When, a Deputy Minister responds that she has not prepared the answer to an oral question tabled in Parliament - it is SHOCKING - is she qualified to be a Deputy Minister?
Why was the Deputy Minister answering questions in Parliament - Parliament questions are commonly addressed to the Minister, i.e. in this case, the Minister is Fadhlina Sidek. Why was she, the Minister, not answering the Parliamentary question herself? Why was her Deputy Minister answering the questions? Was Fadhlina Sidek even in Parliament on that day?
Now, when it comes to Parliamentary Questions, after the answer is given to the question(which are submitted some time even before the Parliamentary Session begins), the person who asked the question has the right to ask a FURTHER question, which the Minister will have to answer. Then, there will be a couple of additional question on the subject matter by other MPs in the house..
Was Lim Hui Ying, the Deputy Minister, standing in because the Minister lacked the capacity to deal with the further or follow-up questions after the answer to oral questions given? I wonder ....because this requires understanding and preparation to be able to answer on the spot..
Now, for these follow-up oral questions - well, a complete answer may not be possible at times - and it is OK for the Minister to say that a more detailed reply will follow later in written form....BUT, to not be able the original oral question, long submitted to the Minister, it is a TOTAL EMBARASSMENT.
After all, these answers normally are prepared by the Ministry staff, who is always ever ready to brief the Minister so that he/she will have a good grasp of the subject matter - sufficient to be able to deal with any follow-up questions.
Look at the justification given.....It is LAME - The Minister should be prepared to answer ALL Oral questions listed on the Agenda of the Day - To prepare just for the earlier questions, in the belief that there will be no time for the other questions is LAME - it is an insult to the Parliamentarians and Parliament - It is an attitude unbecoming of a Minister or a member of the Cabinet.
Lim Hui Ying, what have you been doing that you failed in your obligations...
She[Lim Swee Kuan, who is Hui Ying’s special duties officer] said the typical process of preparing responses was based on the maximum number of questions that could be answered by all ministries during ministers’ questions time, which was usually between 11 and 13 questions in 90 minutes.
“We prepared detailed answers for three questions, which were questions four, eight and 11. The deputy minister answered all three questions in the House,” she said in a statement.
Swee Kuan said question 16, which was submitted by Perikatan Nasional’s Ahmad Marzuk Shaary, had been “unexpected”.
Replies to ALL oral questions must be prepared - not just some because you believe that time will run out before the MP will be able to ask his/her question.
So, was the selection of Lim Hui Ying as candidate for MP - an act of 'nepotism' > despite not having the needed requirements to be a good MP? Was your selection to Cabinet also the same?
Will Minister Fadhlina Sidek(from PKR) explain why she was not there answering the questions in Parliament? Why did you not step in to help out your Deputy Minister?
MPs raise questions to different Ministers - and when you know that one or more of this questions will be directed to you, the Minister, it is only good manners to be there in Parliament.
Remember that Parliament's role is to 'check and balance' the executive. When a Minister is absent, then is it not a mark of disrespect to Parliament?
Earlier, opposition MPs voiced their protest when Lim told the House she had yet to prepare a response to a question from Ahmad Marzuk Shaary (PN-Pengkalan Chepa).
Ahmad had asked about the education ministry’s plans to ensure students received nutritious meals in school.
How familiar are Ministers about matters that come under their Ministry? Do they only 'learn' when there is a question that requires an oral answer in Parliament.
The question was about '...education ministry's plan to ensure students received nutrition meals in schools' - and our Deputy Minister cannot answer?
Media and journalist, and others, must always ask Ministers and Deputy Ministers questions about matters concerning their Ministry - as it is, the past practice, meeting with the media will be simply be reading out or handing out media statements/press releases, and then many Ministers simply avoid on the spot questions from the press...
This is a sad state of affairs of the Malaysian executive - Did Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim even consider qualifications and ability before 'advising' the King to appoint this or that Minister? Or was it just based on 'quota' of political parties?
Should we REFORM the process of choosing Ministers and Deputy Ministers - The Prime Minister could forward the proposed names, and then the said candidate will be subjected to a 'public' interview by a Parliamentary Select Committee, and maybe others >>> this process may help Malaysia get suitable persons to be Ministers and Deputy Ministers?
Minister Vetting by Parliament - where the Prime Minister setting names of potential or nominated Cabinet Ministers, etc and Parliament and the public will vet. This is to ensure that only the truly qualified be appointed to become a Minister or Deputy Minister. After all, Minister and Deputy Ministers have a LOT OF POWER that they can exercise without requiring consent of the Prime Minister or Cabinet. So, it very dangerous for a non-qualified non-clean MP or Senator to be appointed to the Cabinet.
Ghana's parliament will begin vetting a list of minister-designates of President John Evans Atta-Mills today in the capital, Accra. The parliament appointments committee will begin vetting all 35 executives nominated by the president for various ministerial positions. The minister designates are expected to take turns answering questions from members of the appointments committee about themselves and the various ministries they would be managing. Parliament also urged members of the public with information or questions for any of the minister-designates to make them available to the committee before the vetting process begins today.The public participation may also lead to information that the Prime Minister or Parliament not being aware of.
Should a similar process also be used to appointments to statutory bodies, government owned entities, GLCs -
With regard to Lim Hui Ying and even Minister Fadhlina Sidek, will Parliament or the relevant committee make a determination?
Deputy minister reprimanded for not being prepared in Dewan Rakyat
Lim Hui Ying did not have an answer to an MP’s query on school meals during minister’s question time.

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy education minister Lim Hui Ying was reprimanded for her failure to prepare a response to a query during minister’s question time in the Dewan Rakyat today.
“This is not good. This scenario should not have happened,” deputy speaker Ramli Nor told Lim.“I hope the government will take note of this.”
Earlier, opposition MPs voiced their protest when Lim told the House she had yet to prepare a response to a question from Ahmad Marzuk Shaary (PN-Pengkalan Chepa).
Ahmad had asked about the education ministry’s plans to ensure students received nutritious meals in school.
‘Extra’ question caught deputy minister by surprise, says aide
Lim Hui Ying’s special duties officer says they had prepared detailed answers for three queries.

PETALING JAYA: An officer to Lim Hui Ying has sought to explain the
deputy education minister’s failure to prepare a response to a query
during ministers’ question time in the Dewan Rakyat today.
Lim Swee Kuan, who is Hui Ying’s special duties officer, said it was “something out of the ordinary” and apologised for the incident.
She said the typical process of preparing responses was based on the maximum number of questions that could be answered by all ministries during ministers’ questions time, which was usually between 11 and 13 questions in 90 minutes.
“We prepared detailed answers for three questions, which were questions four, eight and 11. The deputy minister answered all three questions in the House,” she said in a statement.
Swee Kuan said question 16, which was submitted by Perikatan Nasional’s Ahmad Marzuk Shaary, had been “unexpected”.
“We will take more proactive measures to prevent this from happening again,” she said.
Earlier, deputy speaker Ramli Nor reprimanded Hui Ying for her failure to prepare a response to Marzuk’s question.
Ramli said the incident should not have happened and expressed hope that the government will take note of this.
Opposition MPs voiced their protest when Hui Ying told the House she had yet to prepare a response.
Marzuk, the Pengkalan Chepa MP, had asked about the education ministry’s plans to ensure students received nutritious meals in school.
Hui Ying apologised and said she would not repeat her mistake. - FMT, 27/3/2023
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