Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan (SIP) akhirnya akan dilaksanakan di Malaysia tak lama lagi ...tetapi jangan terlalu gembira lagi kerana kerajaan UMNO-BN bukan boleh dipercayai sangat.
Initiatif membantu pekerja tak ada kerja(termasuk juga yang kehilangan kerja) pernah dahulu diberikan harapan - tetapi akhirnya ia disalurkan kebanyakkan kepada majikan dan pihak ketiga - untuk memberikan latihan perlu kepada pekerja supaya dapat pekerjaan kembali - program baru dibawah Skima Pembangunan Sumber Manusia [Human Resource Development Scheme). Majikan diberikan kewangan untuk melakukan ini. Satu program latihan pekerja yang lain pula ada memberikan pekerja elaun RM500 atau kurang semasa jalankan latihan.
Apakah sebenarnya Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan (SIP) yang akhirnya diluluskan PM Najib? Intipati skim ini tidak dinyatakan dengan jelas di mana-mana, dan nyata ramai ada pemikiran berlainan mengenai apakah skima ini.
Berdasarkan lapuran media, PERKESO dan KERAJAAN
- Akan memberikan bantuan kewangan kepada pekerja warganegara Malaysia yang kehilangan pekerjaan. [Perkeso pula kata ianya akan diberikan kepada mereka yang kehilangan kerja dan yang telah memberikan sumbangan kepada PERKESO/SOCSO)
"Pekerja akan mendapat bantuan saraan sementara dan mencari pekerjaan baharu melalui program perkhidmatan pekerjaan...the scheme was expected to provide aid to laid-off workers who are looking for another job and who contribute to Socso. - Deputy Human Resources Minister Ismail Muttalib.
- Akan diberikan juga kepada mereka yang meninggalkan kerja (resign)
...Ismail said the under-employed people quit jobs to get better jobs and the insurance scheme would also include them...
- Untuk pekerja sektor swasta sahaja (mengapa tidak termasuk pekerja sektor awam juga - yang boleh juga kini kehilangan kerja. Ramai kini digaji sebagai pekerja kontrak jangka pendek. Pekerja sektor awam juga boleh kehilangan kerja termasuk juga melalui 'retrenchment'...
Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan (SIP) yang bakal dinikmati 6.5 juta pekerja tempatan dalam sektor swasta dengan jangkaan bayaran faedah boleh dibuat mulai 1 Januari 2019.
Kerajaan patut membantu semua pekerja yang kehilangan kerja, dalam apa cara pun termasuk sama ada mereka telah sendiri meletak jawatan. Pekerja yang meletak jawatan tanpa mempunyai kerja lain yang menunggu berbuat demikian kerana keadaan kerja tidak baik (mungkin ada diskriminasi, hasutan, ganguan seksual, penipuan oleh majikan, termasuk juga mereka yang terpaksa kerana tak ada pilihan lain...). Kadar bantuan klas ini mungkin lebih rendah daripada mereka yang dibuang kerja akibat 'retrenchment' atau dibuang kerja atas alasan disiplin(yang mungkin juga 'union busting). Modal Negara Thai adalah baik( sila lihat post:- Malaysian workers want UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS just like Thailand?)
MASALAH LAIN YANG HARUS DISELESAIKAN - Tetapi bukan melalui 'Skim Insurans Pekerjaan'...
- Masalah ramai syarikat majikan muflis dan masih berhutang kepada pekerja ...mungkin gaji dan OT berbulan-bulan, serta juga Faedah Henti Kerja. Ini adalah hutang majikan kepada pekerja - di mana, kerajaan yang sepatutnya memastikan semua majikan menjelaskan keberhutangan pekerja(khususnya mereka yang bergaji RM5000 sebulan atau kurang - Akta Kerja 1955).
