It is settled that when it comes to upholding the cause of justice without fear or favour, it is immaterial whether a nation state is classified as 'Christian, Muslim or Hindu', or the religion on what the majority of the population is.
At the end of the day, there are good nations and they are bad nations, and there are maybe 'undecided nations'.
Even within nations, there are good/just people and 'others'. Let us not forget that there are many Israeli citizens that are for the Palestinian cause - and and calling for the end of occupation of Palestine.
Malaysia's PM Anwar Ibrahim sadly demonstrated a 'bias' based on religion - when he wrongly acted as though he believed that the 'Muslim' nations would act(or maybe even 'lead) to finally bring about justice for the Palestinian people. And so there were 'special visits'(utilizing the peoples' monies) to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc... HE WAS SO WRONG.
At the recent joint meeting of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the TRUE NATURE of these countries came to light - they(including Malaysia) seem ONLY committed to calling for ceasefire and access to humanitarian aid - and will not even threaten 'further actions' if Israel do not comply with their plea.
The only practical proposal – a non-violent plan, at that – came from Iran's Raisi.In his speech, he urged Muslim countries to immediately stop the supply of oil and gas to the Zionist entity, to cut off diplomatic ties, and to stop their airspace from being used by Israeli planes.
In the end, though, the OIC came out with meaningless statements.
The could have 'suspended diplomatic relationship' - They could have imposed 'trade sanctions'-They could have disallowed Israel to use their air space..
It is a tragedy of our time that not one of the handful of Muslim governments with diplomatic relations with Israel could so much as cut these ties, despite their rhetoric at home in the form of large state-sponsored rallies in support of Palestinians.
Even President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the man out to rebrand Turkey as a Muslim superpower on the ruins of its past Ottoman glory, stopped short of severing ties with Israel.
This is unlike Bolivia, a country in South America, which announced it was cutting ties with Israel, joining several other non-Muslim governments which have condemned Israel's barbaric acts over the years.
As such, the Malaysian PM should have rather reached out to the good nations, irrespective of whether they are Muslim or not to push for justice for Palestine.
Anwar should not done or said things that may 'sideline' good nations or create prejudice against them
I wonder WHY Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim even claimed that he had been threatened by Western
powers over his criticism of the Israeli government following the war
in Gaza. Remember there are about 70 Western nations here - and is it not wrong to create a bad image of so many nations - when at the end, there was maybe just 2 or 3 persons(or nation state) from the West that 'threatened' - On pressure for clarification, he revealed that Malaysia(not Anwar personally) had received some 'usual' diplomatic protest notes from the US..but he did not, I believe, yet revealed the specific names of any other nations. Did Anwar LIE - or is he 'keeping silent' about the names of the other countries for some reason?
- Anwar reveals US 'demarche' - so any other pressure from other
States? Did Malaysia send protest notes to US, and other countries?
At the very least, when anyone 'threatened' our Prime Minister or representative of Malaysia, Malaysia must have the PRIDE to at least sent an official 'demarche' - has Malaysian done even this?
As PRIME MINISTER, Anwar needs to behave well - as it reflects on Malaysia and all Malaysians...
So, with regard his negative remarks about Western powers that also may promote anti-Western feeling in Malaysia - Anwar MUST REMEDY this. Let us not prolong negative perception against GOOD Western nations ...
Anwar's actions on the Palestinian issue may have given the impression of Anwar supporting the division of the global community - into Muslim and Non-Muslim, which no one desires as we all strive for ONE world.
Now, after the Arab League and OIC meet, should not our Prime Minister 'criticize' these countries like Arab Saudi and Turkey who failed to act without fear or favour to uphold Justice for Palestine....OR is Anwar the same - all bark no bite.
There is much concern that at the meet, Anwar seems to stop short at calling for ceasefire and humanitarian aid >>>NOT EVEN THE CALL FOR AN END OF OCCUPATION???
Best that Anwar brings the matter to Malaysian Parliament to decide our stance on Palestine - I believed that Malaysia wanted much much more --- the immediate withdrawal of Israel back to borders of 1948, End of Occupation of West Bank and Jerusalem...
Is Prime Minister Anwar AFRAID of the US? - Why is he not taking action against the US YET?
Is Anwar also ALL BARK AND NO BITE when it comes to the Palestine issue??
