Friday, August 16, 2024

Will Malaysian Students be Inspired by the Bangladesh Students who managed to kick out a bad Prime Minister? What do Malaysian students think about PM Anwar Ibrahim?

It is important that Malaysians understand what led to ousting  of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. It was the student protest in response to a QUOTA system that was discriminatory. Many may be confused when the issue of racial discrimination and violence against ethnic minorities (Hindus, ...) is now being raised. Is it ethnic discrimination or just clashes between those that ousted the Prime Minister, and those who still support the ousted Prime Minister? One must be critical about media reports, including those in Malaysia, as some prefer to paint it as ethnic enmities/conflicts rather than it being anti-government because of the QUOTA system and government failings.

The protests stem from long-running resentment over a quota system that saw 56% of government positions in Bangladesh reserved for various groups, including 30% for the descendants of freedom fighters who fought in the 1971 War of Independence.

This quota system has proved an enormous barrier to highly coveted civil service positions for the country’s large youth population, many of whom are unemployed....It had also become a subject of controversy due to how many of those quota jobs went to supporters of the ruling Awami League party.

Was it just the QUOTA issue that caused the fall of government? No, it was not...

Lack of opportunities, high unemployment rates among youth and soaring inflation have been ongoing sources of tension.  ...Suppression of dissent has also grown. The harassment and detention of activists, opposition figures and human rights defenders have become more frequent. Meanwhile, there has been criminalization of any criticism of the government, including satire and social media posts.

This is also RELEVANT for Malaysia - as many in Malaysia too there are similar issues of discontent in Malaysia. 

The discontent with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the government is GROWING. Unlike previous Prime Ministers, people expected so much REFORM and changes when they decided to shift support from the UMNO/BN led coalition(who was  in power since 1957 until GE14) to Pakatan Harapan. 

ANGER and discontent rises when Anwar Ibrahim's government has been seeing abandoning the promised REFORMS, and seem to be adopting and continuing on with the then unjust BN policies and practices.

The once strong 'student power' in Malaysia seem to have disappeared - students today no longer champion for the causes of the people and the poor. They seem to have become 'self-centered' and are focusing on their studies, just like what the government had always wanted. Of late, the issues Malaysian students raised is academic freedom and freedom of association/expression and peaceful assembly in Universities. Did they forget that they are Malaysians, and members of the Global Community? Should they not be raising issues and taking public stances on the many issues in Malaysia? Should they not be taking stance on what is happening in Palestine, Myanmar, Bangladesh, too - after all, they have been acknowledged with the VOTE - Undi-18?

For Malaysia, our Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was silent about the protests that led to the killing of more than 266 students and others, and thousands injured. A violation of one's right to PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY and other human rights.

I believe that the first time Anwar spoke out was to CONGRATULATE Dr Muhammad Yunus on his recent appointment as chief adviser to the interim government of Bangladesh. 

Then after Malaysians, individuals and groups, pushed for the concern that minorities were at risk, Anwar spoke up again saying that Yunus has given him the assurance -  'The Malaysian Prime Minister added, “I am very pleased that Prof Yunus has given his assurances to protect the rights of all Bangladeshis, including minorities.' 

We want a Prime Minister who is committed to JUSTICE and Human Rights, and will speak up when injustices and violations of human rights happens in Malaysia, or in anywhere else in the world.

Will the Malaysian Students be inspired by the Bangladesh students, and start speaking out against injustices and human rights violations? Will they speak their VIEW on policies and law reforms - or will they continue being SILENT? 


Violent clashes over quota system in govt jobs leave scores injured in Bangladesh

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  • Bangladesh
  • Tuesday, 16 Jul 2024

Students clash over quota system at Jahangir Nagar University at Savar outside Dhaka, Bangladesh on July15, 2024. - AP

DHAKA, Bangladesh: Police fired tear gas and charged with batons during violent clashes between a pro-government student body and student protesters overnight, leaving dozens injured at a public university outside Bangladesh’s capital, police and students said on Tuesday (July 16).

The violence spread early Tuesday at Jahangir Nagar University in Savar, outside Dhaka, where the protesters were demanding an end to a government job quota for family members of heroes who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971.

The quota system also reserves government jobs for women, disabled people and ethnic minority groups. The system was suspended in 2018, which brought similar protests to a halt at the time. But in a decision last month, Bangladesh's High Court asked for the 30% quota for veterans' descendants to be restored.

That triggered fresh protests, with demonstrators supporting the 6% quota for disabled people and ethnic groups but not for the descendants of the independence war heroes.