- Majikan yang selalu melepaskan diri adalah majikan yang merupakan SYARIKAT...di mana undang-undang kini tidak membenarkan Pengarah Syarikat, CEO dan/atau Pemilik syarikat dikejar untuk menjelaskan hutang syarikat kepada pekerja yang tertunggak...[Tetapi jika Majikan merupakan PEMILIK TUNGGAL(Sole Proprietor) atau PERKONGSIAN(Partnership) - setiap pemilik dan 'partner' boleh dikejar secara peribadi untuk mendapatkan apa yang terhutang kepada pekerja]. Pengarah dan Pemilik Syarikat, selepas syarikat 'muflis'(digulung) kekal kaya raya...
- Justeru, undang-undang syarikat harus dipinda, supaya pekerja dibenarkan terus mengejar Pengarah dan Pemilik Saham secara peribadi untuk mendapatkan apa yang masih Syarikat Majikan berhutang kepada mereka. [Jika syarikat membuat pinjaman dari Bank, Bank biasa menuntut Jaminan Peribadi daripada Pengarah Syarikat - justeru jika 'syarikat' tak ada duit, Bank boleh mengejar Pengarah secara peribadi untuk dapatkan apa yang masih syarikat hutang kepada bank...]. Justeru, mengapa pekerja juga tidak dibenarkan mengejar individu ini secara peribadi untuk mendapatkan balik apa yang mereka hutang pekerja...rumah pengarah atau BMW mereka boleh dijual dan wang itu boleh digunakan untuk bayar keberhutangan kepada pekerja...
- Bila majikan tak bayar gaji/elaun - serta merta pihak penguatkuasa boleh masuk dan memastikan majikan segera membayar...Kegagalan pegawai penguatkuasa hak pekerja Kementerian Sumber Manusia bertindak dengan segera yang membawa kepada situasi ramai syarikat yang sudah tutup masih berhutang kepada pekerja..
- Jika syarikat majikan dipercayai mahu cabut tak bayar keberhutangan mereka kepada pekerja, pekerja juga boleh segera pergi ke Mahkamah Magistret dan/atau Mahkamah Tinggi dapatkan perintah tahan akaun syarikat(dan/atau harta syarikat dilupuskan) sehingga majikan menjelaskan keberhutangan mereka. Mahkamah juga ada kuasa untuk minta Majikan mendeposit wang sekuriti di Mahkamah...Malangnya ramai pekerja serta Kesatuan Sekerja tidak gunakan cara ini...apa yang kini dibuat adalah aduan/tuntutan di Kementerian Sumber Manusia - tetapi malangnya kelewatan Jabatan Kerajaan ini menjalankan tugas...membenarkan majikan 'cabut lari' ...[Mungkin juga ada elemen 'rasuah'?]...
MASALAH KINI, adalah setengah NGO dan juga Kesatuan Sekerja nampaknya keliru dan mahukan Skim Insuran Pekerjaan ini menjelaskan keberhutangan tertunggak majikan kepada pekerja...faedah henti kerja/dll. SAYA TAK SETUJU. Kenapa pula mahu bantu 'Majikan'? Tak lojik juga jika pekerja diminta membayar untuk skim insuran yang membantu melupuskan keberhutangan majikan kepada pekerja...
SKIM INSURAN PEKERJAAN - hanya harus digunakan untuk membayar pekerja yang hilang pekerjaan sejumlah wang setiap bulan(di Thailand, ianya adalah 50% gaji bulanan atau RM1,500, yang mana kurang) untuk jangkamasa tertentu(di Thailand, skim ini hanya membuat bayaran untuk tempuh maksima 6 bulan sahaja atau sehingga mereka dapat kerja baru). Harus diingat, skim ini membantu pekerja dari segi pendapatan bulanan perlu sehingga mereka mendapat kerja baru. Pekerja pada masa yang sama perlu buktikan usaha mencari kerja, dll...Kita tak mahu pekerja sengaja malas cari kerja baru kerana mahu dapatkan bayaran maksima untuk 6 bulan.