On, the Palestinian Issue, Malaysia must stay the course until Israel withdraws back to its 1948 Borders at least, and Occupation of West Bank and Jerusalem ends..
See some earlier relevant posts:-
Palestinian Issue - Independence? 2-State Solution? British created problem? UN membership?
Muhyidin's statement on Palestine is not sufficient to address 'forced eviction' of Palestinians, illegal settlement of Israelis and other fundamental issues?
GAZA : An understanding of history helps - Boycott good way to express ourself
Palestine - Anwar reveals US 'demarche' - so any other pressure from other States? Did Malaysia send protest notes to US, and other countries?
PALESTINE - Speedy resolution for a people who have been 'oppressed' since World War 1 - End Occupation.
Palestinian Crisis - Forgotten with the ceasefire? Fundamental HR violations in Palestine and the UN? Free and Fair Elections? Democracy?
500 protest in front US Embassy on 2nd October?
Ceasefire in Gaza - but Boycott of American Products must continue until justice is done..
Nov 11, the day that Muslim leaders betrayed the Palestinians again
Israel has not lost any sleep listening to speeches by Muslim leaders from Indonesia to Morocco.
Nov 11 saw millions of people in Western cities marching to press their governments to stop their involvement in Israel's slaughter of Palestinians.
On the same day, a joint meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) took place in Saudi Arabia, with hopes that at least some practical steps could be agreed on to end the genocidal campaign in Gaza, which has killed more than 11,000 civilians, including over 4,000 children.
With the exception of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, none of the more than 50 heads of state addressed the elephant in the room: the oil-rich Arab and Muslim states in the region who were best placed to pressure Israel and its Western backers through diplomatic and economic means.
It is a tragedy of our time that not one of the handful of Muslim governments with diplomatic relations with Israel could so much as cut these ties, despite their rhetoric at home in the form of large state-sponsored rallies in support of Palestinians.
Even President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the man out to rebrand Turkey as a Muslim superpower on the ruins of its past Ottoman glory, stopped short of severing ties with Israel.
This is unlike Bolivia, a country in South America, which announced it was cutting ties with Israel, joining several other non-Muslim governments which have condemned Israel's barbaric acts over the years.
The truth is, Israel has not lost any sleep listening to speeches at the OIC meeting by leaders from Indonesia to Morocco, including Malaysia, where Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim failed to shine despite a blatant propaganda campaign at home to portray him as a champion of the Palestinian cause.
Like most leaders, Anwar who several times boasted about his "one-on-one" meetings with key Muslim leaders, including Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman, repeated condemnation of the Israeli atrocities and the call for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza – but little else.
There was no mention of supplying weapons to Palestinian fighters, similar to the response of Malaysia and many others during the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia in the 1990s.
But when major and more "daring" Muslim leaders cannot offer even polite exhortations to their brother rulers to cut diplomatic ties with Israel and impose oil sanctions, we cannot expect much from Anwar, who unlike his predecessor Dr Mahathir Mohamad, is not a man with some level of influence in the Muslim world.
But this small act on his part would have made no difference, since, as he has claimed, he has already been threatened by Western powers for standing up to Israel.
So what practical step did the latest OIC meeting propose, as tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians continue to be bombarded in their homes?
The only practical proposal – a non-violent plan, at that – came from Iran's Raisi.
In his speech, he urged Muslim countries to immediately stop the supply of oil and gas to the Zionist entity, to cut off diplomatic ties, and to stop their airspace from being used by Israeli planes.
In the end, though, the OIC came out with meaningless statements.
Several Arab governments, including host Saudi Arabia, rejected clauses demanding the severance of all ties with Israel, as well as to prevent US bases in their countries from transferring US military equipment to Israel.
Also missing from the final statement was any mention of cutting economic ties with Israel, namely the use of oil as a means of leverage, and the banning of flights to and from Israel through Arab airspace.
According to Israel's Channel 12, Saudi Arabia along with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Mauritania, Djibouti, Jordan and Egypt – all of whom have ties with Israel – rejected these clauses.
While millions of Palestinians wake up every morning surprised that they are still alive in the ruins of their homes, the OIC leaders returned after issuing meaningless statements.
Ceasefire and humanitarian corridors for aid – these are convenient calls at a time when Israel and its chief guardian, the US, have made it clear that there will not be any such moves.
