Saturday, September 14, 2024

DISCHARGE(DNAA) for Yusoff Rawther - No person to be charged until investigation complete ## still waiting for '..results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed..'


Media Statement – 13/9/2024

Yusoff Rawther Ought To Be Immediately DISCHARGED As Prosecution Reportedly Admitted That Investigation Yet To Be Completed

High Court Judge Should Use Supervisory And Revisionary Powers To End This Injustice Fast

With regard the charging of Muhammed Yusoff Rawther at the Magistrate Court on 12/9/2024 for the offence of Drug Trafficking, there is a great concern that injustice may have occurred, and JUSTICE may demand his immediate DISCHARGE.

Yusoff was reportedly charged under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act, which shall be punished on conviction with death or imprisonment for life and shall, if he is not sentenced to death, be punished with whipping of not less than twelve strokes. The alleged offence was committed on 9/9/2024.

It was reported that the ‘…Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Sabri Othman asked the court to set a mention date pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed’ (New Straits Times, 12/9/2024)

How could a person be charged for a drug offence, even before the Department of Chemistry had confirmed that the substance was a dangerous drug? Worse, as the charge was drug trafficking, and the prosecution was most likely relying on the legal presumption, the weight of drugs is crucial in determining whether one is charged for the lesser offence of drug possession, or the more serious offence of drug trafficking? Do the police and/or prosecution have actual evidence of drug trafficking, or are they simply relying on the legal presumptions?

MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) is of the stance that no one should be ever charged in court, until and unless the prosecution verily and honestly believe that they do already have sufficient evidence needed to convince the court of the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.

This is the principle that has long been accepted by the courts. In the Malaysian case of   Public Prosecutor V. Tan Kim San [1980] CLJU 66[1980] 1 LNS 66,  the late Harun J  said

The principle is that a person should not be charged in Court until the investigation into the case against him has been completed and there is prima facie evidence to prosecute him of the charge. In other words, a person should not be put in peril of a criminal trial unless the prosecution is able to prove the case against him. To do otherwise is an injustice. It is unjust because of the social stigma that immediately attaches to a person once he is charged in Court. He is deserted by his friends. His business is affected. His creditors close on him. His family is ashamed. He is mentally tormented awaiting trial. And last but not least, he has to incur the expense of engaging Counsel. There is no consolation in the fact that he may eventually be shown to be innocent of the charge. The damage has been done.

In that Tan Kim San’s case too, it was stated that ‘…When the case came up for trial, the prosecuting officer applied for a postponement of at least six months on the ground that investigations had not been completed, whereupon the learned Magistrate postponed the trial to 16 & 17 July 1980.’

This moved the Judge Harun to action. He said that he ‘…sent for the records of this case under s. 35 of the Courts of Judicature Act as it appeared to me that an important matter of principle and procedure is involved here.’

Section 35 CJA deals with the general supervisory and revisionary jurisdiction of High Court, which also states that ‘…the High Court shall have general supervisory and revisionary jurisdiction over all subordinate courts, and may in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, if it appears desirable in the interests of justice, either of its own motion or at the instance of any party or person interested, at any stage in any matter or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, in any subordinate court, call for the record thereof, and may remove the same into the High Court or may give to the subordinate court such directions as to the further conduct of the same as justice may require…’

Therefore, MADPET calls on the High Court to exercise its supervisory and revisionary powers, to consider Muhammed Yusoff Rawther’s case, and ensure that no injustice is done.

MADPET believes that Yusoff Rawther ought to be immediately DISCHARGED and released from detention. This must be done fast to end injustice. A Discharge or Discharge Not Amounting To An Acquittal(DNAA) still allows the person to be re-charged later, if needed.

DDA’s Unjust Legal Presumptions Ought to Be Repealed

In the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, there are legal presumptions that can cause great injustice, which really should be repealed.

Section 37(d) Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 states, ‘ any person who is found to have had in his custody or under his control anything whatsoever containing any dangerous drug shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been in possession of such drug and shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have known the nature of such drug;’ Are the police simply relying on this legal presumption?

It is always better and safer to confirm through independent investigation to confirm that Yusoff Rawther is really guilty. How easy for someone else to place drugs on property of another, and call the police who comes and finds the drugs? How difficult, nay impossible, for any person, more so a lay person, to investigate and proof that someone else ‘trapped’ them or the drug was not theirs?

