income tax instalment payments
for companies and waive tourism, services taxes for hotel operators
until year-end
RM3,000 'one-off' assistance for more than 5,300 registered travel
agencies to help them revive their businesses when the country moves to
Third Phase of PPN
One gigabyte of free daily data extended until Dec 31 with an estimated value of RM500 million, benefiting 44 million users
Govt announces Covid-19 Special Aid (BKC) with RM4.6 billion allocation
Govt implements price control based on crude palm oil threshold value to check price increase in 1kg-5kg bottled cooking oil
Govt continues to maintain the retail price of RON95 petrol, diesel
and LPG, which is expected to involve a subsidy of more than RM6 billion
this year
Govt widens psychosocial support through channels like "talian
kasih" and RM15 million allocation to NGOs to combat social issues
Allocation of RM125 million through HRD Corp to implement "place and train" initiative under the Janapreneur programme - Edge Market, 28/6/2021
Recently, ASTRO introduced the Ultra-Box - but wait, one of the prerequisites was you need Wi-fi at least 10 Mega Byte Speed.
I live in Temerloh, the 2nd largest town in Pahang - but the Wi-fi through TM that I can get is a maximum of 1 Mega Byte - that is all. And, the actual speed is maybe a quarter of that..
Problem - well, the phone lines used is still the 'copper cables' - not the fiber optic cable... so the speed is just not possible to increase.
2nd - Well, the other option is to use DATA - but for the speed that ASTRO wants, it means additional costs - but even if you subscribe for a higher data and speed - often, what you get is far less. Some say that some Telco companies just 'over-subscribe' and so when more users are online, you simply cannot get the speed required. Consumers cheated? Government should ensure that Telco companies do not SELL what they cannot provide for - if they sell 10 mega byte speed, then that must be the speed the consumer get at any time - worse maybe 95% of what was promised.
The former UMNO-BN government focussed on the Federal Territories, mainly KL. There was also a focus on the West Coast ...especially the bigger towns. But then the East Coast and rural Peninsular was not the focus..
The next PH Plus government also did not address this, and now the PN-BN Plus government also does not have this emphasis.
ONLINE classes for Students - we remember the previous UMNO-BN government talking about providing students, especially those that cannot afford with PCs and even providing internet access... then, when we needed, we found that this did not happen. We heard of some students having to use their parent's smartphone and then they had to share this with their other siblings ....AND, the problem is that DATA cost money - was the government providing DATA free? No, they were not?
ASTRO now is adding NEW channels - Disney and ... > Guess what, you do not get these channels on your TV. It is only available on the Apps - when you use your smartphone or Computer connected to the Wifi... Should not these NEW channels be available to all ASTRO customers - to every TV watching ASTRO customers - through their Satellite Disks.
If not, be HONEST and tell Astro Customers - SORRY, all you subscribers will not watch that Disney and Hotstar on your normal TV. Why NOT Astro - why can't it be available to all - and not just those who PAY MORE for Data or Wifi?
Another problem with the ULTRA BOX - well, the technician came to change to Ultra Box - but then, they told me it cannot connect to my speaker system. That means that if I use the ULTRA-BOX, I must throw away my Sony Speaker system - and Buy a new speaker system that have a 'jack' or amps suitable for the Ultra-Box???
FREE Ultra Box replacement - but alas, beware the HIDDEN COSTS that will be the cost of DATA, Wifi and even new Speakers, etc...
ASTRO Must improve and address these problems - not raise of hopes and then...
We already pay ASTRO BILLS - now, we also have to make additional payments..
Understand the reality of Malaysia - the poverty, the inadequate availability of internet and other basic facilities..
Take Train Services - Previously in Mentakab, there were 2 express trains daily betweeen Johor Bahru and Kelantan - today, there is ONE. Then there was promise of 'shuttle service' - but we, in Mentakab, do not have it. Comparatively on the West Coast, the government talks about HIGH SPEED rail services and 'DOUBLE TRACKING' - Well, why exactly is the government discriminating against the East Coast, including Pahang, who has always been an UMNO-BN ruled States, and the State from where there was 2 Prime Ministers.
Talk about HIGH COURTS - Kuantan HIGH COURT has just ONE JUDGE - but 3 High Courtrooms - Why is this? So that one(1) judge is over-burdened with just too much - WHY are we not increasing the number of JUDGES - that will solve back-logs and also encourage Justice.
Sometimes, one wonders what our ELECTED Wakil Rakyat (MPs and ADUNs) are doing - are they not bothered about the people they represent in their constituencies???
Well, ASTRO and other service providers must cater for ALL - not just those well-off or staying in 'more-developed' parts of Malaysia...and the GOVERNMENT should ensure all areas in Malaysia enjoys the fruits of development - better internet included.
HOW DO YOU Check the Channels in the Different ASTRO Packs online? How do you change the packs you want to discontinue or ADD online or on your TV? Interestingly, this FULL information and capacity is no longer available online, or even your TV/Astro Box - Why? YES, you can ADD this and that pack - but without seeing what exactly are the Channels - can anyone may a decision - on guessing what this New pack will contain? Astro's transparency and efficiency need to improve - it was GOOD before but now it is going down...
Well, the problem was the 'MONOPOLY' they enjoyed in Malaysia - and this was our government's doing. In Thailand, there are so many service providers - and Consumers can chose what they want between providers - so many different types of Satellite discs can be seen by the many different companies..
Now, Malaysia may have OPTIONS but many of these are not wide 'Satellite Discs directly to the TV' but through ONLINE, Wifi and Data..
Environment - Climate Change - Protection of Endangered Species - these are all concerns not just of the local communities but a concern for all Malaysians - nay all of us in the world.
Pahang regent Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah wants a stop to the mining activities at Tasik Chini. Tengku Hassanal decreed that the state government defends
Tasik Chini's status as a Unesco Biosphere Reserve, which
environmentalists have warned is under threat due to pollution
degradation from mining and logging activities."His Majesty called for all mining activities in the Tasik Chini area to cease,"
BUT, will the always UMNO led coalition State government listen? Our Rulers really need to speak out more on issues for the good of the people - Lynas? Jerantut Forest Logging?
Forest Reserves are 'de-gazetted' and logging, mining and other developmental activities are carried out - but sadly the people seem to be 'kept in the dark' most of the time - and became aware just because some persons, groups or the MEDIA highlights it. The Bauxite problem was highlighted in detail by the New Straits Times.
