Saturday, August 03, 2024

Palestinian Rally at Axiata Stadium(4/8/2024,6 or 8pm) officiated by Anwar Ibrahim? Discontinue MAHB-BlackRock(vide GIP) deal to be consistent with position against those who support Israel's killing of Palestinians?

Really do not understand, WHY Anwar Ibrahim wants to still proceed with the MAHB deal, which will involve BlackRock? Will it affect the participation level at the Palestinian Rally officiated by him this Sunday? Will the participants be persons attending freely without any external compulsion? We shall see...we shall see.

Really do not understand, why PM Anwar Ibrahim failed to ACT immediately when the participation of companies involved in supplying arms was HIGHLIGHTED to be participating in an exhibition in Malaysia?

Hypocritical - Allowing Arm Suppliers to Israel to participate in Exhibition in Malaysia? Minister decide not to act - but leaves it to organisers - so different from Good Vibes Festival reaction?

 MALAYSIA, historically have been respected as a nation state that took a very strong stance when it comes to the injustice happening in Palestine, against the Palestinian people. So, PM Anwar's actions of late raises much questions ...

Now, again Malaysia and Anwar Ibrahim have been asked to cancel the deal involving BlackRock.. 

PASIR Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim has called on the government to cancel a controversial deal involving Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.The call for action comes amid heightened tensions and concerns over international business ties.In a statement, the PKR member  noted the importance of severing any form of cooperation with entities linked to what he referred to as the “Zionist regime”.“At a time when the Malaysian community is mourning and saddened by Ismail’s death, it is appropriate for Malaysia to cancel the sale of the majority of the shares of MAHB, a strategic company in our country, to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), which Blackrock controls,” he stated.

The TIMING of the deal(now, when the killing and destruction of the Palestinian people, including 'genocide' is ongoing since early October 2023) - and the explicit identification UN experts of BlackRock as one of the companies  'being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes,..' puts Malaysia a very bad light with regard its position on Palestine. Remember, when the earlier discussion commenced BlackRock was not in GIP - but end of last year, it was disclosed that BlackRock will be taking over 100% of GIP - changing drastically the character and composition of GIP.

Financial institutions investing in these arms companies are also called to account. Investors such as Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Amundi Asset Management, Bank of America, BlackRock, Capital Group, Causeway Capital Management, Citigroup, Fidelity Management & Research, INVESCO Ltd, JP Morgan Chase, Harris Associates, Morgan Stanley, Norges Bank Investment Management, Newport Group, Raven’swing Asset Management, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, State Street Corporation, Union Investment Privatfonds, The Vanguard Group, Wellington and Wells Fargo & Company, are urged to take action. Failure to prevent or mitigate their business relationships with these arms manufacturers transferring arms to Israel could move from being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes, the experts said. - UN, 20/6/2024

In my opinion, for Malaysia and Prime Minister Anwar ibrahim to take the position of going ahead with the MAHB deal with GIP(which will be taken over BlackRock) is a SERIOUS INCONSISTENCY with a strong position against Zionist Israeli government and the ongoing injustice in Palestine.

Anwar's statement in Parliament before INDICATES his unsuitability of continuing to be Malaysia's Finance Minister. A management of any company cannot commit to anything when the ownership is taken over by another, in this case BlackRock. The owner, not the management or current employees decide - that is common knowledge. When the government changes, a previous commitment of public servants under the previous government holds no VALUE anymore. Same with companies, the NEW owners assume control ...

During the prime minister's question time in Dewan Rakyat today, Anwar said despite BlackRock acquiring GIP, the management of GIP will retain full control and responsibility over the strategic direction of the company and the companies invested in."There was an announcement that BlackRock would take over GIP's interests, but GIP has already stated that this will not affect their role in managing the airports as this is their expertise and that there will be no interference by BlackRock."Hence, issues regarding BlackRock do not arise here," he said. - NST, 26/6/2024

Is Anwar Ibrahim and Malaysia under some sort of 'threat', or is there some other 'unbreakable commitments' with BlackRock? On matters of principle, Malaysia has in the past been willing to break agreements even if were to cost Malaysia millions or billions of ringgit in compensation. So, why is Anwar Ibrahim adamant about the MAHB-BlackRock deal?

Is the decision ONLY Finance Minister Anwar's decision? Or is it a CABINET decision? A perusal of a statement made by Minister Anthony Loke in May 2024 indicates that it may be ONLY Finance Minister's Anwar's decision - and not the Cabinet.

Certainly, not something that has been approved by Malaysian Parliament?