Section 37 (da)  states that ‘any person who is found in possession of-  (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin;  (ii) 15 grammes or more in weight of morphine;… otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug; Hence, it all depends of WEIGHT of the drugs, and how can there be confirmation, if according to the reported words of the Deputy Public Prosecutor, says that they are still waiting for the analysis results from Department of Chemistry.

MADPET advocates the repeal of such Legal Presumptions in Dangerous Drugs cases, and that the onus is placed on prosecution to prove all the elements of the crime. Weightage of drugs alone should never be considered as evidence of drug trafficking. How many persons who are truly not involved in any drug trafficking activity, or have been victimized by drugs found in their possession caused by others have been executed, or are still languishing in prison.

MADPET calls on any judge in the High Court to act fast in exercising their powers of revision to ensure injustice suffered by Muhammed Yusoff Rawther is ended soonest. In the case of Sabri Umar, a documented Indonesian migrant worker who was wrongfully detained, charged and convicted for being illegally in Malaysia, he had to suffer detention/imprisonment almost 4 months and was wrongfully whipped 5 times before he was finally freed in July 2022 thanks to High Court Judge Lim Hock Leng of the Tawau High Court exercising his revisionary powers. Thus, any High Court judge must act FAST to end this injustice.

Charles Hector

For and on behalf of MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)


Note : -

Yusoff Rawther charged with trafficking cannabis [WATCH] – NST, 12/9/2024 – ‘Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Sabri Othman asked the court to set a mention date pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed.’

Tawau High Court acquits wrongfully imprisoned, caned Indonesian worker – Vibes, 24/7/2022



Yusoff Rawther charged with trafficking cannabis [WATCH]

KUALA LUMPUR: Muhammed Yusoff Rawther, the former research assistant to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, proclaimed his innocence today after being charged at the magistrate's court with trafficking 305g of cannabis last week.

"I am innocent. I am framed by those in power."

Yusoff, 31, was charged with trafficking cannabis at 10.15am in front of the carpark of Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters surau on Sept 6.

The charge under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act punishable under Section 39(B(2) carries a life sentence, and no fewer than 12 stokes of the rotan.

He nodded and said he understood the charge before magistrate M.S. Arunjothy.

However, no plea was taken from Yusoff as drug trafficking cases are under the jurisdiction of the High Court.

Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Sabri Othman asked the court to set a mention date pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed.

The court set Nov 12 for mention.

Yusoff was represented by lawyer Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali.

Rafique will hold a press conference on the matter later today.

Earlier, Yusoff arrived at the court complex under heavy police security today.

He was heard uttering profanities at a certain politician as he was led into the complex lock-up.

It was reported that Yusoff was arrested last Friday after police allegedly found two pistols and 305g of ganja in the car he was travelling in.

Rafique said Yusoff was detained around 9.30am on the same day.

Rafique had said the case, initially investigated under the Arms Act 1960, was being under the Dangerous Drugs Act after the remand application under the former was rejected.

He said Yusoff denied any connection to the pistols and drugs, claiming that the items were planted to frame him by individuals with personal vendettas.

The High Court fixed a seven-day trial from June 16 next year. - NST, 12/9/2024

Tawau High Court acquits wrongfully imprisoned, caned Indonesian worker

Lawyers argue that Sabri Umar had valid passport, work pass from company

Updated 2 years ago · Published on 24 Jul 2022 8:00AM facebook sharing button twitter sharing button email sharing button whatsapp sharing button wechat sharing button print sharing button

Tawau High Court acquits wrongfully imprisoned, caned Indonesian worker
Sabri Umar poses for a picture after he was acquitted by the Tawau High Court last Friday. – Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture pic, July 24, 2022

by Rebecca Chong

KOTA KINABALU – The Tawau High Court has acquitted an Indonesian migrant worker who was wrongfully detained, charged and caned.

Sabri Umar was acquitted by judge Lim Hock Leng last Friday after lawyers from the legal firm Messrs Kang Advocates, representing Indonesia’s Tawau consulate, argued that Sabri was in possession of a valid Indonesian passport and had a work pass from a company, Fu Yee Corporation.

He was arrested on April 5, and convicted by the sessions court under Section 6(1)( c) Immigration Act 1959/63 on April 19, where he was sentenced to 11 months of imprisonment and five strokes of the cane.

He was unrepresented at the time.

However, Sabri managed to file a wrongful dismissal claim in the Industrial Relations Department on April 19 seeking reinstatement.

However, prior to his appeal being heard, Sabri was caned in the Tawau Prison on June 23.

On Friday, Sabri’s legal team told the court that he had only pleaded guilty on April 19 after being misled that he would be deported to Indonesia on May 4 if he were to plead as such.