GAZETTE - that is the way the government informs the people of decisions made.A gazette is an official publication for the purpose of notifying the actions and decisions of the government.
BUT, where is the Pahang State Gazette or any of the government gazettes - this should be accessible ONLINE today by anyone. Not having this facility implies an intention to HIDE. All State and Federal Gazettes should be available FREE online - anyone can search and find out about things to de-gazette forest, Water Catchment Areas, etc ..
Another emerging concern, is the royalty and/or politician owned companies - this came up recently with regard the Lynas Permanent Depository Facility ...and now with regard this mining lease..
OPEN TENDER is always best - but when it comes to logging and mining licences/leases, does this happen? Are special preferences given to royalty/politician own entitles? Corruption also can come into play in 'direct offers'???
Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) - It seems that many times State governments just slice off a part of the forest for logging (just the size that does not require mandatory EIA)...Mining, logging and any clearing of forests should require an EIA..
Who does the EIA is also important? A private company? Is there an offence for FALSE reports/audits or assertions in EIA Reports - well, there must be one with a deterrent sentence. The government must be responsible for EIA and social impact assessment and must not simply trust private companies...
Wild life and endangered species - the policy/law must be the PROTECT THE HABITAT of especially critically endangered species. Laws that prevent hunting, sale or trafficking alone is totally inadequate.
All forest belong to the State - the people. Therefore, when it comes to de-gazetting or changing status of state forests especially - the people must be consulted >>> A PHYSICAL SIGNBOARD OR BANNER DRAWING THE ATTENTION OF THE PEOPLE - TELLING THEM WHERE TO TO GO TO GET MORE INFO...needed.
Was the people around Lynas Factory even given the opportunity to have their say when such a factory was approved?
Are STATES having difficulty generating income - maybe time for a State Income Tax - or maybe, an allocation of a percentage of the Federal Income Tax to the State government.
Som Forest: Home to tapirs and elephants or mining site for Pahang royals?
mining project is now awaiting approval from the Department of
Environment to excavate iron ore in a degazetted forest reserve at Kuala
Tembeling, Jerantut, Pahang.
This project has two similarities to the earlier reported controversial mining operations near Tasik Chini - both are linked to Pahang royalty and have appointed Golden Prosperous Resources Sdn Bhd as the contractor.
to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report which was released
for public viewing at the end of last month, the Kuala Tembeling project
involves 60.75ha of land, which is the size of around 113 football
project site, which affects the Central Forest Spine, will be cleared
and excavated if the EIA is approved. The Central Forest Spine covers a
wide swath across Peninsular Malaysia and links four main forest
The project site, located in the middle
of the Som Forest Reserve, is a known roaming habitat for several
protected wildlife, such as the Asian Tapir, Asian Elephant, Malayan Sun
Bear, and the critically endangered Malayan Tiger.
to the EIA report, the project will "significantly, permanently, and
irreversibly impact" wildlife habitats. This is despite reclamation and
rehabilitation of the area after mining activities are completed.
Mining lease owned by Pahang royalty
EIA report states that the mining lease for Lot 15523 was owned by
Tengku Nong Fatimah Sultan Ahmad Shah, who is the younger sister of Yang
di-Pertuan Agong and Pahang ruler Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah.
Golden Prosperous Resources was appointed by Tengku Nong Fatimah through Sutera Manja Sdn Bhd.
from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) shows that Tengku Nong
Fatimah is the largest shareholder of Sutera Manja. She holds a 70
percent stake.
Meanwhile, three other shareholders hold 10 percent of shares each. The three are all members of Pahang royalty.
As for Golden Prosperous Resources, CCM data shows it was registered in 2014 as a "bauxite mining and trading" company.
Indonesia stopped exporting bauxite in 2014, the bauxite mining
industry in Malaysia has grown substantially, filling the gap in the
Previous bauxite mining activity in Kuantan, Pahang became rampant and subsequently raised concerns of air and water pollution.
2016, the federal government stepped in and banned the mining and
export of bauxite. The ban was lifted in 2019 after stricter standard
operating procedures were set by the federal government.
contacted, Golden Prosperous Resources said that issues regarding
wildlife conservation and protection have been stated clearly by their
professional consultant in the EIA report.
“The EIA report is
carefully displayed and sent to the Department of Environment for
approval. The implementation of this mining operation will be monitored
by the government from time to time,” the company said in a short reply.
Mining lease will expire this July
It is worth noting that the mining lease held by Tengku Nong Fatimah is only valid for two years.
An attached document in the EIA shows the lease was approved on July 25, 2019, and is expected to expire on July 24, 2021.
according to the project implementation timeline, site clearing will
begin in August 2021 before starting mining operations. Post-remediation
was scheduled to end in June 2023.
In other words, although the
existing mining license will expire in July this year, the iron ore
mining plan will only start a month later in August.
For the
record, lands and mining fall under the jurisdiction of the state
government, so mining leases are approved by the Pahang state
Forest reserve degazetted
60.75ha project site was part of the Som Forest Reserve, which is also
part of the Central Forest Spine categorised as an "environmentally
sensitive area" in the National Physical Plan.
Despite this, the
Pahang state government on June 18, 2019, excised the project land from
the Som Forest Reserve through a gazette. The proposed site is now a
piece of "state land" and no longer a forest reserve.
Current land use of project site is 'forest' in Jerantut District Local Plan.
the current land use has yet to be amended in the gazetted Jerantut
District Local Plan 2011-2020. According to the EIA report, the current
local plan states that the land use of the project site is still listed
as "forest".
Natural forest cover in Peninsular
Malaysia has been gradually reduced and it has been getting worse over
the past few decades as shown in the graph below extracted from the
National Physical Plan 2.
Reduce and fragmentation of forest cover in Peninsular Malaysia over the past decades.
forests are developed into roads, plantations, or other projects, the
natural habitats of wildlife are cut into fragments. This leads to more
conflict between wild animals and humans.
For example, tigers and
elephants may go into plantations or human residential areas. Tapirs,
apes, monkeys, and other wildlife may be killed by motor vehicles when
their homes are crisscrossed with roads.
EIA report highlighted that land clearing for mining activities may
cause direct and indirect impacts on wildlife due to the "total loss" of
"For large and medium-sized wildlife, they are forced to
flee to other available habitats or nearby forest areas for feeding and
shelter. For small mammals, their feeding areas will be permanently
"For the mining project, since most of the proposed work
areas and mining areas are the existing forest areas in the Som Forest
Reserve, the impacts would be significant," read the report.
the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, endangered and protected wild
animals are categorised into two protection levels - totally protected
and protected.
