What ASSET DECLARATION? Since Anwar became Prime Minister, I believe that to date, there has been no PUBLIC Asset Declaration of MPs and Ministers - the reason for the delay has been a development of NEW FORMAT for Asset Declaration...
ASSET DECLARATION to MACC - well, that will only happen if there is 'reasonable ground to believe, based on the investigation carried out by an officer of the Commission, that any property is held or acquired by any person as a result of or in connection with an offence under this Act...'
If our Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim made an Asset Declaration to MACC - then, we must ask What Offence did the MACC suspect that he committed.
YES - the MACC has power to obtain information - ONLY if they have reasonable ground that you committed an offence under the MACC Act...
36 Powers to obtain information
(1) Notwithstanding any written law or rule of law to the contrary, an officer of the Commission of the rank of Commissioner and above, if he has reasonable ground to believe, based on the investigation carried out by an officer of the Commission, that any property is held or acquired by any person as a result of or in connection with an offence under this Act, may by written notice-
(a) require that person to furnish a statement in writing on oath or affirmation-
(i) identifying every property, whether movable or immovable, whether within or outside Malaysia, belonging to him or in his possession, or in which he has any interest, whether legal or equitable, and specifying the date on which each of the properties so identified was acquired and the manner in which it was acquired, whether by way of any dealing, bequest, devise, inheritance, or any other manner;
(ii) identifying every property sent out of Malaysia by him during such period as may be specified in the notice;
(iii) setting out the estimated value and location of each of the properties identified under subparagraphs (i) and (ii), and if any of such properties cannot be located, the reason therefor;
(iv) stating in respect of each of the properties identified under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) whether the property is held by him or by any other person on his behalf, whether it has been transferred, sold to, or kept with any person, whether it has been diminished in value since its acquisition by him, and whether it has been commingled with other property which cannot be separated or divided without difficulty;
(v) setting out all other information relating to his properties, business, travel, or other activities as may be specified in the notice; and
(vi) setting out all his sources of income, earnings or assets;
(b) require any relative or associate of the person referred to in paragraph (1)(a), or any other person whom the officer of the Commission of the rank of Commissioner and above has reasonable grounds to believe is able to assist in the investigation, to furnish a statement in writing on oath or affirmation-
(i) identifying every property, whether movable or immovable, whether within or outside Malaysia, belonging to him or in his possession, or in which such person has any interest, whether legal or equitable, and specifying the date on which each of the properties identified was acquired, whether by way of any dealing, bequest, devise, inheritance, or any other manner;
(ii) identifying every property sent out of Malaysia by him during such period as may be specified in the notice;
(iii) setting out the estimated value and location of each of the properties identified under subparagraphs (i) and (ii), and if any of such properties cannot be located, the reason therefor;
(iv) stating in respect of each of the properties identified under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) whether the property is held by him or by any other person on his behalf, whether it has been transferred, sold to, or kept with any person, whether it has been diminished in value since its acquisition by him, and whether it has been commingled with other property which cannot be separated or divided without difficulty;
(v) setting out all other information relating to each of the properties identified under subparagraphs (i) and (ii), and the business, travel, or other activities of such person; and
(vi) setting out all the sources of income, earnings or assets of such person; and
(c) require any officer of any financial institution, or any person who is in any manner or to any extent responsible for the management and control of the affairs of any financial institution, to furnish copies of any or all accounts, documents and records relating to any person to whom a notice may be issued under paragraph (a) or (b).
[(c) Am. Act A1567:s.8]
(2) Every person to whom a notice is sent by the officer of the Commission of the rank of Commissioner and above under subsection (1) shall, notwithstanding any written law or rule of law to the contrary, comply with the terms of the notice within such time as may be specified therein, and any person who wilfully neglects or fails to comply with the terms of the notice commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years and to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit.
Submitting Asset Declaration to MACC is very different to PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATION to the people.
Reason MEDIA REPORT claiming that 'PM Anwar’s asset declaration misused to slander him, says pol-sec'...
QUESTION - how did anyone else even get access to an ASSET DECLARATION submitted to MACC, presumably under Section 36 of the MACC Act?
Question - How did the Political Secretary get access of other politicians asset declaration to MACC?
He said Anwar’s asset declaration of RM10.7 million was not an issue, as many PH Cabinet members and MPs had much higher asset values, including Datuk Dr R. Santhara Kumar (Segamat) with RM132.1 million and Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham (Beruas) with RM77 million.
The others included then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Langkawi) with RM32.3 million, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir (Jerlun) (RM25.1 million), Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof (Alor Gajah, RM23 million), Senator Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad (RM15.3 million) and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Pagoh) (RM14.3 million).
I have not seen any of these ASSET DECLARATIONS - Why have ASSET DELARATIONS made to MACC been 'leaked' - problems???