His lawyers also argued that though Sabri pleaded guilty, the sessions court did not check that Sabri had a valid passport, in pleading to the high court to set aside the conviction.

The case grabbed the attention of many parties after 46 civil organisations issued a statement crying foul over Sabri’s wrongful caning, as it was against the Section 311 of the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code that prohibits caning until the appeal is heard and decided upon.

The groups and organisations led by Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture urged the Malaysian government to apologise, and abolish caning as a corporal punishment in the country. – The Vibes, July 24, 2022


Friday, September 13, 2024

Yusoff Rawther, compared with Police assault of e-hailing driver Ong - Is there a policy to protect police that commit crimes? Should Yusoff be DNAAed - as investigation not completed?

Muhammed Yusoff Rawther allegedly committed the offence on 6/9/2024, and he was charged in court on 12/9/2024 - wow, so fast.

Compare with another 'famous' case, where a police officer assaulted a deaf and mute e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong on 28/5/2024 - 3 months plus have passed, and the said police officer has still not being CHARGED in Court....WHY? Police said investigation papers sent to the Attorney General(also Public Prosecutor) on 14/6/2024. Why still not charged, more so when there is also video evidence....

May 28: Deaf and mute e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong, 46, is allegedly assaulted by a security personnel who was escorting a VVIP outside St Regis Hotel in Kuala Lumpur..

June 14: Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain says investigation papers for the case have been sent to the Attorney-General's Chambers (A-GC).

Does this not HIGHLIGHT a major problem in Malaysia - Is PM Anwar Ibrahim's and/or his government's policy NOT to charge police officers for crimes in court? Is this 'the government will protect police officers from being charged, tried and sentenced in court?

Either way, in my opinion, it is DISCRIMINATORY - it is against our Constitutional Guarantee that Art 8(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.

We have heard of the phrase 'SELECTIVE PROSECUTION' - is this not a case of 'selective non-prosecution'?

The Prime Minister and the government have been to 'silent' about why the police officer is yet to be charged. The government's de facto 'spokesperson' Minister Fahmi too simply said 'refer to relevant agency' - a commitment by the government that no one is above the law, even police officers would have been good to hear...

Government spokesperson Fahmi Fadzil has referred a question on the assault on deaf e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong to the relevant “enforcement agency”.He was asked if the cabinet had discussed the case and about the memorandum calling for the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the incident.“Enforcement agencies. Can ‘refer’ (merujuk) to the relevant agency,” he replied.

Once the police submits the investigation papers to the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor. They will charge, or if they do not, they will tell us WHY? If more evidence required, then the AG/PP will ask the police to investigate further.... BUT, here in this case, there is just silence.

Back to Yusoff Rawther's case - reasonably one will only be charged after all needed investigations done. In a media report, it was said that '...Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Sabri Othman asked the court to set a mention date pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed...'

Does this mean that police has still not confirmed that the substance was DRUGS - cannabis? With regards to dangerous drugs, the WEIGHT of the drugs seized is important - Below a certain weight, one is charged with POSESSION ( ) and above a certain weight, one is charged with TRAFFICKING.

So, ONLY after the Chemistry Department has analyzed and confirmed that it is CANNABIS, and the weight of the said drugs - will the prosecution charge an accused person. So, is this a case of an accused being PREMATURELY CHARGED? If so, it is wrong and a grave injustice.

Now, the Courts have been clear that NO one should be charged until investigation has been completed, and prosecution is confident that they have sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt...

The principle is that a person should not be charged in Court until the investigation into the case against him has been completed and there is prima facie evidence to prosecute him of the charge. In other words, a person should not be put in peril of a criminal trial unless the prosecution is able to prove the case against him. To do otherwise is an injustice. It is unjust because of the social stigma that immediately attaches to a person once he is charged in Court. He is deserted by his friends. His business is affected. His creditors close on him. His family is ashamed. He is mentally tormented awaiting trial. And last but not least, he has to incur the expense of engaging Counsel. There is no consolation in the fact that he may eventually be shown to be innocent of the charge. The damage has been done.- HARUN J,PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v. TAN KIM SAN[1980] CLJU 66[1980] 1 LNS 66

Is Muhammed Yusoff Rawther a victim of INJUSTICE - given that media report indicates that INVESTIGATION yet to be completed - they may not even know what was the said DRUG or was it just some flour? And worse, what was the WEIGHT of the drugs - how can they know when Chemistry Department yet to revert to the prosecution - pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed...'