Sure, between the 57 countries, they have enough military might and missiles to obliterate Israel from the face of the earth.
But this is not what Muslims realistically expect them to do, not when they are aware that a majority of their governments are inept, and some of them in the clutches of Uncle Sam.
Nov 11 will go down as yet another day when Muslim leaders betrayed the Palestinians. Malaysia Now, 14/11/2023
Mahathir: Muslim leaders stripped of dignity, culpable for genocide of Palestinians
The former leader delivers a scathing attack on the recent Arab-Islamic summit's failure to come up with an action plan against Israel.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has slammed Arab and Muslim governments over their failure to come out with a concrete action plan to stop the ongoing attacks against Palestinians in Gaza, saying the outcome of their recent meeting in Saudi Arabia only made them "culpable over the genocide".
Mahathir, who during his rule had ruffled Western governments over his strongly worded attacks on their policies in the Muslim world, said the joint summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation last week only showed how humiliated the Muslim leaders were.
He also paid tribute to Palestinians including medical workers who had stayed put in Gaza and risked their lives to treat the wounded.
"Many died but they will live on as martyrs and heroes. Instead, it is Muslim and Arab leaders who are being stripped of their dignity as Israel, the US and their Western allies continue to 'humour' them but never take them seriously," said Mahathir.
The Riyadh summit on Nov 11, which was also attended by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, ended without any final agreement by more than 50 heads of government to take practical steps to stop the Israeli military action, which has so far killed more than 10,000 civilians including some 4,000 children.
It was widely reported that a proposal by Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi for Gulf countries to impose economic and oil sanction on Israel as well as to ban Israel from using their airspace was shot down by Saudi Arabia alongside UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Mauritania, Djibouti, Jordan and Egypt.
Adding that he was "utterly disappointed" by the summit's outcome, Mahathir said with the exception of some leaders, most of them were "playing it safe so that consensus could not be reached – other than the meaningless diplomatic appeal".
"With that, the Palestinians are left at the mercy of Israel, the US and its Western allies. And they are as culpable as Israel over the genocide," he added.
'Western response consistent with past cruelties'
The 98-year-old former prime minister, who ruled Malaysia twice and continues to be a prominent voice in current affairs, said the Israeli treatment of Palestinians was by far the worst colonial atrocities he had witnessed in his lifetime.
"I have witnessed the cruelties and atrocities of colonialism, the arrogance of the colonialists and the hypocrisy of powerful nations.
"But the arrogance of Israel, its barbarity and colossal disregard for human values equals and most times surpassed the horrors committed during the colonial past," he said.
He said despite the well documented sufferings of Palestinians, leaders in the West especially the US and Britain still stood behind Israel.
"These horrors perpetrated by the Israelis are brought right into our living room as we watched them on news channels and other sources of information on social media platforms.
"Then we ask ourselves, surely leaders of the Western world, the US and the UK in particular, have access to the same graphic images – of children and babies being killed, dying horrific, suffocating deaths in rubbles of bombed buildings," he added.
He said with the Western's powers own colonial past, their current stance with regard to Palestine should not come as surprise.
"It is actually a consistent trait of leaders from these nations who are imperialists.
"If we today discover that, to these leaders, the lives of Palestinians are of no consequence – it was likewise to them with the lives of Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Koreans, Africans, Irish, Malays, Indians, Aborigines and Native Americans."
He said the hands of Western powers "are as bloodied as that of the Israelis with the blood of Palestinian children and babies".
"The world must be reminded that the genocide had never ceased since the illegal creation of Israel and that it is funded and armed and fully blessed by leaders of these nations." - Malaysia Now, 17/11/2023
On Gaza and the vested interests and failures of Arab-Muslim countries
The fundamental issue is the continuous supply of weapons by the industrial military complex in the US and the West which Arabs leaders are dependent on.
There is a spiritual saying in the Catholic intellectual tradition: Consistency in the moral life and goodness is not a function of always doing the same thing, but rather of doing the right thing.
Doing the same thing is what characterises the response of world leaders on the Palestinian cause, particularly Arab-Muslim leaders in the OIC.
It is no surprise that Arab and Muslim leaders are only able to condemn Israeli forces as "barbaric" in their actions in Gaza but decline to approve punitive economic and political steps against the country over its war against Hamas.