The EIA for the mining project included surveying and recording the existing environment situation.
research team listed protected species in accordance with the Wildlife
Conservation Act 2010, as well as the Red Lists of Endangered Animals
for Peninsular Malaysia and also the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.
The survey recorded 15 totally protected and 11 protected mammals in the area.
15 totally protected mammals are the Asian Tapir, Malayan Sun Bear,
Malayan Tiger, Leopard, Leopard Cat, Asian Elephant, Common Treeshrew,
White-handed Gibbon, Black Giant Squirrel, Cream-coloured Giant
Squirrel, Prevost's Squirrel, Large Indian Civet, Short-tailed Mongoose,
Clouded Leopard, and Sambar Deer.
report stated that the most important species that needed detailed
attention are the elephant and tapir. It is because they were found
frequently roaming in the area.
"Based on
dung distribution - regardless of individuals and age of dung - and
mostly footprints for tapir that was documented during our field
surveys, it can be concluded that elephants and tapirs are common within
the proposed project area."
As for birds, 117 totally protected
birds and 13 protected birds were found. For plants, no endangered
species in the local or international Red List have been found.
Wildlife-human conflict expected
90 percent or 55.14ha out of the 60.75ha project site will be cleared
while the remaining 5.61ha will be left untouched as a buffer area.
The survey stated that feeding signs of elephants were found nearby.
is likely due to the fact that the areas in the western part of the
proposed project have already been converted into plantations, such as
oil palm and banana.
opening and clearing of the forest are predicted to force this
protected species to further move out of range and some individuals
might be displaced towards neighbouring plantation and residential
"This is a typical case of elephant-human conflict that should be avoided," read the report.
Malayan tiger
report emphasised that Som Forest Reserve was reported to be the
roaming habitat for IUCN-listed critically endangered species of Malayan
Tiger and several large and important mammals such as elephants,
tapirs, and sun bears as well as birds.
Essential salt lick nearby
A natural "salt lick" resource was also found by the survey team, which is located less than 500m south of the proposed site.
salt lick is where wildlife obtain necessary nutrients such as calcium,
magnesium, sodium, and zinc. This critical resource for animals in the
Som Forest Reserve could face a total loss of functionality if the
mining project is approved.
"From camera trapping studies, the salt lick is frequently visited by big herds of elephants, tapirs, and also sun bear."
Elephant at a salt lick
licks are places rich in essential minerals where animals regularly
visit to lick the soil or water to supplement their diet.
"The salt lick acts as a keystone resource for various important wildlife species in the Som Forest Reserve.
disturbance surrounding the areas will change the geological structure
of the area and further deteriorate the quality of the salt lick," read
the report.
'Loss of habitat will be permanent'
EIA reported was prepared by Garuda Samudera Consultancy And Services
Sdn Bhd, who was appointed by Golden Prosperous Resources.
addition to studying the impact on wildlife and forest environments, the
EIA also looked into other aspects such as the potential of air
pollution, sound pollution, as well as surface water and groundwater
It proposed mitigation plans to reduce the possible environmental impacts.
However, for the loss of habitat and loss of species, the report said it is difficult to propose effective mitigation measures.
clearing and the creation of a mining area are two main activities. The
most important impact is the loss of habitat which cannot be mitigated
and the loss will be permanent.
"For loss of species, no proper
mitigation can be provided except to try to minimise the work areas and
ensure no movement of wildlife inside the work areas.
presence of endangered wildlife species needs to be reported to the
Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia
(Perhilitan) where proper action can be made."
Mitigating measures
one of the proposed mitigation methods, the EIA report suggested that a
Wildlife Management Plan (WMP) needs to be established and submitted to
Perhilitan for approval.
The WMP needs to provide detailed wildlife monitoring and addressing related issues.
also suggested that the project proponent needed to establish a
Wildlife Monitoring Team (WMT) with the supervision of Perhilitan in
order to manage all situations involving wildlife, including wildlife
Sign warning against hunting.
The report also stressed that contractors, workers, and villagers must be prohibited from illegal wildlife hunting and poaching.
they should be educated in periodic briefing sessions about wildlife
conservation, laws prohibiting poaching, and punishments for disobeying
the law.
Site clearing in phases to reduce harm
The report also proposed some wildlife-human conflict management strategies.
"Conflict between wildlife and humans can be mitigated differently by either guiding them back to the wild or translocation.
"Translocation is the last option and applies only to conflicts with wildlife that cannot be mitigated at the conflict area.
"Early assessment is very important because mitigating by wildlife translocation is very expensive."
Proposed clearing starts from west to middle, then in a clockwise direction to allow wildlife to move to adjacent forests.
addition, it suggested that site clearing for building roads, logging,
mining, and setting up processing sites shall be done phase-by-phase,
and following specific directions to minimise the impact on wildlife.
from the entry point on the west boundary, which is near to the forest
edge, moving along the middle of the proposed site and followed by
phases clearing towards the north, northeast, east, southeast, and south
of the project boundary.
"This will ensure big mammals,
especially elephants and tapirs, move gradually from the proposed site
and move outwards from the proposed site to the direction of intact
forest area.
"Gradually it will divert the movement of big mammals
from the normal routes to the newly established routes and would not
stop them from visiting the salt lick just about 500m south of the
project boundary."
To avoid elephants stepping into the mining
areas or nearby plantations, the EIA report also suggested for the
project proponent and plantation owners to construct dry moats of at
least six feet (1.8m) deep, and electrified fences after detailed
discussions with Perhilitan.
purpose of an electric fence is not so much as a physical barrier but
more as a psychological one but it is important to remember that a
determined elephant will usually get its way.
"The effectiveness
of an electric fence and trenches does not rely solely on its design,
construction, and voltage but has to be complemented with active
protection and maintenance. This would mean that WMT should be employed
to do maintenance works and to monitor wildlife movement at the mining
and working areas."
Control and mitigate soil erosion
and excavation activities may cause other environmental impacts such as
dust pollution, increased surface runoff, and soil erosion.
land clearing and earthworks of the proposed project for the purpose of
mining may expose the large tract of bare soil to erosion.
increase in sedimentation rate at the nearby river may not only reduce
river conveyance capacities but also may destroy the habitat for aquatic
"The reduction in conveyance capacities may result in the occurrences of flash floods," the report read.
to the report, the annual amount of sediment which will flow into the
river, in the worst case, will be 14,400 metric tons or 14.4 million kg.
proposed constructing some facilities to reduce this impact, such as
sediment pond and runoff management facilities to ensure water flowing
into the river meets certain standards.
