Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Does PM Anwar and Federal Government have the right to represent Peninsular Malaysia States at MA63 discussions with Sabah/Sarawak? Should States be involved in the discussions?

MA63 - that was an agreement involving the Federation of Malaya(The Peninsular Malaysia States), Sabah, Sarawak and others..

The Federation of Malaysia was formed following the merger of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak on 16 September 1963.

Then, the Prime Minister of Malaya represented all Peninsular Malaysia States at the table... 

But, now we are again discussing MA63, and the Peninsular Malaysia States are ABSENT - Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the current government today represents the whole of Malaysia - and thus do not have the capacity to represent Peninsular Malaysia States anymore - unless the Peninsular Malaysia States met and authorised specifically that Anwar and his government can still act on behalf of the Peninsular Malaysia States >>> I do not think that happened.

Thus, it is only proper and right that all the States of Peninsular Malaysia are represented at this discussion, representing their own States.

Why is this important? Because the discussions involving the giving of MORE MONIES, etc to Sabah and Sarawak - which means a loss of monies to the Peninsular Malaysia States and its people... So, only the States of Peninsular Malaysia can agree to this...not the PM Anwar Ibrahim's Federal government of Malaysia.

The involvement of ALL Peninsular Malaysia States also gives the opportunity for the States to re-discuss State rights and allocations.  

Being a Federation, States may want to lay claim to a certain percentage of Federal Funds..

States may want to lay claim to LOCAL GOVERNMENTS within their States - the power to decide whether to have Local Government Elections or NOT, the power to have access to Local Government Funds(or Part of It).

States may want to lay claim Public Transport Licenses - thus allowing States to issue licenses to operators of public transport within their own respective States. Now, licensing and approval are controlled by the Federal Government - hence when Selangor and Penang were Opposition Controlled States - they could not secure needed public transport licences to operate busses, taxis, motor-bike taxis, etc within their own State..

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