It is obvious that the outcome of a joint summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Saudi capital highlighted regional divisions over how to respond to the war, even as fears mounted that it could draw in other countries.
The fact is the prominent and wealthier Arab leaders are reluctant to impose economic sanctions against Israel due to its dependence on the US for military hardware and technology for their own regional interests, beside the intertwined economic relations with the US that has Israel onboard.
Mere condemnation and asking for a ceasefire have fallen on deaf ears and conscientious world leaders should take appropriate action against an apartheid regime for its continuous colonisation and aggression against the Palestinian people.
The fundamental issue that needs to be tackled here is the continuous supply of weapons by the industrial military complex in the US and the West which Arabs leaders are dependent on, besides Zionist influence in the economy that benefits the Arab elites.
In 2022, the Biden administration approved two massive arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to help them defend against Iran.
The more than US$5 billion in missile defence and related sales follow President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East, during which he met with numerous regional leaders in Saudi Arabia.
This comes in a context where Saudi Arabia and the UAE were hit by rocket attacks from the Iran-backed Houthi rebel movement in Yemen.
According to Reuters reports, economic and trade cooperation is a key
driver of the UAE's 2020 normalisation of relations with Israel which
broke with decades of Arab policy towards the Palestinian cause
has been a comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the
countries entered into effect, removing or reducing tariffs on more than
96% of products, according to UAE state news agency WAM.
Signed in May 2022 and deemed a "historic moment" by the UAE ambassador to Israel, it is Israel's first free trade agreement with an Arab state.
It is a pity that protests against Israel in Malaysia have taken the form of ethno-religiosity that tend to address issues affecting Palestinians as between the Muslim world on one side and the West and Israel on the other side, and are blinded by the actions of global Muslim elites whose actions have benefitted Israel.
It’s time for world leaders to be truthful on the role of the industrial military complex led by the US that fuels war in the Middle East and the economic relations between Arab Elites and Israel which is critical to resolving the long-standing issues of security and stability in the middle east.
Countries that oppose US hegemony and Zionism such as Iran, and Syria continue to pay a heavy economic price due to their resistance.
Are the OIC and Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE capable of solving the Palestinian issue?
The answer is clearly no, and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is basically wasting his precious time as prime minister engaging Arab-Muslim leaders, whose behaviour is a foregone conclusion.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of MalaysiaNow. - Malaysia Now, 13/11/2023
I was threatened over Israel criticism, says Anwar
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says he remains steadfast behind the Palestinian cause.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim claims he had been threatened by Western powers over his criticism of the Israeli government following the war in Gaza.
“I will not be cowed and will remain steadfastly behind the Palestinian people,” he said at a rally held at the Axiata Arena here in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Also present were agriculture and food security minister Mohamad Sabu, communications and digital minister Fahmi Fadzil, and deputy finance ministers Ahmad Maslan and Steven Sim.
Anwar also denounced Western governments that backed Israel despite the many atrocities by the Israeli government, including bombing hospitals and destroying schools, describing these acts to be the “height of barbarism”.
Anwar had earlier this month taken the West to task for its hypocritical stance towards the conflict when they enquired whether Putrajaya would condemn Hamas.
Israel declared war on Hamas following the group’s surprise attack on several locations in Israel on Oct 7.
Following the constant bombardment of Gaza by Israel, the death toll has surpassed 5,000, with nearly half of them children. Over 15,000 have been left injured.
Anwar said during his visit to several Middle Eastern nations over the past few days, their leaders expressed great respect for Malaysia.
“It means they hope that we do something more. Not to treat this issue as an Arab issue but as an Islamic and humanitarian issue,” he added.
However, Anwar admitted that even though Malaysia and other countries are doing their utmost to find a solution, it will not be easy, and conditions may worsen.
Meanwhile, Fahmi said he was informed by the foreign ministry about a special session scheduled for Oct 26 at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
The request made by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and supported by Malaysia and several other countries, has been accepted and will be discussed in the session soon.
“Malaysia will play an active role. This is a significant honour and recognition, affirming Malaysia’s unwavering commitment to the cause of Palestinian freedom and justice for its people, especially in the face of the injustices committed by Israel,” he told reporters before leaving the venue.
It is believed that about 10,000 people attended the rally at the indoor stadium in Bukit Jalil. - FMT, 24/10/2023
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