Now, if it is DRUG TRAFFICKING - then the Court that has the jurisdiction to hear the case is the High Court. That is why, in the Magistrate Court, the charge was read - but the Accused was not asked to enter a PLEA - guilty or not guilty? So, now the case goes to the High Court and the accused will be asked to enter a plea... and then the Court will decide on BAIL, which rightly he should get save for some exceptional reason. Remember one is PRESUMED INNOCENT until the Court convicts you after a FAIR TRIAL.

Now, the case must be speedily be brought to the High Court - tomorrow or early next week.. any DELAY is most unjust to the accused, who is in detention... 

So, the RIGHT and JUST thing to do in Muhammed Yusoff Rawther's case is for the PP/AG to immediately discontinue prosecution of the case, like what was done for Zahid Hamidi's case - thereto for the reason of needing time to investigate further matters raised in letters of representation.

Immediately DISCONTINUE the criminal trial of Muhammed Yusoff Rawther - a DNAA? Then, when 'the investigation into the case against him has been completed and there is prima facie evidence to prosecute him of the charge' , the AG/PP has the power to recharge him



Yusoff Rawther charged with trafficking cannabis [WATCH]

KUALA LUMPUR: Muhammed Yusoff Rawther, the former research assistant to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, proclaimed his innocence today after being charged at the magistrate's court with trafficking 305g of cannabis last week.

"I am innocent. I am framed by those in power."

Yusoff, 31, was charged with trafficking cannabis at 10.15am in front of the carpark of Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters surau on Sept 6.

The charge under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act punishable under Section 39(B(2) carries a life sentence, and no fewer than 12 stokes of the rotan.

He nodded and said he understood the charge before magistrate M.S. Arunjothy.

However, no plea was taken from Yusoff as drug trafficking cases are under the jurisdiction of the High Court.

Deputy public prosecutor Mohd Sabri Othman asked the court to set a mention date pending the results of the substances which has been sent to the Department of Chemistry to be analysed.

The court set Nov 12 for mention.

Yusoff was represented by lawyer Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali.

Rafique will hold a press conference on the matter later today.

Earlier, Yusoff arrived at the court complex under heavy police security today.

He was heard uttering profanities at a certain politician as he was led into the complex lock-up.

It was reported that Yusoff was arrested last Friday after police allegedly found two pistols and 305g of ganja in the car he was travelling in.

Rafique said Yusoff was detained around 9.30am on the same day.

Rafique had said the case, initially investigated under the Arms Act 1960, was being under the Dangerous Drugs Act after the remand application under the former was rejected.

He said Yusoff denied any connection to the pistols and drugs, claiming that the items were planted to frame him by individuals with personal vendettas.

The High Court fixed a seven-day trial from June 16 next year. - NST, 12/9/2024

Alleged assault of deaf e-hailing driver: A chronology of events

May 28: Deaf and mute e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong, 46, is allegedly assaulted by a security personnel who was escorting a VVIP outside St Regis Hotel in Kuala Lumpur while he was waiting to pick up customers outside the lobby.

Ong claims that a man knocked on his car window and then punched him in the face. He lodges two reports at the Brickfields police station. He receives treatment at Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a soft tissue injury.

May 31: His Royal Highness Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, Regent of Johor urges police to probe the alleged assault, saying he wants justice for Ong. He said he told the police escort team to cooperate with investigations.

Tunku Ismail also hits out at attempts to drag the royal institution into the matter, saying it was uncalled for to link the actions of external security personnel with himself and the royal institution.

June 5: Ong is summoned to Bukit Aman to assist in a disciplinary inquiry into the incident. The case is investigated under Section 323 for causing voluntary hurt. Ong is questioned for four hours, accompanied by lawyers and an interpreter.

Bukit Aman Integrity and Standards Compliance Department director Datuk Azri Ahmad says the police escort is part of a VVIP's entourage and that the department will determine if there was a breach of standard operating procedures or misconduct.

June 14: Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain says investigation papers for the case have been sent to the Attorney-General's Chambers (A-GC).

July 10:/b> Ong's lawyer, Latheefa Koya, who is also former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner, criticises the A-GC and police for failing to take action in the case.

July 19: About 10 members of the Deaf Advocacy and Wellbeing National Organisation, including Ong, submit a memorandum to the A-GC in Putrajaya demanding that the suspect be charged.

The organisation's co-founder, Anthony Chong, says the case has not progressed to prosecution despite clear evidence and testimonies from witnesses.