Bantuan kewangan sedemikian perlu kerana tiap-tiap bulan, pekerja terpaksa membayar bil letrik, air, talipon, pembetungan, internet, sewa rumah, bayaran pinjaman, dll - Kalau tak ada pendapatan, susah pekerja sekeluarga ...dan mungkin mereka akan akhirnya kehilangan semua sekali...kalau tak dapat kerja cepat...
BANTUAN GUAMAN PERCUMA - kini boleh diperolehi oleh pekerja di Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam, yang terdapat di semua Negeri. Bantuan akan diberikan saperti nasihat guaman percuma, bantuan menyediakan tuntutan yang perlu difailkan di Jabatan Sumber Manusia/KWSP/PERKESO/dll, serta juga peguam untuk bertindak dalam kes pekerja, untuk pekerja yang berkelayakkan - di mana pekerja bergaji RM5,000 kebawah kemungkinan besar layak. Resolution for Provision of Legal Aid for Workers adopted in Malaysian Bar AGM
Kesatuan Sekerja dan MTUC juga boleh membantu - tetapi masalah kini caj yang dikenakan setengah Kesatuan mungkin masih tinggi.
Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) pada masa ini hanya menyediakan bantuan untuk kes jenayah dan jenayah Syariah - Mungkin kerajaan UMNO-BN boleh juga melebarkan skop untuk memberi bantuan kepada kes hak pekerja dan kesatuan sekerja...
Insurance scheme to help those who lose jobs
The Employee Insurance Scheme is expected to be undertaken by Socso and implemented in 2018.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Employee Insurance Scheme (EIS) to give out
financial aid to jobless Malaysians is expected to be implemented next
year, says Deputy Human Resources Minister Ismail Muttalib.
He said the scheme would be run by the Social Security Organisation (Socso).
“The National Economic Council passed the scheme on Jan 9. It will be discussed by the cabinet as soon as possible.
“The law providing this is expected to be tabled this year for implementation in 2018,” Ismail said during the question-and-answer session in the Dewan Rakyat.
He said the scheme was expected to provide aid to laid-off workers who are looking for another job and who contribute to Socso.
Ismail was answering a question by Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid (PKR -Kuala Langat).
Sani urged the ministry to implement the scheme as soon as possible as some of the poorer countries such as Vietnam had implemented the scheme several years ago.
Another backbencher, Jasin MP Ahmad Hamzah said the unemployment rate in the country was increasing with 512,000 jobless workers.
He added the number of under-employed workers was also on the rise with 500,000 people.
Ismail said the under-employed people quit jobs to get better jobs and the insurance scheme would also include them. - FMT News, 9/3/2017
Khamis, 23 Mac 2017 @ 6:08 PM
Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan dilaksana 2018
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata, kerajaan bersetuju
melaksanakan Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan (SIP) yang bakal dinikmati 6.5
juta pekerja tempatan dalam sektor swasta dengan jangkaan bayaran faedah
boleh dibuat mulai 1 Januari 2019.
Perdana Menteri berkata, pelaksanaan SIP yang menjadi jaringan
keselamatan sosial akan dibiayai melalui caruman daripada pekerja dan
majikan dengan dana SIP akan ditadbir urus oleh Pertubuhan Keselamatan
Sosial (PERKESO).
Beliau berkata, SIP bertujuan membantu golongan pekerja yang
kehilangan pekerjaan untuk mendapat bantuan kewangan dan mencari
pekerjaan baharu.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, satu undang-undang baharu sedang digubal dan
akan dibentangkan pada sesi persidangan Parlimen, Jun depan dan
dijangka dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Januari 2018, manakala bayaran faedah
boleh dibuat mulai 1 Januari 2019.
"Pekerja akan mendapat bantuan saraan sementara dan mencari pekerjaan baharu melalui program perkhidmatan pekerjaan.