"We have nothing to do with MAHB's action or decision to undertake a strategic partnership with any party."We don't have shares with MAHB. We are just the regulator, so who the operator wants to form a partnership with is beyond our control." - Anthony Loke, Minister of Transport- NST, 23/5/2024

Now, Khazanah and EPF/KWSP comes under Minister of Finance, and Anwar cannot lay blame on Khazanah and EPF/KWSP for the MAHB deal - he is still the Minister responsible. 

If the Cabinet cannot control the actions of the Finance Minister, then it is only the PRIME MINISTER, the one who decides who is in the Cabinet - and who will be the Minister or removed as the Minister. But problem arises when the Anwar Ibrahim is both Finance Minister, and also Prime Minister. After the 1MDB scandal, despite earlier commitment that the same person will not be Finance Minister and Prime Minister, ANWAR Ibrahim is both Prime Minister and Finance Minister.

Other members of the Cabinet can INTERVENE and express their objection to the continuation of the MAHB-BlackRock(vide GIP) deal, and they risk being removed from their Cabinet position by PM Anwar Ibrahim. Remember, Muhyidin Yassin was removed when he raised the 1MDB issue...Silence by other Cabinet Ministers by reason that this is ONLY under the jurisdiction of the Finance Minister may not be acceptable by the People of Malaysia.  

The last time Anwar had a Palestinian Rally - we did not see a LARGE participation. Now, again there will another rally/protest at the Axiata Stadium? Often times, participation at peaceful assemblies or rallies very much depends on WHO the organizer is...who is in control of the program? Will Malaysians 'freely' without any compulsion turn out at the rally at Axiata stadium this Sunday? 

The public has been invited to attend the rally for Palestine liberation, dubbed "Himpunan Pembebasan Palestin" at Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil this Sunday (Aug 4).Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil, in a Facebook post, said the rally is scheduled to begin at 8pm. "Everyone is invited. Himpunan Pembebasan Palestin will be officiated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil. See you on Sunday!" he wrote, along with the official poster of the rally. - Star, 2/8/2024

Another issue is for the FREEDOM for places of worship to pray for the Palestinian people and for justice to be done. Can Malaysian Mosques and Suraus organize such prayers without a DIRECTIVE from Minister of JAKIM? Many churches(and possibly other places of religious worship) always and regularly pray for the victims of injustice in Palestine - not just when there is a 'Directive' or a State Direction? After all, now every day so many have being killed...

All mosques under the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will perform funeral prayers following the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Mohd Na'im Mokhtar, said a directive has been issued to Jakim Director-General Datuk Hakimah Mohd Yusoff and Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) Director Datuk Mohd Ajib Ismail regarding the matter. - Star, 31/7/2024

Repeal Peaceful Assembly Act - so Malaysians can speedily, immediately and easily organize peaceful assemblies on the Palestinian issue. Now, 5 day notice, written permission from even government to use public spaces, etc are a HURDLE to immediate Malaysian response...

Malaysia should not be perceived as being two-faced on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We must be principled on our position against known collaborators, including companies that supply arms and  of the genocide that is taking place before our own eyes.

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws,... “In this context, continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistance for operations that contravene international human rights and international humanitarian laws and may result in profit from such assistance....”Financial institutions investing in these arms companies are also called to account....Failure to prevent or mitigate their business relationships with these arms manufacturers transferring arms to Israel could move from being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes, the experts said.

Malaysians have for DECADES been clear on their stance - but Anwar Ibrahim(Finance Minister and Prime Minister) apparent insistence for a DEAL involving BlackRock (a specifically identified by UN experts as being a financial institution investing in Israel arm-supplying companies) affects PERCEPTION on Malaysia's stance on Palestine.

Malaysia need to be CLEAR that it supports to BORDERS of Israel,as determined by the UN Partition Plan in 1947 that defined the borders. Of late, media report suggest that Malaysia supports the borders as expanded by 'illegal occupation' of 1967??? Be clear on this Malaysia.

Malaysia must support the 3-State Solution - NOT the 2 State solution. 3 State solution is about an independent Israel State, an independent Palestinian State and an Independent government for Jerusalem. 

Even then, Malaysia must take the position that it was wrong to decide on BORDERS without prior consultation or referendum of the people then living in the said region.

see some earlier posts:

Malaysians stance of Israel-Palestine maybe different from Anwar and government? Blackrock, BOYCOTT, dealings with arm suppliers that kill Palestinians?

Malaysians stance of Israel-Palestine maybe different from Anwar and government? Blackrock, BOYCOTT, dealings with arm suppliers that kill Palestinians?

Parliament, not Prime Minister, must decide on Malaysia's stance on the Palestine issue - after PM Anwar allowed those who supply arms to Israel to participate in exhibition in Malaysia?