No significant impact to water source
surface water from the project site will flow into Sungai Kerak’s
tributaries. Sungai Kerak crosses 6km to the north and flows northward
into Sungai Pahang.
There is a water intake named Air Batu Embun Treatment Plant located downstream of Sungai Pahang.
Surface water from the project site will ultimately flow into Sg Pahang where there is a water treatment plant downstream.
EIA report claimed that no significant impact on water quality is
expected at the water treatment plant located 20km away as there are
mitigation plans in place.
However, growing fish in cages is a
major contributor to the livelihoods of villagers especially at Kuala
Tembeling, as recorded in the report.
Patin and Tilapia are the
fish species that are most widely cultured in cages along Sungai
Tembeling, Sungai Jelai, and also Sungai Pahang.
this, the report did not go into further details as it concluded that
there is "no residential and aquaculture activity within the project
site or five-kilometre radius from the project site."
The public viewing
of the EIA report started from May 31 and will be open until June 29.
Members of the public are encouraged to give their feedback in this
Critical linkages of Central Forest Spine
fact, the federal government in its 2005 National Physical Plan (NPP)
aimed to conserve and rehabilitate critical linkages of the Central
Forest Spine, which harbours the remaining population of Malayan tigers.
plans were formulated to implement this vision, including the Central
Forest Spine Master Plan (CFSMP) and the National Tiger Conservation
Action Plan (NTCAP).
In 2014, the government endorsed the Improving Connectivity in the Central Forest Spine (IC-CFS) project in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
a map from the Pahang Land and Mines Office attached in the EIA report
shows how the fragmentation of the Som Forest Reserve is continuing as
more land is being excised from it.
Map from Pahang Land and Mines Office showing parts of Som Forest Reserve being excised for plantations/mining.- Malaysiakini, 22/6/2021
Pahang regent wants mining activities at Tasik Chini to stop
Modified 14 Jun 2021, 5:18 pm
Pahang regent Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah wants a stop to the mining activities at Tasik Chini.
of the Pahang royal household Ahmad Khirrizal Ab Rahman said the regent
held a surprise visit to the site on June 13.
He added that
Tengku Hassanal had also scrutinised Pahang Menteri Besar Wan Rosdy Wan
Ismail's report on the mining activities around Tasik Chini and the
state government's efforts to rehabilitate the area.
this, he said Tengku Hassanal decreed that the state government defends
Tasik Chini's status as a Unesco Biosphere Reserve, which
environmentalists have warned is under threat due to pollution
degradation from mining and logging activities.
"His Majesty called for all mining activities in the Tasik Chini area to cease," Ahmad Khirrizal said in a statement today.
Khirrizal added that the regent cares about environmental conservation
in the state and wants good environmental, social and governance
practices to be in place.
Tengku Hassanal also wants
rehabilitation efforts at Tasik Chini to be expedited and called for
federal funding to preserve the area.
He said that former mining sites there should be replanted with suitable trees.
He also backed the Pahang government, which said it had not issued new mining licences since 2019.
On June 3, Malaysiakini reported that Hanishah Ventures Sdn Bhd, a royalty-linked firm, was seeking to commence a new mining operation around 3km away from Tasik Chini.
environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the project listed Tengku
Nong Fatimah Sultan Ahmad Shah, who is the regent's aunt and Yang
di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah's sister, as the
contact person.
Tengku Hassanal is acting as the Pahang regent while his father serves as the Agong.
Commission of Malaysia (CCM) documents showed the firm was co-owned by
Raja Shah Zurin Raja Aman Shah and Tengku Hanizar Tengku Muhammad.
Shah Zurin is an actor and cousin of Kelantan ruler Sultan Muhammad V,
while Tengku Hanizar is the aunt of the Agong, who is also the Pahang
It is not clear whether Hanishah Ventures received its
mining licence before or after 2019, but efforts to commence mining
operations started this year.
According to the EIA, the state
government approved the mining project by granting it an exemption, even
though mining activities were not allowed in the area as it is
categorised as an environmentally sensitive area.
This led
environmentalists to question the Pahang government's commitment to
rehabilitate Tasik Chini and its surrounding area, something which it
had touted to do so in recent years.
In the royal statement today,
Ahmad Khirrizal said the Pahang regent wants integrated enforcement
action between the state and federal governments around Tasik Chini.
Majesty decreed that everyone regardless of background - be it
government, private sector, NGOs and local residents - have a role to
play in preserving the flora and fauna of the Tasik Chini area as well
as the nearby Orang Asli communities," he added. - Malaysiakini, 14/6/2021
Trade Unions - well, it is supposed to be on the side of workers - defending and promoting worker rights - but then some Trade Unions gets 'confused'
Some Unions end up fighting for employers or maybe certain faction of employers. Some Unions are with employers - fighting to 'control' workers so workers do not demand better wages, rights, etc....
Has the MAHB Workers Union come out for worker rights before? BUT here they are supporting MAHB for the airport operator’s five-year comprehensive and
systematic redevelopment plan for the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport
(LTSAAS) in Subang....
So, what did the workers get for this support - Increased wages? Better benefits?
Or did only the union leadership get some personal benefits... One wonders?
One thing that would have benefited the Union was maybe 10% or 20% shares in MAHB?
Wonder whether the members had any say in this expression of support for MAHB?
How many workers are really members of this in-house trade union?
Remember, the former Malaysian Airlines Trade Unions - their failure to 'fight strongly' for the members when a large percentage lost their jobs - where all assets were transferred to the new Malaysian Airlines company...
Their failure to push for continued existence of the Trade Union under the new Airlines company...after all the owners of the old MAS and the new MAS was the Malaysian government vide Khazanah...
What happens was the biggest union busting in a single employer company - that killed off all in-house trade unions... Only the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia, being a national union not an in-house trade union, survived...
Subang Airport(as it was then called) - there are plans by the government to consider WCT Holdings taking it over from MAHB....
Should trade unions come out in support of their companies?
Monopoly by MAHB or any company may not be very healthy - the fact that there are different airport operators will mean 'competition' - and the government can always see who operates airports better, and maybe they will be given more and more airports to manage...
