Re-tendered - the question is WHY? Was there no one that was successful in the earlier tender exercise? OR did the government find something WRONG with the tender process, or the company that was chosen? What exactly was wrong - don't Malaysians deserve to know? Was it because the company that was successful was 'linked' to the previous parties in power, the previous Minister, etc...Why the re-awarding of the flood mitigation projects?
If there was something wrong, Malaysians deserve to know. Will the wrongdoers be punished according to law? Is there a law in place that can be used - or do we need a law governing the consideration and awarding of tenders?
Even in open tenders, there is always the risk of 'WRONGS"
- The process of evaluating of the different tenders was defective. Bribes or even 'orders from bosses' can determine the kind of results of evaluation of the companies in contention.
- The final selection could also be tainted with corruption > note that public officers have PUBLIC OFFICERS (CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE) REGULATIONS 1993PU(A) 395/1993, however the Ministers and Cabinet Members do not have a similar regulations - should Regulation 1993 be extended to Ministers, Deputy Ministers, etc? One wonders whether 'donations' to some Ministers, political parties or to connected charities or organizations is connected to tenders/projects?
- Of course, companies that failed to get a project could resort to court action - even judicial review. Projects should be awarded on merit rather than 'who you know?'
- The availability of positive discrimination for, say 'bumiputra companies' may also result in not the BEST company getting the project. Was there a preference in the earlier awarding, or was there a failure to consider this preference?
HENCE, there should be transparency - as to WHY the re-awarding of tenders?
NEXT issue - it should always be OPEN TENDER, whereby in the consideration whether an applicant has past good records and experience will be a positive point.
SELECTIVE TENDERING - on the other hand, is where the government invites tenders from selected companies only. Others cannot compete to get the project.
A selective tendering process only allows suppliers who are known for their track records to submit tenders by invitation.
The worst, of course, is directly awarding the project to a company > hence no competition at all.
The best option is always OPEN TENDER - so the government should go by way of OPEN TENDER, not selective tendering or direct awarding.
CORRUPT FREE - corruption should be eliminated in the tender process, and the successful company should not be gifting the Minister, his political party, his family members or ... in any way at all.
We have too many projects that were never completed --- by reason of 'ran out of monies', and past governments have simply just pumped in more monies. This must stop especially when it is the rakyat's monies that are involved.
Blacklisting of Directors, Major Shareholders must be considered - it is useless to just blacklist a company, for it is so easy for the same people to simply form a NEW company to get future government projects...
‘Selective tendering’ utilised in re-awarding flood mitigation projects
Deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says this will speed up the implementation of the six projects which are being re-tendered.
FMT Reporters - 26 Feb 2023, 6:44pm

PETALING JAYA: Deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi does not expect the re-tendering process for the six flood mitigation projects to take too long as the project areas involved and scope of work have been identified.
Zahid, who is also the National Disaster Management Committee (Nadma) chairman, said the process has also been hastened as the government is using the “selective tendering process”.
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A selective tendering process only allows suppliers who are known for their track records to submit tenders by invitation.
“In my opinion, the re-tendering process for these six flood mitigation projects will not take too long because we are using selective tendering.
“Therefore, the procurement method will be studied carefully,” Bernama reported him as saying after a working visit to Kesedar in Gua Musang today.
The projects include flood-mitigation work at Sungai Johor and Kota Tinggi in Johor; the construction of the Sungai Klang-Sungai Rasau dual-function reservoir in Selangor; and the Sungai Golok Integrated River Basin Development Phase 3 in Kelantan.
Zahid, who is also the rural and regional development minister, has instructed the Nadma director-general to expedite the payment of compassionate cash aid to eligible flood victims.
“My instruction to Nadma is that the payment is to be given as soon as the flood victims return home. The aid can be used to repair damaged household items,” he said. - FMT, 26/2/2023
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