PKR veteran Hassan calls for cancellation of MAHB deal following Hamas leader assassination

PASIR Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim has called on the government to cancel a controversial deal involving Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

The call for action comes amid heightened tensions and concerns over international business ties.

In a statement, the PKR member  noted the importance of severing any form of cooperation with entities linked to what he referred to as the “Zionist regime”.

“At a time when the Malaysian community is mourning and saddened by Ismail’s death, it is appropriate for Malaysia to cancel the sale of the majority of the shares of MAHB, a strategic company in our country, to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), which Blackrock controls,” he stated.

Hassan Abdul Karim


The ongoing controversy stems from the announcement on May 15 by Khazanah Nasional Bhd that the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and GIP, through GIP Aurea Pte Ltd, would form a consortium to acquire shares in MAHB.

The deal has faced criticism due to Blackrock’s perceived ties with Israel, raising concerns among various political and civil society groups.

If the deal proceeds, GIP would hold an effective 25% stake in MAHB, a significant strategic asset in Malaysia’s infrastructure landscape.

The assassination of Ismail occurred yesterday (July 31) in Tehran, Iran. News portal Al Jazeera reported that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps confirmed Ismail’s death alongside one of his bodyguards and announced an investigation into the incident.

Moreover, Hassan pointed out the global responsibility to uphold the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision, which states that Israel’s settlement activities in Palestinian territories violate international law.

He stressed the importance of this decision to ensure that the sacrifices of Palestinians in Gaza are not forgotten.

“The decision, made on July 19 by court president Nawaf Salam, is important so that the deaths of the Palestinians in Gaza would not be in vain,” added Hassan.

“I call on the Malaysian government in particular to mobilise its dynamic international diplomatic initiatives towards the independence of a sovereign Palestinian state.”

Furthermore, the official position of the Malaysian government regarding the Palestine-Israel conflict is in favour of a two-state solution. This approach advocates for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

According to the Foreign Ministry, the two-state solution is a key diplomatic stance, aiming to bring about lasting peace and stability in the region. – Aug 1, 2024, Focus Malaysia

States and companies must end arms transfers to Israel immediately or risk responsibility for human rights violations: UN experts

20 June 2024

The transfer of weapons and ammunition to Israel may constitute serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws and risk State complicity in international crimes, possibly including genocide, UN experts said today, reiterating their demand to stop transfers immediately.

In line with recent calls from the Human Rights Council and the independent UN experts to States to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, arms manufacturers supplying Israel – including BAE Systems, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall AG, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, RTX, and ThyssenKrupp – should also end transfers, even if they are executed under existing export licenses.

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws,” the experts said. This risk is heightened by the recent decision from the International Court of Justice ordering Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, having recognised genocide as a plausible risk, as well as the request filed by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. “In this context, continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistance for operations that contravene international human rights and international humanitarian laws and may result in profit from such assistance.”

An end to transfers must include indirect transfers through intermediary countries that could ultimately be used by Israeli forces, particularly in the ongoing attacks on Gaza. The UN experts said that arms companies must systematically and periodically conduct enhanced human rights due diligence to ensure that their products are not used in ways that violate international human rights and international humanitarian laws.

Financial institutions investing in these arms companies are also called to account. Investors such as Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Amundi Asset Management, Bank of America, BlackRock, Capital Group, Causeway Capital Management, Citigroup, Fidelity Management & Research, INVESCO Ltd, JP Morgan Chase, Harris Associates, Morgan Stanley, Norges Bank Investment Management, Newport Group, Raven’swing Asset Management, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, State Street Corporation, Union Investment Privatfonds, The Vanguard Group, Wellington and Wells Fargo & Company, are urged to take action. Failure to prevent or mitigate their business relationships with these arms manufacturers transferring arms to Israel could move from being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes, the experts said.

“Arms initiate, sustain, exacerbate, and prolong armed conflicts, as well as other forms of oppression, hence the availability of arms is an essential precondition for the commission of war crimes and violations of human rights, including by private armament companies,” said the experts.

They said the ongoing Israeli military assault is characterised by indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on the civilian population and infrastructure, including through extensive use of explosive and incendiary weapons in densely populated areas, as well as in the destruction and damage of essential and life-sustaining essential civilian infrastructure, including housing and shelters, health, education, water and sanitation facilities. These attacks have resulted in more than 37,000 deaths in Gaza and 84,000 injured. Of these deaths and injuries, an estimated 70 per cent are women and children. Today, children in Gaza are the largest group of amputee children in the world due to grave injuries sustained in the war. These operations have also resulted in severe environmental and climate damages.

