As 6 State Elections come up, it is time again for the rakyat(people) to chose who they want to represent them, and also who should be governing the State.
SELANGOR - The question now, is that was there any difference after Pakatan Rakyat(PKR-DAP-PAS), today the PH(PKR-DAP-Amanah) started governing the State after ousting UMNO-BN that ruled since MERDEKA.
A lay person was of the view that there really was no difference... Only change in persons holding power, and cronies. It is best that PH highlights the Differences they made in governance and policies...compared to the previous BN rule.
2023 elections gets complicated as PH is now with BN????
So, let's look at fundamentals
DEMOCRACY and peoples' participation in governance
Well, nothing has changed really... There is still no Local Council(Local Government) elections - still political appointments made up of mostly politicians from parties in State government.
Still no kampung or Taman or Kampung Baru community elections.. The government still appoints and consult them appointed as Ketua Kampung or 'JKKK or similar structures'. How many decisions were made on behalf of the people by these 'political appointees' without even the people knowing what was agreed and what was note. Local Council meetings.. People in Selangor also is not allowed to observe although the law allows for these meetings to be open to the public unless the Local Council decides otherwise. HENCE, same as when BN ruled.
The Housing and Local Government Ministry is expected to amend several laws in Parliament as early as the end of 2020 to reinstate local government elections, its minister Zuraida Kamaruddin said. These include the Local Government Act 1976 and other relevant laws, said Zuraida, who pledged in May 2018 to restore the voting system for local councils in three years. "Somewhere around next year, by end of next year or early 2021, I am going to table the amendments to these laws with regard to local government elections.
...The suspension, which was supposed to be temporary, became permanent in 1976 when Parliament passed the Local Government Act, which abolished local government elections altogether and only provided for the appointment of local councillors.
The defunct Pakatan Rakyat had pledged to reinstate local council elections during the 2008 and 2013 general elections. .- Malaysiakini, 1/5/2019
money is LAME excuse for not having Local Council/Government Elections -
OR is the real reason that State/Federal government want to continue
having 'dictatorial' like control of Local Government?
No money is LAME excuse for not having Local Council/Government Elections - OR is the real reason that State/Federal government want to continue having 'dictatorial' like control of Local Government?
In the upcoming State Elections, PH is in an electoral pact with BN > What about Local Council Elections, and democratically elected kampung and community leaderships?
Remember, PR and then PH promised Local Council Elections --- will Anwar be different from Mahathir, or will he bring about REFORMASI - Local Council Elections...democratically elected kampung and community reps ---ENDING political appoointment???
Some in Selangor do miss the past when PH representatives were coming around asking their views, etc... But that disappeared after they gained power to rule Selangor.
Tols - there was a 'promise' that it will be gone BUT it is still there... And is there not more tol highways?
Quotas - no review there, and we still do not know the exact quotas. Will PH abandon ethnic quotas in favour of quotas that will assist in the eradication of poverty, where most people will be OK with.
Nationalization of Healthcare and Education - towards FREE healthcare and education for all...
After Covid-19, we realized that the State also, not just the Federal government, has the duty to provide healthcare. Selangor has government owned hospitals and health facilities - do they provide free universal healthcare... Or it is 'for profit' establishments. Same with State owned education facilities... Fees? Quotas?
If there has been no or little differences in practice, policy and laws - does it matter which political party rules?
And now is in an electoral pact with BN. They are asking people to vote BN-PH. And their new 'enemy' is PN(Bersatu-PAS-Gerakan-...).
Some say it is good to CHANGE governments from time to time ...for every time a NEW government comes into power, the wrongdoings of past government will be HIGHLIGHTED, and those who were corrupt and abused powers will be investigated and prosecuted.
So, is it time to consider CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT - maybe time to give MUDA-PSM coalition the chance to govern, or maybe even the PAS dominant PN to rule. If they do not perform, then we can always choose another at the next elections...
Disappointment with ANWAR and government is on the rise.... as the bad laws that were expected to be repealed is still there - SEDITION ACT, Detention Without Trial Laws like POTA and POCA, and the draconian provisions in Societies Act, University and University Colleges Act, Malaysia's Communications and Multimedia Act of 1998 ...