Unions back MAHB’s bid to redevelop Subang Airport
Monday, 21 Jun 2021 03:48 PM MYT
A general view of the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang May 12, 2018. — Bernama pic
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KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 — MAHB workers’ unions have pledged their
support for the airport operator’s five-year comprehensive and
systematic redevelopment plan for the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport
(LTSAAS) in Subang.
Hence, the airport workers’ peninsular union, Kesma, the Sarawak
union, Kepemab, and the Sabah and Labuan union, Kepmas, hope the
government can declare that the proposed takeover of the airport by WCT
Holdings will not happen so as to ensure that the redevelopment plan can
strengthen the airport’s operations.
Kesma president Hussain Shahar said the regeneration plan for LTSAAS is better than what WCT has to offer.
“LTSAAS is a national treasure that has contributed greatly to the
nation’s economic growth. It has benefited the people directly.
“National security may be compromised if the security personnel
overseeing the airport are from a private company,” he told a media
conference today.
Hussain said his union will send a memorandum to the government in support of the continuation of LTSAAS’ operations under MAHB.
The airport operator’s unions also plan to meet with Prime Minister
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in protesting against the takeover of the
airport by WCT that is expected to cause a loss of RM11 billion,
involving workers’ incomes, possible investment losses and damages that
may have to be borne by MAHB if the LTSAAS regeneration plan fails to
In a statement today, MAHB said it has sent a strategic and
comprehensive plan for the redevelopment of LTSAAS to the government.
Group chief executive officer Datuk Mohd Shukrie Mohd Salleh said the
redevelopment plan will expand the airport’s ecosystem exponentially,
multiplying global and local controllers to over 100 to create and
support a skilled workforce of 19,000 people.
It will also help to boost Malaysia’s high technology transformation,
driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and a high national income
with a projected value of RM10 billion to the economy.
“This is in line with the strategic thrust identified in the Shared
Prosperity Vision 2030 and the aspiration of the National Aerospace
Masterplan 2030,” he said. — Bernama - Malay Mail, 21/6/2021
Without Prime Minister Muhyiddin's Cabinet, the KING has no power to end Emergency faster or commence Parliament now...
Our Federal Constitution makes this VERY clear in Article 40, '...the Yang
di-Pertuan Agong shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet
or of a Minister acting under the general authority of the Cabinet,
except as otherwise provided by this Constitution.
It is stressed again in Article 40(1A) '(1A) In the
exercise of his functions under this Constitution or federal law, where
the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is to act in accordance with advice, on
advice, or after considering advice, the Yang di- Pertuan Agong shall
accept and act in accordance with such advice.
Article 40(2) tells us when the YDP Agung has the SOLE DISCRETION
(2) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say:
(a) the appointment of a Prime Minister;
(b) the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament;
the requisition of a meeting of the Conference of Rulers concerned
solely with the privileges, position, honours and dignities of Their
Royal Highnesses, and any action at such a meeting,
and in any other case mentioned in this Constitution.
Recently, the King or was it really the 'Conference of Rulers' that said that Parliament should sit soon... well, in my opinion, that is merely an opinion...and nothing will happen UNLESS Muhyiddin's Cabinet advice him to do so...
Would this fall under 'any other case mentioned in this Constitution', well, for that to happen, it must be CLEAR and SPECIFIC, for otherwise everywhere where we see the word that the King does this or that .... it really still means that he can only act on the advice of the Cabinet...
CABINET - So, this means it is up to Muhyiddin, 31 Ministers and 38 Deputy Ministers - 70??? a very LARGE Cabinet..??? Will they now ADVICE the KING, or will they disregard the opinion/view or 'pronouncement/order' of the King?
Cabinet members cannot absolve themselves from the BLAMES and Criticisms of this ALL powerful Cabinet. If you disagree with a DECISION, then, of course, they can always express their personal view - which may be different from the view of the MAJORITY in Cabinet..
If it is something critical - they can always RESIGN as a form of protest...
So, Malaysians MUST remember all these Cabinet Members when we suspect or later identify/confirm MISTAKES, Abuse of Powers, Kleptocracy, Corruption, Failings...must ACT - speak out. Remember they owe a duty to the RAKYAT(People).
Anwar Ibrahim, after he left the then UMNO-BN Cabinet, went around and said that he PROTESTED the use of the Internal Security Act(ISA) vis-a-vis Operation Lallang, the crackdown on Al-Arqam, etc - Would you believe him? Especially when there were no statements/reports of such 'protestation' in the public record or on social media...
The case was very different in the case of Muhyiddin Yassin and Shafie Apdal - they spoke up and for that they were out of Najib's Cabinet...
MALAYSIA is now a Constitutional Democracy, and no more a FEUDAL State. In a Feudal State, what the King says goes ....not in the case of Malaysia.
Malaysian King had much more power in the Federal Constitution - after Dewan Rakyat and the Senate approves a law, a law cannot become a law until it receives the King's Assent. That means that if King says NO to any law, that is it.
Then our UMNO-BN government, amended the Constitution to remove this power of the King. Now, the King has 30 days - and if he does not give his ASSENT within that time, it still becomes LAW. See Article 66 of the Federal Constitution. That amendment came by in 1994.
(4) The
Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall within thirty days after a Bill is presented
to him assent to the Bill by causing the Public Seal to be affixed
(4A) If a Bill is not assented to by the Yang di-Pertuan
Agong within the time specified in Clause (4), it shall become law at
the expiration of the time specified in that Clause in the like manner
as if he had assented thereto.
The amendments were important to transform Malaysia into a DEMOCRACY where the ultimate power is with the People(RAKYAT) and no longer the King or the Rulers. As mentioned earlier, there are very limited situations where the KING has the power to act on his own.
Now, when a EMERGENCY is proclaimed or extended, then, if the KING refuses to sign the such proclamations despite being 'advised by the Prime Minister', it may be that there can be no extension of the Emergency.
Article 66 dealt with laws passed by Parliament may not apply to EMERGENCY PROCLAMATIONS.
Our Federal Constitution need to be revisited - this time the Proclamation of Emergency suspended all State Legislative Assemblies - and there was no per-requirement of getting even the consent of the respective State Rulers or the State Cabinets...is this right? Remember Malaysia is a FEDERATION of independent States. Whilst Sabah and Sarawak has maintained their 'independence' in certain areas - Peninsular States seems to have happily surrendered too many things to the Federal Government - do we need to remedy this.
Now, even is an individual State wants to have LOCAL Council Elections in their State, they cannot do this because of a Federal Law. I think this is wrong - the power to hold State level Local Council Elections should be up to individual States..