“The imperative for an arms embargo on Israel and for investors to take decisive action is more urgent than ever, particularly in light of states’ obligations and companies’ responsibilities under the Geneva Conventions, the Genocide Convention, the international human rights treaties, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” the UN experts said.

The experts paid tribute to the sustained work of journalists who have been documenting and reporting on the devastating impact of these weapons systems on civilians in Gaza, and human rights defenders and lawyers, among other stakeholders, who are dedicated to holding States and companies accountable for the transfer of weapons to Israel.

They have also engaged with States, as well as the involved businesses and investors on these issues. - UN, 20/6/2024

GIP will have full control and direction over share deal, Anwar says over BlackRock concerns

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has assured that the management of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) will be fully controlled by the company and not American asset management company Blackrock which is known to have pro-Israeli links.

During the prime minister's question time in Dewan Rakyat today, Anwar said despite BlackRock acquiring GIP, the management of GIP will retain full control and responsibility over the strategic direction of the company and the companies invested in.

"There was an announcement that BlackRock would take over GIP's interests, but GIP has already stated that this will not affect their role in managing the airports as this is their expertise and that there will be no interference by BlackRock.

"Hence, issues regarding BlackRock do not arise here," he said.

Anwar said this in response to a supplementary question by Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal (PN-Machang) who enquired about whether Malaysia plans to hand over its airport management to such companies, consequently leading to an economic war.

Meanwhile, Anwar added that BlackRock is currently the world's largest asset manager and has long invested in Malaysia with an investment worth RM24.7 billion and RM7.9 billion in Malaysian government and corporate bonds.- 

In a subtle jab towards the opposition, the prime minister also said that BlackRock's involvement in Malaysia was nothing new and started in 2021.

"However, we are now attacked, including by those from that side (the opposition) who seem to forget that the important decision to involve BlackRock (in the Malaysian investment) was made on Feb 25, 2021.

"Pagoh (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) was the prime minister at the time, including ministers who are now on that side.

"The decision made during that time was for Employee Provident Fund (EPF) to have the world's first and largest syariah private equity direct or co-investment separate managed account fund worth RM2.5 billion (USD600 million) managed by BlackRock.

"(And) if you ask me now about the decision made, I would defend it and I do not want to turn this into a political issue as EPF had probably reported to Pagoh (Muhyiddin) and the Cabinet that this (BlackRock) was an investment company only.

"(But) was BlackRock involved in any pro-Israel sentiment at the time? Yes, it did."

Sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd (Khazanah) last month announced that it was leading a consortium known as the Gateway Development Alliance (GDA) in a conditional voluntary offer to buy all shares in Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB) that it did not own.

Besides GIP through GIP Aureus Pte Ltd, the consortium's shareholders also included EPF and Adia.

However, concerns arose after BlackRock, an American asset management company with pro-Israeli links, acquired GIP where the transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of this year.

Meanwhile, GIP had reiterated that BlackRock was not in any way involved in the transaction relating to MAHB privatisation through GDA. NST, 25/6/2024

[Updated] Loke to Wan Fayhsal: If you want to submit a memorandum on MAHB issue, you should go to Khazanah

KUALA LUMPUR: An opposition member of parliament's memorandum to protest against the sale of Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) shares to a consortium, which includes Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), should be sent to the right place.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke said the ministry only acts as a regulator in the matter and it is not involved in the company's business deals.

"You (Machang MP Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal) are knocking on the wrong door. If you want to submit a memorandum, you should go to Khazanah, not the Transport Ministry.

"We have nothing to do with MAHB's action or decision to undertake a strategic partnership with any party.

"We don't have shares with MAHB. We are just the regulator, so who the operator wants to form a partnership with is beyond our control."

Loke's reaction came after Wan Fayhsal and several anti-Israel activists had demonstrated against the planned acquisition of MAHB at the Transport Ministry in Putrajaya this morning.

Previously, Loke dismissed opposition claims regarding a plan to sell a stake in MAHB, which is the main concession holder for airports in Malaysia — with 39 airports nationwide, to GIP.

On May 15, Khazanah Nasional Bhd announced that it is now leading a consortium, the Gateway Development Alliance (GDA), in a conditional voluntary offer to buy all shares in MAHB that it does not already own.

The consortium's shareholders also include a joint venture between Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and GIP, through GIP Aurea Pte Ltd.

Following this, several parties have voiced objections and concerns over the proposed sale of a 30 per cent stake in MAHB to GIP, which is a subsidiary of Blackrock, a pro-Israel investment firm. - NST, 23/5/2024



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