Saturday, May 18, 2024

Body Cams NOW, not in 2025 or 2026, for all Law Enforcement Officers to curb corruption, abuse of power and violation of rights Explain Delay and Why Mindwave Consultancy Sdn Bhd given the contract? (MADPET)

Media Statement – 18/5/2024

Body Cams NOW, not in 2025 or 2026, for all Law Enforcement Officers to curb corruption, abuse of power and violation of rights

Explain Delay and Why Mindwave Consultancy Sdn Bhd given the contract?

MADPET(Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) is disappointed on the delay of the Home Minister in ensuring body cams for all police officers in Malaysia despite the fact that the allocation of RM30 million had long been approved in December 2022(FMT,13/12/2022), and thus it is disappointing to note that it took more about 17 months for the Home Ministry to even sign a RM28 million contract to acquire body cameras for the police, which was done on 8/5/2024 at the infamous Defence Services Asia (DSA) and National Security (Natsec) Asia 2024 exhibitions, where controversy arose about the participation of companies that provided arms to Israel.

Mindwave – The manufacturer or just a 3rd party company who will get products from supplier?

As we are talking about police body cams, which records possible evidence, should not the Malaysian government be directly signing agreements with the actual manufacturers of these body-cams, who will also be setting up the system and who will be available to speedily step in to remedy any hitches or problems? Such companies should not be able to tamper or destroy evidence?  

Malaysia now has a Digital Security Minister and Ministry, and reasonably for police body-cams and CCTV maintenance, this Ministry should have been involved, and maybe the Ministry responsible to ensure that the digital data from police body-cams and CCTVs are secure, and free from tampering.

What exactly is that contract for the body cameras that was signed between the Home Ministry and Mindwave Consultancy Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian company, which on the face of it does not looks like not a company that manufactures Body cams or the required documentation system? One wonders whether monies are wasted by signing agreements not with companies that manufacture these security products needed but third party companies? Was there even an open tender? Does the said company even have the required security clearance?

Body Cams for all 135,000 police officers – not just a few

There are about a total of 134,978 police personnel and officers nationwide as of Feb 28, 2023, and Malaysians deserve to know when all these police officers will have their body cams.

The reason for the body cams, amongst others is to deter corruption and abuse of power by police officers, and also to protect the rights of people who have to have dealings with the police. Many a time, corruption or bribe demands/taking happen between police and people, and allegation of police corruptions and/or other abuses are difficult to prove by the victims – but with body-cams with recordings, it changes the situation and it makes it easier for police criminals and others to be prosecuted and convicted. It allows the government also to be able to identify and remove bad police officers and restore public trust and confidence in the Malaysian police.

It is of concern, when on 31/1/2024, Comm Datuk Wan Hassan Wan Ahmad said that , ‘….A total of 7,648 Body Worn Cameras (BWC) will be supplied in stages to the police force starting in September…’.(Star, 31/1/2024) This is unacceptable, as it should be supplied to ALL police officers, especially those on duty including police units involved in shootings that killed people.

Wan Hassan also said that ‘…. training for patrol unit personnel would also be conducted from March 2025 to December…’ Does that mean, that these body cams will only be effectively used in 2026? The body-cams should be speedily provided and should be effectively in use as soon as possible. It should have all been in place by mid-2023 at the latest.

MADPET is very disappointed with Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, whose procrastination is indicative of the low priority he has placed on the issue of police body cams and CCTV at police stations, despite the many extrajudicial killings by police, deaths in police custody, allegations of corruption, torture and abuse of powers.  

Ulu Tiram police station extrajudicial killing – Body Cams and CCTV will reveal the truth?

Malaysia has had cases of extrajudicial killings – will all the police officers which were involved in these shootings that resulted in victims being killed be equipped with body-cams.

The most recent death by police shooting happened on 17/5/2024 at the Ulu Tiram police station, and this was an extrajudicial killing of the suspect, which also caused the death of police officers. Are there CCTV recordings at the police stations for us to establish the truth of what actually happened? If the Malaysian government had moved faster, we would also have been able to rely on police body-cams but unfortunately Home Minister failed.

Malaysian police have been plagued with allegations of corruption, abuse of power, torture, extrajudicial killings and deaths in police custody. To deal with these issues, body-cams alone is not sufficient. We need more CCTV with recording capacity at all places in police stations where suspects and/or witnesses are dealt with by the police. Police vehicles too must also be equipped with cams that record.

Body Cams for all Law Enforcement Officers, not just the police

It must be noted that the problem of corruption and abuse of power also involves other law enforcement officers, including also local government (Local Council) enforcement officers, and as such Malaysia must ensure that all these enforcement officers from the various Federal Ministries, State Department and the Local Government are also required to wear body cams with recording capacities.