The Supreme Court last week halted the High Court’s order for four weeks and the chief justice asked the protesters to return to their classes. The Supreme Court said it would decide on the issue after four weeks, and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the issue is in the hands of the Supreme Court now.

But the protests have continued daily, halting traffic in Dhaka.

More than 50 people were treated overnight at Enam Medical College Hospital near Jahangir Nagar University as the violence continued for hours, said Ali Bin Solaiman, a medical officer of the hospital. He said at least 30 of them suffered pellet wounds.

The protesters accused the Bangladesh Chhatra League, a student wing of the ruling Awami League party of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, of attacking their peaceful protests early Tuesday. The protesters had taken position in front of the official residence of the vice chancellor of the university early Tuesday, and media reports said later violence spread while police and the ruling party-backed student wing attacked them.

Abdullahil Kafi, a senior police official, told the country’s leading English-language newspaper Daily Star that they fired tear gas and "blank rounds” as the protesters attacked the police. He said up to 15 police officers were injured.

The overnight violence followed Monday’s violence in Dhaka University, the country’s leading public university, as clashes gripped the campus in Dhaka. More than 100 students were injured in the clashes in Dhaka on Monday, police said.

The protesters in Dhaka said they would demonstrate on Tuesday too.

Hasina maintained power in an election in January that was again boycotted by the country’s main opposition party and its allies due to Hasina’s refusal to step down and hand over power to a caretaker government to oversee the election.

Her party favours keeping the quota for the families of the 1971 war heroes after her Awami League party, under the leadership of her father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, led the independence war with the help of India.

In 1971, the Jamaat-e-Islami party, which shared power with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party led by Hasina’s archrival, former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, openly opposed the independence war and formed groups that helped the Pakistani military fight pro-independence forces. All the major political parties in Bangladesh have student wings that are active across the South Asian nation. - AP, Star, 16/7/2022.

Bangladesh’s embattled prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, fled the country on Aug. 5, 2024, after weeks of protests that have resulted in scores of deaths.

Her departure is a landmark moment, but one that has left the South Asian nation facing a power vacuum into which the army – for the time being, at least – has stepped.

To understand what led to the crisis and what could happen next, The Conversation turned to Tazreena Sajjad, an expert on Bangladeshi politics at American University’s School of International Service.

What sparked the demonstrations in Bangladesh?

The protests stem from long-running resentment over a quota system that saw 56% of government positions in Bangladesh reserved for various groups, including 30% for the descendants of freedom fighters who fought in the 1971 War of Independence.

This quota system has proved an enormous barrier to highly coveted civil service positions for the country’s large youth population, many of whom are unemployed.

It had also become a subject of controversy due to how many of those quota jobs went to supporters of the ruling Awami League party.

Under immense pressure from an earlier student mobilization over the issue, Hasina abolished the entire quota system in 2018.

But in June 2024, the country’s high court ruled that move illegal, sparking a fresh round of protests across the country.

Then, in July, Bangladesh’s public universities saw a series of walkouts by faculty and students over new pension reforms that, if implemented, would involve salary deductions.

Initially, the protests were peaceful, but an incendiary speech by Hasina – in which she suggested that the students were “rajakaar,” a term used to identify pro-Pakistan collaborators during Bangladesh’s War of Independence – inflamed tensions.

The Bangladesh Chhatra League – the armed wing of the Awami League – began attacking students with tear gas and live bullets, with support from the police. The Rapid Action Battalion, a controversial paramilitary group with a history of extrajudicial killings, torture and enforced disappearances, was also deployed.

After a video of one of the first to be killed – a university student named Abu Sayeed – circulated online, more joined the protests, leading to a further violent crackdown by police and armed groups.

It is estimated that about 266 people, mostly students, were killed in the protests, including at least 32 children.

The government closed schools and universities, imposed a curfew and cut internet and telecommunications. Meanwhile, student leaders were arrested and coerced to withdraw their list of demands.

But this only led to the declaration of a total noncooperation movement and a massive uprising of protesters demanding Hasina’s immediate resignation.

As thousands of protesters gathered for a long march to Dhaka in defiance of the curfew, the prime minister resigned and left the country.

Is there a wider context to the political unrest?

Absolutely. While attention has focused largely on the quota protests, a litany of grievances had piled up against the government.

Under Hasina’s rule, Bangladesh has seen GDP growth – but this has not translated into economic well-being for many Bangladeshis. Lack of opportunities, high unemployment rates among youth and soaring inflation have been ongoing sources of tension.

Meanwhile, despite the Awami League espousing a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, money laundering, bribery and nepotism scandals have dogged government ministers.