"Ini meliputi bantuan carian kerja, kaunseling kerjaya dan pemadanan
pekerjaan. Selain itu, pekerja yang kehilangan pekerjaan akan diberikan
latihan secara latihan semula atau peningkatan kemahiran bagi
mempertingkatkan kebolehkerjaan mereka," katanya dalam satu kenyataan,
hari ini.
Perdana Menteri berkata, kerajaan percaya inisiatif pelaksanaan SIP
itu adalah satu dasar jangka panjang yang akan memberi impak positif,
khususnya kepada golongan pekerja dan majikan.
Beliau berkata, pengalaman negara lain menunjukkan SIP bertindak
sebagai penstabil ekonomi dan membantu mengekalkan aktiviti ekonomi
secara mapan khususnya ketika kegawatan.
"SIP juga akan menambah baik kecekapan pasaran buruh melalui
pemadanan penawaran dan permintaan yang lebih efisien, seterusnya
meningkatkan produktiviti dan daya saing industri," katanya....Berita Harian Online, 23/3/2017
Putrajaya to introduce Employment Insurance Scheme
Thursday March 23, 201707:56 PM GMT+8
LUMPUR, March 23 — The federal government has agreed to implement the
proposed Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS) which will affect an
estimated 6.5 million workers in the private sector, Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced today.
He said a new law is being drafted and will be presented at the next parliamentary sitting in June.
He added that the law is expected to be enforced from January 1 next year, while the interest payment can be made from January 1, 2019.
“The government believes the EIS initiative is a long-term policy that
will give a positive impact especially to workers and employers,” he
said in a statement this evening.
He also said the insurance scheme has been proven to act as an
“economic stabiliser” and helped sustain the economy in countries that
have adopted it, especially during a crisis.
He added that the scheme will help improve the labour market’s
efficiency by making companies more competitive, which will result in
increased productivity.
The Bill was proposed by the government following concerns that the
economic downturn would force companies to retrench workers.
However, employers are opposed to the scheme, claiming that its
introduction will raise their operating costs and could affect
businesses severely amid an economic slowdown.
A total of 91 industry organisations across various sectors
registered their objection to the Human Resource Ministry as the EIS
will require contribution from both employers and employees.
The industry players said they are already paying retrenched workers benefits.
They further argued that the entire country’s workforce paying
contributions would only snowball into a fund of RM1.142 billion, while
payout would only amount to RM17.13 million as there are currently just
0.03 per cent of workers who are not part of any existing retrenchment
benefit list.
- See more at:
Thursday, 13 April 2017 | MYT 7:28 PM
Socso in defence of employment insurance scheme
KUALA LUMPUR: The Social Security
Organisation (Socso) has come out in defense of the proposed Employment
Insurance Scheme (EIS) that has been objected to by various quarters.
Its chief executive officer Datuk Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed (pix) said the benefits of such a scheme will see up to 300,000 workers being potential beneficiaries of the system.
"The retrenchment figures in the past 10 to 20 years as reported to the government is about 30,000-40,000. Note that employers with five or less workers are not compelled to report to us.
"Our current unemployment rate is about 3.5% this translates into about 500,000 people,” Azman said at a press briefing on Thursday.
"Out of this figure, about 40 to 70% had some kind of employment before. So 137,000 to 300,000 are potential people who will be potential beneficiaries of the EIS,” he added.
He said the contribution rates for the EIS by both employers and employees have not yet been set and will soon be determined.
Asked if there would be a fixed contribution by the government for such as fund, Azman said that this matter has not been decided yet.
"The government has already given an allocation of RM500mil during the Asian financial crisis.
"During the recent USA subprime crisis, the government allocated another RM650mil.
"The government has promised another RM80mil to start with and they have given us a grant of RM52mil to kick this off.
"At the moment we are using whatever grants we have got to start the implementation of the EIS as we would need some resources to start this off,” he said.
Commenting on concerns by employers who have voiced their concerns of rising costs of doing business through the respective associations and bodies, Azman said he was aware of their concerns.