Aug 13: Lawyers for Liberty announces it will hold a press conference on the issue. The human rights group said no one has been held accountable for the alleged assault despite video evidence and the completion of the police's probe. - NST, 13/8/2024

Quizzed on deaf e-hailing driver, Fahmi replies 'refer to agency'
Published:  Sep 11, 2024 4:07 PM
Updated: 3:56 PM

Government spokesperson Fahmi Fadzil has referred a question on the assault on deaf e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong to the relevant “enforcement agency”.

He was asked if the cabinet had discussed the case and about the memorandum calling for the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the incident.

“Enforcement agencies. Can ‘refer’ (merujuk) to the relevant agency,” he replied.

On Sept 5, Ong together with Lawyers for Liberty (LFL), submitted a memorandum and a dashcam recording of the assault to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Earlier today, LFL adviser N Surendran pointed out that more than 100 days have passed since the 48-year-old victim was punched in the face by a police escort of Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

LFL adviser N Surendran

“What possible justification is there for the failure to bring charges against the culprit and anyone else who abetted him or tried to cover up the matter?” he told Malaysiakini.

Surendran also highlighted the “pin-drop” silence of the PMO regarding the memorandum, which contained five demands.... Malaysiakini, 11/9/2024



Thursday, September 12, 2024

Great that Anwar wants to end assault and death in police custody - BEST way is ensure police that break laws are charged in Court, not only dealt with disciplinary actions - a Media Statement ?


Media Statement – 11/9/2024

PM Anwar’s commitment ending assault and death in custody appreciated – ensure all police perpetrators are charged and tried in court. ONLY Disciplinary Actions, without law breakers being charged in Court, is not JUSTICE being done

MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) appreciates Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim concern and desire to end police abuses, including torture post arrest and during police custody.

Anwar, himself a victim of police torture whilst in custody, was assaulted in the Bukit Aman lockup in 1998 by then inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor, who was thereafter charged in court, convicted and sentenced to mere 2 months and fined RM2,000 for the assault on Anwar. Such offences by police, who are officers of the law expected to strictly law abiding, require a more deterrent sentence.

"When people raise concerns regarding abuse and deaths in lockups, there’s no need to convince me because I know how it feels. It feels helpless when you’re assaulted to near death while in lockup," he [PM Anwar Ibrahim] said….“We need to support all efforts to protect the suspect or convict in the lockup, and I’m pleased to say that both the home minister and inspector-general of police support the idea.(FMT, 9/9/2024)

Now, although the Malaysian Federal Constitution, Criminal Procedure Code and Police Act do state very clearly what the police can or cannot do, what is sadly missing are Criminal Offences (with possibly ‘deterrent’ penalties) when police officers themselves break the law, which also often translates to a human rights or legal right violation of a suspect/persons.

Police Arrest and Investigate, Judges Convict and Sentence

As Anwar rightly pointed out ‘The police investigate, the judges deliver the sentence. Before a sentence is passed, suspects should not be punished beforehand,” he said in his speech during the 25th SUHAKAM anniversary here today (BERNAMA, 9/9/2024) .

This is right, for the police cannot use excessive force when effecting an arrest, cannot torture an arrested suspect during his/her detention for the purpose of investigations. The police ONLY Investigate and that must be done professionally and with integrity – the TORTURE, slapping, beating, kicking, stappling, etc.  is totally prohibited. The suspect shall be presumed innocent until the Court convicts, shall be treated with dignity during the investigations.

TORTURE not only causes pain but also can cause the risk of miscarriage of justice

TORTURE does not only cause physical injury, sometimes death, but also mental anguish and loss of human dignity.

It can also lead to miscarriage of justice when a ‘innocent’ man charged in court pleads guilty because of the consequence of torture. One former detainee once said that he was subjected to several bouts of torture. He said, that if they had tortured him another time, he would have willingly confessed to even murder. I asked him to file a police report, and he said ‘What is the use?’  

Victims want police officer to be charged and tried in criminal courts

For victims, and families of deceased victims, justice demands that those criminally liable to be charged, tried in court and handed a DETTERENT Sentence.

Even victories at the High Court in civil action where the Court ordered them to be paid by the police and Malaysian government hundreds of thousands in compensation/damages does not QUELL their thirst for Justice.

They want the individual perpetrator police officers to be charged, tried, convicted and sentenced. The police is not above the law, and those who broke the law must be charged in criminal courts.

This position is consistent with the Federal Constitution, where in Article 8 (1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.’ Anyone, even the police or the Prime Minister, if he breaks the law, he must be charged and tried in Court.