And since its landslide victory in 2008, the Awami League has eroded the country’s democracy. For example, in 2011 the government ended an arrangement that allowed a 90-day caretaker administration, consisting of technocrats, to organize elections and oversee transfers of power.

Suppression of dissent has also grown. The harassment and detention of activists, opposition figures and human rights defenders have become more frequent. Meanwhile, there has been criminalization of any criticism of the government, including satire and social media posts.

Why is the 1971 war still relevant to Bangladeshi politics?

The War of Independence remains central to Bangladesh’s identity and its politics.

Its seeds were sown decades earlier in the 1947 British partition of the Indian subcontinent. This resulted in the violent division of the state of Bengal, with the eastern part becoming East Pakistan.

After partition, West Pakistan tried to maintain political and economic dominance over East Pakistan, while at the same time attempting to cultivate a singular national identity – based on their common Muslim majority populations – despite separate cultures and linguistic heritages.

Policies to marginalize Bengali – the vernacular of 56% of then East Pakistanis – and “purify” East Pakistan from Hindu influence contributed to a backlash that saw widespread student protests and growing calls for independence.

In 1971, a West Pakistani military incursion aimed at snuffing out pro-independence sentiments resulted in a genocidal war with East Pakistan that lasted nine months and resulted in the deaths of 500,000 to 3 million Bangladeshis.

The circumstances of that war have shaped Bangladesh’s politics ever since. The parties that have dominated the country’s politics, including Hasina’s Awami League, frequently politicized their War of Independence credentials. Political leaders have also used 1971 as a means of legitimizing positions, shoring up support, or delegitimizing opposition parties.

Does Hasina’s exit mark the end of Bangladesh’s political dynasties?

The resignation of Hasina signals – at least for the time being – the end of Awami League rule in Bangladesh.

Countries in South Asia, including Bangladesh, have largely been shaped by political dynasties. So the rejection of the Awami League, and the fact that many are also rejecting other established political parties – the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Jamaat-i-Islami and the Jatiya Party – is extraordinary.

These established parties will no doubt try to regroup. While the Awami League may not be able to effectively organize in the near future given public sentiment, the others will make a concerted effort to participate in the promised forthcoming elections.

For the moment, there may be an opportunity for Bangladesh to have fresh voices and faces in politics, potentially emerging from the student movement.

What should we make of the military taking interim control?

Since Bangladesh’s independence, the army has played a huge role in shaping the political trajectory of the country.

From 1975 to 2011, Bangladesh experienced at least 29 military coups and counter-coups. It also experienced direct military rule from 1977 to 1981 and between 1981 and 1990.

Given the army’s frequent incursion into Bangladesh politics, it is not surprising that it has taken interim control of the country now.

For many Bangladeshis, this may represent some level of stability, given the political vacuum that has opened up and the uncertainty of the moment.

Student leaders, however, have made it clear they do not want military involvement in politics. Seemingly heeding this call, General Waker-uz-Zaman, the army chief of staff, has assured protesters that the army would meet their demands.

But it remains to be seen whether the military will keep its promises and hand over full authority to a civilian interim administration.

What could happen next?

It is too early to speculate what the future holds for Bangladesh – the situation is extremely fluid and unfolding by the minute.

The abrupt departure of Hasina has been a cause of relief and celebration among the millions of protesters who helped bring about an end to her rule.

Police use tear gas to disperse student protesters in Bangladesh on Aug. 4, 2024. AFP via Getty Images

Protest leaders have expressed a clear vision for an inclusive, corruption-free, democratic government. What they don’t want is an interim government that is formed without their involvement and input. Student leaders have put together a list of candidates they want to see in the interim government. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has accepted a role as chief adviser. Meanwhile, Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-i-Islami leaders are vying for positions in the interim government.

But political transitions are extremely challenging and volatile. There have been incidences of looting, arson and violence around the country, as well as attacks on the Hindu community.

Armed wings of the Islamist Jamaat-i-Islami and the Bangladesh Chhatra League are being blamed for much of the violence, which, it is alleged, is carried out to delegitimize the protest movement. In response, students and the general public have stepped in to protect minority places of worship.

Rumors and disinformation campaigns will certainly have some significant impact in a volatile situation.

Meanwhile, the enormous damage done to the country’s economy by the political turmoil and military curfew will also require attention.

Neighboring countries, particularly India, are paying a lot of attention to the volatile situation. International donors and strategic partners including the U.S., EU, and China likewise await what comes next, given Bangladesh’s regional geopolitics and the global economy. - Conversation, 6/8/2024

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