"No doubt that costs (of doing business) will always be there. Majority of employers have less than five workers, so you take five workers, say contribution for each worker is RM5 and one year’s total contribution is about RM300 and this is not much. We are engaging with the employers and we know their concerns,” he said.
"Some have also raised concerns on whether they can get back the money they have contributed but the concept of this is the pulling of resources together and sharing of risks.
"It’s like car insurance, if we don’t get into accidents we will not get back our money. Similar also to health insurance and personal accident insurance,” Azman added.
He said that the monies received will not be outsourced to a third party insurance provider to be invested or managed but will be managed internally by Socso.
Commenting on this issue Universiti Malaya’s director for social security research centre Prof Datuk Norma Mansor said that retrenchments cannot be anticipated and that the present workforce should be forward looking on this matter.
"During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, nobody ever thought that the crisis then would ever happen.
"We can be myopic from the way we think, we want the numbers now but this is not about now but rather the future.
"Some may say that now may not be the best of times, but when then would it be a good time? We need to think how are we to support our people in times of need,” she said.
"Companies will need to upgrade and innovate themselves through the adoption of technology when the country moves up in our level of development.
"When this happens, people will be retrenched. So retrenchment does not just happen in times of economic distress but during times when industries are upgraded,” Norma added.
The cabinet had last month approved for the EIS to be implemented by January 2018.
Its chief executive officer Datuk Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed (pix) said the benefits of such a scheme will see up to 300,000 workers being potential beneficiaries of the system.
"The retrenchment figures in the past 10 to 20 years as reported to the government is about 30,000-40,000. Note that employers with five or less workers are not compelled to report to us.
"Our current unemployment rate is about 3.5% this translates into about 500,000 people,” Azman said at a press briefing on Thursday.
"Out of this figure, about 40 to 70% had some kind of employment before. So 137,000 to 300,000 are potential people who will be potential beneficiaries of the EIS,” he added.
He said the contribution rates for the EIS by both employers and employees have not yet been set and will soon be determined.
Asked if there would be a fixed contribution by the government for such as fund, Azman said that this matter has not been decided yet.
"The government has already given an allocation of RM500mil during the Asian financial crisis.
"During the recent USA subprime crisis, the government allocated another RM650mil.
"The government has promised another RM80mil to start with and they have given us a grant of RM52mil to kick this off.
"At the moment we are using whatever grants we have got to start the implementation of the EIS as we would need some resources to start this off,” he said.
Commenting on concerns by employers who have voiced their concerns of rising costs of doing business through the respective associations and bodies, Azman said he was aware of their concerns.
"No doubt that costs (of doing business) will always be there. Majority of employers have less than five workers, so you take five workers, say contribution for each worker is RM5 and one year’s total contribution is about RM300 and this is not much. We are engaging with the employers and we know their concerns,” he said.
"Some have also raised concerns on whether they can get back the money they have contributed but the concept of this is the pulling of resources together and sharing of risks.
"It’s like car insurance, if we don’t get into accidents we will not get back our money. Similar also to health insurance and personal accident insurance,” Azman added.
He said that the monies received will not be outsourced to a third party insurance provider to be invested or managed but will be managed internally by Socso.
Commenting on this issue Universiti Malaya’s director for social security research centre Prof Datuk Norma Mansor said that retrenchments cannot be anticipated and that the present workforce should be forward looking on this matter.
"During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, nobody ever thought that the crisis then would ever happen.
"We can be myopic from the way we think, we want the numbers now but this is not about now but rather the future.
"Some may say that now may not be the best of times, but when then would it be a good time? We need to think how are we to support our people in times of need,” she said.
"Companies will need to upgrade and innovate themselves through the adoption of technology when the country moves up in our level of development.
"When this happens, people will be retrenched. So retrenchment does not just happen in times of economic distress but during times when industries are upgraded,” Norma added.
The cabinet had last month approved for the EIS to be implemented by January 2018.
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