If police convicted, courts can order compensation for victims

In Criminal Trials in Malaysia, ‘….the Court before which an accused is convicted of an offence shall, upon the application of the Public Prosecutor, make an order against the convicted accused for the payment by him, ….of a sum to be fixed by the Court as compensation to a person who is the victim of the offence committed by the convicted accused in respect of the injury to his person…. (1B) Where the person who is the victim of the offence is deceased, the order of compensation shall be made to a representative of the deceased person.’ (Section 426 Criminal Procedure Code)

The reality is that most victims of police violation of their rights, including torture, extrajudicial killings and death in custody simply do not have the resources, capacity and/or resolve to commence civil actions against the police – hence they never are compensated even in terms of monies for police rights violation. However, if the police are charged in criminal courts, at least the victims can also receive some compensation for their loss and sufferings after convictions.

Disciplinary Action PLUS Criminal Prosecution to ensure Justice

A Disciplinary Action, is an action by an employer against an errant employee, and these disciplinary actions against law breaking police officers are generally held in ‘secret’, where the victims, the public and even the media is not allowed to attend.

Disciplinary actions can result in a mere warning, fine, demotion or even termination, but such penalties fall short from what justice really demands.

MADPET believes that Malaysians want the ‘criminal’ police officers to really pay for his/her crimes – sentenced to imprisonment, personally have to pay a fine, etc. So, charge them, and let Court decide guilt or innocence.

It was shocking to discover in a recent High Court judgment in a death in custody case, that the perpetrator police officers, who were criminally liable for the death, was punished by the disciplinary action with a mere ‘administrative warning’ – this is certainly unjust considering that their actions/omissions resulted in the death of a human being.( see Fadhelah Othman V. Mohamad Sukri Hat & Ors [2024] 7 CLJ 916.)

Disciplinary actions can continue – but make sure perpetrator police are charged and tried in court for his/her crime/s.

Charging police in court will DEFINITELY serve as DETTERENT

This charging of law-breaking police officers in Court, and/or a deterrent sentences if convicted will definitely deter other police officers from committing similar crimes in the future. This will certainly eliminate, if not reduce deaths in police custody.

Enact specific crimes for police and/or law enforcement

The circumstances of many of these police crimes are unique in that it happens in the presence of other officers, or in facilities under the total control of the police officers – but unfortunately the reluctance of some officers ‘to testify against’ or report against their fellow officers is an hurdle.

The victim now fears even making a police report, for worry that the police witnesses may not want to tell the truth, and if he/she  reports there is a risk of police retaliation.

Specific crimes is best enacted for the police and law enforcement, which may also include Legal Presumptions placing the onus on the accused police officer to prove that he did not break law, torture or cause the death of a victim.

MADPET calls on Malaysia, in light of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahims stance against TORTURE and deaths in custody, to ensure that all police officers that torture and/or cause deaths are speedily charged in Court for their crimes.

JUSTICE demands that police officers that break laws, including committing torture or causing deaths be expeditiously charged and tried in the Criminal Courts. Police, being law enforcers, breaking laws and rights of suspect is a MOST SERIOUS CRIME. It gives a negative perception of Malaysia’s administration of justice. The non-prosecution of a few ‘bad cops’ also affects the image of police and law enforcement. It also give the false impression that government protects law-breaking police officers.

Charles Hector

For and on behalf of MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)




Anwar willing to join Suhakam’s visits to police lockups


I know how it feels to be beaten up in custody, says the prime minister, recalling his experience in 1998.

Free Malaysia Today
A 1998 photo of Anwar Ibrahim sporting a black eye after he was assaulted in a police lockup became a symbol of the Reformasi movement. (File pic)

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has expressed willingness to join Suhakam in the human rights commission’s visits to police lockups as part of an investigation into custodial deaths.

Anwar recalled his own experience of being beaten while in police custody in 1998 and said the issue of deaths or injuries of detainees in lockups must be urgently resolved, Bernama reported.

When people raise concerns regarding abuse and deaths in lockups, there’s no need to convince me because I know how it feels. It feels helpless when you’re assaulted to near death while in lockup, he said.

“We need to support all efforts to protect the suspect or convict in the lockup, and I’m pleased to say that both the home minister and inspector-general of police support the idea.

(But) our concern is that police abuse is not necessarily to blame for everyone who comes out with cuts, injuries or even dies in custody, he was quoted as saying.

Anwar was assaulted in the Bukit Aman lockup in 1998 by then inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor soon after the former was fired from the government by then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Anwar appeared at the Kuala Lumpur court with a black eye. A photograph of Anwar, with the bruised eye and raising his hand in defiance, became an iconic image of the opposition Reformasi movement that rallied for him to be freed.