Where is the WEBSITE with the information of these PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATIONS - where our MP/Ministers publicly declare to the people their assets - and how they acquired them. Public Asset Declaration is part of TRANSPARENCY obligation - it gives the opportunity to the public to HIGHLIGHT suspected not disclosed assets,..
When Anwar came into power, the practice of PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATIONS were put on hold ....allegedly because they were developing a new and better format ... still not out yet(I believe)
PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATION must happen as soon as they become MP or Ministers, and then PERIODIC(maybe annually) Asset Declarations, so the Malaysian Public can ensure NO ACQUISITION of additional wealth by wrongful means or abuse of power... It is a DETERRENT against corruption and abuse of power...and the public monitors it...
We need a LAW for PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATIONS for MP/Senator/ADUN, Ministers and maybe even senior Public Officers, which create CRIMES for non-disclosure, etc
WHY? After the conviction of Najib, and the cases against Ministers and family members - it is needed to stop the wrongful enrichment of the said person or their family members/agent vide Corruption or Abuse of Power
INVESTIGATE Datuk Ahmad Farhan Fauzi - where did he get the data from...wrong if it was from MACC?
Anwar Ibrahim should also file a police report - the leakage of information he provided to MACC is a serious crime.
NOBODY can say anything about Anwar's wealth - the source or how he got it ... simply because there has still been NO Public Declaration of Assets, with information about the source of the wealth...???
So, please MAKE real the requirement of PUBLIC ASSET DECLARATION for all MP/Senator/ADUN, Ministers and Cabinet members; and also SENIOR Public Officers - that info must be publicly available ONLINE and remain there until the END of office.
See earlier posts:-
ASSET DECLARATION - to deter abuse of power, corruption and crime - Annual Declaration. False Declaration a serious offence?
Asset declaration should be a yearly affair, not only during election season(Focus Malaysia)
PUBLIC Asset Declaration of PM, Cabinet and MPs - still NONE? Not MACC Act suspected criminal declarations - but a different Public Asset Declaration for the Innocent and/or Guilty?
YEARLY Asset Declaration - For Rakyat To Monitor Abuse of Power For Personal Enrichment?
Daim Zainuddin's Charge - it should be used for Anwar, Cabinet Members,MPs.. About 14 months, and still Anwar's Cabinet, MPs yet to declare assets- WHY?
Asset Declaration to Public - Not just to PM, Not to MACC?
PM Anwar’s asset declaration misused to slander him, says pol-sec

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 — Data from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s asset declaration, made to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on March 7, 2019, has been misused by irresponsible parties, according to the prime minister’s political secretary.
Datuk Ahmad Farhan Fauzi said this information was used to spread the baseless accusation that Anwar is “the 17th richest leader in the world”, implying that his wealth was obtained illegally.
He said the asset declaration was part of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s initiative at the time to ensure transparency among Cabinet members and Members of Parliament (MPs).
“This declaration did not raise any issues at the time because it was accompanied by a detailed explanation of how the assets were acquired. The majority of the asset value is based on current property estimates.
“These assets were acquired legally and can be proven through sale and purchase documents and legitimate financial records,” he said in a statement today.
He said Anwar’s asset declaration of RM10.7 million was not an issue, as many PH Cabinet members and MPs had much higher asset values, including Datuk Dr R. Santhara Kumar (Segamat) with RM132.1 million and Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham (Beruas) with RM77 million.
The others included then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Langkawi) with RM32.3 million, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir (Jerlun) (RM25.1 million), Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof (Alor Gajah, RM23 million), Senator Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad (RM15.3 million) and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Pagoh) (RM14.3 million).
“Logically, the accusation that Anwar is the 17th richest leader in the world is absurd. Compared to other leaders in Malaysia, Anwar’s asset value is not among the highest.
“How could he be listed as one of the world’s richest leaders? The spreading of these unfounded accusations is a classic example of defamation that can damage an individual’s credibility without legitimate proof. In Islam, slander is a grave sin,” he said.
He noted that spreading information without investigating its truth not only tarnishes an individual’s reputation but also erodes public trust in the political system and national institutions.
Ahmad Farhan said political differences are normal but should be approached maturely.
“Personal attacks, especially through spreading defamation, are irresponsible actions that offer no benefit to the people. Criticism of leaders is allowed in a democracy, but it should focus on the policies introduced, not personal attacks or baseless accusations.
“For example, if there are those who disagree with the economic policies introduced by the prime minister, it should be discussed factually and academically, not by creating false narratives about his personal wealth,” he said.
He added that in the effort to develop the country, mature politics is an urgent necessity, and political party leaders, especially from Islamic parties, must set a better example.
Ahmad Farhan said Anwar is actively working to foster good relations with state governments, including those under opposition administration, and this is a wise step to ensure that cooperation between the federal and state governments can provide the best service to the people.
He said such efforts
could be disrupted if there are elements of defamation and immature
politics trying to undermine unity, as cooperation between the federal
and state governments requires trust. — Bernama, Malay Mail, 1/12/2024?
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