Will the people express themselves in the coming State elections ...or will they give 'MORE CHANCE" to Anwar and the PH led government until GE16?
Personally, PH should go the state elections on its OWN, and the BN on its own - after elections, depending on the seats won, a coalition government could be formed or not. People who wanted to replace their BN ADUN with a PH ADUN find that they now will not have a chance to do so, because PH may not place a candidate where BN is contesting???
In this INTERNET age, people have access to information and opinions > State has LOST ability to control information reaching the people. It is sad that PH Minister Fahmi seems to be trying to 'censor' or 'spy' ...maybe a disappointing attempt to suppress free speech, expression, etc...
government wanting to REMOVE all posts critical of Anwar and goverment -
the 'undesirable posts'? Clarify PM or Minister Fahmy...
PH is changing - Anwar is changing - the 'alternative government' seems to be looking more and more like BN of old that Malaysians tried to oust...
Muda to go it alone after Pakatan fails to carry out reforms
PAKATAN Harapan’s (PH) failure to implement promised reforms was among the reasons Muda detached itself from the unity government and decided to go solo in the state elections, the youth-based party’s election director Luqman Long said.
Luqman said PH, which formed the government of the day with long-time nemesis Barisan Nasional (BN), did not put enough effort to bring about the reforms promised to voters prior and during the 15th general election (GE15).
“In the Johor elections and in GE15, Muda partnered PH because at the time we believed we shared similar beliefs, ideas and ideals on how to govern and rebuild Malaysia post-pandemic. That cooperation went well.
“Right after GE15, it was not the best or ideal situation, where no parties had the majority to form the government. So, we had to form the government with Umno/BN, which was okay then as long as we all fulfilled the reform agenda that was promised.
“But things turned sour. After more than six months, we realised that the reform agenda was not made a priority anymore by this government,” Luqman told The Malaysian Insight.
He said PH, who championed reform agendas while being in the opposition, flipped to the “old conventional ways of politicking” after assuming power at the federal level.
“This (unity) government, unfortunately, also practises a similar culture of political appointments as a reward,” Luqman said.
“On the reform agenda, they failed to reform the institutions. Previously we promised to reform the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), give more power to parliament as an institution to oversee MACC but this has not been happening.
“Despite the issues surrounding MACC chief Azam Baki his contract was extended.
“Even the scandal-ridden littoral combat ship (LCS) project, the current government led by PH has flipped its stand.
“Where is the reform? The government did not give enough attention and effort on reforms.”
Luqman, who is also Muda’s information chief, said he would not entirely discredit the current government on making progress but its abandoning the critical reform agenda is not tolerable.

Failure of young MPs
Luqman also lamented the failure of young members of parliament for being reticent and ignorant about the reform agenda that were promised to the voters during GE15.
He said the reform agenda should not only be the concern and priority of the prime minister and the cabinet, but also the young elected representatives.
“I’m particularly very disappointed with the young MPs in parliament – in PH, BN as well as Perikatan Nasional,” Luqman said.
“I believe the duty to fulfil reform must not be shouldered by a singular entity, which is the prime minister, or the cabinet members, to a certain extent.
“It must be portrayed by MPs in the Dewan Rakyat. I believe the young MPs out there are hiding behind the shadow of the PM. If there is any issue, leave it to the PM to respond, make statements.
“As young MPs, they should be vocal enough to speak up about issues that might not be popular among their party members but are necessary for the reform agenda.
“Take the LCS as an example. We pushed for all the MPs in Dewan Rakyat to start discussing and debating the LCS issue.
“We need to know what happened between 2011 and 2022. What happened to the RM6 billion spent. And why despite spending RM6 billion, the previous government did not deliver a single vessel and then the current government decided to give more funding, increasing the cost from RM9 billion to RM11.2 billion.
“All these need answers. This must be discussed not just by the PM or defence minister but by the MPs,” he added.
Luqman said the lackadaisical attitude shown prompted Muda to depart from the unity government in state elections.
“That pushes my resolve to go on our own, believing we can do better and be better.
“We believe Muda must provide a better alternative for the people,” he said.
Last week, Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman announced that the youth-based party will contest the state elections under its own banner.
PH had also been silent on Muda’s application to join the coalition which it submitted in November last year. – July 5, 2023.
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