Rahim was later sentenced to two months’ jail and fined RM2,000 for the assault on Anwar.

Anwar said Suhakam and the police will probe and study the issue of custodial deaths so that appropriate procedures and protections may be established to prevent them.

He added that Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain has expressed the willingness of the police force to cooperate with Suhakam. 

The police investigate, the judges deliver the sentence. Before a sentence is passed, suspects should not be punished, he said. - FMT,9/9/2024

See also the BERNAMA Report

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Halal cert: PKR MP questions if there are double standards in probe on Teresa, ### Can a non-Muslim MP act on an 'Islamic' issue? MPs act only on people's issue of your own religion?

Akmal slammed Kok as an “old Nyonya” who should not have interfered in Islamic affairs and said he would ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to her forehead

An MP is the representative of ALL people in his/her Constituency. It is absurd to even suggest that a non-Muslim MP should stay away on matters of Islam that affect his/her Constituents or Malaysians, Muslims or otherwise. Do Muslim MPs (from UMNO maybe) also do not concern themselves with religious/cultural matters affecting people of other faiths - other than Muslims? 

No, a MP, Muslim or NOT, must be bothered about ALL matters - even about Islamic law, Syariah Courts, etc - if not just do not be a Member of Parliament or ADUN, just be a particular religious community representative...I worry when some people 'this is a Muslim better not get involved'. 

A issue that arises is also the 'name calling' and disrespect shown by Akmal(the UMNO Youth Leader) to a Malaysian, in this case a women and a MP - Will Anwar Ibrahim say or do anything about it? That Akmal is part of your 'Unity' government .. If Anwar stays silent about the disrespect shown ...another reason why Anwar Ibrahim should be ousted as Prime Minister? 

Is Anwar just too scared of UMNO?  

When it comes to issues about Islam - even Muslim ADUNs and MPs are too 'scared' to look into it and deal with it. One issue is the use of external loudspeakers in Mosques/Surau for all occassions, ceramah - despite the law stating it can only be used for the 5 Azans(Call to Prayer). Muslim  MP/ADUNs are afraid to deal with such issue for fear of being branded 'un-Muslim'??? Again, Anwar should make it clear that Mosques/Suraus should respect everyone's rights, Muslims and others, and restrict usage of EXTERNAL Speakers to just the call to prayers(Azan)...

### see earlier post. Now when I try to copy or go to the link, I am directed to some 3rd party site. Fahmi, is the government doing something to my BLOG now - can you help please? see post entitled, 'Anwar Ibrahim's weakness is 'delay' in acting/responding fast, and also CLARIFYING government's can lead to 'mandatory halal certification, government taking 20% land on lease renewal,.. '


Halal cert: PKR MP questions if there are double standards in probe on Teresa
Published:  Sep 10, 2024 11:00 AM
Updated: 11:30 AM
Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim has questioned whether there are elements of double standards involved in the police probe against Seputeh MP Teresa Kok over the halal certification issue.

The PKR lawmaker pointed out that Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar was first to court “controversy” by announcing the matter without cabinet approval, and Kok merely responded to it.

“The first question we should ask is whether Na’im’s remark about the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) mulling a proposal to make halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork or alcohol was discussed in the cabinet.

“Secondly, can the minister announce in public, a law-related public policy that is yet to be greenlit by the cabinet?

“This brings us to the third question - to be fair and honest, who sparked this controversy? Was it Kok or the Islamic affairs minister?” Hassan asked in a statement today.

Police are questioning Kok today at the Bukit Aman police headquarters over her remarks that making halal certification mandatory for restaurants could burden businesses.

The DAP vice-chairperson is being probed for infringing on matters related to 3R (race, religion and royalty).

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok

Hassan elaborated that Kok was merely responding to Na’im’s remark on the matter, which is still being discussed at Jakim’s level.

“If Kok’s statement is being probed under 3R for offending the sensitivities of the Muslims, can Na’im’s announcement about a proposal which is not yet approved by the cabinet, be deemed to offend the sensitivities of the non-Muslims?

“Does a 3R violation only occur when Muslims feel restless, fearful and angry, and is it the other way round if the non-Muslims are involved?

“Is there a two-tier legal system in our beloved Malaysia?” Hassan asked.

Hasty announcement

Hassan clarified that he was all for the halal policy to be implemented in a relevant way in multiracial Malaysia.