MADPET calls for the Home Minister to be transparent and explain the delay in the procurement of the body-cams for the police, and how and why Mindwave Consultancy Sdn Bhd was given the contract;

MADPET calls for the Digital or Digital Security Ministry to be responsible for the collection and maintenance of all recordings of body-cams and CCTV at police stations, to prevent police tampering of the evidence especially in cases where the police may be suspected of crimes. This is best considering the fact that Malaysian police have previously been alleged of evidence tampering, especially when police officers are the suspected criminals;

MADPET calls for body-cams for all law-enforcement officers, not just the police, when they are on duty, irrespective of whether they are wearing uniforms or are in plainclothes. CCTV should be on all areas of the police station and other law enforcement premises, and cams should also be placed on law enforcement vehicles.


Charles Hector

For and on behalf of MADPET(Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)


Govt approves RM30mil for cops’ body cameras


Home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail says the procurement process is in progress.

Home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail (centre) said body cameras were now a necessity. (Bernama pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: The government has approved an allocation of RM30 million for the procurement of body cameras for use by policemen on duty.

Home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that the procurement process was in progress.

“I hope the procurement can be expedited as it (body camera) is now a necessity. I have instructed the ministry secretary-general to follow up on the matter,” he told a press conference after a working visit to Bukit Aman, here.

Commenting on the Independent Police Conduct Commission (IPCC) Bill 2020, Saifuddin said it would come into force in June next year.

The bill was passed on July 26 last year with the aim of improving integrity and reducing misconduct among police officers, as well as increasing public confidence in the security forces.

On flood preparations, especially in the east coast states, Saifuddin said preparations had been made by the police and that 18,170 policemen would be mobilised. - FMT, 13/12/2024

[Updated] Home Ministry inks RM28 mil contract for body cams for cops

KUALA LUMPUR: The Home Ministry has signed a RM28 million contract to acquire body cameras for the police.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said tentatively, the first delivery of the body cams would be next month.

"I have asked for the procurement to not be delayed as the budget has been prepared for a long time. There were also changes in the procurement process and I have asked to solve it immediately.

He said this after the contract signing ceremony at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) and National Security (Natsec) Asia 2024 exhibitions.

Earlier, Saifuddin was reported to have said the tender process for procuring body cameras for the police was in its final stages.

Separately, Saifuddin also told Parliament that the police force was expected to fully utilise body cameras from 2025.

The contract for the body cameras was signed between the Home Ministry and Mindwave Consultancy Sdn Bhd.

Another high-value agreement signed was for the acquisition of a multipurpose police transport vessel.

Among the other contracts inked were for the network rental services for PDRMnet with TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd, the development of a disaster recovery centre for the police's system with Telekom Malaysia Bhd, the upgrading of a two-way communication police net with SY Trisilco Sdn Bhd and others.

In total, the ministry signed 12 contracts for the police (RM1.5 billion), one contract for the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) (RM529 million) and one contract for the national registry department (RM52.3 million).

The deals are worth RM2,156,453,991.77 in total.

The contract for MMEA was signed with Galaxy Aerospace (M) Sdn Bhd for the acquisition of four medium-lift helicopters.

Meanwhile, the contract for the National Registry Department (NRD) was for the comprehensive maintenance of application systems and primary business technical support with Infomina Bhd.

The contracts are signed by the Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Ruji Ubi together with representatives of local companies.

It was witnessed by Saifuddin, his deputy Datuk Seri Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, Home Ministry deputy secretary-general (Management) Dr Abdul Gapar Abu Bakar, MMEA deputy director-general Laksamana Madya Datuk Saiful Lizan Ibrahim and NRD director-geberal Badrul Hisham Alias. - NST, 8/5/2024

Police will be equipped with more than 7,000 body cameras starting September

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  • Nation
  • Wednesday, 31 Jan 2024

Comm Datuk Wan Hassan Wan Ahmad.

KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 7,648 Body Worn Cameras (BWC) will be supplied in stages to the police force starting in September, says Comm Datuk Wan Hassan Wan Ahmad.

The Bukit Aman Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department director said the Home Ministry issued an acceptance letter on Tuesday (Jan 30) involving the supply of BWC to the police force.

"The BWC will be mainly used by personnel in the Mobile Patrol Vehicle and the Motorcycle Patrol Unit, which are under the department.

"It will also be supplied for duties under the Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department," he said when contacted on Wednesday (Jan 31).

Comm Wan Hassan said the BWC will be supplied in stages from September 2024 to February next year.

"It will be placed at 157 district police headquarters and 640 police stations nationwide.

"The use of BWC will also be conducted in stages starting in October.

"We believe the patrol unit personnel will fully utilise it by March next year," he said.

He said training for patrol unit personnel would also be conducted from March 2025 to December.

Comm Wan Hassan said using the BWC will move the police force forward as the sole enforcement agency using the latest technology, in line with modern policing.

"I hope that the BWC will improve good governance regarding crime prevention patrols by the patrol unit personnel.

"It will also alleviate integrity among police officers, enabling them to prevent and reduce wrongdoing while increasing the public's sense of safety.

"I hope the BWC, attached to police officers' uniforms, will forge closer ties between the police and society," he said.

Comm Wan Hassan said the use of the BWC will also improve the police force's image, as BWC records could be used as evidence in any criminal case, including cases of personnel and officers who were slandered while enforcing the law. - Star, 31/1/2024

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