It is good that the King(or was it the Rulers Council) that expressed a VIEW or OPINION that Parliament should commence sitting...
It may not be an ORDER that must be followed, but much pressure is exerted on the PM, the Cabinet and the MPs in the government parties - Do they obey with the King or not?
Some State Assemblies are saying that they are going to commence in July ...but the question is whether they can or not?
By virtue of Article 150(3) - (3) A
Proclamation of Emergency and any ordinance promulgated under Clause
(2B) shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament and, if not sooner
revoked, shall cease to have effect if resolutions are passed by both
Houses annulling such Proclamation or ordinance, but without prejudice
to anything previously done by virtue thereof or to the power of the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong to issue a new Proclamation under Clause (1) or
promulgate any ordinance under Clause (2B).
That means Parliament can END the Emergency and even get rid of the Emergency Ordinances.
By virtue of Article 150(8) - access to the Courts is CLOSED with regard the Proclamation or the Ordinance.
When Emergency ends, the 6 months later, all the Ordinances cease to have effect. -'... shall cease to have effect, except as to things done or omitted to be done before the expiration of that period....'
Wonder whether kleptocracy, corruption, abuse of powers and other crimes under these Emergency Ordinances can even be investigated and prosecuted - we need to look at this more later maybe...
Can King call Parliament sitting? No, says ex-judge; Yes, says lawyer
Sri Ram says the King has to act on the advice of the prime minister
but Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin says that under Section 14 of the
Emergency Ordinance, the King can act on his own.
PETALING JAYA: The Yang di-Pertuan Agong must act on the advice of
the prime minister or his Cabinet to reconvene Parliament although the
nation is still under Emergency, a retired judge said.
Gopal Sri Ram said the King’s decision was not subject to any legal
challenge but any advice given to him by the government could be
reviewed by the courts.
“The prime minister’s advice to the King is justiciable (subject to legal challenge).
“A mandamus order can be obtained to compel the Cabinet to advise the
King to convene Parliament if it is shown that the advice was
unreasonable,” he told FMT.
Sri Ram said Article 40 (1) of the Federal Constitution also states
the King as the constitutional monarch has to exercise his functions
under the supreme law of the land or federal law, in accordance with
advice given by a minister or the Cabinet.
“Federal law here means any act of Parliament or ordinance promulgated during an Emergency,” he said.
The former Federal Court judge was responding to Shah Alam MP Khalid
Samad’s views that the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021
promulgated in January allowed the King to call for Parliament to
reconvene on a suitable date without the advice of the prime minister.
Khalid, who is chairman of the opposition’s Tamat Darurat committee, cited Section 14 of the ordinance.
Section 14 (1) (a) states: “For so long as the Emergency is in force,
the provisions relating to the summoning, proroguing and dissolution of
Parliament in the Federal Constitution shall not have effect.”
Section 14 (1) (b) also states: “The Parliament shall be summoned,
prorogued and dissolved on a date as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong thinks
Taking this into account, lawyer Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin said
he supported the position taken by Khalid as provided under the
“The ordinance takes precedence over the constitution since we are
under Emergency,” he said, adding that the King alone could decide on
the appropriate time to reconvene the federal legislature.
Firoz Hussein said he was also taking the contrary view in
interpreting the legal position compared to de facto law minister
Takiyuddin Hassan and Dewan Rakyat Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun.
The King, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, said yesterday that he
wanted Parliament to reconvene as soon as possible, as it would allow
MPs to debate the Emergency Ordinance and the government’s national
recovery plan.
The Malay Rulers, who met yesterday, also said there was no need for
the nation to remain under a state of emergency after Aug 1 and wanted
state assemblies to also reconvene as soon as possible. - FMT, 14/6/2021
Recognition including Covid-19 protection for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
to Fulfil Constitutional Guarantee
Malaysia Needs Refugee and Asylum Seeker Act
MADPET(Malaysians Against Death
Penalty and Torture) calls for legal recognition by law of Refugees and Asylum
seekers in Malaysia. Currently, Malaysian law recognizes only documented
migrants and undocumented migrants – it does not recognize refugees or asylum
Response to refugees based on
vague non-transparent policy must end. Federal Constitution places an obligation
to treat ALL in Malaysia equally – including foreigners, refugees, asylum
seekers and the stateless, and such treatment in combatting Covid is certainly
Malaysia, being not a party to the
1951 Refugee Convention, which makes it all the more important for Malaysia to
have its own law on refugees and asylum seekers, which will also clearly legalize
the presence of refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia, and also determine
their rights and obligations in law.
Good caring history with regard refugees and asylum seekers
Malaysia has an impressive
history of accepting and providing sanctuary for refugees including Vietnamese
Boat People, Palestinians, people from Myanmar, Aceh and many others.
In May 2021, 179,570 refugees and asylum seekers were registered with United
Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Malaysia. 156,000 from Myanmar,
where about 103,000 were Rohingyans and the rest were Chin and people of other
ethnic groups who fled conflict areas or persecution. There are refugees from 50
other countries, including Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sri
Lanka, Iraq and Palestine. UNHCR figures may be low compared to the reality in
the country.
Vague ever-changing Policy inadequate and unjust
Malaysian government response to
date on refugees seems to be on the basis on unclear government policies of the
government of the day, which is inadequate. One such policy seems to be a
preferential treatment of undocumented migrants that have UNHCR cards or
documentation, who will not be arrested as undocumented migrants, and will be
released from detention if arrested. What about those still being or yet to be processed
to determine whether they are refugees?
In the near past, Malaysia seemed
to have accepted and provided for Rohingya refugees and asylum seekers, but
this seems to have arbitrarily changed lately, when a poster by the National
Task Force (NTF), had the words in Bahasa Malaysia, read (translation): "Ethnic Rohingya Migrants, Your
Arrivals Are Uninvited". The
Prime Minister and the government of the day must explain, as currently no
Minister is specifically tasked with responsibility for refugees and asylum
seekers. Tomorrow, Malaysia may even oust Palestinian refugees.
We recall in February 2021, when the
PN-BN plus Malaysian government, despite a court order, proceeded to send 1,086
individuals out of 1,200 back to Myanmar – when many sent back could have been
refugees or asylum seekers based on international standards. Until
determination of whether one is a refugee or an asylum seeker is made, no one
seeking such status should be deported. A specific law on refugees and asylum
seekers will have to cover applicant for refugee status.
Opposition parties position on refugees, asylum seekers and migrants?
In Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition
leader’s Tweeter account, in 2020 June, a reply to his tweet reminds us that ‘Refugees are among the most vulnerable people
in this world that have fled their homes and country to avoid a well-founded
fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, social affiliations
or political opinion.’
Anwar himself exercised this
right of an asylum seeker, when he sought temporary asylum in the Turkish
embassy in 2008, and as such he and the Pakatan Harapan really should be for
the protection of refugee and asylum seeker’s rights. Many of our politicians
also experienced persecution under the Internal Security Act(ISA) and other
laws, and as such should understand the need for a refugee and asylum seeker
Alas, when Pakatan Harapan Plus
government was in power, and even today, one is still unclear on the position
of PH, PKR, DAP, Warisan, PAS and the
other parties on the issue of refugees and asylum seekers – maybe the silence
is simply a ‘strategy’ to not affect votes come next elections. This is sad, as
we expect these ‘alternative leaders and parties’ to clearly express their
position on all issues affecting Malaysia including on migrant workers,
refugees and asylum seekers – what will they do if we, the people, give them
the power to govern.
Equal Treatment of ALL Persons, CRC and Human Rights obligations
Education and registration of
births for these asylum seekers and refugees is also a major concern. A clear
law will be able to overcome these problems, more so since it also affects many
children, and Malaysia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child
in 1995. How many children of asylum seekers and refugees are denied birth
certificates, education and other fundamental rights?
Malaysia, being a caring nation,
should be different from some other countries in the treatment of refugees
and/or asylum seekers.
The Human Rights Commission
(Suhakam), recently also stated, that “The government should commit to strictly
observe the international principle of non-refoulement of refugees and asylum
seekers and instead undertake to protect and provide the migrant and refugee
community with the necessary assistance to be able to live their lives in
dignity, able to seek work, access to education, healthcare and shelter whilst
in the country,”(Malaysiakini, 15/6/2021)
In response to the Covid-19
pandemic, where the government advocates mass vaccination of everyone, it is foolish to just be vaccinating
Malaysians, and not other foreigners or stateless persons that also now live within
our communities – which, by the waY is also in line with our Federal
Constitution that guarantees equality for all persons, meaning citizens and non-citizens
in Malaysia. Article 8(1), states ‘(1) All persons
are equal before the law…’
Covid-19 Response Failings – when 14.5% of 2,650 Fatalities Brought in
It was shocking that the Minister
of Health, Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, recently revealed that 14.5 per cent of
Malaysia’s total 2,650 Covid-19 fatalities involved Brought in Dead (BID) cases
as of May 29, 2021(Malay Mail, 31/5/2021). One wonders how many of these were
undocumented migrants(including refugees and asylum seekers), who fear arrest if
they seek healthcare. One wonders how many more died by reason of Covid-19, and
may be buried ‘secretly’ as they are undocumented migrants, refugees or asylum
UNHCR and UN must provide for food, board and Covid Vaccinations/Healthcare
In the past, the UNHCR provided
food and board for these asylum seekers or refugees, but today this does not
happen. Question arises as to how they will live, so naturally many may be
forced to work as undocumented migrants. Any country can allow entry and stay
of refugees/asylum seekers, but the United Nations must cover this cost of stay
including for healthcare and Covid vaccination. The UN’s failures forces many
to refugees to work as undocumented workers, which may be affect State’s policy
and even diplomatic relationship. Malaysia must also call for the UN to fully
bear the cost of food, board and healthcare, as iwas done in the past by the UN.
MADPET reiterates the call for
the speedy enactment of a Refugee and Asylum Act in Malaysia, that will finally
acknowledge that some of the undocumented migrants are in fact asylum seekers
or refugees;
We call for Malaysia to be consistent
with the constitutional guarantee, of treating all persons(not just citizens)
equally, more so in Malaysia’s response to this Covid pandemic.
Pending the enactment of Refugee
and Asylum Act, Malaysia must disclose a clear written policy on refugees and
asylum seekers, including also the issuance of identification documents, rights
on work, education, healthcare, registration of marriage/birth and deaths and other
relevant matters.
MADPET calls on the United
Nations to revive the practice to bear the cost of food, board, education and
healthcare of refugees and asylum seekers, including the applicants of such
status, in Malaysia and other countries. It is a global responsibility, and
unfair that the cost be borne by just the receiving State; and
MADPET calls on Malaysia to be
caring to all persons in Malaysia, respect the principle of non-refoulement of
refugees and asylum seekers and advocate justice and human rights, even during
this difficult times brought about by the Covid pandemic.
Charles Hector
For and on behalf of MADPET(Malaysians Against Death
Penalty and Torture)
National Task Force panned for 'hypocrisy' against Rohingya refugees
National Task Force in charge of border patrols and other enforcement
activities during the current movement control order period has been
taken to task for its warning to the Rohingya minority escaping
Myanmar's junta regime that their arrival in Malaysia is not welcome.
rights activists said the stand taken by the NTF today was
hypocritical, particularly in light of the government's support for the
Palestinians, many of who were forced to escape attacks by Israel's
Zionist regime.
The Immigration Department had taken to Twitter
this afternoon and shared a poster from the NTF which showed three armed
personnel from the police, army and maritime enforcement bodies against
a background of refugees sailing in wooden boats on the high seas.
The wordings, in Bahasa Malaysia, read (translation): "Ethnic Rohingya Migrants, Your Arrivals Are Uninvited".
masterminds and syndicates involved will be hunted down to crack down
on cross-border and other crimes," said the department further on Twitter.
Malaysia executive director Katrina Jorene Maliamauv described NTF's
message as "despicable" and "grotesque".
"It is despicable to say
to a community of people who have undergone ethnic cleansing, who have
endured unimaginable brutality for generations, that they are not only
unwanted in our country but that we will use brute force against them.
is also particularly grotesque coming from leaders who will crow to the
international community about their concern for Palestinians one week,
then in the very next breath, threaten violence against others who are
traumatised and displaced," she told Malaysiakini when contacted.
"How does the Malaysian government justify that hypocrisy?" she stressed.
Twitter, critics reminded the Malaysian government of its gatherings
held in solidarity with Rohingya refugees, including a major 2016 rally
that united top Umno and PAS leaders led by then prime minister Najib
Abdul Razak.
Others who mocked the message also questioned whether Rohingya refugees attempting to enter Malaysia would be able to read it.
