On 20th October, about 150 workers and unionists marched against Union Busting - memorandums were presented to the Malaysian Bar and the Malaysian Human Rights Commission(SUHAKAM) calling for involvement in the struggle to end Union Busting and violations of worker rights in Malaysia...
A disturbing ‘UNION BUSTING’
trend is immerging, whereby employers have been terminating, suspending
and taking disciplinary actions against TRADE UNION leaders and
members, and workers involved in legitimate TRADE UNION and worker
1. For picketing in front of Keretapi
Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) on the issue of worker future welfare and
rights, which the Union saw as being impeded by the current President of
KTMB, KTMB terminated the Railway Union Malaysia (RUM) President (Abdul
Razak Md Hassan), Vice President (R. Subramaniam), 41 others and
suspended 27 others union members that participated in the said picket.
2. For the issuance of a media
statement as the President of the National Union of Flight Attendants
Malaysia (NUFAM), Ismail Nasaruddin was terminated by Malaysian Airlines
Systems Berhad (MAS) by reason that it is misconduct for an employee to
issue a Statement. NUFAM Secretary General (Mohd Akram Osman) and 5
union members have also been terminated for union activities.
3. For the National Union of Bank
Employees (NUBE) activities, Vice-President (Abdul Jamil Jalaludeen) and
Treasurer General (Chen Ka Fatt) was terminated by bank management.
4. For someone else being raised issues
about worker injustices in a closed Facebook group of union members,
the President of Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region,
Peninsular Malaysia (EIEUWR)/ Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik
Wilayah Barat Semenjung Malaysia (KSIEWBSM), Wan Noorulazhar bin Mohd
Hanafiah was terminated by RENESAS.
5. For the submission of a Malaysian
Trades Union Congress (MTUC) memorandum to candidate contesting in the
General Elections to get commitment to worker rights, 18 union members
from National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries
Workers/ Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja Pekerja Perusahaan Alat Alat
Pengangkutan dan Sekutu (NUTEAIW) were terminated in DRB HICOM
subsidiaries in Pekan, Pahang including the MTUC Pahang Chairman Rusaini
6. For issuance of a media statement as
a President of National Union of Journalist (NUJ), Mohamed Hatta
Wahari, Deputy President and Branch Chairman Amran Ahmad and Deputy
Secretary Norazri Abdul Rahman was terminated by Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd.
7. President and 16 Union leaders and
workers of Kesatuan Kakitangan Pekerja-Pekerja Westport (M) Sdn Bhd was
terminated for union activities.
8. For picketing in front of Ansell NP
Sdn.Bhd, Malacca on the issue of worker welfare and rights, Ansell NP
Sdn. Bhd terminated the Branch Deputy Chairman (NUECMRP) and 9 union
members that participated in the said picket.
The above, are some of the cases in
which workers have been terminated, and/or disciplined by reason of
their involvement in union activities.
The Industrial Relations Act 1967,
section 5 – Prohibition on employers and their trade unions in respect
of certain acts’ provides that ‘…(1) No employer or trade
union of employers, and no person action on behalf of an employer or
such trade union shall-(a) impose any condition in a contract of
employment seeking to restrain the right of a person who is a party to
the contract to join a trade union, or to continue his membership in a
trade union;(b) refuse to employ any person on the ground that he is or
is not a member or an officer of a trade union;(c) discriminate against
any person in regard to employment, promotion, any condition of
employment or working conditions on the ground that he is or is not a
member or officer of a trade union;(d) dismiss or threaten to dismiss a
workman, injure or threaten to injure him in his employment or alter or
threaten to alter his position to his prejudice by reason that the
workman- (i) is or proposes to become, or seeks to persuade any other
person to become, a member or officer of a trade union; or (ii)
participates in the promotion, formation or activities of a trade union;
or (e) induce a person to refrain from becoming or to cease to be a
member or officer of a trade union by conferring or offering to confer
any advantage on or by procuring or offering to procure any advantage
for any person….’ is the particular provision now
available to protect termination, disciplinary action and/or
discrimination against union members but is found to be insufficient.
The government talks about industrial
harmony, and promotes the usage of complaint mechanisms but a great
injustice happens because business and employers continue unaffected
making profits, whilst the wrongfully dismissed workers is left to
languish without employment and income which affects the welfare and
wellbeing of workers and their families. The process of resolving
wrongful dismissal cases take years to resolve, and at the end of the
day majority of the workers do not even get reinstated.
Union registration and recognition
takes too long, and is further delayed by employers making judicial
review applications and appeals to the courts. This delay, which can
last many years, deprives workers of their right to an fully functional
TRADE UNION and the benefits of a Collective Agreement.
What is most disturbing is some of these ‘UNION BUSTING’ actions are being committed by Malaysian government owned or linked companies like KTMB, MAS, WESTPORT and DRB-HICOM.