However, he said Na’im’s sudden and hasty announcement of the proposed measure was “wrong and unprofessional.”

Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar

“Na’im should have ordered a thorough study of the proposal to impose a mandatory halal certification policy for non-Muslim restaurants.

“It should then be brought to the cabinet for deliberation by Muslim and non-Muslim ministers alike," Hassan said, adding that if the cabinet agrees in principle to the proposal, the matter should then be escalated to the Law Minister's Office and the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Na’im should then engage with Islamic and non-Muslim organisations as well as restaurateurs for discussions, he added.

"If all the parties involved agree to the proposal, then the matter should be brought to the cabinet to be turned into a mandatory halal certification law.

"Yes, it's (the process) tedious, slow, and involves a lot of work. But this is what is called good governance."

Once such consultations are done and the law is passed, Kok would not have any objections to the matter, Hassan said.

"Then, we will be saved from division among the people in the halal, non-halal issue, and an instance where an MP is probed for 3R offences can be avoided."

Probe Akmal instead

Pusat Komas also decried alleged double standards in the probe against Kok.

According to the rights group, the investigation is a disproportionate response to her comment compared to Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh’s "inflammatory and racist" remarks against her.

Akmal slammed Kok as an “old Nyonya” who should not have interfered in Islamic affairs and said he would ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to her forehead.

"Kok's statements, while critical of the proposed mandatory halal certification, were rooted in concerns about potential economic burdens on businesses and the preservation of cultural diversity.

“Her views were expressed in a reasoned and respectful manner, and she at no point incited hatred or violence against any religious group.

"In stark contrast, Akmal's response was laden with racist and sexist undertones… such remarks are not only deeply offensive but also create a climate of hostility and intolerance towards minority communities," the group said in a statement today.

Hence, why was an investigation launched against Kok, but Akmal got away scot-free, it further wondered.

"This selective enforcement of the law raises serious concerns about the protection of freedom of expression in Malaysia, particularly for those who dare to question policies or practices that may have religious implications."

Pusat Komas called for the authorities to drop the probe against Kok and focus on addressing Akmal’s alleged "hate speech and incitement to violence".  - Malaysiakini, 10/9/2024


Umno Youth chief swipes at 'old Nyonya' Teresa over halal cert
Published:  Sep 8, 2024 3:44 PM
Updated: 3:32 PM

Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh has slammed DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kok for questioning the proposal to require restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork and alcohol to obtain halal certification.

Describing the Seputeh MP as a "Nyonya tua" (old Nyonya), Akmal said Kok should not have interfered in Islamic affairs related to halal certification.

"First of all, I want to tell this old lady that this halal certificate is not only for alcohol and pork, but this certificate includes the food preparation and how the ingredients are obtained.

"This is a set rule, and I want to let this old lady know that it used to take months to get this halal certificate. Today, we have been able to shorten it to 23 days.

"So, what's your problem with this halal certificate?" Akmal (above) said in a TikTok video.

The Malacca Rural Development, Agriculture and Food Security exco also refuted Kok's claim that the move to make halal certification mandatory is an embarrassment to the country.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok

Conversely, he claimed that Kok is the one embarrassing the country by disrupting harmony.

"It doesn't even involve you, and the real shame of this country is that there are parliamentarians like you, old lady, who endlessly disturb the harmony of the country.

"If you don't know about our religion, don't talk.

"You're better off keeping silent, and I also ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to the forehead of this old lady," he added.

Concerns raised

Recently, the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was reported to be considering a proposal to make halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork and alcohol.

Kok voiced concerns over the proposed move, saying it could increase the burden on businesses, including thousands of Malay restaurant operators.

She added that it was against the spirit of cultural diversity and may make Malaysia an object of ridicule abroad.

“The introduction of compulsory halal certification will increase administrative costs. Halal certification should be voluntary, allowing entrepreneurs to make decisions based on market demand rather than being enforced, which will increase the difficulty of business operations,” she said.

Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal subsequently told Kok to apologise and retract her statement, failing which the youth wings of Perikatan Nasional nationwide would lodge a police report against her.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Kok's statement was not reflective of Pakatan Harapan's position and that the matter should be discussed in the appropriate forum.

However, DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke said Kok was merely voicing out the concerns of the non-Muslim community.

The Umno ulama council stated that the proposal to make halal certification mandatory is unsuitable for restaurants and food companies owned by Muslims.

Its deputy chairperson, Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, emphasised that Muslims are already bound by religious principles concerning halal and haram, cleanliness, and purity. - Malaysiakini, 8/9/2024