Initiative executive director Adrian Pereira said the government has
wrongly identified migrants and Rohingya refugees as its enemy,
particularly in the current war against Covid-19.
is unnecessary propaganda which is creating a negative public
perception The real enemies are the traffickers and smugglers. Not
refugees and asylum seekers," said Pereira.
He further cited
unresolved issues highlighted in at least two major government reports
on the management of migrant workers here including those who were
"We are not saying stop all enforcement but don’t create false perceptions of the (migrants) issue," he said.
is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol
and lacks a legal or administrative framework to regulate the status and
rights of refugees.
'Impact on refugees here'
Maliamauv and Pereira noted that the warning - purportedly to deter new
refugee arrivals - would instead cause more harm to migrants already
here further compounding the increased xenophobia and racism seen since
the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic last year.
"They’ve talked about the serious impact on their mental health, about receiving threats to their lives.
"There has been a rise in suicides among migrants and asylum seekers," said Maliamauv.
no mistake, 'strategic communications' and policies like these foster a
climate of hatred, violence and xenophobia. They harm lives, they
punish people for trying to survive, they justify discrimination.
can choose to spend so much money and resources on acts of violence and
hatred or we can create a response of care and protection," she said.
meanwhile, reiterated that any form of a crackdown against refugees or
migrants would ultimately push them further into hiding and impact the
National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme.
At around 9pm tonight, it was discovered that the Immigration Department had deleted the tweet with no further explanation.
Malaysiakini has contacted its director-general Khairul Dzaimee Daud for comments.
Minister Hamzah Zainudin had, prior to the start of the movement
control order earlier this month, announced another major crackdown on
migrants here, earning brickbats from various rights groups.
however, justified the operations as part of the government's attempts
to protect Malaysians and "assist undocumented migrants" to get
vaccinated on top of assuring they would be given the option of being deported or legalised under the labour recalibration programme.
Despite intense criticism, Hamzah yesterday said his ministry will continue cracking down on migrants during the ongoing total lockdown. - Malaysiakini, 11/6/2021
Suhakam tells govt to protect refugees, recognise UNHCR
Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) has urged the government to protect
migrants and refugees instead of employing “strong-arm enforcement” and
negative portrayals.
In a statement last night, it expressed
concern over recent statements “portraying migrants, undocumented or
irregular migrants, refugees and asylum seekers as a threat to the
safety and security of the country”.
Suhakam did not specify who had made those statements.
Last week, the National Task Force came under fire for a poster warning Rohingya refugees escaping Myanmar’s junta regime that they were “not welcome” in Malaysia.
poster featured gun-toting personnel and was shared by the Immigration
Department on social media. The post was deleted following outrage and
criticism of hypocrisy.
Suhakam urged Putrajaya to be consistent in its stand against xenophobia.
“The Malaysian government has been condemning xenophobia at international fora and should do the same in the country.
“We should work towards typifying the spirit of empathy and humanity that Malaysians are known for.
government should commit to strictly observe the international
principle of non-refoulement of refugees and asylum seekers and instead
undertake to protect and provide the migrant and refugee community with
the necessary assistance to be able to live their lives in dignity, able
to seek work, access to education, healthcare and shelter whilst in the
country,” it said.
Malaysian law does not recognise or differentiate refugees from other migrants.
Suhakam further urged the government to acknowledge the UN refugee agency UNHCR.
is also important to recognise the role of UNHCR and the issuance of
UNHCR cards which affords refugees and asylum seekers with some
protection and ‘legality’ to remain in the country,” it said.
Minister Hamzah Zainudin recently warned the UNHCR against “simply
issuing” the agency’s cards to refugees without proper vetting.
He also defended immigration’s
move to bar UNHCR from entering immigration detention centres to
identify refugees. The ban has been in place since August 2019.
minister opined that “the majority of Malaysians do not agree with the
huge number of refugees who made Malaysia their destination of choice as
it might lead to various social ills”.
Raids harm herd immunity
also remarked that the government’s “strong-armed enforcement” on
migrants could jeopardise its own Covid-19 vaccination drive.
Immigration began cracking down on undocumented migrants during the total lockdown and is set to continue doing so amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
A raid last week saw immigration officers spraying arrested migrants with disinfectant, sparking public outrage over the inhumane and unscientific practice.
“Suhakam reminds the government of its commitment to Article 56
of the Asean Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of
Migrant Workers, to closely cooperate to resolve the cases of migrant
workers who, frequently become undocumented due to no fault of their
“Instilling fear through threats of arrests and
detention of undocumented foreigners is counter-productive, in light of
ongoing efforts to overcome the pandemic and the urgency to achieve herd
immunity,” said the commission.
Suhakam’s concerns echo
that of the All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia for the Reform of
Prisons and All Places of Detention, opposition MPs and human rights
groups. - Malaysiakini, 15/6/2021
are among the most vulnerable people in this world that have fled their
homes and country to avoid a well-founded fear of persecution because
of their race, religion, nationality, social affiliations or political
opinion. -
the time of Covid, while we grapple with new realities, we must
safeguard our humanity. We cannot let people die at sea or punish them
for leaving their homes to seek refuge on our soils. - Twitter
Malaysia's Anwar taking refuge at Turkish embassy
By Reuters Staff
1 Min Read
LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia’s de facto opposition leader, Anwar
Ibrahim, took refuge at the Turkish embassy on Sunday for security
reasons, his party said, hours after an allegation that he had sodomised
an aide, a claim which he denied.
is there for protection but he is not seeking political asylum,” Tian
Chua, the spokesman for Anwar’s political party, said by telephone. “We
just want to make sure that he is secure.” Turkish diplomats were not
immediately available for comment. - Reuters, 29/6/2008
Pincangnya Wawasan Kehidupan/Flawed Vision of Life
A poignant reflection on social division and the erosion of traditional
values in modern society.
The post Pincangnya Wawasan Kehidupan/Flawed Vision of ...
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
in ...
1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
China and HK may be barred from Asia Team meet
PETALING JAYA: The status of next week’s Asia Team Champion-ships in
Manila, the Philippines, is in quandary as two badminton nations – China
and Hong Kong...
PRU14 - Keputusan TEMERLOH - Parlimen dan DUN
Keputusan di Temerloh, harus kita analisa
1- Parlimen dimenangi Pakatan Harapan, yang juga menang DUN Mentakab,
tetapi BN menang DUN Lancang dan DUN Kuala ...
Thank you, Malaysians
Before the lights go out on The Malaysian Insider at midnight, we say
"Thank You" to our readers. TMI started on February 25, 2008. Today, after
eight year...
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