1. End of all forms of UNION BUSTING, and for the respect and promotion of all worker rights.
2. More effective legislations that
will prevent employers from ‘UNION BUSTING’, termination or taking
disciplinary actions against union leaders and union members for union
activities. employers must be prevented from using union activities, or
legitimate actions of workers promoting worker rights, and struggling
against injustice into employment misconducts.
3. Employment misconducts need to be
strictly confined to misconducts related to workplace, and not used to
prevent union and worker activities, standing up against injustice and
worker right violations, or the promotion of rights for workers.
4. Reinstate all union leaders and
members who have been terminated, and cease all suspension and
disciplinary proceedings against workers by reason of their union
5. Expedite the process of registration and recognition of trade unions;
6. Expedite the process of resolving trade disputes and wrongful dismissal cases;
7. End all forms of UNION BUSTING activities.
Source: MTUC Website

‘Union Busting’ merupakan
satu trend yang semakin ketara di mana majikan memberhentikan,
menamatkan, memecat, menggantung dan mengambil tindakan disiplin
terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin kesatuan sekerja dan ahli-ahli serta
pekerja-pekerja yang terlibat dalam aktiviti kesatuan sekerja yang
dianjurkan secara sah. Antaranya:
1. Pekerja-pekerja yang berpiket di
hadapan bangunan Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) bagi menuntut hak
kebajikan dan hak-hak masa dalam satu piket telah dikenakan tindakan
disiplin. Presiden KTMB telah memecat Presiden Kesatuan
pekerja-pekerjaKeretapi Tanah Melayu (RUM-Abdul Razak Md Hassan), dan
Naib Presiden-R. Subramaniam bersamaan dengan 41 pekerja lain dan 27
orang lagi digantung dari kerja kerana mengambil bahagian dalam piket
2. Manakala Presiden Kesatuan
Kebangsaan Penerbangan Atendan Malaysia (NUFAM) Ismail Nasaruddin telah
dipecat oleh Malaysia Airlines System Berhad (MAS) kerana telah
mengeluarkan kenyataan media. Beliau telah dihentikan dengan alasan
bahawa ia adalah salah laku bagi seseorang pekerja untuk mengeluarkan
Pernyataan tersebut. Setiausaha Agungnya-Mohd Akram Osman bersama lima
ahli kesatuan lain juga telah ditamatkan perkhidmatan kerana terlibat
dalam aktiviti kesatuan.
3. Naib Presiden NUBE-Abdul Jamil
Jalaludeen dan bendaharinya-Chen Ka Fatt telah ditamatkan perkhidmatan
atas alasan terlibat dalam aktiviti kesatuan oleh pihak pengurusan bank.
4. Seterusnya RENESAS telah memecat Wan
Noorulazhar bin Mohd Hanafiah, Presiden Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja
Industri Elektronik Wilayah Barat, Semenanjung Malaysia (EIEUWR), kerana
menyuarakan dan membangkitkan hak-hak pekerjaserta ketidakadilan
pekerja dalam kumpulan Facebook tertutup kesatuan.
5. Seterusnya penyerahan memorandum
Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) kepada calon yang akan
bertanding dalam Pilihan raya Umum bagi mendapatkan sokongan terhadap
hak-hak pekerja, 18 anggota kesatuan dari Kesatuan Kebangsaan
Pekerja-Pekerja Perusahaan Alat-alat Pengangkutan dan Sekutu (NUTEAIW)
telah dipecat oleh anak syarikat DRB HICOM di Pekan, Pahang termasuk
Pengerusi Bahagian MTUC Pahang Sdra. Rusaini Ramli telah dipecat.
6. Presiden Kesatuan Kebangsaan
Wartawan (NUJ), Mohamed Hatta Wahari, Timbalan Presiden, Ketua Cawangan
Amran Ahmad dan Timbalan Setiausaha Norazri Abdul Rahman telah dipecat
oleh Utusan Melayu(M) Bhd bagi mengeluarkan kenyataan media.
7. Presiden kesatuan, 17 pemimpin
kesatuan dan pekerja-pekerja dari Kesatuan Kakitangan Pekerja-Pekerja
Pelabuhan Barat telah dipecat oleh majikan kerana melibatkan diri dalam
aktiviti kesatuan.
8. Bagi melakukan piket di hadapan
Syarikat Ansell NP Melaka, yang menuntut hak kebajikan pekerja, Majikan
Syarikat Ansell NP telah memecat Timbalan Pengerusi Cawangan (NUECMRP)
dan 9 ahli kesatuan yang mengambil bahagian dalam piket tersebut.
9. Presiden dan Setiausaha Kesatuan
Pekerja-pekerja Trinekiens telah dipecat bagi mengeluarkan pekeliling
kesatuan untuk boikot Sambutan Hari Keluarga.
Senarai-senarai diatas adalah beberapa
kes di mana pekerja telah dipecat dan diambil tindakan disiplin oleh
majikan-majikan mereka kerana penglibatan mereka dalam aktiviti-aktiviti
Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, seksyen 5 memperjelaskan bahawa:
The Industrial Relations Act
1967, section 5 – Prohibition on employers and their trade unions in
respect of certain acts’ provides that ‘…(1) No employer
or trade union of employers, and no person action on behalf of an
employer or such trade union shall-(a) impose any condition in a
contract of employment seeking to restrain the right of a person who is a
party to the contract to join a trade union, or to continue his
membership in a trade union;(b) refuse to employ any person on the
ground that he is or is not a
member or an officer of a trade union;(c) discriminate against any
person in regard to employment, promotion, any condition of employment
or working conditions on the ground that he is or is not a member or
officer of a trade union;(d) dismiss or threaten to dismiss a workman,
injure or threaten to injure him in his employment or alter or threaten
to alter his position to his prejudice by reason that the workman- (i)
is or proposes to become, or seeks to persuade any other person to
become, a member or officer of a trade union; or (ii) participates in
the promotion, formation or activities of a trade union; or (e) induce a
person to refrain from becoming or to cease to be a member or officer
of a trade union by conferring or offering to confer any advantage on or
by procuring or offering to procure any advantage for any person….’ Peruntukan
ini kini memberi perlindungan terhadap pemecatan, tindakan disiplin
dan/atau diskriminasi terhadap ahli kesatuan tetapi didapati masih tidak
Kerajaan sering melaungkan keharmonian
industri, dan mempromosikan penggunaan mekanisme aduan tetapi
ketidakadilan sering berlaku kerana peniaga-peniaga dan majikan terus
mementingkan keuntungan, manakala pekerja-pekerja diberhentikan
dibiarkan merana tanpa pekerjaan dan pendapatan yang menjejaskan
kebajikan dan kesejahteraan pekerja dan keluarga mereka. Proses bagi
menyelesaikan kes pemberhentian mengambil waktu bertahun-tahun untuk
diselesaikan dan ramai dikalangan mereka tidak dapat kembali ke jawatan
mereka pada peringkat akhir penyelesaian.
Pendaftaran kesatuan dan pengiktirafan
mengambil masa terlalu lama, apatah lagi majikan membuat permohonan
bagi semakkan kehakiman dan rayuan kepada mahkamah. Kelewatan ini,
tertangguh bertahun-tahun dan sekaligus menafikan hak pekerja dari
tertakluk kepada fungsi penuh KESATUAN SEKERJA dan memperolehi manfaat
dari Perjanjian Bersama.
Apa yang paling membimbangkan ialah beberapa tindakan ‘union busting‘ sedang dilakukan oleh syarikat-syarikat milik kerajaan Malaysia atau syarikat yang ada hubungkait seperti KTMB, MAS, WESTPORT dan DRB-HICOM.
1. Mengakhiri segala bentuk aktiviti union busting, dan menghormati serta promosi hak-hak asasi pekerja;
2. Memperkenalkan lebih undang-undang yang lebih berkesan yang akan menghalang majikan dari melakukan ‘union busting‘,
memecat atau mengambil tindakan disiplin terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin
kesatuan dan ahli kesatuan yang menyertai kegiatan kesatuan. Majikan
harus menghentikan tindakan mengambil tindakan undang-undang dan
disiplin terhadap pemimpin dan ahli kesatuan yang melakukan
aktiviti-aktiviti kesatuan, mempromosikan hak-hak pekerja, dan berjuang
menegakkan ketidakadilan di tempat kerja;
3. Salah laku Pekerjaan perlu secara
tegas dihadkan kepada salah laku yang berkaitan dengan tempat kerja, dan
bukannya menghalang kegiatan kesatuan dan pekerja yang menuntut hak
serta menegakkan keadilan atau mempromosikan hak asasi pekerja;
4. Memulihkan dan mengambil semula
kerja semua pemimpin kesatuan dan anggota yang telah dipecat, ditamatkan
kerja, dihentikan, digantung kerja dan dikenakan tindakan disiplin
kerana terlibat dalam aktiviti kesatuan;
5. Mempercepatkan proses pendaftaran dan pengiktirafan kesatuan sekerja;
6. Mempercepatkan proses menyelesaikan pertikaian perhubungan perusahaan dan kes-kes pemberhentian kerja serta salahlaku;
7. Menamatkan segala bentuk kegiatan UNION BUSTING.
Bagi maklumat lanjut sila hubungi Sdra. N. Gopal Kishnam (Setiausaha Agung MTUC) H/P: 019-3174717.
Source: MTUC Website

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